Stamping Around Newsletter of the Mid-Cities Stamp Club Arlington Meetings: First Wednesday @ 7:00 p.m. Bob Duncan Center, 2800 S. Center St. Euless Meetings: Third Wednesday @ 7:30 p.m. 12750 S. Pipeline Rd, #1C (Central Station Marketing) CHAPTER Lake Granbury Meetings: 4th Tuesday @ 7:00 p.m. MEMBER Bentwater Activities Center (adjacent to Bentwater Marina) #891-076252 #90 #53-3364 Volume 33, Number 7 http://www.mid-citiesstampclub.com July 2020 Piran Photo #2 (bottom left), which I found on the inter- By Peter Elias net, shows where I actually took the picture from, which was atop the cathedral tower, down towards the Tartini Back in the summer of Square below as shown by the blue arrow. I had to dig 1986, I took a brief vacation (about around my pile of photos from 1986 and found the original a week) and drove to Italy (from photo (just to find out that many photos shown on Google Switzerland that is). The furthest I Images show exactly the same view - probably because went on this trip was to Piran. everyone climbs the cathedral tower in order to take those Where is Piran, you might photos from exactly the same vantage point). ask yourself? Well, the stamp kind Finding the stamp that shows the cathedral was a of gives that away; it is in Slovenia, bit more difficult. It is Scott #1073, one in a series of 17 which was then a part of Yugosla- stamps issued from 1971 to 1973 depicting various views via. At the time, one would have in Yugoslavia. I couldn’t find any sellers of this stamp (nor needed a special visa to be able to go there if you were the series) in mint condition here in the USA at the time, an American citizen (as Yugoslavia was a communist but did find an eBay seller in Poland that was selling just country). However, every August, throngs of German the single mint stamp for a $1 plus postage. The enve- tourists went to Yugoslavia since it was an affordable lope from Poland took 2 weeks after it was mailed. country to visit, and they didn’t need a visa; I was one of Back to the trip; this was roughly 34 years ago, so those tourists, but I only stayed there for the day though. details of my side-trip to Piran are somewhat foggy (and I Piran is located just across the border from Tri- only have a “smudge” to show for it in my passport that I este, Italy and is a beautiful resort town on the Adriatic had back then; you can probably guess why the Yugo- coast. Probably the most “iconic” photo (#1 below) that slavian border guard did that …). It is too bad that the you’ll find on Google is pretty much exactly like the one Tartini Square photo is the only one that I seem to be able that I took and is shown below. It shows Tartini Square to find of my brief excursion into Yugoslavia, but what a as seen from the St. George’s Cathedral. view! 1 Article Index Page # Been There - Done That (Piran) 1 Editor’s Forum & EXPO Updates 2 Calendar & Secretary’s Report 2 TV Philately - World On Fire 3 Philatelic Firsts 3 Bad Design 3 Virtual Club Meeting Minutes - Granbury 4 From the President’s Desk 4 Been There - Done That (Bora Bora) 5 How To Scan Self-Adhesive Die-Cut Stamps 5 Answer to Ken Aldridge’s Article “In God We Trust” 6 2 How Do You House Your Collection 6 Member & Dealer Ads 7, 9, 10 Comic Strip - Mother Goose & Grimm 7 Been There - Done That (Royal Naval Dockyard)8 COVID-19 Postal History 8 USPS New Issues 8 France COVID-19 Internet Stamps 8 I’m In The Wrong Business 9 Meet & Eat Info 10 Stamping Around, July 2020 Page 1 Editor’s Forum Stamping Around By Peter Elias Newsletter of the Mid-Cities Stamp Club Peter Elias, Editor ([email protected]) Been There - Done That; going nowhere! That’s cer- tainly what is going on right now with COVID-19! But that Stamping Around is published monthly by the Mid-Cities Stamp shouldn’t stop you from thinking about where you have been in Club. Material in this newsletter may be reproduced in other the past (or someone you knew or something that you owned) philatelic publications if the source is acknowledged. Opinions and which has been commemorated on a stamp (or potentially expressed are those of the authors, and do not necessarily repre- a postmark or slogan meter); anything philatelic really! sent those of the Mid-Cities Stamp Club or its officers. Going through my old photo albums, I’m constantly finding things that are future “Been There …” articles; I have a 2019 - 2020 MID-CITIES OFFICERS current backlog of something like 40+ articles just waiting to be & BOARD OF DIRECTORS written; so far I’ve already accumulated the stamp