W O R K E R S O F A L L C O U N T R I E S, U N I T E ! From Marx to Mao M L © Digital Reprints 2006 RUSSIAN EDITION PUBLISHED BY DECISION OF THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE SOVIET UNION (BOLSHEVIKS) П pолеma puu вcex cm paн, coeдuняйmecь! ИНCTИTУT МАРKCА — ЭНГЕ ЛЬCА — ЛЕ НИНА пpи ЦK ВKП(б) n.b. CTAlnH СОчИНEНИя О Г И З ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ М o c к в a • 1 9 4 9 J. V. S TA L I N FROM MARX w o R k s TO MAO VOLUME ¡™ APRIL !(@( _ JUNE !(#) NOT FOR COMMERCIAL DISTRIBUTION E FOREIGN LANGUAGES PUBLISHING HOUSE M o s c o w • 1 9 5 4 C O N T E N T S FROM MARX TO MAO Page Preface . ................. XI THE RIGHT DEVIATION IN THE C.P.S.U.(B.). Speech Delivered at the Plenum of the Central Committee and Central Control Commission of the C.P.S.U.(B.) in April 1929. (Verbatim Report). ....... 1 I. One Line or Two Lines? . ....... 3 II. Class Changes and Our Disagreements .... 11 III. DisagreementsNOT in Regard FORto the Comintern .. 21 IV. Disagreements in Regard to Internal Policy .. 29 a) The Class Struggle . ....... 30 b) The IntensificationCOMMERCIAL of the Class Struggle ..... 37 c) The Peasantry . ........ 42 d) NEP and Market Relations ........ 46 e) The DISTRIBUTION So-Called “Tribute” ......... 52 f) The Rate of Development of Industry and the New Forms of the Bond . ......... 60 g) Bukharin as a Theoretician . ........ 72 h) A Five-Year Plan or a Two-Year Plan ..... 84 i) The Question of the Crop Area ....... 87 j) Grain Procurements ........... 91 k) Foreign Currency Reserves and Grain Imports ... 98 V. Questions of Party Leadership . 101 a) The Factionalism of Bukharin’s Group ..... 102 b) Loyalty and Collective Leadership ...... 104 c) The Fight Against the Right Deviation . .... 109 VI. Conclusions . 112 VIII CONTENTS EMULATION AND LABOUR ENTHUSIASM OF THE MASSES. Foreword to E. Mikulina’s Pamphlet “Emula- tion of the Masses”............ 114 TO COMRADE FELIX KON. Copy to Comrade Kolotilov, Secretary, Regional Bureau of the Central Committee, Ivanovo-Voznesensk Region .......... 118 TO THE YOUNG COMMUNIST LEAGUE OF THE UKRAINE ON ITS TENTH ANNIVERSARY . 122 ENTRY IN THE LOG-BOOK OF THE CRUISER “CHER- VONA UKRAINA” . 123 A YEAR OF GREAT CHANGE. On the Occasion of the Twelfth Anniversary of the October Revolution . 124 I. In the Sphere of Productivity of Labour . 125 II. In the Sphere of Industrial Construction .... 127 III. In the Sphere of Agricultural Development ... 131 Conclusions . 141 TO THE EDITORIAL BOARD OF THE NEWSPAPER TREVOGA, ORGAN OF THE SPECIAL FAR EASTERN ARMY . 142 A NECESSARY CORRECTION . 143 TO ALL ORGANISATIONS AND COMRADES WHO SENT GREETINGS ON THE OCCASION OF COMRADE STALIN’S FIFTIETH BIRTHDAY . 146 CONCERNING QUESTIONS OF AGRARIAN POLICY IN THE U.S.S.R. Speech Delivered at a Conference of Marxist Students of Agrarian Questions, December 27, 1929 ................. 147 I. The Theory of “Equilibrium” . 149 II. The Theory of “Spontaneity” in Socialist Construc- tion . 153 CONTENTS IX III. The Theory of the “Stability” of Small-Peasant Farming .............. 155 IV. Town and Country .......... 162 V. The Nature of Collective Farms ..... 167 VI. The Class Changes and the Turn in the Party’s Policy .............. 172 VII. Conclusions ............. 177 LETTER TO A. M. GORKY ......... 179 CONCERNING THE POLICY OF ELIMINATING THE KULAKS AS A CLASS . 184 REPLY TO THE SVERDLOV COMRADES .... 190 I. The Sverdlov Students’ Questions .... 190 II. Comrade Stalin’s Reply . ...... 192 DIZZY WITH SUCCESS. Concerning Questions of the Col- lective-Farm Movement ........... 197 LETTER TO COMRADE BEZYMENSKY . ..... 206 REPLY TO COLLECTIVE-FARM COMRADES . 207 TO THE FIRST GRADUATES OF THE INDUSTRIAL ACADEMY . .............. 235 REPLY TO COMRADE M. RAFAIL. (Regional Trade-Union Council, Leningrad.) Copy to Comrade Kirov, Secretary Regional Committee of the C.P.S.U.(B.) ..... 237 AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY WORKS, ROSTOV . 240 TRACTOR WORKS, STALINGRAD . 241 POLITICAL REPORT OF THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE TO THE SIXTEENTH CONGRESS OF THE C.P.S.U.(B.), June 27, 1930 .............. 242 X CONTENTS I. The Growing Crisis of World Capitalism and the External Situation of the U.S.S.R. ...... 242 1. The World Economic Crisis ......... 244 2. The Intensification of the Contradictions of Capitalism . 254 3. The Relations Between the U.S.S.R. and the Capitalist States ............... 262 II. The Increasing Advance of Socialist Construction and the Internal Situation in the U.S.S.R. 269 1. The Growth of the National Economy as a Whole . 270 2. Successes in Industrialisation ......... 272 3. The Key Position of Socialist Industry and Its Rate of Growth ............... 275 4. Agriculture and the Grain Problem ....... 282 5. The Turn of the Peasantry Towards Socialism and the Rate of Development of State Farms and Collective Farms . 288 6. The Improvement in the Material and Cultural Conditions of the Workers and Peasants .......... 