~.' " ..' . SPAINL~ CALIFORNIA PATRIOTS in its 1779-1783 .n WAR WITH ENGLAND DURING q~E AMERICAN REVOLUTION Part I Granvil~ W. andN. C. Hough .~,.~ ~ ". -" : .~-.~.~. °. • --,~ ~'~'~" . .,,~.... -~~ :. ~ I ,.~.:,~,~j~:..-.. ~ ~..'..: . ... - . ~'-",~";~:~-'-~'."~ -"" "'.. z~.".. " " " +.,~-- m i+iii'i • SPAI~V~S ~IFOCJ~A PATRIOTS • in its 1779-1783 WAR WIqH ENG£AND DU~NG qHE AMERICAN REVO£~ON o Pax 1 Gran~i~ ~. amf~.C. Hough 1 PROF. GRANVILLEW. HOUGH 3438 BAHIABLANCA W. APT. B LAGUNAHILLS, CA 92653-2830 ~~~.~,;i:.~.~'. -~" .~,+~;~,~,,-~:-+. +. ~..:: ...+.~+: ~....~ ...~+,.~ ....... .:...... .~:*. ....... --~....~ • ~..~ :~.,~....-~ ,,:.::~:::...~-.,, .,~.:, ,~,~.., ~..,:,,~.:~'.~,~'.,,;~.~,,:.::~. ~.~'.~+~.~P-~.~'~cr..'a~.~.~.~.~.~:,','~'.~+.~,~ ~ ~Z~+~+°~..'~%~;~-¢...,~.'t~'e~ "~+~ ~.~'~ ~+'~'+'-." ~.~'i~'.°'~'~--~:!~''m~'~%~'O~"~~ ~.+:°+~ ~;;~.'~ .....~''~.~.'--~Z'~ ~''~'~ "'~.. ~i~"~¢~'~+~'~.'~.~--'~--~~''~ ,~' • ~: "%1 -it 41 1 •Ig'.l x." "li|~H i ~v-....j; Is.- . J ~.b'!¢'lL: 1 g ':I~".~":':'!!'.;i~"i !.":f:{' C Cop3Mght I • 1998 ,,),,;$~\~% by c f" t Granville W. and N.C. Hough 3438 Bahia Blanca West, Apt B Laguna Hills, CA 92653.2830 I I t •-.|, 9 ? i In Appreciation and Acknowledgment of CrranviUe W. and N.C. Hough The Socie~ of I-Iispanic Historical and Ancestral Research (SHHAR) is honored to publish and distribute Spain's California Patriots in its 1779-1783 War wi:h Englapd, During the American Revolution. We apprecis'~e Granville and N.C. Hough for their dedication to help in identifying descendants of Spanish soldiers that served during the American Revolution. The neglect of these contributions in the past resulted in a general misunderstanding about the historical Spanish presence, and the existence of countless 9 direct descendants. At a time when the Hispanic population will soon be the largest t minority group, it is imperative that the general populous grasp the coatinuing history of the diverse Hispanics in the Americas. This understanding will benefit the entire nation and will surely lead to a stronger, more unified United States of America. This great effort by the Houghs and the Sons of the American Revolution is already promoting an awareness of the Spanish military contributions in the colovi-~tion and development of the United States. On March 20, 1998, the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, accepted as members for the first time two descendants from Spanish soldiers who served in Alta C~!ifornia during the Revolutionary war. The two were Peter David Hill of Cleveland Heights, Ohio and Stephen Darrell Machado of Monrovia, California. Their ascendancy can be found on the following pages: Peter David Hill descended from Jose Maximo Alanis, page. 33. Stephen Machado descended ~om Jose Manuel Orchaga y Machado, page 34. Granville W. Hough, joined the Sons of the American Revolution (SAK) in 1990. He studied the categories of service which qualify descendants to join patriotic societies. He believes that those who served Spain after Spain joined in the War against England should be qualified as ancestors and thus open the door for their descendants to be accepted into the Sons of the American Revolution. Granville Hough graduated from the United States Mtlitary Academy in 1946 and holds advanced degrees from USC and George Washington University, with a PhD from the American University. In studying the records of the Spanish Borderlands from Florida to California, he uses 21 years experience as a Regular Army Officer and 21 years experience as a Professor of Management at California State University, Fullenon. He has been an amateur genealogist and family historian for over forty years. I-~ collaborator and daughter, N. C. Hough is a professional researcher who graduated from Carlton College, NortMield, MN, in 1973. SHHAR's goal is to assist researchers of Hi~anic heritage. For timber information, please contact us. SHHAR, P.O. Box 490 Midway City, CA 92655-0490 Web page: http:/Imembers.aol.com/shhar Email: mimilozano~aol.com (714) 894-8161 Fax: (714) 898-7063 ,t ,%,- CALIFORNIA PATRIOTS DURING SPAIN'S 1779-1783 WAR WITH ENGLAND PART 1 Preface In early 1997, we learned that the National Societ% Sons of the American Revob~tion, bad turned down an applicant whose an~:~:storwas a Spanish soldier in California who had xtaade a voluntary contribution to defray expenses of Spain's 1779- 1783 War with England. The application was based simply on the voluntary act of contributing to the expenses of the war with England, which was also being waged by the American Colonies. The National Society turned down the ~pplication as there was no list showing when and how much each soldier contributed and because there was no Revolutionary War record of the American Colonies receiving a contribution of money • ** from