Landscape and Visual Appraisal Land at Parkview Farm, Bracknell, Berkshire Job No. D2459 24 March 2017 – Rev C LVA Land at Parkview Farm, Bracknell, Berkshire Project Title: Land at Parkview Farm, Bracknell, Berkshire Client: Berkeley Strategic Land Limited Revision Date Revision Details Prepared By Checked By Approved By Draft 1 February 2017 Draft for Internal Director Review DL AS AS Draft 8 February 2017 Draft for Client Review DL LS LS Rev A 2 March 2017 Final Draft for Client Review LS LS LS RevB 14 March 2017 Updated Final Draft for Client Approval DL LS LS RevC 24 March 2017 Minor text amends - Client Comment DL LS LS 2 LVA Land at Parkview Farm, Bracknell, Berkshire Contents 1. Executive Summary ..................................................................4 2. Introduction ...............................................................................6 2.1 Introduction...........................................................................6 2.2 Desktop Research................................................................6 2.3 Field Work ............................................................................6 3. Landscape-related Policy and Designations ..........................8 3.1 Introduction............................................................................8 3.2 Landscape-related Designations ...........................................8 3.3 Adopted Local Planning Policy ..............................................8 3.4 Emerging Policy and Evidence ............................................16 4. Baseline Conditions - Landscape Character ........................20 4.1 Landscape Character - Bracknell Forest .............................20 4.2 Landscape Character Context - Wokingham Borough ........24 5. Baseline Conditions - Wider Site Context.............................28 5.1 Topography and Drainage ...................................................28 5.2 Land Use .............................................................................30 5.3 Public Rights of Way............................................................32 6. Baseline Conditions - Site Attributes ....................................34 6.1 Site Landscape Attributes and Views...................................34 6.2 Site Characteristics..............................................................34 7. Baseline Conditions - Local Site Context .............................40 7.1 Local Site Context - Landscape Attributes and Intervisibility with the Site ...............................................................................40 8. Summary and Conclusions ....................................................48 8.1 Summary and Conclusions of Landscape and Visual Appraisal ...................................................................................48 8.2 Key Landscape and Visual Issues......................................48 3 LVA Land at Parkview Farm, Bracknell, Berkshire 1. Executive Summary A Landscape and Visual Appraisal (LVA) has been undertaken for Bracknell Forest commissioned a review of both local landscape and enhance the public rights of way, including Ramblers Routes. Parkview Farm, Bracknell (the Site) and its surrounding area, in order designations and gaps, which is set out in the Landscape Evidence to provide advice on development parameters and a development Base, by LUC, June 2015. This recognises the importance of There is Ancient Woodland at Big Wood, beyond the Site to the concept. gaps as set out in Bracknell Forest Core Strategy Policy CS9 north, and within West Garden Copse at the east side of Peacock ‘Development on Land Outside of Settlements’, but concludes that in Meadows. The Site, which is 38.38ha in size, lies in the administrative area of accordance with the NPPF, a positive approach to planning should Bracknell Forest. Old Wokingham Road represents the boundary be taken. Thus, gaps should not necessarily seen as ‘no-go’ areas, Bracknell Forest web-based mapping shows that there are no trees between this local authority and Wokingham Borough to the west. but that proposed development should “ensure that valued landscape or groups of trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) within functions and the perception of those functions (i.e. gaps) will not be the Site, nor around Easthampstead Park Conference Centre or its The Site lies at the west side of Bracknell in an area that represents compromised.” access drive. Big Wood, beyond the Site to the north, is a woodland a transition zone from large settlement to a largely rural landscape. TPO while further individual trees / groups of trees at Peacock While the Site comprises mainly of farmland, being used for grazing The Site and landscapes to the west of the Site, are not located in Meadows, again, beyond the Site to the north-east, are subject to and