Harlandale ISD Regular Meeting Monday, July 20, 2020 6:15 PM Central Office, 102 Genevieve, San Antonio, TX 78214 via video conferencing Effective March 16, 2020 Governor Gregg Abbott authorized the temporary suspension of some of the statutory provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Law This Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Harlandale Independent School District is being held pursuant to this authorization and will limit the face-to-face meetings to slow the spread of the Corona Virus (COVID-19). See attached Open Meeting Laws Subject to Temporary Suspension. Agenda of Regular Meeting The Board of Trustees Harlandale Independent School District A Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Harlandale Independent School District will be held Monday, July 20, 2020, beginning at 6:15 PM, Central Office, 102 Genevieve, San Antonio, TX 78214 via video conferencing. This board meeting will be held via Zoom. Members of the public may access this meeting by the free of charge video conference link by logging into the following Zoom website https://zoom.us/j/3770069569 Password: HISD no more than 15 minutes before the meeting. Additionally, the District will provide a live stream of the meeting via YouTube. That link address will be posted on the front page of the Harlandale ISD website www.Harlandale.net the day of the meeting. A recording of the meeting will be made available to the public within 5 business days at the Harlandale ISD website www.Harlandale.net under the SCHOOL BOARD/Board Meeting Videos page. An electronic copy of the agenda packet may be accessed at the Harlandale ISD website under the SCHOOL BOARD/BoardBook page prior to the meeting. The Board may go into Closed Session on any agenda item, if permitted under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. In such event, the Board President will announce the applicable Government Code Section prior to the Board going into Closed Session. 1. Meeting called to order A. Roll call and recording of Board Members present B. Declaration of quorum present. C. Recording of Superintendent and staff members present. 2. Public Comment –Members of the Public may email: [email protected] to register to speak by providing name, phone number, and the item, if any, which they wish to speak. Registration shall be sent by 5:00 p.m. July 20, 2020. The meeting shall begin at 6:15 p.m. After the meeting begins, each registrant will be invited to speak. Each person must be available to speak when asked or will lose their opportunity to address the Board. Three- minute maximum per speaker. Citizens are offered an opportunity to address the Board without prior approval. The Board President will have the discretion to reduce the time allotment and limit the total number of speakers in order to ensure that the meeting is orderly and managed within technological capabilities. The topics addressed shall be limited to those specifically included on the board’s agenda and/or district related. The Board will not comment or engage in discussion. Presentations shall be informative only - no Board 1 July 20, 2020 action will be taken. Presentations shall not include statements which may be considered defamatory, inflammatory, and/or threatening, against a person or the District; and speakers shall not mention student names unless naming your own child, nor address a complaint against a District employee or officer. Such complaints will be handled through the guidelines set out in District Policy. At all other times, members of the public shall not enter into any discussion or debate on matters being considered by the Board. The Board shall not tolerate disruption of the meeting by members of the audience. If, after at least one warning from the presiding officer, any individual continues to disrupt the meeting by his or her words or actions, the presiding officer may request assistance from law enforcement officials to have the individual removed from the meeting. 3. Annoucements A. Retirement Ceremony Video 4. The Board will be reorganized for the 2020-2021 school year. 5. Information and Discussion Items A. Instructional Continuity: Back to School Plan Presentation B. Meal Distribution Update 6 6. Consent A. Approve the June 15, 24, 2020 board meeting minutes. 7 B. Approve the renewal of the MOUs/Contracts/Agreements for the 2020-2021 school year 11 for the following agencies/vendors: Ellevation (in the amount of $24,692.25 out of Local funds) Imagine Learning (ESL) (in the amount of $60,000 from Federal funds) C. Approve the Advanced Classes for “No Pass, No Play” for the 2020-2021 school year. 12 D. Approve the Waiver of the Instructional Materials Inventory Requirement due to 14 COVID19. E. Approve the Student Code of Conduct for the 2020-2021 school year. 15 F. Report gift(s) accepted on behalf of the Board per policy CDC (Local) for a total value of 52 $10,820. G. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the budget amendments to the General 54 Fund, and the General Fund’s sub-fund of Donations for the 2020-21 fiscal year in various amounts. H. Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve the memorandum of 57 understanding for recovery support services with Jewish Family Services as budgeted from Title IV grant funds in the amount of $134,700. I. Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award RFP 200004 for McCollum 58 High School band uniforms as budgeted in the General Fund in the amount of $247,770. J. Consider and take appropriate action on the request to continue a service agreement with 59 National Roofing Partners (NRP) for roof consulting, roof assessments, site inspections, and project oversight of District roofing repairs and/or replacements through Omnia Partners purchasing cooperative (Contract # R180901) as provided for in the Settlement Fund in the amount of $80,000. 2 July 20, 2020 K. Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve the purchase and 60 installation of playground equipment and canopy for Bellaire Elementary School through BuyBoard contract #592-19 and the estimated appropriation of $114,000 from the General Fund fund balance. L. Approve the 2020-2021 T-TESS Appraisal Calendar for the Texas Teacher Evaluation 61 and Support System. M. Approve the Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) Appraisers for the 2020- 64 2021 school year. N. Approve the authorized signatories for service records and correspondence with the Texas 65 Education Agency for the 2020-2021 school year. O. The Board will be asked to consider and take possible action to delegate the authority to 66 the superintendent to issue School District Teaching Permits for non certified individuals being considered for positions in Noncore Academic Career and Technical Education courses in accordance with district policy DBA (Legal). 7. Individual Items A. Discussion and possible action regarding approval of letter from the Harlandale ISD 68 Board of Trustees to the Governor of Texas concerning opening of the 2020-2021 school year and COVID 19. B. The Board will be asked to consider and take possible action to rescind the designation of Harlandale ISD as a year-round system due to the rising numbers of COVID-19. C. The Board will be asked to approve a new start date for 2020-201 school year based on rescinding Harlandale ISD as a year round system designation. D. The Board will be asked to consider and take possible action to approve and adopt TASB 70 Policy BBE (Local) for first reading and action with waiver for second reading. 8. Convene in Closed Session as authorized by the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Sections 551.071 through 551.084. A. Discuss and take possible action on the recommended regular personnel report. (TGC 551.074). B. Consultation with attorney regarding status and legal issues pertaining to Jasmine Engineering vs Harlandale Independent School District, Cause No. 2018-CI-02459, In the District Court 407th Judicial District, Bexar County, Texas. (TGC 551.071) C. Deliberation regarding the mid-year review/evaluation of the Superintendent. (TGC 551.074) D. Consultation with attorney regarding the mid-year review/evaluation of the Superintendent. (TGC 551.071) 9. Convene in Open Session and take appropriate action on items discussed in Closed Session. 10. Adjourn 3 July 20, 2020 The notice for this meeting was posted on July 17, 2020 in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act as amended by Governor Gregg Abbott on March 16, 2020. ____________________________ Gerardo Soto Superintendent of Schools 4 July 20, 2020 HARLANDALE ISD CHILD NUTRITION MEALS DISTRIBUTION DURING COVID 19 SCHOOL CLOSURE AEJOTUXY 1 SUMMARY OF MEALS SERVED BY SITE 2 Week 16 TOTALS FOR TOTALS FOR TOTALS FOR TOTALS FOR June 29‐ TOTALS FOR TOTAL BREAKFAST 3 BREAKFAST MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE July 3 JULY SERVED 4 HMS 1,258 1,350 1,941 1,132 245 245 5,926 5 TWMS 1,941 3,878 4,157 1,927 ‐ ‐ 11,903 6 LMS 1,345 3,383 4,317 2,752 731 731 12,528 7 KMS 1,367 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,367 8 Adams ‐ 2,185 2,487 2,170 550 550 7,392 9 C.Bell ‐ 1,683 2,026 1,916 403 403 6,028 10 Bellaire ‐ 2,733 2,013 1,317 397 397 6,460 11 Col. Hts ‐ 1,554 1,672 1,073 320 320 4,619 Central Office / 12 Scheh Center ‐ 776 870 708 155 155 2,509 13 Gillette ‐ 3,653 3,544 2,068 ‐ ‐ 9,265 14 Gilbert ‐ 4,034 4,316 3,088 703 703 12,141 15 Morrill ‐ 2,171 2,335 1,652 341 341 6,499 16 Schulze ‐ 2,989 2,705 1,766 369 369 7,829 17 Rayburn ‐ 1,886 1,974 1,304 383 383 5,547 18 St.
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