THE 279 N Medina St, Suite 150, Loretto, MN 55357 OF Volume XLVII VOICE ZION Number 12 December 2020 Children here in grace abiding, banish sadness and your tears. We have reason to be joyful; precious is our fortune here. SHZ 50 Christmas Read Christmas greetings on pages 6–9. PHOTO: ANNE SERVIN EDITORIAL How Has This Year’s Journey Gone? +LWKHUWRKDWKWKH/RUGKHOSHGXV²6DP The Joy of Christmas ANOTHER YEAR IS PASSING. In a sense, the turn of the year is no more momentous than any other moment in time; time always ticks its course forward and on. Yet the new year, the increase by one numeral at the end of four digits Keith Moll The shepherds received the joyous feels like a change, the end of something old, the start of something new. We take message that God’s promised Savior had stock of the year that is ending. A look back can help inspire hopes, goals and There were in the same country shepherds been born upon the earth. They would dreams for what is to come. Meanwhile, we ask ourselves, how has this year’s DELGLQJLQWKHÀHOGNHHSLQJZDWFKRYHU ÀQGWKHEDE\-HVXVLQDPDQJHU+HDYHQ journey gone? WKHLUÁRFNE\QLJKW$QGORWKHDQJHORI and earth rejoiced! Multitudes of angels We know God has already assigned each of us a number of days, a number of WKH/RUGFDPHXSRQWKHPDQGWKHJORU\ joined in giving praise to God. What a years here on this earth. Each day is one day less to live, each year brings us a year RIWKH/RUGVKRQHURXQGDERXWWKHPDQG wonderful sight it must have been for the closer to the end of our life. In this perspective, and especially as the number of WKH\ZHUHVRUHDIUDLG$QGWKHDQJHOVDLG shepherds to witness! days and years spent here accrue, these days and years feel like a gift. We can XQWRWKHP)HDUQRWIRUEHKROG,EULQJ pause to thank God for all that has passed, all we have experienced, and especially \RXJRRGWLGLQJVRIJUHDWMR\ZKLFKVKDOO Tidings of Joy to All People IRU+LVJUDFHZKLFKVXIÀFHV\HDUWR\HDU*RGLVWKHVRXUFHRIWKHVWUHQJWKWKDW EHWRDOOSHRSOH)RUXQWR\RXLVERUQWKLV God shows His grace to the lowly and again this year carried us to each new dawn. GD\LQWKHFLW\RI'DYLGD6DYLRXUZKLFK humble. God can reveal to an unbelieving The year 2020 has been exceptional. When it began, we couldn’t know what LV&KULVWWKH/RUG$QGWKLVVKDOOEHDVLJQ person through the Ten Commandments was in store for us. A global pandemic overtook us in the spring and brought XQWR\RX<HVKDOOÀQGWKHEDEHZUDSSHG the condition of sin he or she is in. God many changes to how we study, work, live and even worship. Many areas of the LQVZDGGOLQJFORWKHVO\LQJLQDPDQJHU also awakens and calls people through the country experienced stay-at-home orders, and our houses of worship were closed $QGVXGGHQO\WKHUHZDVZLWKWKHDQJHOD events of their lives. A troubled and for a period of time. Instead of gathering with other children of God, we stayed in PXOWLWXGHRIWKHKHDYHQO\KRVWSUDLVLQJ seeking heart is not left in this hopeless the midst of the congregation in our home to gather around God’s living Word. *RGDQGVD\LQJ*ORU\WR*RGLQWKH condition. When Jesus was in the temple, The big, festive gatherings at special services were changed to online broadcasts. KLJKHVWDQGRQHDUWKSHDFHJRRGZLOO the words from Isaiah were read. “The Sunday schools and Bible classes happened via online meeting platforms or in WRZDUGPHQ Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he video format. Social gatherings and travel were limited as well. /XNH² hath anointed me to preach the gospel to As we ponder the meaning of all this, we can also ask ourselves: how did I the poor; he hath sent me to heal the receive this new situation God set before me? In the face of continuing restrictions n the familiar Christmas brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to and continuing illness, we must rely on God’s guidance and pray to God for gospel text, we hear how the captives, and recovering of sight to the patience and acceptance. We especially ask God for the gift of healing and health shepherds were sent a blind, to set at liberty them that are WRWKRVHZKRKDYHIDOOHQLOOWRWKHFRURQDYLUXVRURWKHUDIÁLFWLRQV wonderful message of bruised” (Luke 4:18, referring to Isa. 61:1). This year was also an election year, one in which United States’ citizens elected I the birth of Jesus. Jesus reminded listeners that these words a president. The year, on this score, was not without strong opinions or harsh Shepherds were workers whose job was ZHUHIXOÀOOHGZLWK+LVFRPLQJ judgments as well as discussions about race, equality and justice. We are thankful not of high social status. They watched *RGOHDGVDVHHNLQJRQHWRÀQG+LV for our government, our laws and our constitution, which are gifts from God. We RYHUWKHLUÁRFNVGD\DQGQLJKW6KHHS kingdom here on earth. In His kingdom, especially send a prayer of thanks to God for the right to exercise our religion. can be dirty