University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 11-12-1911 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 11-12-1911 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 11-12-1911." (1911). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/2203 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TWELVE PAGES ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. By Mail 50 THIRTY-THIR- D YEAR, VOL. CXXXII, No. 43. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1911. Ccnu a Mouth; Single Copies, S CruU. Kr Carrier. 0 Cent a Montli. certain of the continuation of pay- Sandoval county gives 'ATTORNEY CITED FOR the ' METHODIST CHURCH HAS ments of the city hanks this difficul- Tote on the state ticket ty w ill almost und DEMOCRATIC STATE entirely disappear TALKING TO JURYMAN iFor the blue ballot BIG IN TREASURY CYCLONIC this tan be accomplished by the re- SUM STORMS serve association." 'Against 4T1 William A. Scott, professor of po- For tovcrnoi litical ec uipiojy. fuiversiiy of Wis- Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 11. At the McDonald S4U Deliver. Nov. 11. The sun ,,r CURRENCYREFORM consin: (lose of a wearisome day of exam- TICKET ELECTED .Dorsum srS $SX."i,ii(i fund avMiluMe ler , LEAVE DEATH "Popular control of an institution ining veniremen in the Hyde murder I U iilciHDt Governor of church extension and so vitally econo- trial today, J. pierce Kane, a young home missions f the Methodist I p s- - associated with the attorney, IV Itaca TfS mic welfare of every citizen as a was unexpectedly brought Martinez 4'7 copal church by the hoard in s. ssien before the court and questioned at here , e m.m central reserve association would be. y todav. this amount 5i !t-- sctTi-tar- of Slat, PROPOSED is essential. The Aldrich plan places gth rtg itdiiig bis shaking "hands M DECISIVE wan voted directly to home ni!.si,,n AND RUIN IN with u tentatively accepted juryman Lucent TS Pi the control of the banks in . the and 1114.000 to the work of church in the court room. 4S0 A " hands of the banks which compose ltomero extension. failure ol setiu aoini ii the local associations. If any inter- After Kane had explained his ac- te Auditor conferences to return a total of ::..- - tion to the was T imio do-- - ALDHIGH -- ests get control therefore. It would be court, he released. He Delgado ST before October 31. the by influencing a sufficient number of said that he cane here from St. Louis MAJORITY Sargent the fiscal tear, prevented the tie. is THEIRWAKE two weeks ago. after an absence of urer reporting an of banks in these local associations to 1 or Treasurer from advance if four years, and opened a law office. JM.flOH. The money Is now In ibe turn the balance of power in their Aid-ric- Happening to recognize X. Marron 1st hand favor. In its present form, the h James ,.f the treasurer, but ioiii"l plan renders criticism possible. ' Harper, the juryman, in the court Mirabel 4io lie counted. The hoard decide,! to room, he shook bands with him. t'ttr N'ImnI MiH'rliilciMlciil tix the meetings of the board next Secretary of United States Former Governor Joseph W. Folk, McDonald For Governor Runs of Missouri: Kane insisted that he did not know White TuS year so as not to Interfere with tip' Twelve Dead, Several Dying then that Harper was in any way presidential Forly-lvv- n Urges Federal de- of Can- Strou, 483 election. Treasury That "1 would suggest a national connected with the case. Far Ahead of Balance was tow, and Scoie Injured As Result di- - thoiinind dollars voted mis partment of finance with fifteen One Juryman was passed by both Attorney licncral the payment Monetary Question Be Kept by didates and Defeats Bursum ; of the debt of $Hii,0ii. rectors appointed the president, sides today. He Is Abraham Morgan, McGIll The financial uncertainties of next of Tornadoes in Wisconsin, one from each of the fifteen districts of Independence. Thirty-fiv- e men Clancy 549 year, owing Out of Pontics, country By 3,800. to possible presidential Iowa, into which the is divided." now have qualified. For CoiiiiitKsioiicr changes, were given as a reason bv Illinois and K. D. Hurlburt. of Emerson 7 S - severa! speakers why there should the Merchants' Loan & Trust com- not be pany, Chicago: Ervien 4S3 voted any increase in applica- VIGOROUS OPPOSITION TWO DEMOCRATS ARE tions. ' Tnlimited inflation is dangerous MISSING BUSINESS Jr Supreme Court . SUDDEN DROP IN FROM JOSEPH W. FOLK under the plan. To guard against ELECTED TO CONGRESS Burkhart 7S4 dangerous expansion, we should have Dunn T7S