Appendix A—Digest of Other White House Announcements The following list includes the President’s pub- ball Association Champion Dallas Mavericks to lic schedule and other items of general interest the White House on January 9. announced by the Office of the Press Secretary The President announced the recess ap- and not included elsewhere in this book. pointment of Richard A. Cordray as Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. January 1 The President announced the recess ap- In the morning, in Kailua, HI, the President pointments of Sharon Block, Terence F. Fly- had an intelligence briefing. nn, and Richard F. Griffin, Jr., as members of the National Labor Relations Board. January 2 In the morning, the President had an intelli- January 5 gence briefing. In the morning, in the Oval Office, the Pres- In the afternoon, the President, Mrs. ident and Vice President Joe Biden had an in- Obama, and their daughters Sasha and Malia telligence briefing. Then, he traveled to Ar- returned to Washington, DC, arriving the fol- lington, VA. Later, he returned to Washington, lowing morning. DC. The White House announced that the Presi- In the afternoon, in the State Dining Room, dent will travel to Cleveland, OH, on January the President met with his Council of Advisers 4. on Science and Technology. Later, in the Oval Office, he and Vice President Biden met with January 3 Secretary of the Treasury Timothy F. Geith- ner. In the morning, in the Oval Office, the Pres- ident and Vice President Joe Biden had an in- January 6 telligence briefing. Then, also in the Oval Of- In the morning, in the Oval Office, the Pres- fice, he met with his senior advisers. ident had a telephone conversation with King In the afternoon, in the Private Dining Abdullah II of Jordan to discuss the Middle Room, the President and Vice President Biden East peace process. Then, also in the Oval Of- had lunch. Later, in the Oval Office, they met fice, he and Vice President Joe Biden had an with Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta. intelligence briefing. In the afternoon, at the Scion restaurant, the January 4 President had lunch with Bill Blackwelder of In the morning, in the Oval Office, the Pres- Fayetteville, NC, Val Grossmann of Westmin- ident and Vice President Joe Biden had an in- ster, CO, Kathie Toigo of Yerington, NV, and telligence briefing. Then, he traveled to Cleve- Scott Zoebisch of Atlanta, GA, winners of a land, OH. contest held by his reelection campaign. In the afternoon, outside the home of Wil- The White House announced that the Presi- liam and Endia Eason, the President greeted dent will meet with his Council on Jobs and local residents. Later, he returned to Washing- Competitiveness at the White House on Janu- ton, DC. ary 17. The White House announced that the Presi- The President declared a major disaster in dent will travel to the Pentagon in Arlington, Massachusetts and ordered Federal aid to sup- VA, on January 5. plement Commonwealth and local recovery ef- The White House announced that the Presi- forts in the area affected by a severe storm and dent will welcome the 2011 National Basket- snowstorm on October 29 and 30, 2011. 873 Appendix A / Administration of Barack Obama, 2012 January 7 The White House announced that the Presi- The White House announced that the Presi- dent with welcome King Abdullah II of Jordan dent will host the White House Insourcing to the White House on January 17. American Jobs Forum on July 11. The President announced his intention to appoint Nancy E. Soderberg as Chairperson of January 8 the Public Interest Declassification Board. In the morning, the President had a tele- The President announced his intention to phone conversation with Rep. Gabrielle D. appoint Elizabeth R. Parker as a member of Giffords to discuss a candlelight vigil being the Public Interest Declassification Board. held in honor of the victims of the January 8, The President announced his intention to 2011, shootings in Tucson, AZ. appoint Peter H. Bell and Jack M. Brandt as members of the President’s Committee for January 9 People With Intellectual Disabilities. In the morning, in the Oval Office, the Pres- The President announced that he has ident had a telephone conversation with Prime named Cecilia Munoz as Director of the White Minister Portia Simpson-Miller of Jamaica to House Domestic Policy Council. congratulate her on her election victory and discuss Jamaica-U.S. relations. Then, he and January 11 Vice President Joe Biden had an intelligence briefing. Later, also in the Oval Office, he met In the morning, in the Oval Office, the Pres- with his senior advisers. ident and Vice President Joe Biden had an in- telligence briefing. In the afternoon, in the Private Dining Room, the President and Vice President Biden In the afternoon, in the Oval Office, the had lunch. Later, in