2019 Annual Report Contents P2 P3 P6 Mission Annual Review Macro-level Climate Policy P10 P14 P17 Green Low-Carbon Green Economy GDTP Urban Policy Transforma�on P18 P42 P43 Report Partners Contact Us 2019 Annual Report / 1 Mission Mission innova�ve Green Development Program (registered name: Beijing Green Partnership Consul�ng Company Limited) is a non-profit policy and strategy consultancy that focuses on green and low-carbon development. It works to strengthen China’s low-carbon environmental policy design and implementa�on through interdisciplinary, systema�c and empirical policy research. We work with all stakeholders to promote a zero-emissions future and tell the story of China's green and low-carbon development. innova�ve Green Development Program was ini�ated by Energy Founda�on China. It is the secretariat of China’s Green and Low-Carbon Development Think Tank Partnership, sits on China’s Green Finance Associa�on Experts Commi�ee, and is a member of the North-East Asian Subregional Programme for Environmental Coopera�on’s Low-Carbon City Pla�orm. Focus innova�ve Green Development Program’s research, consul�ng and communica�ons focus on the following areas: Macro-level Climate Policy Urban Green and Low-Carbon Transforma�on Green Economic Policy Behavioral Change 2 / 2019 Annual Report Annual Review 2019 Sta�s�cs Opinion 32 Ar�cles Media 8 Reports Expert Mee�ngs Research 36 4 Reports Working 3 Papers Implementa�on 3 Guides Policy 2 Recommenda�ons 1 Infographic 2019 Annual Report / 3 Annual Review Event Calendar by Month 3/26 Beijing, China / iGDP Seminar: Achievements and Challenges of California 3/22 Air and Climate Policy 1/25 Beijing, China / 3/8 Guangzhou, China / 4th Mee�ng of the Guangzhou’s Dialogue Series on Global Guangzhou, China / Low-Carbon Strategy Kick-off Mee�ng: and China’s Agenda of 6/22 Interna�onal Green and Low-Carbon Guangdong-Hong Consulta�on Workshop Development Kong-Macao Beijing, China / Greater Bay Area Total Carbon 1/19 3/6-8 Energy Transi�on Emissions Medium and Control for the Beijing, China / Guangzhou, China / Long-Term Scenario 14th Five-Year GDTP 2019 Annual The UK-China Cold Research Project Plan Workshop Conference Chain Workshop January 2019 March 2019 June 2019 February 2019 April 2019 July 2019 2/22 4/11 7/16 Beijing, China / Seoul, South Korea / Beijing, China / China’s Carbon Pricing NEASPEC NEA-LCCP Kick-off Mee�ng: Waste-free System Design Compara�ve Study Baihewan Project Consulta�on Workshop Final Review Mee�ng 7/25 4/17-18 Beijing, China / Beijing, China / Symposium: Medium and Interna�onal Workshop Long-Term Deep Emission on Modelling Mid-Century Reduc�on Ac�ons in Ci�es Low-Carbon Strategies 4/25 Beijing, China / Environmental Risk Quan�ta�ve Analysis Methodology and Environmental Data Applica�on Workshop 4 / 2019 Annual Report 10/29 12/13 Beijing, China / 12/13 Panda Pavilion Side Event / Belt and Road Green 10/24 China Pavilion Side Event / Climate Ac�on in Chinese Development Partnership Annual Gwangju, South Korea / Chinese Industry's Ci�es Conference “Sustainable Interna�onal Ac�ons and Effects on Infrastructure and Low-Carbon Consulta�on Workshop Climate Change Ci�es” Sub-forum on Gwangju’s Low-Carbon 12/11 12/10 Development 10/24 Interna�onal Roundtable / 1st Mee�ng / Sustainable Finance and Shanghai, China / 10/16 EF China Advisory Energy Transforma�on 2019 China Roundtable on China’s Beijing, China / Greenbuild Summit Long-term Strategy for Kick-off Mee�ng: Low-GHG Emission Evalua�on on the 10/15 Development Research of the 12/8 Guangzhou, China / Medium and Long Term China Pavilion Side Event / Seminar: Medium and 12/2 Low GHG Emissions Climate Communica�ons Long-Term Scenarios for UNFCCC Side Event / Development Strategy and Public Awareness Energy Transi�on in the and Pathway Green Cooling: Guangdong-Hong Mee�ng the SDG Gaps 8/15 Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area 10/9-10 Beijing, China / 12/2-12/13 COP25 Madrid, Spain Ulaanbaatar, iGDP Seminar: 10/3-4 Mongolia / How Far is the 12/5 Paris, France / NEASPEC 23rd “Zero Waste” 19th Annual IEA-IETA-EPRI Senior Officials Wuhan, China / Concept from Workshop on Greenhouse Mee�ng C40 Climate Ac�on Plan Reality Gas Emission Trading Project Wuhan Kick-off Mee�ng August 2019 October 2019 December 2019 September 2019 November 2019 9/17 11/7 Beijing, China / Beijing, China / 11/14 iGDP Seminar: Outlook for 1st Appraisal Mee�ng: the UN Climate Ac�on Research on the Medium Chongqing, China / Summit and Long Term Low GHG China Municipal Solid Waste Emissions Development and Municipal Sludge Treatment Best Prac�ce 9/26 Strategy and Pathway Guide: Roundtable Review Qingdao, China / 11/19-21 C40 Climate Ac�on 11/26 Planning Project Qingdao Barcelona, Spain / Kick-off Mee�ng Smart City