State of California AIR RESOURCES BOARD EXECUTIVE ORDER D—176—49 Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156 of the California Vehicle Code Dinan Corporation Performance Turbo Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code; and Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39515 and Section 39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—14—012; IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the Performance Turbo, manufactured and marketed by Dinan Corporation (Dinan), 865 Jarvis Drive, Morgan Hill, California 95037, has been found not to reduce the effectiveness of the applicable vehicle pollution control systems and, therefore, is exempt from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for the following BMW turbo gasoline vehicles listed in Exhibit A. The Dinan Performance Turbo consists of a direct fit turbo only, which is designed to replace the stock turbo. The new turbo is designed with a larger compressor, the turbine section is stock. No changes are made to peak boost pressure or the stock wastegate characteristics. There are no user adjustments for proper installation and no sensors are moved or modified. No changes are made to the ECU calibration with installation. This Executive Order is valid provided that the installation instructions for the Performance Turbo will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications different from those of the vehicle manufacturer. Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the Performance Turbo, as exempt by the Air Resources Board, which adversely affect the performance of the vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate this Executive Order. This exemption is issued based on submitted emissions test data, from the SEMA Garage, Diamond Bar, California, on a 3.0L 2014 model year BMW M235i, certified to the LEV II ULEV emission standards and tested using the Cold—Start CVS—75 Federal Test Procedure (FTP) test cycle and the Supplemental Federal Test Procedure (SFTP USO6) test cycle. CVS—75 FTP NMOG cCO NOx HCHO Standards, 50K 0.040 A.7 0.05 0.008 Device Test w/df, 2 test avg. 0.029 0.6 0.02 0.001 USO6 NMHC+NOx CO Standards 4k 0.14 8.0 Device 0.01 0.3 Test results showed that the Performance Turbo did not cause exhaust emissions to exceed the applicable emission standards during the FTP and SFTP. This Executive Order is also based on the On—Board Diagnostic II (OBD 1I) testing conducted on the same test vehicle. The Performance Turbo when installed on the test vehicle did not affect the vehicle‘s ability to perform its OBD II monitoring. The Air Resources Board reserves the right in the future to review this Executive Order and the exemption provided herein to assure that the exempted add—on or modified part continues to meet the standards and procedures of Title 13, California Code of Regulations, Section 2222, et seq. THIS EXECUTIVE ORDER DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CERTIFICATION, ACCREDITATION, APPROVAL, OR ANY OTHER TYPE OF ENDORSEMENT BY THE AIR RESOURCES BOARD OF ANY CLAIMS OF THE APPLICANT CONCERNING ANTI—POLLUTION BENEFITS OR ANY ALLEGED BENEFITS OF THE PERFORMANCE TURBO. No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board", may be made with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral or written communication. Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of this order. The order may be revoked only after a ten—day written notice of intention to revoke the order, in which period the holder of the order may request in writing a hearing to contest the proposed revocation. If a hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten days of receipt of the request and the order may not be revoked until a determination is made after the hearing that grounds for revocation exist. Executed at El Monte, California, this 20 day of May 2016. Annette Hebert, Chief Emissions Compliance, Automotive Regulations and Science Division DINAN — PERFORMANCE TURBO — D—176—49 Exhbit A Year _ Model __|_Displ Cyl Drive Dinan Part#1 _| Notes for P/N1 | Dinan Part #2 Notes for P/N 2 2007 |BMW 335ci 3.0 (6cyl) 2wD ©310—0052__| 3 | 2007|BMW 335ci Convertible |_ 30 (6a) | _ 2wp D310—0052 3 | 2007|BMW 335i __ |_ 30 (6cy)| 2wp ©310—0052 3 | BJ _ 2007 |BMW 335xi 3.0 (6cyl) 4WD D310—0052 3 |_ 2008 |BMW 135i |__3.0 _| (6ey) 2w9 ©310—0051 3 | _ 2008 |BMW 135i |_30 _| (6ey) |_2wD D310—0051 _ 3 | 2008 BMW 135i Convertible |_3.0 _| (6ey) | 2wD ©310—0051 30 ___| | | 2008 BMW 135i Convertible |_30 _| (6ey) | 2wD D310—0051 3 | _ J 2008 BMW 335ci |_3.0 (6ey) 2wp D310—0052 3 2008|BMW 335ci _ 30 (6cyl) |_2wWD ©310—0052 3 _ 2008 BMW 335ci Convertible |_ 30 (6a) 2wo D310—0052 _3 2008 BMW 335ci Convertible 3.0 (6 cyl) 2WD D310—0052 3 | 2008|BMW 335cxi 3.0 (6cyl) |_4WD D310—0052 3 2008 |BMW 335cx |_3.0 (6ey) 4wb D310—0052 3 2008 |BMW 335i |_ 30 (6eyi) 2wb _| b310—0052 3 2008 |BMW 335i | 30 (6ev) |_2wo ©310—0052 3 2008 BMW 335xi |_30 (6ay) 4wb b310—0052 _3 2008 BMW 335xi |_3.0 (6ey) 4wb D310—0052 | 3 | 2009 BMW 135i 3.0 6 2wD D310—0051 3 | 2009 BMW 135i Convertible 3.0 6 _| 2wp D310—0051 3 | |2009| BMW 335ci _ 30 | _6 2wD D310—0052 3 [___ 2009|BMW 335ci Convertible 30 | _6 2wD ©310—0052 3 _ | 2009 |BMW 335¢i xDrive 3.0 6 awb D310—0052 3 | 2009| BMW 3351 30 | 6 | 2wD D310—0052 3 2009| BMW 335i xDrive 30 6 _|_4wp D310—0052 3 _ 2010 BMW 135i 3.0 6 2wWD ©310—0051 3 _ 2010 BMW 135i Convertible 3.0 6 2WD b310—0051 | 3 | 2010 BMW 335Ci 3.0 6 _|_2wD D310—0052 _ 3 | 2010 BMW 335Ci Convertible |_so | 6 | 2wp ©310—0052 3 | 2010 BMW 335Ci xDrive 3.0 6 4awD ©310—0052 3 | 2010|BMW 335i "| 30 6 2wWD D310—0052 3 _ 2010 BMW 335i xDrive 3.0 6 awp ©310—0052 _| 3 2011|BMW 1 series M—Coupe 3.0 6 — 2WD ©310—0051 | 3 2011 BMW 335is Convertible |_ 30 | _6 2WD D310—0052 $ 0_ ~—| 2011|BMW 335is Coupe 30 | _6 2wWD D310—0052 3 2011 BMW 535i 3.0 6 2wD bes10—0115 1 |__b310—0110 2 2011 BMW 535i Gran Turismo _ 30 6 2wWD b310—0115 1 |__b310—0110 2 2011 BMW 535i xDrive |_so | 6 | 4wp bs10—0115 1 |__bei0—0110 7 2011 BMW 535i xDrive Gran Turismo 3.0 6 _|_4wp b310—0115 1 D310—0110 2 2011 BMW X3 xDrive 35i 3.0 6 _| 4wp 5310—0115 $ D310—0110 2 2012 BMW 328i 20 | _4 2wWD be10—0125 1 |__b310—0120 2 2012|BMW 335i _ 30 | _6 2wD b310—0115 1 b310—0110 2 2012|BMW 335i xDrive 30 | _6 awp b310—0115 1 b310—0110 2 2012 BMW 335is Convertible 3.0 6 _|_2wp ©310—0052 3 | |2012|BMW 335is Coupe |_30 6 2w bsi0—0052 _3 ____| { 2012|BMW 528i |_20 4 2wD b310—0125 & ©310—0120 2 2012 BMW 528 xDrive |_20 4 4wb D310—0125 1 D310—0120 2 2012 BMW 535i [ 30 | _6 2WD b310—0115 1 D310—0110 2 2012 |BMW 535i Gran Turismo [ 30 | _6 2wD be10—0115 1 |_ bei0—0110 2 2012 BMW 535i xDrive { 1 3e | 6 awb _| bsi0—0115 1 |__bs10—0110 3 2012 BMW 535i xDrive Gran Turismo __|__3.0 _| _6 awb _|__b310—0115 1 |_bsi0—0110 2 2012 BMW 6407 |_3.0 6 _| 2wp 5310—0115 1 |__b310—0110 2 2012 BMW 640i Convertible |_so | 6 | 2wp D310—0115 1 |_ D310—0110 2 2012|BMW X1 xDrive 28i |_20 4 _|_awp _ bsi0—0125 1_ D310—0120 2 _ 2012 BMW X1 xDrive 35i |_3.0 6 awp b310—0115 1 D310—0110 2 2012| BMW X3 xDrive 35i 30 | 6 awb |__bsi0—0115s__| 10 |_bsi0—0110 2 |2012|BMW 24 sDrive 28i 2.0 4 2w5 _| b3i0—0125 1 ____|_b310—0120 2 _ 2013 BMW 328i |_20 4 2wD D310—0125 1 D310—0120 2 2013 BMW 328i Sports Wagon 20 | 4 | _ 2wo D310—0125 1 D310—0120 2 2013 BMW 328i xDrive 2.0 4 awD D310—0125 1 [|__D310—0120 2 _ 2013\ BMW 328 xDrive Sports Wagon 2.0 4 awD _b310—0125 1 |__b310—0120 2 Dinan — Performance Turbo — D—176—49 Page 1 of 4 Exhbit A Year | ___Model Displ | Cyl | Drive Dinan Part#1 Notesfor P/N1 | Dinan Part#2 | Notes for P/N2 2013 BMW 335i 3.0 | 6 | 2WD p310—0115__| 1 _ bs10—0110 _| 2 2013 BMW 335i xDrive _ 30 | 6 | 4WwD b310—0115 1 ‘D310—0110 2 2013 BMW 335is Convertible |_3.0 6 2WD _|__D310—0052 __| _ 3 _ 2013|BMW 335is Coupe ___| 30 6 | 2wWD | D310—0052 3 | _ 2013 |BMW 528i |_20 4 _| 2wD | D310—0125 1 |__b310—0120 2 2013 BMW 528i xDrive ! 20 | _4 | 4WD _ D310—0125 § |_ bs10—0120 _| 2 2013 |BMW 535i _ _ 130 | 6 2wD _| D310—0115__| 1 ©310—0110 2 _ 2013 BMW 535i Gran Turismo 3.0 6 2wWD _| _D310—0115 _ 1 ©310—0110 2 _ 2013 BMW 535i xDrive __ 30 | 6 | 4WD | D310—0115 1 D310—0110 _| 2 2013 BMW 535i xDrive Gran Turismo 30 | 6 | _ 4WD b310—0115 _| 1 ©310—0110 2 2013 BMW 640i 30 _| 6 | 2wb | D310—0115 _| t ©310—0110 2 2013 BMW 640i Convertible _ 3.0 6 | 2wb | psi00us _| 3 ©310—0110 2 2013 |BMW 640i Gran Coupe _ 3.0 6 2WD _| __D310—0115 1 |_bs10—0110 | 2 2013 BMW 740i _ 3.0 6 _| 2wD D310—0115 _1 |_ pic—0110 _| 2 _ 2013 BMW 740L 30 | 6 | 2WD | D310—0115 | 1 D310—0110 _| 2 2013 BMW 740L xDrive 3.0 6 _|_4wo _| b3i0—0115 | 1 ps10—0110 _| 2 2013 |BMW X1 sDrive 28i ___| 20 a | 2wb | b310—0125 _| 1 ©310—0120 3 2013 BMW X1 xDrive 28i 2.0 4 4wD D310—0125 _ 1 ©310—0120 2 2013 BMW 1 xDrive 357 |_so | 6 awD b310—0115 _| j b310—0110 _| 2 _ 2013 |BMW X3 xDrive 28i zo | 4 _ | 4wb | b3i0012s__| 1 ©310—0120 _| 2 2013 BMW X3 xDrive 35i |_so | 6 4wD D310—0115 1 b310—0110 _| 2 2013 BMW 24 sDrive 28i 2.0 4 2WD D310—0125 1 D310—0120 2 _ 2014 BMW 228i ; 20 4 | 2WD | D310—0125 1 | b310—0120 2 2014 BMW 328i |_20 | 4 2WD _| D310—0125__| 1 D310—0120 2 2014 BMW 328i Gran Turismo |_20 a | 2wD |__D310—0125 _ 1 ©310—0120 2 2014 BMW 328i Sports Wagon 2o _ _4 _|_ 2w5 | D310—0125 1 D310—0120 2 2014 BMW 328i xDrive _ | 20 a awp _| D310—0125 1 D310—0120 2 2014 BMW 328i xDrive Gran Turismo 2.0 4 awb _| D310—0125 1 D310—0120 _| 2 2014 BMW 328i xDrive Sports Wagon _| 2.0 _ 4 | 4wb | D310—0125 _ 1 D310—0120 _| 2 2014|BMW 335i |_3.0 6 2w5 _ _| D3i0—0115s__| 1 |__b310—0110 2 2014 BMW 335i xDrive _ |_3.0 s _ _|_ 4wb |
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