July 17, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5005 USS Indianapolis, in recognition of tect the administration of Federal United States Courthouse in Amarillo, their perseverance, bravery, and serv- elections against cybersecurity Texas, as the ‘‘J. Marvin Jones Federal ice to the United States. threats. Building and Mary Lou Robinson S. 2105 S. 2823 United States Courthouse’’; to the At the request of Mr. BOOZMAN, the At the request of Mr. HATCH, the Committee on Environment and Public names of the Senator from Pennsyl- name of the Senator from California Works. vania (Mr. CASEY) and the Senator (Mrs. FEINSTEIN) was added as a co- Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask from Oregon (Mr. WYDEN) were added sponsor of S. 2823, a bill to modernize unanimous consent that the text of the as cosponsors of S. 2105, a bill to mod- copyright law, and for other purposes. bill be printed in the RECORD. ify the presumption of service connec- S. 3051 There being no objection, the text of tion for veterans who were exposed to At the request of Mr. HOEVEN, the the bill was ordered to be printed in herbicide agents while serving in the name of the Senator from Florida (Mr. the RECORD, as follows: Armed Forces in Thailand during the NELSON) was added as a cosponsor of S. S. 3222 Vietnam era, and for other purposes. 3051, a bill to require the Secretary of Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the United States of America in S. 2131 Transportation to establish a working Congress assembled, URRAY group to study regulatory and legisla- At the request of Mrs. M , the SECTION 1. J. MARVIN JONES FEDERAL BUILD- names of the Senator from New Jersey tive improvements for the livestock, ING AND MARY LOU ROBINSON (Mr. BOOKER) and the Senator from insect, and agricultural commodities UNITED STATES COURTHOUSE. New Hampshire (Mrs. SHAHEEN) were transport industries, and for other pur- (a) DESIGNATION.—The J. Marvin Jones added as cosponsors of S. 2131, a bill to poses. Federal Building and United States Court- house located at 205 SE 5th Ave., Amarillo, amend title 38, United States Code, to S. 3128 Texas, shall be known and designated as the At the request of Mr. KENNEDY, the authorize the Secretary of Veterans Af- ‘‘J. Marvin Jones Federal Building and Mary fairs to furnish medically necessary name of the Senator from Florida (Mr. Lou Robinson United States Courthouse’’. transportation for newborn children of RUBIO) was added as a cosponsor of S. (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, certain women veterans, and for other 3128, a bill to reauthorize the National map, regulation, document, paper, or other purposes. Flood Insurance Program. record of the United States to the Federal building and United States courthouse re- S. 2144 S. 3131 ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to At the request of Ms. HARRIS, the At the request of Mr. VAN HOLLEN, be a reference to the ‘‘J. Marvin Jones Fed- the name of the Senator from New name of the Senator from Vermont eral Building and Mary Lou Robinson United Mexico (Mr. HEINRICH) was added as a (Mr. SANDERS) was added as a cospon- States Courthouse’’. sor of S. 3131, a bill to amend the Fair cosponsor of S. 2144, a bill to provide a f process for granting lawful permanent Labor Standards Act of 1938 to provide resident status to aliens from certain increased labor law protections for ag- AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND countries who meet specified eligibility ricultural workers, and for other pur- PROPOSED requirements. poses. SA 3396. Mr. COTTON submitted an amend- S. 2463 S. 3172 ment intended to be proposed by him to the bill H.R. 4, to reauthorize programs of the At the request of Mr. CORKER, the At the request of Mr. PORTMAN, the name of the Senator from Alaska (Mr. Federal Aviation Administration, and for name of the Senator from Maine (Ms. other purposes; which was ordered to lie on COLLINS) was added as a cosponsor of S. SULLIVAN) was added as a cosponsor of the table. S. 3172, a bill to amend title 54, United 2463, a bill to establish the United f States International Development Fi- States Code, to establish, fund, and nance Corporation, and for other pur- provide for the use of amounts in a Na- TEXT OF AMENDMENTS poses. tional Park Service Legacy Restora- SA 3396. Mr. COTTON submitted an S. 2567 tion Fund to address the maintenance amendment intended to be proposed by backlog of the National Park Service, At the request of Mr. BROWN, the him to the bill H.R. 4, to reauthorize name of the Senator from Massachu- and for other purposes. programs of the Federal Aviation Ad- S. RES. 61 setts (Mr. MARKEY) was added as a co- ministration, and for other purposes; sponsor of S. 2567, a bill to amend the At the request of Mr. NELSON, his which was ordered to lie on the table; Public Health Service Act to enhance name was added as a cosponsor of S. as