< T TOLUME LXYJU;, ^ SECTION 9 Proctor To Be Next Names Brawn ^BoaUtnan's Shop Senate President Children^ m^ State Sen. Haydn Proctor was For Jury Sertotee Opening Here Soon approved as next senate president at a caucus in the state house last Christmas Service week attended by Oov. Frank 8. Farley, State Republican Chairman Lloyd B. Marsh and the majority Six Panel* Of Eighty Each . To Be Operated By Jersey Marine Co. party legislators. More Than 75 To Sing For December Term Of Court On Property Bought From M. V. Brown Sunday At Methodist Church' The Monmouth County Jury com- ' "The Boatsman's Shop" is • the More than 76 pupils of Redfj rnisalon has released the names of name of/a new wtabltahmeht to be pubUo sohobl will partldpal 4S0 men and women who have been Scobeyvilk Farm Unique Features opened'about January 2 by Jersey Living Memorial Christmas carol service of 1 chosen for petit jury service dur- Marine company, Inc., on the prop- dren's choir of toe schools j ing the December term of court, erty at, Wharf avenue and Union' : Estate Of Major Will Usher In afternoon at 4 o'clock at the 1 which dpena' at Freehold Tuesday street, where a coal, feed arid grain Is Proposed By odlat church. Hiss Emma, ..and runs until mid-April. ..•'•• business was conducted for close to fetra, music supervisor of V Six. panel* of 80 persons each half a century. ' : Warren Drew Sold Holiday Season - Highlands Lions school system, is the .director I were drawn .by th« commission 'in The property, which has a front* Miss Abbie V. Strickland, art,*| the presence, of Judge J. Edward Walker & Tuidall age of 260 feet on Wharf avenue pervitor, aa accompanist. '* Knight The commissioners are Manager Drennan ' and -IBS on -Union street and com- iot Of All Who Helen Trimble, i ' Herman 1. Epstein,' Neptune City, Report Other Real prises; close to an acre, was pur- school pupil, will be and Sheriff Morris J. Woodring. Arranges Complete chased from Myron V. Brown of Served In World Former members of the choir; The first panel will serve from De- Estate SaleY Rentals River road, who has retired from will be ushers are Evelyn cember 18 to January 4> the «ec- LIEUT. LLOYD L. VACCABELLI Surprise At Hotel active business. The buildings, In- War From Borough Beverly Xing, Barbara ' ond from January 7 to January 25, cluding the office, coal sheds, ctore Emily Edward*, Martha MagWf the third from January 2$ to Febru- Sale of Major Warren Drew's 38- Lieut Lloyd L, VaccarelU, U. S. Several unique features are be- house and large steam heated gar- A living memorial to honor the Judy Porter. The program 1 ary 15, the fourth from February acre farm estate on' Woodland Naval Reserve, and FFC Anthony ing arranged to usher In the holi- age, have been completely renovat- servicemen and Women ta World M 1* to March 8, the fifth from March drive, Scobeyville, to Mr. and Mrs. VaccarelU, sons of Mr. and Mrs. day season at the Molly Pitcher ed. Polhemus and Coffin, archi- Wax- 2 from Highland*, was pro- Orvui PH1TII1>'JIVIH **MtNled< 11 to March29, and the sixth from David Cavell of. Woodslde, Long Is- John Vacareili of Maple avenue, tects for the company, have de- AbUe V. Strickland hotel, Riverside avenue, it was an- posed by James Kinlan at last Prottaelottal carol „„ ___. are reported In California awaiting signed a unique store* front : : ! April 1 to the end of the term. land, la reported among other real nounced last week by. James A. week's meeting of the Highlands Thert'a a Song ID ~ The complete list follows; estata tranaactlons by Walker & transportation to home and civilian Drennan, managing director. One The company will carry a com- .Invocation __.-. Bar. Boger I, \ life. Lions club at Cedar inn. ..A repre- Carol ; "Silent] p jf• them, he galdj will, no doubt, plete line of marine supplies, ma- sentative of the "Living Memorial c December If. 1M(, and End- Lieut VaccarelU, a graduate or Choir and Congregation '%H ins January 4, 1M4 Bank. ', ; come as a complete jurprtiei-and SEN. HAYDN PROCTOR.- Aaeogtatlon" wJU be favlted to pre- Carol „ "Awmy la i " the School of Dentistry of the .Med- ditlon to motor and sail boats, ma- . Xnrla V. HinlrUluon, Sottiburt Sd,. The farm, formerly owned by he predicted that the Idea should sent to the clul tfie bestiaeans Tmhoii Twp; Generlsm C. Stcklea. IO( Henry Folhemui, ha« been occu- ical College of Virginia at Rich- prove an, innovation for this area.. rine motors, outboard motors, sport- Sen. Proctor Is the present ma- o rtfti AT*., ATOn; BamutI Deaane. ttlO pied several year* by Major and mond, has been In the Southwest ing goods and many other items Initiating such a project Norwood-Are.dA , VtV—t LLe u BBranchh ;Tf Tfceoc - Most of the plane- for marking jority leader and the selection is in The'boys and girls committee of Carol . "The Krat L doro Parker, Jr., 4M JoHne An, Long Sin.' Drew. 