Summit Beijing, China / & Expo (SCSE) Carbon Market Consignment Auc�oning Project Kick-off 11/28 Mee�ng Qingdao, China / Qingdao Climate Ac�on Planning Strategy Workshop 2019 Annual Report / 5 Macro-level Climate Policy Under the United Na�ons Framework Conven�on on Climate Change, nearly 200 countries signed the Paris Agreement in 2015. The agreement became legally binding in 2016 and will enter its implementa�on phase a�er 2020. The Paris Agreement puts forward the long-term goal of a global response to climate change, which is to keep global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius. In October 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released the Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C. This Report proposes that to achieve the global warming goal of less than 2 degrees Celsius at the end of this century, global greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 need to be reduced by about 25% rela�ve to 2010 levels, and carbon neutrality needs to be achieved by 2070; if temperature rise is to not exceed 1.5 degrees Celsius, by 2030 global greenhouse gas emissions need to be reduced by about 45% rela�ve to 2010 levels, and carbon neutrality needs to be achieved by 2050. Facing the increasingly severe challenges of climate change, countries must promote sustainable development by con�nuously strengthening ac�ons to combat climate change and formulate long-term low-carbon growth strategies. The report of the 19th Na�onal Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to “speed up the development of an ecological civiliza�on system, and build a beau�ful China”. For China, this translates into promo�on of green and low-carbon development, establishing an economic system that includes green and low-carbon recycling, building a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system, and advoca�ng a green and low-carbon lifestyle. Good climate policy is the key to green and low-carbon development. It will play a key role in cul�va�ng new economic growth points, achieving China's carbon emissions peak around 2030, implemen�ng the 2030 UN Sustainable Development goals, building a beau�ful China, and fulfilling the Paris Agreement. iGDP tracks major countries’ INDCs as well as China’s sustainable development and green low-carbon energy transforma�on. It examines China’s poli�cal, technological, economic and social development op�ons and develops analy�cal tools needed to peak GHG emissions. iGDP is involved in both domes�c and interna�onal climate change coopera�on, voicing opinions on relevant topics such as climate change narra�ves and youth par�cipa�on, and promo�ng interdisciplinary exchanges and knowledge sharing. 6 / 2019 Annual Report Field Ac�vi�es "Total Carbon Emission Control Policy" Project “Policy Mapping” Project An expert consulta�on mee�ng �tled" Total Carbon Policy Mapping (www.cepm.igdp.cn) is an Emissions Control for the 14th Five-Year Plan Workshop" interac�ve pla�orm to track, synthesize and was held in Beijing on June 22, 2019. iGDP put forward compare low-carbon development policies and policy recommenda�ons that China should set binding ac�ons across regions and ci�es in China. By carbon emission control targets during the "14th Five-Year iden�fying key publicly available policies and Plan" period to ensure that the carbon emissions peak performance indicators on low-carbon promised in the Paris Agreement is achieved, and that the development, Policy Mapping promotes best Ministry of Ecology and Environment should accelerate prac�ces and learning by doing. iGDP officially integra�on into exis�ng emission control systems. This can released Policy Mapping at COP 22 in November lay the founda�on for the implementa�on of the na�onal 2016 in Marrakech. Two workshops were held in carbon market in the short term. In 2019, iGDP was March 2017 to gather user experience and commissioned by the World Bank to conduct a poli�cal solicit advice from users in relevant fields. and economic analysis to promote Shanxi Province’s Following that, iGDP added city pages in Policy formula�on of a more ambi�ous climate policy. Mapping’s first updated version in June 2017 and added province pages in its second updated "Sta�s�cal Analysis of China's Energy and version in October 2017. By the end of 2017, the first sta�s�cal update was done, and more Carbon Emissions Data" Project non-CO2 data was added. In 2018, Policy Tracking, evalua�ng and predic�ng the effec�veness of Mapping integrated more informa�on about China's carbon emission control cannot be achieved green finance into the data system and updated without systema�c, complete, �mely and effec�ve data relevant informa�on such as policies, support.
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