the Oval Office, the Presi- President met with actors Brad Pitt and Ange- dent met with Matthew Ritsko, winner of the lina Jolie to discuss their advocacy on human 2011 Securing Americans Value and Efficiency rights issues. Later, he traveled to Chicago, IL, (SAVE) Award. where he visited his campaign headquarters In the evening, at the Jefferson hotel, the and met with campaign volunteers and staffers. President attended a roundtable discussion During the day, in the Oval Office, the Pres- with campaign supporters. ident met with National Economic Council Di- The White House announced that the Presi- rector Eugene B. Sperling, Special Assistant to dent will welcome the 2011 World Series the President for Manufacturing Policy Jason Champion St. Louis Cardinals to the White Miller, and Senior Policy Adviser Jacob House on January 17. Leibenluft. In the evening, the President returned to January 10 Washington, DC. In the morning, in the Oval Office, the Pres- ident and Vice President Joe Biden had an in- January 12 telligence briefing. Then, also in the Oval Of- In the morning, the President had a tele- fice, he met with his senior advisers. phone conversation with Prime Minister Ben- In the afternoon, in the Oval Office, the jamin Netanyahu of Israel to discuss the Mid- President and Vice President Biden met with dle East peace process. He also had a tele- Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta. phone conversation with Head Coach Nicholas During the day, in the Oval Office, the Pres- L. Saban of the University of Alabama football ident met with Minister of Foreign Affairs Saud team to congratulate him on his team’s victory al-Faysal bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud of Saudi ia to in the BCS Championship. discuss Saudi ia-U.S. relations. The President announced the designation of The White House announced further details the following individuals as members of a Pres- on the White House Insourcing American Jobs idential delegation to attend the Inauguration Forum to be held on January 11. of Otto Perez Molina as President of Guatema- 874 Administration of Barack Obama, 2012 / Appendix A la in Guatemala City, Guatemala, on January January 16 14: In the evening, at the John F. Kennedy Cen- ter for the Performing Arts, the President and Aaron S. Willams (head of delegation); Mrs. Obama attended the “Let Freedom Ring” Arnold A. Chacon; celebration in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Mary L. Landrieu; and Mark Feierstein. January 17 In the morning, in the Oval Office, the Pres- January 13 ident and Vice President Joe Biden had an in- In the morning, in the Oval Office, the Pres- telligence briefing. Then, also in the Oval Of- ident had a telephone conversation with Prime fice, he met with his senior advisers. Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey to In the afternoon, in the Private Dining discuss democracy efforts, security issues, and Room, the President and Vice President Biden economic development in the Middle East and had lunch. Later, in the Oval Office, they met the situations in Iraq, Syria, and Iran. Then, he with Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta. met with Secretary of the Treasury Timothy F. The White House announced that the Presi- Geithner. dent will welcome President Mikheil Saakash- In the afternoon, at the Jefferson hotel, the vili of Georgia to the White House on January President attended an Obama Victory Fund 30. 2012 fundraiser. Then, he returned to the The White House announced that the Presi- White House, where, in the Oval Office, he dent will travel to Lake Buena Vista, FL, on met with Secretary of State Hillary Rodham January 19. Clinton. Later, in the Family Theater, he and The President announced that he has desig- Mrs. Obama hosted a screening of the film nated Jeffrey D. Zients as Acting Director of “Red Tails” for members of the Tuskegee Air- the Office of Management and Budget. men, cast, and crew. The White House announced that the Presi- January 18 dent and Mrs. Obama will welcome the 2011 In the morning, in the Oval Office, the Pres- World Series Champion St. Louis Cardinals to ident had an intelligence briefing. the White House on January 17. In the afternoon, in the Oval Office, the The White House announced that the Presi- President participated in a credentialing cere- dent will host the 2011 Stanley Cup Champion mony for newly appointed Ambassadors to the Boston Bruins to the White House on January 23. U.S. Then, also in the Oval Office, he met with The President announced the designation of Secretary of the Treasury Timothy F. Geithner. the following individuals as members of a Pres- In the evening, in the East Room, the Presi- idential delegation to attend the Inauguration dent hosted a reception for the U.S.
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