'The home la situated Pacific for more than a year as an the Christmas and New Year boll- for Shrewsbury river water enthu- line with previous reports' from Choir and Congregation Breach; Kllaworth Aldea. Xadbon Are., back from the road beside a beau- officer in the Naval Dental Corps. days at the- hotel will be exterior siasts. The spacious buildings' -on the club reported that sponsorship' CAROLS BY We»t Deal; Karl H. Kruntr. CUrkeburg His brother, Anthony, has served .Trenton observers for he has been >f the newly-formed Highland* Ath- Bd., MllUton* Twp.j Cooc.tU IltMiro, tiful brook.' There la a guest cot- creations, although there will be the .premises will provide, excellent consistently steering much of the CHO1E ill Willow A»... Lone Branch; Anna tage on the property. One of the nearly 30 months in the same thea- display room for all sizes of boats. letio association juniors would make Them*: ioni_.."Vh« Can I Glte ] ter. • .. the' usual interior decorations as Republican legislation. As senate possible the ralaing of nufflcient Deenenworth. Aberdeeberdeen B4., JeatawanJnT features of the main residence If well. Mr. Drennan said: Sailing craft will.Include the well leader he has been given consider- "Now Ut Hearea and Earth OeorsO e V Jr.J , I -WesWt t TinTit BBUU funds to provide the necessary ath- ."•Twa» la the Moon, of Winter^ ... Q w a large knotty pine sunroom. Upon known .Skaneateles Comets and : JUjrports BoUrt Behler, SIS C ''What we have planned and able credit for the apparent'har- letic equipment A sum of |50 waa "AdoraUou" the completion of alterations the Lightnings, Pen Tan boats and Dy- mony in which/the party has been A CWnMe ChrUtma. Carol , Sprlaf Ui* Heiftt*.;. William H. Bavl. which will be In operation well In er Dinks,- which are »o- popular on added to the existing athletic «his On Chriateiaa JB>e aoa, 41 Teoneot An., BngHahtown; new owners will nfake It their res- RotariansTo advance of the holidays should working. .:,.'" .•••*•'• Tb. Cartet OUld'a Lullabr .Leoaaxd JUrlieo«, U second St, Xum- idence. Major.Drew wa* represent- Long Island sound in Frostbite funds of $100.. aons'IaaM BtehardiOB, 111 Atklnj Are.. prove extremely Interesting, and, sailing. Flans are already under Carol "O Coma. All Ie.ll Aesury Park; EUlen B. Laary, 1444 Gar- ed by E. Allaire Cornwell of the we feel sure,~wiU win-the approval In connection with fund raialna, . OongrfgiUon and Choir-' ran Are., Wanamaaaa; Florence Oiu ta- Hear Speaker way for Frostbite sailing on We the secretary reported $40- colleoled BentdlcUon-, BST. John A. : firm of Applegate, Stevens, Foater of the community. I believe it Shrewsbury rivers. The company Holy Gross Pupils, Orcaa soatlnda. "Chifartmu r ion, 1. Berg St., Long Branch; Lorralna 4 Reusitlte, and the buyer by How- will be the first time In the history for the purpose of providing equip- - Hlaa Abble Strickland O. Xnodek 12 Werdell Art., Bunion; ard S. Hlgglnson. will also distribute the modern ment nor the Boy Scouts of High- John B. Powell. IT Francla PL. Km- d S Hll From Chile of the Molly Pitcher that inch a plastic boats which have proved so Choir members are burr; Harry X. Corwin, Loeuet' Point A house on the north aide . of plan has been tried and we ate Rumson, To Give lands. Sweeting, Sandra Garland, • . 84, Loeiut; letter VanDtrveer. Anlena Newman Springs road, owned by successful during- the war. Ice Chief Howard Monohan reported lne Scalzo, Donald MacCloud, Jo Id.. Howfll IVp,; VloU M. BurkttU 2JB anxiously -awaiting the time to get boats will also be featured. Joline An., Long Branch; Cathtrlna Mrs. Alice Applegate F»rr, ' ha* Local Group To it into operation." that the Highlands Flnt Aid equad Cnrlatenaen, Margaret (OToolt, ei-A»burr An., Atlantic Eigb. been sold through the 'co-operation In addition to the retail store Christmas Playlet had procured a combination inhala- Charlea Stoll, Joyce Craw land* I CourUandt & Parker, Bkutom of the Frank B. Lawea agency to Have Christmas ' Materials for two- of the out- business, the company will act as tor aad reaplrator as part of the dence' Stone., Miriam Dav , Co»e BJ.. Mlddletown' Twp.;, Lydla Robert Dyke, who plans to occupy door holiday features planned- for Hindle, Jacqueline Bundy, , Snrder, >t Waackaaek Art, Keanaburg; distributors for numerous boat and emergency equipment which ls-ea- the house after some alterations the hotel have already arrived. marine supply companies and one 'The Quest" to Be pable of providing artificial respir- OetUs, Peter Hoffman, Frank 1 Mae S.
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