arable crops, it is located in the context of a golf course, an areas subject to landscape designation such as Area of Outstanding TPO. historic building (now used for conference / educational purposes), Natural Beauty (AONB) or Area of Great Landscape Value (AGLV). and Peacock Meadows country park, which was recently delivered as An area of woodland at the south-western edge of the Site is The Site lies in a landscape that is gently undulating, and which part of new housing development at Jennetts Park to the east. designated a Wildlife Heritage Site, subject to Bracknell Forest contains a high level of vegetation, including woodlands, copses, Adopted Local Plan 2002 saved Policy EN4. Most of this woodland trees and hedges. As such, the Site is not visible from a wide Land to the west of Old Wokingham Road, along which the Site lies outside of the Site boundary, however a small part falls within the surrounding area and the surrounding mature vegetation would be of lies, is more rural, with scattered buildings, settlement and farms, Site red line boundary and it straddles the existing entrance track into EHQH¿WLQSURYLGLQJHDUO\YLVXDOHQFORVXUHDQGSDUWLDOVFUHHQLQJRIDQ\ farmed and equestrian land, and businesses mainly associated with the Site. built development. rural or rural-fringe land uses. This latter area lies to the south of Wokingham. Easthampstead Park Conference Centre, located around 200m Views and glimpses into the Site were found to be available from south-east of the Site and its ‘Attached Terrace with Retaining Wall the access drive to Easthampstead Park and from parts of Peacock Wokingham Borough Council’s Core Strategy Development Plan and Steps’, are designated Grade II Listed Buildings. In addition, a Meadows to the north-east; from Old Wokingham Road and from and 'RFXPHQW '3' -DQXDU\LGHQWL¿HV6WUDWHJLF'HYHORSPHQW ‘Section of wall with wrought-iron gates adjoining Easthampstead Public Footpath 6 to the west; and from sections of Easthampstead Locations (SDLs). The South Wokingham SDL lies to the south-east Park College on SW corner’ is grade II Listed. The Council’s Road to the south-east. The Site is clearly visible from Public and south of Wokingham, extending as far as Old Wokingham Road. Landscape Evidence Base suggests that “the remnant parklands of Footpath 15, which crosses it from south-west to north-east. There The development would require delivery of a large SANG, indicated Easthampstead” are an example of “some areas/features that are are also some partial views and glimpses beyond the Site from to be provided in the eastern and western parts of the SDL area, with more vulnerable than others.” The existing mature trees, including Footpath 15, towards the farmed land and scattered buildings in the potential further ‘multi-functional green open space’ to the west of Old specimen conifers that surround the buildings were found to be landscape west and north-west of the Site. This indicates that there Wokingham Road. largely visually divorced from the Site. There are however, glimpses may be views toward development on the Site from these areas. into the Parkview Farm Site from the tree-lined access drive to 7KHZHVWHUQSDUWRIWKH6LWHOLHVLQDQLGHQWL¿HG6WUDWHJLF*DS Easthampstead Park. The published landscape character assessments show that the Site which seeks to prevent settlement coalescence and to maintain OLHVZLWKLQ%UDFNQHOO)RUHVW¶VGH¿QHG/DQGVFDSH&KDUDFWHU$UHD separate settlement identity. Both the Wokingham Core Strategy and Public Footpath No.15 follows the access road / track through the G1 Easthampstead. This seeks to protect woodland from loss or Bracknell Forest Core Strategy DPD, February 2008, broadly indicate Site and then continues to the north-east beyond the Site boundary. damage, to protect hedgerows and hedgerow trees, to conserve the gap on the key diagrams with ‘zig-zag’ lines. These differ slightly Public Footpath 15 is also locally termed ‘Ramblers Route’ R8(a). historic buildings and features and designed views associated with in their location in each of the Council’s documents. Saved Bracknell Forest Local Plan Policy R8 seeks to protect, extend the estate, and to protect tranquillity. 4 LVA Land at Parkview Farm, Bracknell, Berkshire 1. Executive Summary /DQGZHVWRIWKH6LWH2OG:RNLQJKDP5RDGOLHVZLWKLQGH¿QHG Landscape Character Area N1 Holme Green Pastoral Sandy Lowland. The Wokingham District Landscape Character Assessment states that the use of ‘Green’ in place names suggests that these settlements became established around village greens. The landscape strategy for Area N1 seeks replanting and management of hedgerows, and conserving and enhancing the appearance of settlements as being integrated with the rural landscape. 7KHUHDUHQRYLVWDVRUYLHZVDFURVVRULQWRWKH6LWHLGHQWL¿HGWREH
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