OFFICE OF THE CHIEF EDUCATION OFFICER PULWAMA LIST OF RECOGNITION SCHOOLS OF DISTRICT PULWAMA AND STATUS THEREOF Zone Name of the School Upto Class 5th Upto Class 8th Beyond Class 8th Date on which Date on which Date on which Ref. Order No reconization/aff Ref. Order No and reconization/affil Ref. Order No and reconization/affila and Date ilation to be Date ation to be Date tion to be expires S.No expires expires Islamic Model Institute 206-AFF-B of 2013 Nov-15 1 Pulwama Pathan Dated: 12/09/2013 Holy Star English Medium 1218 DSEK of 2013 Dec-15 2 Pulwama Drusoo Dated: 24/4/2013 291 CEO-Pul of Darul Huda Public School M 2013 Dated: Dec-15 3 Pulwama U Pora Puchal 21/11/2013 Dolphin International 187-AFF-B of 2013 Nov-15 4 Pulwama School Pulwama Dated: 12/09/2013 63-AFF-B of 2014 Sheikh-ul-Aalam Public Nov-15 Dated: 08/02/2014 5 Pulwama School Gaberpora Hawal 289 CEO-Pul of 2013 Dec-15 Zikra Educational Institute Dated: 6 Pulwama Pulwama 08/11/2013 1209 DSEK of 2015 Shahi Hamdan Memorial Dec-16 Dated: 24/04/2015 7 Pulwama Public School Tengpuna Zikra Educational Institute 255 DSEK of 2015 Dec-17 8 Pulwama Pulwama Dated: 10/10/2015 Al Noor Public School 81 DSEK of 2014 Dec-15 9 Pulwama Manduna Dated: 20/01/2014 299 CEO-Pul of 2015 Dec-16 Highland International Dated: 10 Pulwama School Arabal Pulwama 30/06/2015 Babur Riyan Educational 555 DSEK of 2014 Dec-15 11 Pulwama Institute Pulwama Dated: 08/05/2014 Skylark Institute of 441-Edu of 2014 Nov-15 12 Pulwama Education Pulwama Dated: 05/06/2014 Shahi Hamdan Middle 207 DSEK of 2014 Dec-15 13 Pulwama School Murran Dated: 07/02/2014 Holy Blossom High School 41-Edu of 2014 Nov-15 14 Pulwama Pulwama Dated: 09/01/2014 Shaani Kashmir Mission 556 DSEK of 2014 Dec-15 15 Pulwama school Sirnoo Dated: 08/05/2014 60-AFF-B of 2014 Saadi Memorial Institute of Nov-15 08/2/2014 16 Pulwama Education Pulwama Mohammadia Educational 766 DSEK of 2014 Institute Uthmulla Dec-15 Dated: 16/06/2014 17 Pulwama Pulwama Hanfia Model Secondary 208-AFF-B of 2013 Nov-15 18 Pulwama School Lajurah Pulwama Dated: 12/09/2013 Morning School Piublic 64-AFF-B of 2014 19 Pulwama High School Karimabad Dated: 08/02/2014 Nov-15 Kingson EnglishMedium 570 DSEK of 2014 school Washibugh Dec-15 dated: 16/05/2014 20 Pulwama Pulwama 302 CEO Pul of Solace International School 2015 Dated: 21 Pulwama Boonera 16/10/2015 Modern Public School 201/DSEK OF 2014 Tahab 31-12-2015 22 Achan Date: 07-02-2014 Evergreen Public School 1803 DSEK OF 2001 Tahab 31-12-2015 23 Tahab Dated: 24/09/2012 Inovative Model Academy 854 DSEK OF 2014 Tahab 31-12-2015 24 Arihal 8 Dated: 26-06-2014 Green Land Public School 999 DSEK OF 14 Tahab 31-12-2015 25 Nillora Dated: 11-07-2014 New Ara Modle School 1030 DSEK OF 2014 Tahab 31-12-2015 26 Wasoora Dated:15-07-2014 Cresent Modle School 1199 DSEK OF 2013 Tahab 31-12-2015 27 Gulzarpora Dated: 23-04-2013 Seikh-ul-Alm Modle School 629 DSEK