follows: the national strategy for combating Res. 61, a resolution calling on the De- At the appropriate place, insert the fol- and eliminating tuberculosis, and for partment of Defense, other elements of lowing: other purposes. the Federal Government, and foreign SEC. llll. DEFINITION OF LIVESTOCK. governments to intensify efforts to in- Section 602(2) of the Emergency Livestock S. 2577 vestigate, recover, and identify all Feed Assistance Act of 1988 (7 U.S.C. 1471(2)) At the request of Mr. CORNYN, the missing and unaccounted-for personnel is amended in the matter preceding subpara- names of the Senator from North Caro- graph (A) by striking ‘‘fish’’ and all that fol- of the United States. lina (Mr. TILLIS) and the Senator from lows through ‘‘that—’’ and inserting ‘‘lla- S. RES. 572 Connecticut (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) were mas, alpacas, live fish, crawfish, and other added as cosponsors of S. 2577, a bill to At the request of Mr. KENNEDY, the animals that—’’. reauthorize programs authorized under names of the Senator from Wyoming f (Mr. ENZI), the Senator from Kentucky the Debbie Smith Act of 2004. AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO (Mr. MCCONNELL), the Senator from S. 2578 MEET North Dakota (Mr. HOEVEN), the Sen- At the request of Mr. SCHATZ, the ator from Alaska (Mr. SULLIVAN), the Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, I have 7 name of the Senator from Maryland Senator from Indiana (Mr. YOUNG) and requests for committees to meet during (Mr. VAN HOLLEN) was added as a co- the Senator from Tennessee (Mr. ALEX- today’s session of the Senate. They sponsor of S. 2578, a bill to amend title ANDER) were added as cosponsors of S. have the approval of the majority and 13, United States Code, to require the Res. 572, a resolution supporting the of- minority leaders. Secretary of Commerce to provide ad- ficers and personnel who carry out the Pursuant to rule XXVI, paragraph vanced notice to Congress before important mission of U.S. Immigration 5(a), of the Standing Rules of the Sen- changing any questions on the decen- and Customs Enforcement. ate, the following committees are au- nial census, and for other purposes. f thorized to meet during today’s session S. 2593 of the Senate: At the request of Mr. LANKFORD, the STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND names of the Senator from South Da- BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS TRANSPORTATION kota (Mr. ROUNDS) and the Senator By Mr. CORNYN: The Committee on Commerce, from Florida (Mr. NELSON) were added S. 3222. A bill to designate the J. Science, and Transportation is author- as cosponsors of S. 2593, a bill to pro- Marvin Jones Federal Building and ized to meet during the session of the VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:13 Jul 18, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17JY6.020 S17JYPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S5006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 17, 2018 Senate on Tuesday, July 17, 2018, at further consideration of H.R. 6042 and MCCAIN is right when he says it was 10:15 a.m., to conduct a hearing enti- the Senate proceed to its immediate ‘‘one of the most disgraceful perform- tled ‘‘Sharks’’. consideration. ances by an American president in COMMITTEE ON BANKING, HOUSING, AND URBAN The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without memory. The damage inflicted by AFFAIRS objection it is so ordered. President Trump’s naivete, egotism, The Committee on Banking, Housing, The clerk will report the bill by title. false equivalence, and sympathy for and Urban Affairs is authorized to The bill clerk read as follows: autocrats is difficult to calculate. But meet during the session of the Senate A bill (H.R. 6042) to amend title XIX of the it is clear that the summit in Helsinki on Tuesday, July 17, 2018, at 10 a.m., to Social Security Act to delay the reduction in was a tragic mistake.’’ conduct a hearing entitled ‘‘the semi- Federal medical assistance percentage for That is not BERNIE SANDERS. That is annual monetary policy report to the Medicaid personal care services furnished former Republican Presidential can- Congress’’. without an electronic visit verification sys- didate Senator JOHN MCCAIN of Ari- tem, and for other purposes. COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL zona. RESOURCES There being no objection, the Senate Today, after a strong international The Committee on Energy and Nat- proceeded to consider the bill. backlash, Trump, in a bizarre state- ural Resources is authorized to meet Mr. GRAHAM. Mr. President, I ask ment, claimed he misspoke and of during the session of the Senate on unanimous consent that the bill be course blamed the media for reporting Tuesday, July 17, 2018, at 10 a.m., to considered read a third time and passed what he said.
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