CATHOLIC APRIL 29, 2018 FIFTH WEEK OF EASTER VOLUME 67:30 DIOCESE OF COLUMBUS A journal of Catholic life in Ohio THE CALL TO SERVE AS PRIESTS: JUBILEE OF ANNIVERSARIES 2 Catholic Times April 29, 2018 Bishop Campbell’s homily for the Sesquicentennial Mass at St. Joseph Cathedral Bishop Frederick Campbell cele- who will come to know the Shepherd lenges — especially since Ohio began brated Mass at Columbus St. Joseph intimately and learn to recognize his to play a significant role in the na- Cathedral on Sunday, April 22, to voice. tion’s politics. mark the occasion of the 150th year In learning the sound of that voice, And then there was the growing in- anniversary of the Diocese of Colum- the members of Christ’s body will im- flux of new immigrants to our coun- bus. His homily follows: itate the Lord, and through their fidel- try—a great portion of whom were My dear brothers and sisters in the ris- ity to his voice, proclaim his life-giv- Catholic. The successful absorption of en Lord Jesus, ing message to all who long for that these new citizens was, by and large, At this mid-point of our celebration message of love, truth, forgiveness the work of the Catholic Church. of the Easter season, the Church con- and hope. The railroad baron, James J. Hill, tinues to immerse us in the mystery of As St. Peter boldly proclaimed be- although not himself a Catholic but the risen Lord and in the mystery of fore the Sanhedrin, “There is no sal- married to one, in the 1890s offered his body, the Church, founded to make vation through anyone else, nor is to build a seminary for the training of present Jesus Christ through all time there any other name under heaven priests in St. Paul, Minnesota, telling and space until his coming in glory un- given to the human race by which we the then Archbishop Ireland that “The til the end of all ages. are to be saved.” be read in this mass provide an excel- nation needs priests because they Abundantly drawing from the Gos- Therefore, what lies before all the lent context in which to consider the seem to be the only ones who can or- pel of John and the Acts of the Apos- members of the Church are three fun- commemoration of the anniversary of ganize the newcomers to our shores.” tles, the Church brings us ever clos- damental responsibilities: to know the creation of the Diocese of Colum- Absorbing new immigrants is still er to the person of Christ, and to the Christ ever more perfectly, to conform bus in 1868. How much has occurred the work of the Church here in the Di- manner in which those who bear the our lives to his ever more completely, in our Church and nation during those ocese of Columbus. name of Christ are to continue to pro- and to proclaim him ever more clearly. 150 years. Founded three years af- There were also the challenges of claim him to the world. St. John writes in his first letter, “Be- ter the conclusion of the tragic and two world wars, the growth of the Jesus’ declaration, “I am the good loved, we are God’s children now. bloody Civil War, the new diocese anti-Catholic Ku Klux Klan here in shepherd,” ties together these two What we shall be has not yet been faced not only the task of establishing Ohio, the Great Depression, the Sec- themes of the mystery of Christ and revealed. We know that, when it its a diocesan structure, but also of liv- ond Vatican Council, the social and the life of the Church. revealed, we shall be like him for we ing in a society that was attempting political disruption of the late 1960s In obedience to his heavenly Father, shall see him as he is.” reconstruction after the divisiveness and 70s, and the dawn of a new mil- and destruction of war. Jesus lays down his life for the sheep The scripture readings appointed to lennium. The first Bishop of Columbus, Syl- But we must remember that we are vester Rosecrans, had been one of the a part of a larger and deeper tradition, Bishop Frederick Campbell was the celebrant for a Mass commemorating few Catholic bishops — actually, I the 150th anniversary of the Diocese of Columbus on Sunday, April 22 at stretching back some 2,000 years, believe, one of only two — publicly to which we today in the Diocese of St. Joseph Cathedral. Photos by Ken Snow to condemn slavery before the Civ- Columbus have been inserted, and to il War. His brother, who helped to which we are heirs. design this cathedral, was a Union general in the War. And, by the way, After all, 150 years represents only 7 both of the Rosecrans brothers