OF 2013 Tahab 31-12-2015 28 Tokuna Dated: 01-03-2013 English Medium PS Braw- 538 DSEK OF 2012 Tahab 31-12-2016 29 Banidina Dated: 24-03-2012 887 DSEK OF 2011 Tahab Rehmat-Alam PS Reshipora 30-11-2015 30 Dated: 04-05-2011 Darull-Aloom-Islamiya HS 245 Edu OF 2013 Tahab 30-11-2015 31 Panzgam Dated: 08-03-2013 956-CEO-PUL of Abass Memorial Naina Tahab 2014 Dated: 31-12-2015 Batpora 32 09.10.2014 97/DSEK of 2014 33 Kakapora Farooq-e azam PS Kisrigam Dtd 9/7/2014 Dec-16 34 Kakapora Al Hilal institute Wanpora 86-Edu of 2015 Mar-15 1539 DSEK Sultania Insytoitute of 2009 DTD 35 Kakapora of education Naman 31/10/2009 oct,2015 Khair-ul-Bashir Public 341 of DSEK 2013 36 Kakapora model School urechersoo Dtd 5/2/2013 Dec,2015 59-AFF-B of 2014 37 Kakapora Mega Institute Nehama Dtd 8/2/2014 Nov,2016 Valenteens school 1814 DSEK of 38 Kakapora ratnipora 2015 Dtd 16/6/2015 June,2016 Goodwill Institute 56-AFF-B of 2014 39 Kakapora Ratnipora Dtd 8/2/2014 Nov,2015 New Era Islamic Public Schoiol 86 Edu of 2015 40 Kakapora Pinglena Dtd 27/02/2015 March,2015 Evergreen Public school 925 DSEK of 2014 41 Kakapora Lelhar Dtd 3/7/2014 Dec,2015 Career care institute of Education 287-Edu of 2014 42 Kakapora Newa Dtd 14/03/2014 Nov,2015 284 CEO Pul of Shining star Public 2013 43 Kakapora School wahibugh Dtd 4/5/2013 May,2015 523 Eduof Muslim Gousia waqf school 2014 Dtd 44 Kakapora Kakapora 14/07/2014 Nov,2015 Sheikh -ul-Alam Public 294 CEO-Pul of School 2014 45 Kakapora Marval Dtd 5/8/2014 Dec,2016 sheikh Nissar Memorial Tral English Medium School 46 Lalpora 209-AFF-B of 2013 dt. 12-9-13Nov. 15 47 Tral Akmal Institute Tral 73-AFF-F 2014 dt 8-2-14 Nov. 15 Tral Public English Medium 288-CEO\Pul of 48 School Bathnoor 2013 dt. 8-11-13 Dec-15 49 Tral Shair Abdullaha PS Tral 2094-DSEK of 13 dt. 31-10-13 Dec-15 Islamia Orinential College Tral 50 Tral F(Aff-Islamic Or. College) KU 04 dt. 6-9-14 301-CEO-Pul of Tral Little Angles Acadamy 2015 Dated Sep-16 51 30/09/2015 292-CEO-Pul of Tral Alchemy Public school 2014 Dated 52 31/05/14 Dec-16 Tahir Rafiqui Memorial 300-CEO-Pul of Tral Educational Institute 2015 Dated 53 Amirabad 29/07/2015 Jul-16 Evergreen English Medium Pub. School Chursoo 86-Edu of 2015 Dt. 54 Awantipora 27.02.2015 Oct. Nov. 2014 Sabir Abdullah Pub School F-Gen-B/Fac)KD/15 55 Awantipora Jawbrara Dt. 15.05.15 Sessin 2014-15 Iqra Model School 89 DSEK of 2014 Dt. 56 Awantipora Chandrigam 28.01.14 31.12.14 Modern Public Missson 1600 DSEK of 2015 57 Awantipora School Midoora Dt. 12.03.15 31.12.16 Al-Aman Pub. School 1219-DSEk of 2013 58 Awantipora Padgampora Dt. 24.04.13 31.12.15 Modern Pub. School Amlar DSEK/GS/2015- 59 Awantipora Pul/14 Dt. 10.11.14 31.12.16 Abu Turab Pub. School 813-DSEK of 2013 Dt. 60 Awantipora Hariparigam 19.03.13 31.12.15 EMP School Shahabad 1812 DSEk of 2011 61 Awantipora Dt. 24.09.11 Taleem-ul Islam Ahmadia DSEk/GS/Pvt/Schools Pub. School Hariparigam /U/P/432-44 Dt. 62 Awantipora 27.07.15 31.10.15 Umar Memorial Inst. 200-AFF-B of 2013 63 Awantipora Awantipora Dt. 12.09.2013 Oct. Nov. 2015 Mount View Pub School 2576 DSEK of 2015 Dangerpora Padgampora Dt. 14.10.2015 64 Awantipora 31.12.17 Aglow Pub. School 201-AAFF-Bof 2013 65 Awantipora Nowpora Dt. 12.09.13 30.11.15 Nimra Memorial Pub. 489 - Edu of 2012 Dt. 66 Awantipora School Noorpora 06.06.12 31.12.12 AQB Pub. School 1087-Edu of 2013 Dt. 67 Awantipora Awantipora 31.12.2013 Oct. Nov. 2013 Noor Pub. School Noorpora 68 Awantipora F(Gen-B/Fac-)KD/15 30.09.15 DSEK NO.708 OF DSEK NO.708 OF MADRASA NOOR -UL-HUDA DSEK NO.708 OF 2013 Lorgam 2013 DATED 12- ENDING 2014 2013 DATED 12-08- ENDING 2014 ENDING 2014 KUCHMULLA DATED 12-08-203 69 08-203 203 DSEK OF2015 IQRA ISLIMIA ENGLISH DSEK OF2015 DATED Lorgam DATED 10-07- ENDING 2016 ENDING 2016 MEDIUM SYEDABAD 10-07-2015 70 2015 Lorgam SHEIKH BAQIR MEMORIAL DSEK OF 2010 DSEK OF 2010 DATED 71 INS.KHANGUND TRAL DATED 8-5-2010 ENDING 2012 8-5-2010 ENDING 2012 DSEK OF 2013 Lorgam ISLAMIA ENGLISH MEDIUM DATED 12-09- ENDING 2014 DSEK OF 2013 DATED ENDING 2014 DSEK OF 2013 DATED ENDING 2014 72 SCHOOL LORGAM 2013 12-09-2013 12-09-2013 DSEK OF 2013 Lorgam ROUP RESHI ISLAMIA DATED 12-09- ENDING 2014 DSEK OF 2013 DATED ENDING 2014 DSEK OF 2013 DATED ENDING 2014 73 SCHOOL KUCHMULLA 2013 12-09-2013 12-09-2013 Lorgam SYED BUKHARI MEMORIAL DSEK OF 2014 ENDING 2015 DSEK OF 2014 DATE ENDING 2015 74 SCHOOL SATOORA DATE 26-06-2014 26-06-2014 NO.251 CEO OF Lorgam MOHAMMADIA PUBLIC 2011 DATED 19- 75 SCHOOL KHANGUND 04-2011 ENDING 2012 Hanifia Islami Model School Pampore 76 Wuyan 363-Edu of 2014 dt. 21-4-14 Nov-15 Mohiudina Islamic Instt. 2341 DSEK of 09 dt. 8- Pampore 77 Chandhara 12-09 Dec,2015 Distt. Modern Public School 241-DSEK of 2015 dt. Pampore 78 Khrew 4-2-2015 Light House Public School 635-DSEK of 2013 dt. Pampore 79 Khrew 1-3-13 Dec-15 Kongaposh Public School 743-DSEK of 2013 dt. Pampore 80 Munpora 13-3-13 Dec-15 29 CEO\Pul of Pampore Satisar Educational Instt. 2013 dt. 10-7- 81 Tulbagh Pampore 2013 Dec-15 1926-DSEK of 2015 82 Pampore Seer Public School Wuyan dt.26-06-2015 Dec-15 Green Meadows 1466 -DSEK of 2015 83 Pampore Educational Instt. dt. 15-5-2015 Dec-16 Sheikh Ul Aalum Middle 967-DSEK of 2015 84 Pampore School Ladhu dt.07-04-2015 Dec-16 District Modern Public 241-DSEK of 2015 85 Pampore School Khrew dt.04-02-2015 Dec-15 Islamia Scientific Model 203-AFF-B of 2013 86 Pampore Institute Pampore dt.12-09-2013 Nov-15 Srinagar International 882-DSEK of 2015 87 Pampore School Galander Pampore dt.02-04-2015 Dec-16 Valley Model Academy 74-AFF-B of 2014 88 Pampore Frestebal Pampore dt.08-02-2014 Dec-16 Shiekh Ata Ullah Memorial 2126 DSEK of 2015 x x 31-Jul-16 x x 89 Shadimargh public shool drabgam Dt: 14-07-2015 Hassan Memorial Public 2088 DSEK of 2013 x x Ending Dec.
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