tqg s+rr{trq frf€i6 ffiI0 c{T0 gcilrT, Wa-SgY t frq.q - gBqfr 3Trq?r +Yifterf, fto gpffi aanr mtry a_drd * 3ta-dtra -J6:r -s+s' - 3til? affi -+-{seT mrat {tq" e-qo 7'l) *. B}fto T.ctT E-cqr to 1*m-o.szo; t ar$ c-dft rR, rner f,o 83, ap1-;pffi, enar +r-s5, 66ffi- r5t, ft-f,r- s"ET (r.at c-?r) H' s.Falfra aI' Rk 3flTr&d Fz{rrrf,T' tq :nanraa d s?rTfr-d- a.2415ffi to H-{kd 6T ,Ift + fk aTFfr e-qt-4 * srq;tr dt t q-<rf - ql{d r+{6-rq qqf{i-r, ffi {s raaflg qlMr qetrq, *}tq orqlau (uru) +l rr*rfi $0 afr7n* /*a / rct /zoza,/q.Rd) /ye ffi 24asza20 t The iegal siaius of the iand shali remain As per compiiance i, lndian Oii Corporaiion un changed. limited, Regional Office Kanpur hereby undertakes that as per Forest (Protection) Act, 1"980 iegal status of the lanc wiii remain unchanged. Enclosed@ Page No. 1 Compensatory afforestation shall be taken up As per compliance 2 lndian Oil Corporation by the Forest Department for plantation of 100 iirnited, Regional Office Kanpur hereby trees in {Compartment No. / Gata No. Not undertakes that the cost 55943.00 Rs. provided, Village-Kushumbhi Forest Block, incurred in plantation of 100 trees by the Range-Fatehpur, District - Fatehpur) at the cost Forest Department paid to the Forest of user agency. As far as practicable a mixture Department by the IOCL. Enclosed @ Page of local indigenous species will be planted and No. 2,3,4 monoculture of a species has to be avoided. The cost of Compensatory afforestation at the As per compliance 3, lndian Oil Corporation prevailing wage rates as per compensatory limited. Regional Office Kanpur hereby afforestation scheme plantation for of 100 undertakes that the cost of compensatory plants and the cost of su rvey, demarcation and afforestation at the prevailing wage rates as erection of permanent pillars if required on the per CA land shall be deposited in advance with the compensatory afforestation has been Forest Department by the project authority" submitted to CAMPA Fund by the IOCL and The CA will be maintained for 10 years. The challan copy for the same has been scheme will be for plantation of 100 trees and attached. Enclosed @ Page No. 2,3,4 may include appropriate provision for anticlpatec.l cost Increase for wcrks scheduied for subsequent years. Revised scheme to be submitted to this office. The State Government shall chai"ge the Net As per cornpliance 4, lndian Oil Corporation Present Value (NPV) for the 0.241563 ha. limited has been submitted the payment of fcrest area tc be diverted under this proposal 151218.00 Rs. for the net present value from the user agency as per the orders of the ihJPt/) of the ciiverted forest land at the Hon'ble Supreme Court of lndia datecl rates approved by the ministry and challan 3AILAIZAOT, 0U08/2003, zBlA3l2OAS, copy receipt for the same has been 74/A4/2AAs anC A9lA5/2008 in lA No. 556 in attached. Enclosed @ Page ttio. 2,3,4 WP (Ci No.20211995 and as per the guidelines issued by the Ministry vide letters No.5- 1,/1998-FC ipt.il) dated 1,8/09l2OA3 as weil as letter No. 5-2|2AO6-FC dateci 03/10IZOAG and 5-3/2AA7-FC dated 05/02 /2AO9 in this regard. 5 Additional amount of the NpV of the diverted A"s per compliance 5 lndian Oil Corporation forest land, if any, becoming due after limited, Regional Office Kanpur hereby finalization of the same by the Hon'ble undertakes that Additional amount of the Supreme Ccurt of lndia on receipt of the report itlPV of the diverted forest land, if any. from the Expert Committee, shall be charged becoming due after finalization of the same by State Goryernment from the User Agency. by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of lndia on The User AgenerT shall furnish an undertakins receipt of the report from the txpert to this effect. Committee, has been submitted to the State Go'"rernment by the IOCL. Enclosed @ P:se ltln \ 6 Greenery will be maintained by user around As per compliance 6, lndian Oil Corporation Periphery of petrol pump. limited, Regional Office Kanpur hereby undertakes that Greener.,r lvill be maintained by IOCL around Periphery of petrol pump. Enclosed @ Page No.6 All the fi;nds received from ihe User Agency As per compiiance 7, indian Oii Corporation under the project shall be transferredfdeposit limited, Regional Office Kanpur hereby to CAIVIPA f und only thorough e-portai undertakes that all the funds received from {http :iipa rivesh.n ic.inli. the IOCL uncier the project has been submitted to CAMPA fund only thorough e- portai (http:7'/parivesh.nic.in/) ancl chailan copy ior the same has been aitacheci. Enclosed @ Page No.7 8 The complete compliance of the FRA, 200G As per compliance B, the complete shall be ensurecj by way of prescribed compiiance oi the FRA,2005 has been certificate from the concerned District submitted with the approval of prescribed Collector. certificate to the concerned District Collector. Enclosed @ Page No. 8,9 9 User Agency shall use the land between entry As per compliance 9, lndian Oil Corporation and exit for plantation and conservation of limited will use the land between entry and trees the same shall be demarcated by 2 feet exit for piantation and conservation of trees wall. the same will be demarcated by 2 feet wall. Enclosed @ Page No.10 10 Plantation shall also be done along the inside As per compliance 1A, lndian Oil boundary of Fuel Station. Corporation limited, Regional Office Kanpur hereby undertakes that Plantation will also be done along the inside boundary of Fuel Station. Enclosed @ Page No. 11 11 Certificate of DFO certifving that lrlo Violation As per compliance 11, lndian Oil Corporation of FC Act, 1980 has taken place in this limited, Regional Office Kanpur hereby proposed Retail outlet has to be submitted. undertakes that the Certificate of DFO certifying that No Violation of FC Act, 1980 has taken place in this proposed Retail outlet has to be submitted. Enclosed @ Page No. 1,2 12 Certificate of DFO certifying that the proposed As per compliance 12, certificate of DFO RO is not in close proximity of any exiting RO in certifying that the proposed RO is not in accordance with MORTH guidelines dated 24- close proximity of any exiting RO in 07 -ZAn has to be provided. accordance with MORTH guidelines dated 24-07-2AB has been attached. Enclosed @ Page No. 13 13 The boundarir of the diverted forest !and shall As per compliance 13, lndian Oil be suitably demarcateci on ground at the Corporation limited, Regional Office Kanpur project cost, as per the directions of the hereby undertakes that the boundary of the concerned Divisional Forest Officer. diverted forest land will be suitably demarcated on ground at the project cost, as per the directions of the concerned Divisional Forest Officer. Enclosed @ Page l\ln 11 L4 Period of diversion shall be co-terminus with As per compliance 1,4, lndian Oil per"iod of lease to be granted in favour of the Corporation limited, RegionaI Office Kanpur' Ljse!' Egeney or the project life, whichever is hereby undertakes that the period sf less. diversion will be co-terminus with the period of lease to be granted in fa.rour of thc lOCl or thp nroiprt lifp ,,nihirherrer is. less. Enclosed @ Page No. 15 15 The compliance report shall be uploaded on e- As per compliance 15, lndian Oil nartrl 1l,ttnc, I /^-.;,^.A ;^ ,'\ i/-nrnarr+inn l;-ir^; lJvr rur \r tLtPr.t I |^Jur rvLrr r.r^i- rL.il r/,/ uv, trvl icgionai Office Kanpur- hereby unciertakes that all the compliance report will be uploaded on only thorough e- nnrlsl I }:nd rh:ll:n copy for the same has been attached. The compliance report uploaded on e-portal t6 Any other condition that the Ministry of As per compliance 16, lndian Oil Environment, Forests & Climate Change may Corporation limited, Regional Office Kanpur stipulate from time to time in the interest of undertakes that AnrT other condition that conservation, protection anci development of the Ministry of Environment, Forests & forests & wildlife. Climate Change mav stipulate from time to time in the interest of conservation, protection and development of forests & wildlife. Enclosed @ Page No.1"6 Jl t /Shrv {Auth orized Signatoryf}"n' Y,*.i$::- qr'"'& a?tg ***'ig's *-,'1.'.1.,*,ri.Jf,ttu RKeg e g iI ono n a Ir *,ma n age r f[Hr( Hetdfl r:i,'1'." .,-r_, rrli+e "* ", l,.,.,.,,*t:I:ll1},,T};$ I n d ia n Oi I Corp oratio n LiinitE d. ; {.trq/S?,n?"'i'J*',rr-?.0&0?0 RegionatofficeReg io na I Offi ce -mf#f #it4 i-".i-tt*cq0/PaI'iir'' Page No.-1 Condition No. 1 UNDERTAKING Protected Forest Land proposed for diversion for Entrv/Exit approach to lndian Oil Corporation Limited Retail Outlet on Fatehpur-Baberu-Atarra-Naraini-Kartal Road (sH-71) , ln KM stone No.10 (9.970-RHS), At Gata No.83, Village: Nartauli, Thana- Gazipur, Tahsil-Sadar, District: Fatehpur {Uttar Pradesh). As per compliance 1, lndian Oil Corporation Limited hereby undertakes that as per Forest (protection) Regional Office Kanpur 9t2U2A2A NEFT RTGS CHALLAN AGENCY COPY BANK COPY NEFT / RTGS CHALLAN foT Ad-HOC CAMPA NEFT / RTGS CHALLAN for Ad-HOC CA}"{PA Date :28-09-2020 Date : 28-09-2020 Agency Name.
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