299 7. Difficulties of Growth the Class Struggle and the Offensive of Socialism Along the Whole Front ....... 309 8. The Capitalist or the Socialist System of Economy ... 326 9. The Next Tasks ............. 334 a) General .............. 334 b) Industry .............. 341 c) Agriculture ............. 342 d) Transport.............. 347 III. The Party . 348 1. Questions of the Guidance of Socialist Construction . 352 2. Questions of the Guidance of Inner-Party Affairs ... 362 Notes . ......... 386 Biographical Chronicle (April 1929-June 1930) .... 400 PREFACE The twelfth volume of J. V. Stalin’s Works contains writings and speeches of the period from April 1929 to June 1930. This was a time when the Bolshevik Party was devel- oping a general offensive of socialism along the whole front, mobilising the working class and the labouring masses of the peasantry for the fight to reconstruct the entire national economy on a socialist basis, and to fulfil the first five-year plan. The Bolshevik Party was effecting a decisive turn in policy—the transition from the policy of restricting the exploiting tendencies of the kulaks to the policy of eliminating the kulaks as a class on the basis of complete collectivisation. The Party was accomplishing a historic task of the proletarian revolution—the most difficult since the conquest of pow- er—the switching of millions of individual peasant farms to the path of collective farming, the path of so- cialism. In his speech at the plenum of the C.C. and C.C.C., C.P.S.U.(B.) in April 1929 on “The Right Deviation in the C.P.S.U.(B),” published in full for the first time in this volume, J. V. Stalin analyses the class changes which had taken place in the U.S.S.R. and in the capitalist countries, and points to the increasing XII PREFACE socialist offensive in our country against the capitalist elements of town and country and the consequent sharp- ening of the class struggle. J. V. Stalin shows that the partial stabilisation of capitalism was being shat- tered and that the elements of a revolutionary upsurge in the capitalist countries were accumulating, and he sub- stantiates the need for intensifying the struggle against the Right elements in the Communist Parties. J. V. Stalin denounces the anti-Party factional ac- tivities of Bukharin’s group, their double-dealing and their secret negotiations with the Trotskyists for the organisation of a bloc against the Party. J. V. Stalin stresses that the Right deviation and conciliation towards it were the chief danger at that period, exposes the Right capitulators as enemies of Leninism and agents of the kulaks, and lays bare the bourgeois-liberal, anti-revolutionary nature of the Right- opportunist “theory” that the kulaks would grow peacefully into socialism. In the struggle against the Bukharin opposition, J. V. Stalin develops Lenin’s thesis that the exploiting classes must be eliminated by means of a fierce class struggle of the proletariat. He shows that the Right capitulators’ opportunist line on ques- tions of class struggle was linked with Bukharin’s anti- Leninist errors concerning the theory of the state. In the struggle against the Right opportunists, J. V. Stalin upholds and develops the Marxist-Leninist theory of the state and of the dictatorship of the prole- tariat. In the article “Emulation and Labour Enthusiasm of the Masses,” J. V. Stalin defines socialist emulation as the communist method of building socialism, as the PREFACE XIII lever with which the working people are destined to transform the entire economic and cultural life of the country on the basis of socialism. In “A Year of Great Change,” J. V. Stalin assesses the year 1929 as one of great achievements on all fronts of socialist construction: in the sphere of labour produc- tivity, and in the development of industry and agricul- ture. Noting the success of the collective-farm move- ment, he shows that the main mass of the peasantry —the middle peasants—were joining the collective farms, and that, as a result of the individual peasant farming taking the path of socialism, the last sources for the restoration of capitalism in the country were being eliminated. Proceeding from V. I. Lenin’s co-operative plan, J. V. Stalin elaborates the theory of collectivisation of agriculture and indicates the practical ways and means of putting it into practice. In his speech “Concerning Questions of Agrarian Policy in the U.S.S.R.,” J. V. Stalin exposes the bour- geois and Right-opportunist theories of “equilibrium,” of “spontaneity” in socialist construction, and of the stability” of small-peasant farming, and demon- strates the advantages of large-scale collective economy in agriculture. He defines the nature of collective farming as a socialist form of economy, and substantiates the change from the policy of restricting and ousting the capitalist elements in the countryside to the policy of eliminating the kulaks as a class on the basis of com- plete collectivisation In “Dizzy With Success,” “Reply to Collective-Farm Comrades” and other works, J.
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