Btspatrb Sl>fjRTING SECT ~jj THF TIMES FOLWDBD IS88 T1IE DISPATCH POU.VBBD 1830 WHOLE NUMBER 17,781 RICHMOND, VAM SUXEAY, DECEMBER 22, 1907. PRICE FIVE CENTS ALWIRICA TEAM PLAYERS WHO FIGURE IN GREAT BASEBALL DEAL DEEP RUN HOIirS" CHOSEN BY CRIT1CS I The Consensus of Expert Large and Well-Mounted Judgment Fairly Well Field Foilow Hounds Fixes thc _election. Over the Course. SOUTH AND WEST HUNT FOLLOWED \\l NOT INCLUDED BY A RECEPTION Y.ile Gcts Three Members bf the Members and Friends of the Club Greatest Eieyen, and Princeton, and a Number of Guests En- Penn ivlv.inii anu Harvard joy the Social Feature. Two Each . As to Those Riding and South and in Receivhig West. Party.' The New York Telegram prlnta Iho The next to the last meet of tho. se|r(;tlons of sc-venteen new.spapu|>.o_»_ Deep Run Hunt Club for l-OT. had yes.J football expertK' ln New York.' Phllaf-1 terday at the Soldiers' Home, brought delphla, Bo.«tr.in. Washlngton and Pltts- out one of the largest flelds that haa Iv.jrg ot the- all-Amerlcan football elev¬ followed the hounds durlng the entlra well- en, and the-n complles a tablo showing season, lf not the largest Many how many of tho Bevcral persons choos- known' huntsmen, mounted on some'ot Ing eclect the same mon for the same the best hunters In Virglnla, enjoyed posltlons, prlntlng the result In tabu- a delightfully exhllaratlng run for iMcd form. Taklng the pesults at- nearly an hour, bringlng up at the ti;lned in thls way, and selectlng thc clubhouse, where the usual reception RICHMOND AKD NE.V was had. Most of tho riders were ln a'.l-Amerlcan team according to the ronseusus of expert JudgmenL," The pink, and the field presented a pretty- Tlmes-Dlspateh flgures out the follow¬ spectacle on the rup. The course la-r. lng result: OUTLAW LEAGUE IN CLOSE FINISr! from the Home, through Sunnysl'de,. Left end.WIster, of Prlnceton. thence lnto and through the Wllltama- Left tackle.Draper, of Pennsylvanla. property, through Patterson's .to Chan-' Left guard.Thompson. of Cornell. Promoter AI Lawson Quoted as Favorite in Derby Handicaj tllly. and through Johnston's to th* Centre.Grant. of Harvard. Saying This City Is Anxious Beats Outsider by Scarce clubhouse. The golng was unusually. Right guard.Zc-lgler, of Pennsyl¬ to good. and the braclng temperature add-. vanla. Join. a Neck. ed zest to the sport. Right tackle."Blgelow. of Yale. The run was without mlshap. save Right end.Dague. of Annapolis. NOTHING KNOWN HERE OF IT DAINTY BELLE ALSO WIN! one, and that a slight one. Mr. Gath- Quartorback."Tad" Jones, of Yale. rlght coming a cropper durlng the run' Left haltback.Harlan. of Prlnceton. New Union Have \FIVE OF NEW YORK CIANTS HAVE through Johnston's. Ho reraounte&: Right halfba.k.WeniTell, of Harvard. League VViU r'| Odds-On Favorite Wins fron and resumed. tlnlshmg wlth the rest Fullback.Coy, of Yale. Clubs in Leading-Baseball BEEN TRADED FOR THREE BOSTONIANS Mortiboy at Odds of the field. Long by At the clubhouse the foi-- Thls result gives Yale three; Prlnco¬ Cities of East.- One of tho greatest baseball deais player can shlne fn a tail-end ..ggr.;- regarded as one of the most reliabli reception But a Head. constltuted the ton, Pennsylvanla and Harvard two gatlpn. Tenney. even under such ad- backstops In the business. Shortstop kiwlng recelving partyr ever perfected was that recently an¬ Mr. and Mrs. Fred XV. Scott, Mr. and; e:.ch, and Cornell and Annapolis o_.» The verse corJitlons, nas made a great Oahlen waa an Anson flnd. aml played followlng story. publlshed ln nounced, whereby Manager John Mir- NEW LA., Decembor 21.