images and photos for the articles and just need to hammer out a bunch of President – Richard Hildebrandt paragraphs! It’s really not as difficult as you think. In about 5 First Vice-President – Ray Moyer minutes, I hammered out the brief Texas “Been There…” article Second Vice–President – Gene Pfretzschner that you see on the lower left side on page 5. Secretary – Skip Ely Treasurer – Judy Christmas EXPO Judging Update Board of Directors (voting): Unfortunately our only EXPO judge so far, Robert Peter Elias Alliene Franklin Ken Wills Zeigler (President of the APS Board of Directors) had to cancel Immediate Past President: Ray Cartier for reasons that he said were unavoidable about 2 weeks ago Membership in the Mid-Cities Stamp Club is available to anyone (most likely personal or family related, but he didn’t elaborate). of good character interested in philately. Feel free to attend any of So I sent out some more invites, and just received a call from our 3 different meeting sites in the greater Dallas / Ft. Worth area! Patrick Walters who will be happy to serve again this year (and Dues are only $12 per year (higher for mailed newsletters). For he also recommended two others that I’ve contacted; one of more information, the editor is reachable during business hours at which, Stephen Washburne, will also be judging again!). Now (972) 671-0077 or : [email protected] I’m just waiting for Judge #3! For a membership application write to: Philatelic News Updates Mid-Cities Stamp Club The American Philatelic Society has announced that it P.O. Box 2158 is canceling “The Great American Stamp Show 2020” (to have Arlington, TX 76004-2158 been held in Connecticut from August 20-23, 2020) due to con- cerns relating to COVID-19 and the size of the show and/or the or visit: http://www.mid-citiesstampclub.com aggressive mitigation required as a result of it being indoors. The APS is working on a “virtual alternative”. The next annual APS Show is planned for Chicago in 2021. Member Dr. John Barrett (now in Gulfport, MS) reports Coming Attractions that Gulfpex 2020 has been rescheduled to October 23-24 and 2020 that they’re looking for exhibits (with no frame fees!). Contact John at [email protected] for more info. —> Due to COVID-19 and city / county / state / national emergency ordinances, the following may or may not occur. Some meetings may be “virtual”; see email messages, see messages sent by Skip Ely and others for updated info. Secretary’s Report By Skip Ely JUN. 23 MCSC—LAKE GRANBURY Meeting Applications Received Program: TBD New Members JUL. 1 MCSC—ARLINGTON Meeting Scott English (#629) Program: TBD Deceased n/a JUL. 15 MCSC—EULESS Meeting Reinstatements Program: Extended Show & Tell and philatelic n/a discussions JUL. 28 MCSC—LAKE GRANBURY Meeting Membership Summary – June 14, 2020 Program: TBD Membership as of May 20 2020 88 AUG. 5 MCSC—ARLINGTON Meeting Applications Received 0 New Members 1 Program: TBD Dropped for non-payment of dues ( 0 ) AUG. 19 MCSC—EULESS Meeting Resignations 0 Program: Extended Show & Tell and philatelic Deceased ( 0 ) Discussions Reinstatements 0 AUG. 21-22 TSDA Stamp Dealer Bourse Membership as of June 14, 2020 89 411 W. Arapaho Rd, Richardson (at US75), Fri 10-5,Sat 9-4 Stamping Around, July 2020 Page 2 TV Philately: World On Fire Philatelic Firsts - Stamp Issue Dates By Peter Elias By Ken Aldridge Shown are FDC's for Scott #4492 and #4125. “World On Fire” is a Masterpiece drama presently airing on PBS on Sunday nights. The May 3 episode The Year of the Rabbit issue (#4492) was the 1st com- featured a very quick glance at an envelope that one of memorative FOREVER stamp issued by the U.S. Postal the characters receives in the mail about 5 minutes into Service, on January 22, 2011. the episode, because his daughter had epilepsy. The Liberty Bell Issue (#4125) was the 1st Defini- tive stamp issued by USPS, on April 12, 2007. Almost four years difference in the issuing of these stamps. This is another one of those decisions that the USPS must have wrestled with, why wait four years? Hmmm, I won- der...…….. I tried several times to catch the best possible image on my 58” TV, but what you see above is as close as it gets. There is no sender shown and the addressee name and address are out of focus, but on the lower left side there is a 2 line imprint that states that the envelope came from the “National Jugendinstitut” with an address at Grossen Neumarkt 1, Berlin”, which translates into “National Youth Institute”.
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