and smelly, skittish and the good tidings of great joy is pro- We acknowledge that our leaders are set in their positions according to God’s fearful animals. They need a shepherd to claimed. God’s grace is offered to penitent will and they deserve our respect. We wish our next president God’s blessings and care for them. Competent shepherds calm sinners. When the message is believed and success in leading our nation. We ask God to grant every country’s leaders and all WKHLUÁRFNVOHDGWKHPWRIRRGDQG faith is born, one becomes a child of God. of us the peace to do the tasks God sets before us. We pray God blesses our protect them from dangers. Sheep hear nations’ people and awakens in each heart the desire to seek peace in daily life the voice of their shepherd and they Greater than Any Joy on Earth and peace of conscience. follow it. Praises rose to God when Jesus was born Christmas is called the season of giving. God is the richest Giver, and on us He Scriptures compare God’s children to WKDWÀUVW&KULVWPDVQLJKW+HZDVWKH bestows His rich grace. We should pause to consider how we have used God’s sheep and identify Jesus as the Good SHUIHFWVDFULÀFLDOODPEWKDW*RGKDG grace gifts. Each of us individually must ponder, how have I borne my cross, my Shepherd. Jesus says, “I am the good promised. In Him, God had prepared the burdens? Have I faced what life places before me with acceptance and acknowl- shepherd, and know my sheep, and am way of salvation for all humankind. To the edgement of God’s providence? How have I treated my neighbor? Have I showed known of mine” (John 10:14). In the Old poor and weak, forgiveness of sins is compassion? Have I been a vessel of God’s love and grace? Testament, Isaiah speaks of the good proclaimed. The blood Jesus shed as a In taking stock of this past year, in light of these questions I pose to myself, I VKHSKHUG´+HVKDOOIHHGKLVÁRFNOLNHD VDFULÀFLDO/DPEFOHDQVHVDOOVLQ$SHUVRQ ÀQGP\VHOIZRHIXOO\ODFNLQJ,KDYHIDLOHGRQDOOWKRVHFRXQWV:HUHLWQRWIRUWKH shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with who has received forgiveness and is freed JUDFHWKDWVXIÀFHVIRUHDFKRIXVDQGIRUHYHU\GD\RIWKH\HDU,ZRXOGKDYHKDG his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and from the burden of sin has hope of eternal to admit defeat in the face of all that is asked of me. I have not carried my trials shall gently lead those that are with joy in heaven. This is the greatest peace with gladness, but with sighs and anger and self-pity. I can only thank God for young” (Isa. 40:11). It was thus suitable and joy a person can own. His saving grace that, to this moment, has sustained me. that the joyful message of Jesus’ birth was When the humble shepherds received Advent and Christmas are a good preface to the new year. Advent is a time of ÀUVWJLYHQWRORZO\VKHSKHUGV the message of Christ’s birth, with joy waiting, and the message of Christmas is that we can always have a fresh start. WKH\ZHQWWRVHHN+LP7KDWÀUVW No matter what kind of year we’ve had, we can gladly observe the birth of this The Glory of the Lord Christmas was celebrated with praise innocent baby, the one who was born for us and died for us. Again we are When the angel came before the shep- and rejoicing. By believing the same reminded that the words of love from the manger and words of grace from the herds, the glory of the Lord shone message, we too may receive the Christ FURVVDUHRXUVWRRZQ0D\ZHEHJLYHQZRUGVLQWKHQHZ\HDUDV*RGVHHVÀWWR brightly. The shepherds were afraid! In Child into our hearts this Christmas share of this great gift with our neighbors who seek peace. the presence of the angel, before God’s season and every day beyond. The child As Christmas approaches, and an old year passes, we thank our heavenly Father glory, they felt their smallness, as Paul of God endeavors to put sin away and for His gifts of mercy and love, for the goodness and blessings that, exceptional writes to the Romans: “For all have believe sins forgiven in the name and WLPHVQRWZLWKVWDQGLQJGRVXIÀFHIURPGD\WRGD\ sinned, and come short of the glory of blood of Jesus. In this way we own the God” (3:23). The angel encouraged the joy of Christmas, and we can rejoice and On behalf of the LLC Communications staff, I wish you a peaceful Christmas shepherds, “Fear not: for, behold, I bring praise God. and a wonderful, blessed 2021. you good tidings of great joy, which shall May your Christmas be joyful and Matthew Keranen be to all people.” blessed! ) PAGE 2 | DECEMBER 2020 THE VOICE OF ZION VZ/12 Page 10 Christmases Past and Present Insert ROUND THE TABLE: Where do we live? (between pages 10 & 11) PHOTO: ANNE SERVIN News and Notes from LLC Page 18 Eric Jurmu presented topic was united and one- • Watch also for announcements regarding Christmas minded.
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