Plan of Management Broadwater National Park BROADWATER NATIONAL PARK PLAN OF MANAGEMENT NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service February 2012 This plan of management was adopted by the Minister for the Environment on 14 February 2012 Acknowledgments The NPWS acknowledges that this park is in the traditional country of the Bundjalung nation. This plan of management is based on a draft plan prepared by the staff of the Northern Rivers Region of the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS), part of the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, and Southern Cross University student intern Sarah Wain. FRONT COVER: Main photo: Salty Creek by Liz Dargin, NPWS. Smaller photos: Day use area and view from Broadwater Lookout, by Lisa Walker, NPWS. For additional information or any inquiries about this reserve or this plan of management, contact the NPWS Richmond River Area Office at Colonial Arcade, 75 Main Street, Alstonville, NSW, 2477 or by telephone on (02) 66 270200. Published by: Office of Environment and Heritage 59–61 Goulburn Street PO Box A290 Sydney South 1232 © Copyright State of NSW and the Office of Environment and Heritage: Use permitted with appropriate acknowledgment. ISBN 978 1 74293 552 2 OEH 2012/ 0197 Printed on recycled paper FOREWORD FOREWORD FOREWORD Broadwater National Park has an area of 4,290 hectares and is located approximately 35 kilometres south-east of Lismore on the north coast of New Ramornie National Park is located 40 kilometres west of Grafton on the NSW North South Wales. The park extends from near the village of Evans Head in the south, Coast.Currys It was Gap reserved State Conservationin 1999 and covers Area, Mount3,307 Mackenziehectares. The Nature park Reserve is in two and portions Doctors northwards towards the village of Broadwater and includes 9 kilometres of separatedNose byMountain Ramornie Nature State Forest.Reserve are located on the Northern Tablelands of New coastline. South Wales, south west of Tenterfield. Currys Gap State Conservation Area covers Ramorniean area National of 227 Park hectares, contains Mount 328 Mackenzie native plant Nature species, Reserve including is 141 two hectares vulnerable in size, Broadwater National Park is part of a system of coastal national parks which speciesand and Doctors eleven Nose species Mountain of Naturesignificance. Reserve There is 66 is hectares. a relatively high diversity of protect important conservation features typical of the north coast of New South eucalypt species with 16 species recorded. The gallery dry rainforest is considered part Wales, including plant communities such as wet and dry heathland, eucalypt forest of an Theendangered reserves ecological contain relatively community. undisturbed high elevation old growth open forest. In and woodland. The park supports more that 360 species of animals, including addition to a number of regionally uncommon flora species, an endangered species 48 threatened species, and is an important area for migratory shorebirds that feed The parkof mintbush is also wasparticularly recently significant rediscovered for inthe Mount conservation Mackenzie of Naturewoodland Reserve birds, after owls, 100 and/or roost on the sandy beaches, estuaries, lagoons and rock platforms during gliders,years bats of andbeing small thought mammals. extinct. TheThere reserves are 22 also threatened contain twofauna endangered species currently ecological their annual migrations. recordedcommunities, in the park, New with aEngland further fivePeppermint species predictedWoodland to occur.and White Box Yellow Box Blakely's Red Gum Woodland, and five threatened fauna species. Broadwater National Park also includes sites of spiritual significance and of The park also contains an Aboriginal site and a number of historic sites, including a tick contemporary importance to the local Aboriginal community. quarantineThe New fence, South the Walesstumps National of a former Parks tickand inspector’s Wildlife Act building 1974 requires and a stockman’sthat a plan of shelter.management be prepared for each nature reserve and state conservation area. A The New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 requires that a plan of draft plan of management for Currys Gap State Conservation Area, Mount management be prepared for each national park. A draft plan of management for The NewMackenzie South NatureWales ReserveNational andParks Doctors and WildlifeNose Mountain Act 1974 Nature requires Reserve that a was plan placed of Broadwater National Parkrd was placed on public thexhibition from 16 April to managementon public be exhibition prepared from for 3 each December national 2010 park. until A 14draft March plan 2011.of management The submissions for 19 July 