TEMPERATURE FOLLOWS gold for our reserve, leaving other Manila 778 KANSANS URGED TO securities for emergencies." Parker 4 S3 Governor Declares Professor E. W. Kemmerer, Cor- Republican Claims to Election Huberts Cold, Snow nell University: 43 Bitter and Sleet Formation of Central of Supreme Court Justices Wright 458 That "The national reserve association WHS Coiniul-wioncr- s Have Caused Widespread 1'or CorMratin is, 1 SEND DEMOCRAT believe, the best plan that has Owen 7TS Bank Will Create yet been proposed Improvement and Attorney General With- Suffering in Area Swept By for IS FOUND 777 in our defective banking system. It is Martinez Money Trust, too much of a public Institution, out Foundation, Van Stone 7"'. Unrestrained Elements, however, to be controlled so largely Armljo 4 ti 7 TO by one type of business interest, that Williams 483 CONGRESS Sr Morning Journal uhI T.enrl Wlrl of banking." Iteturns from all but-abo- twenty-l- Groves 48 lr Morning Journal ir Ul l.maed Wire (.'hU-i- Nov. 11. Franklin Major Robert Dross, Who Wan Chicago, 11. Reports receiv- i. ive of the 545 election precincts In Fur CoiiKrvMMiicn Nov. secretary of the treasury, In ed tonight by the Associated Press EX.;ovi:R"oit FOLK Lo- Fergusson 7f. here tonight before the dered Away From Home, New Mexico, assure the election of com-In- g in address ATTACKS AMHUClt PLAX Indicate that the cyclone storms Western Economic Society, gave his McDonald and the entire democratic Valverde " Speaker Clark Tells Audience between the abnormally warm Chicago, Nov. 11. Gov- in Re Curry 48 tndorsenient to the plan of currency Former cated Juare2, Mexico; state and Judicial ticket. period and the following cold wave, reform which has leen suggested to ernor Joseph W. Folk of Missouri, at- Haca 4S at Hutchinson That House caused death and widespread destruc- the" by monetary plan as His McDonald ran far ahed of his national monetary commission tacked the Aldrich turned to Family, , For Pistrlil JuuVe tion In southern Wisconsin and east- l'nlted Nelson radically wrong, before the monetary ticket In most countien, and his ma- Needs 14 Moie to (nrmer States Senator Raynolds i Members ern Illinois und Iowa today, Mr. McVeugh today. n. Aldrich. declared, commission jority Is conservatively estimated at Hickey 461 Twelve are dead, several dying and i(iever, that he believed the plan In- Override Presidential Veto, a oT to "It would bestow upon private fStwelsl Pl'iwitrh to th Moral n Journal 1 3,800. For District Attorney score Injured are known be would tw received with prejudice in terests through the medium of the 11. lying in the wake of the sudden storm some El Paso, Tex., Nov. Wandering The other candidates on the demo- Vigil 7R1 roiiflfss unless it contained proposed national reserve association aimlessly about the streets of Juarex and suffering because of the bitter provision prevent cont- cratic are all elected by ma- Sedlllo 46 to banks from the control of the currency of the in or food, Major ticket lltT !Uornln Journal Special I uxa Vlr 1 Cold which came upon the storm in banks. search of friends rolling stocks other country," he said. Kobert Dross, former assistant cash- jorities which will average between For State Senator Dodge City, Kan.. Nov. II. Champ victims with snow and sleet. "I believe the holding of In hard- share suggested Is no ier of the National bank of Las 600 and 1.000. Slllzer 4S Clark, speaker of the national house Southern Wisconsin was the bank, by a which 1.4 a "The association First trover bank more a with a cap- Cruces, later treasurer of the Mesilla Perea 590 of representative, wss endorsed for est hit, according to early reports. member of the reserve than central bank The tw o democratic candidates for county, national ital of million dollars Valley Chamber of Commerce, a the democratic nomination for presi- Near Orl'ordv llle, in Rock should be prohibited," he three hundred congress, 11. rergusson and Pai Miera 455 nine persons were killed and another and places in the exclusive hands of member of the Las Cruces lodge of by dent In 1912 by the democratic con- faiil. be to apply Valverde. are also elected majori- Lopez 763 This should made the Interests, the entire Elks, and one of the best known citi- vention of the Seventh congressional Is not expected to live; in the wreck- tiot only to corporate of financial ties slightly less than that of Mc- For III., the action management money matters zens of southern New Mexico, was Hciicucntallvc district here today.
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