California. Therefore, this turned out to be an unf6rtunate approach. i However, the approach overlooked historical facts. The contributor was a soldier whose country ~as at war with England, his duty place was on the most remote sea frontier of the Spanish domain; and he was under constant orders to attack any English vessel which appeared. Moreover, his province of California lost one/fourth of its Spanish/Mexican po~dation in battle during the war, while trying to establish a land route to reinforce Aim California. What was a contribution of two pesos when the lives of the soldier and his family were at stake? So there seemed to be a problem of educating people about the Revolutionary War, particularly the participation of the Bourbon kirt~domsof Spain and France as supporters of, or allies with, the American Colonies. Spain, of course, had as early as 1776 reco~ized th~osupporting the American colonies might help her regain East and West Florida, which she had lost a few years earlier in settling the Seven Year's War. She could also halt the English advances in the Mississippi River Valley. So, Spain began clandestine support for the American colonies through Governor Gaivez of Louisiana and through other trading organizations. These activities fitted nicely into Spain's overall strategy of countering English claims, which included pushing her settlements further north in California where the English maps showed an English coast discovered and named Nova Albion by Captain Ffimcis Drake. When Spain did declare war on England in June 1779, Governor Gaivez immediately recaptured East and West Florida, restoring them to the Spani.~hdominion• In effect, these forces captured land which was held in trust for the United States. Louisiana militia and Spanish Army and Naval forces have been recognized since 1925 by descendants becoming members of the SAR and the DAR. Why was California excluded? When a r~tionaie laying out the historical facts was presented to NSSAR leaders, they ~cepted on 20 March 1998 the first two applicants descended from Spanish soldiers of California. The essays and studies of this volume are laid out in the time sequence of the campaign to get descendants of California soldiers and sailors accepted into the SAR. °•° III xr,,~:" "t'~,;~'..:,o, ..c,.u..~:,.. ;...~ :.. .-, . • - • . .. ; . .: -...- ..-.~: - .:,.,.£;---,,.,~:.~1,. -- • -~';,, ~-~:: ,/4,."U:" ,-,;'-:~':" . - -: ..... " • .: ..... ... - • ... ..... - -. -.-: -,---.. - - , - • ,." ..-." ..:--. ~- -..- ,-4".:.~t-,,,.'..-':~:,'~.",.x,'.-.~," ~[~.- , f ARer convincing ourselves that this was the proper thing to do, we had to convince our local South Coast SAR chapter, then the California (CASSAR) leadership, then the national (NSSAR) leadership. In following the time sequence ofthi~ effort, each study was addressed to a different audience; and this caused much repetition of the same facts. We apologize for that, but that is the way we saw it happen. Our studies represented our viewpoint, not that of any SAR organization. Other SAP, compatriots at chapter, state, and national le~felsplayed vital and decisive roles in,gaining accel~tance of descendants of Spanish soidiers. The research represented in these studies was a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for their acceptance. SAR Compatriot (Member) Granville W. Hough and Iris daughter, N. C. Hough, g are the researchers and writers. The Contents show what we were doing with each study. As many of the studies are continuing, we welcome additions or suggestions. What we have included in this volume was part of our first year's work onthe project. CAPatPre.doc, 27 June 1998, Granville W. and N. C. Hough i iv m ii:]. CALIFORNIA PATRIOTS DURING SPAIN'S 1779-1783 WAR WITH ENGLAND PART 1 ,Contents I. Hispanic Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War (convincing ~hapter members) .................................................................................. 1 II. Sons of the American Revolution (seeking test applicants) ........................ 9 Ill. SAR S~eks Descendants of Spanish Soldiers or Sailors who served During the Revolutionary War (determining eligible ancestors) .............................. l0 W. Ten References for Spanish Soldiers of 1779-1783 (identifying references.).l 6 V. California Duri~ the Revolution (convincing state members) .................. 18 VI. Questions and Answers about SAR's Acceptance of Descendants of Spanish/Mexican Soldiers and Sailors Who Served in California During the American Kevolution (convincing ~ate and national SAR officers) ........... 26 VII. Spanish Soldier Ancestors of New CSSAK Members (accepted memller ancestors) ............................................................................... 33
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