2010. The submissions received were carefully considered before Ramorniereceived National were Parkcarefully was consideredplaced on publicbefore exhibition adopting fromthis plan. 15th May until 31st August adopting this plan. 2009. The submissions received were carefully considered before adopting this plan. The plan contains a number of actions to protect the natural values of the reserve, The plan contains a number of actions to achieve the NSW 2021 goal to protect The planincluding contains research a number into fireof actionsecology, to theprotect implementation the natural valuesof actions of the to reserve,assist the our natural environment, such as the implementation of strategies to assist the includingrecovery surveys of threatenedand research species for threatened and communities, animal species, and the the controlimplementation of introduced of recovery of threatened species, including for the pied oystercatcher; preparation of actionsplants to controland animals. erosion The and plan to also assist provides the recovery for low impactof threatened self-reliant species recreation and on a pest management plan for the park; and revision of the fire management endangeredmanagement ecological trails communities, in Mount Mackenzie and control Nature of introduced Reserve plants and and Currys animals. Gap TheState strategy for the park. The plan also provides for enhanced recreation opportunities plan alsoConservation provides forArea. continued vehicle-based touring, bushwalking, bush camping and by upgrading pedestrian access from the Broadwater Beach Day Use Area to the picnicking in the park. beach, and provision of interpretation signage at the Broadwater Lookout. This plan of management establishes the scheme of operations for Currys Gap State This planConservation of management Area, Mount establishes Mackenzie the scheme Nature ofReserve operations and forDoctors Ramornie Nose National Mountain This plan of management establishes the scheme of operations for Broadwater Park. NatureIn accordance Reserve. with In accordancesection 73B withof the section National 73B Parks of the and National Wildlife Parks Act 1974and ,Wildlife this National Park. In accordance with section 73B of the National Parks and Wildlife plan ofAct management 1974, this plan is hereby of management adopted. is hereby adopted. Act 1974, this plan of management is hereby adopted. Robyn Parker MP Robyn Parker MP MinisterMinister for for the the Environment Environment Minister for the Environment . Plan of Management – Broadwater National Park Park National Broadwater – Management of Plan Planning area Plan of Management – Broadwater National Park Park National Broadwater – Management of Plan d R Bee site in g Broadwater il K Features d l R r ll T Day Use Area i H s s n y in e B MAP: il r F Lookout R oa dw a te r v Be Powerline (on park) a ch Broadwater Beach BROADWATER NATIONAL PARK BROADWATER R MAP: d Walking track Broadwater see inset map l Access r l T l a NATIONAL PARK BROADWATER Per ntr Lookout r ch Ce T Trl Highway e n u r r Sealed road D e e d v v i i n Hwy i Unsealed road H R c i f i Unsealed road - on park d c d a R l r t P n T Management trail s o er e m C d r d h r A o c a i s h F R t h ea Broadwater NP l T r D r h T l c NPWS estate g a n e i Broadwater Headland inset (outside planning area) n B i d M a d e Woodburn l O H s n B 0 1 2 4 a ro v ad E w va Channel E at n B y er s n Kilometres t H t r l e l o o a B a d a o R e d S Sa g d g a w a a Regional location ch a L L t e T LISMORE B P r r owerline a Trl r CASINO v v STP o c BALLINA v v Ho v a k d u w s ns e a ate v s E R Waste Facility i h Rd Planning area v r er c R v a d e B EVANS HEAD W 4WD access v o e o B e c d e c r b r u e 1:5,000 o rn c o f h f r S r i t S i A t A ILUKA MACLEAN Evans Head 1:70,000 1:1,500,000 1. LOCATION, GAZETTAL AND REGIONAL CONTEXT Broadwater National Park (herein referred to as “the park”) was reserved in 1974 and is approximately 4,290 hectares in size. The park includes some nine kilometres of coastline, but does not include the intertidal zone below the mean high water mark. The park extends from near the village of Evans Head in the south, northwards towards the village of Broadwater. The park is adjacent to areas of sugar cane farming and rural residential subdivision. The park has a close biogeographical relationship with Bundjalung and Yuraygir National Parks and Iluka Nature Reserve. Together these areas make up a large, almost continuous strip of coastal land and an important conservation system, which preserves natural and cultural heritage values. The southern end of the park is accessible via the Evans Head Road, 11 kilometres from the Pacific Highway at Woodburn.
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