were percent of the lifespan of the Church. converts to the Catholic faith. Bish- Although, to those who live through op Rosecrans was also a friend of the 150 years, it is quite significant. famous Jean-Baptiste Lamy, the first On such an occasion as this anniver- Bishop of Santa Fe and founder of sary, it is good to reach back into that several parishes here in this diocese. history and to remember, for example, The extraordinary expansion of the the work of the Dominican Father United States after the war, both in Fenwick who traveled through the terms of population growth and eco- nomic expansion, added new chal- See HOMILY, Page 20 Front Page photo: Bishop Frederick F. Campbell, DD, PhD ~ President & Publisher Seminarians at CATHOLIC Doug Bean ~ Editor ([email protected]) the Pontifical Tim Puet ~ Reporter ([email protected]) College TIMES Alexandra Keves ~ Graphic Design Manager Josephinum in Copyright © 2018. All rights reserved. ([email protected]) Worthington Catholic Times (USPS 967-000) (ISSN 745-6050) is the official Mailing Address: 197 E. Gay St., Columbus OH 43215 pray at the newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Columbus, Ohio. It is restored St. published weekly 45 times per year with exception of every other Editorial/Advertising: (614) 224-5195 FAX (614) 241-2518 week in June, July and August and the week following Christmas. Subscriptions (614) 224-6530 FAX (614) 241-2573 Turibius Chapel. Subscription rate: $25 per year, or call and make arrangements ([email protected]) Photo courtesy of with your parish. Postage Paid at Columbus, OH 43218. Vocations Office Postmaster: Send address changes to Catholic Times, 197 E. Gay St., Columbus, OH 43215. Please allow two to four weeks for change of address. April 29, 2018 Catholic Times 3 Bishop Campbell’s funeral homily for Monsignor George Schlegel My dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, I begin by offering prayers and sympathy to the family of Monsignor George and to his many friends. I think we were all surprised by the sud- denness of which the event of his death overtook us. And as I was thinking of what I might say in the way of a homily, I was both comforted and chal- lenged by the readings that Monsignor Schlegel chose for his funeral. I look at that passage from the Gospel of John, that famous verse in which Our Lord, who has gathered his disciples for that Last Supper before Jesus was to suffer and die, and the first message he gives is, “Do not let your hearts be troubled.” Remarkable coming from an individual who was facing a very cruel death, giving advice that your hearts not be troubled. For you will be tak- en care of. … And be comforted by the fact that the Bishop Frederick Campbell celebrates the funeral Mass for Monsignor George Schlegel with way, the truth and the life for those who walk after diocesan priests on Tuesday, April 17 at Powell St. Joan of Arc Church. me and walk in that way will begin to learn the truth of what I am here to do and what I am here to say. And in that truth we find life. months after I arrived as bishop here in Columbus, quick wit but a quick tongue. … But I think also I found it very edifying the way in which I learned when I was traveling up to Tuscarawas County for a that passage from the Book of Job, for in fact Job in that Monsignor Schlegel faced his own death. Even confirmation at Sacred Heart in New Philadelphia. the midst of his suffering and confusion, surrounded in its suddenness, in that short distance between He had everything, of course, well prepared. The stu- by people who were trying to explain to him what the discovery of what was happening and his be- dents were well prepared and all. But when I had the that meant, he said, listen, I pray that this could be ing taken from us, there was an equanimity, no lit- opportunity to meet with him, I got a short course in revealed, that it would be engraved in stone, and the tle peace, and a profound trust. And this sense of the history of the Diocese of Columbus up to the point heart of it is that I know I am vindicated and that I Our Lord’s presence, Our Lord’s leadership, of Our of my installation. And then after the confirmation he shall see him in my flesh. Lord’s preparation for us, was a great comfort and had gathered the other priests in the county to a lun- strength and direction for Monsignor Schlegel, who Actually, the word celebrant, or our word cele- cheon.
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