- Mrs. William H. Mr. and Mrs. each of thc best all-Amerlca se!»;ctlon. the Record of reputatlon. and lt ls conceded that he ln Chlcago for teveral years beforo ORLEANS, White. Phlladelphla yesterday. of the New York iTKe prellmlnary Derby at th I. N. Mr. aud Mrs. J. SteCormlck. of Princeton. ls chosen for relative to the of Rlch- Graw, National wlll add greatly to the Mtrength of New York secured hlm, He Is a veteran handlcap Vaughan, Scott. probability Falr Grounds to-day waa won by Ar fullback by seven and Coy, of Yale, by mond becomlng a member of the League baseball team, exchanged tho Giants. These three man. together at short fleld. and ls regarded as n Parrlsh. Mrs. J. B. Mosby, Mrs. Mc-; pro- gelus by a neck. Dalnty Belle. I but is posed Unlon League of Baseball Clubs. Catcher Dahlen. new tlv: tlnlshed ball and a master ol Cllvra, Mrs. Dannenhower. the Mlssei" mne. Coy also chosen for left Bowerman, Shortstop wlth the materlal slgned by player the flfth race. produced an excltln an outlaw now * ihe Dan McGann ln the1 Moore, Martin, Rutherfoord and Wood- halfback by one and for right half- organlzatlon. belng- Outflelder Browne .and Flrst Baseman Glant's managemenf. are expected to game. played finlsh, ln whlch she mantgad to gi formed. Ia news" to tho baseball fra- ward. a l_ck by fonr. maklng a total of four- McGann for Flrst Baseman Tenney, put the New York aggregatlon back old Vlrglnia League ten or twelve1 the declslon by a head MortJ* Among the guests were nuuv" ternlty In thls from teen hlm to seven for McCor- cltyJ Catcher Newdharo and Inflelder Brid- In the category of penhant asplrants years ago, bui was discovered. an<! boy. Weather cloudy. Track heav; ber of members of tho Yale L'nlvprylty- selectlng "The Atlantlc wlll hold a League well, of the Boston Nationals. Tho and to enable the Giants to give th.j has proved hioiself one of the- moit: First race.flve furlongs, Olee Club. Messrs. George roick. WIster and- Dague castly lead meetlng at the Franklln House, Easton. .selling- Mayo,. deal was of Mc- Cubs a hard squeeze for __» first-sackcrs in the hlg league Dick Rose (40 to 1) flrst, Tea Leaf < Charles Shield, Tom Mason, and others,, the ends, wlth Alcott and Exendlne on January 7th. and Al Lawson. the or- pulled by Manager Chicago njliable Graw and hls old fellow-Orlole Joo ban ner. clrcult. Browne Is a fast and brilliant: 1 to 1) second, Salnea (12 to .') -thln lu additlon' to those followlng the: ee-cond. A good second team. whlch ganlzer of the ne Unlon League, says .1:08 3-5. Kelley. recently selecte-d as and hls Hub .in man ln the outfleld. ls one of the fast- Tlme, hounds. we.uld give the flrst team a hard battle, Ihe wlll attend and help them to round -nanager Kelley aggregatlon, Second of the Boston have been bv c-st and cleverent base-runners of thi race.flve furlongs. selllng- Those to hounds and thelr" mlght be made up thuB: ! out thelr clrcult. Accordlng to Law- Nationals, who have thelr part, strengthened Seiir (8 to-5) first, Boundlng ridlng son, the Atlantlc next been In a bad for several a of men who wlll National League. and ls a 'sclenttfk||La El mounts were as follows: Left end.Alcott, of Yale: left tackle League year slump year-s. stcurlng ejulntette (25 to 1) second, Pat Orenus (30 to 1 may not be an outlaw. He says that McGraw also gave Pltcher without doubt thelr utmost to natter, who for years led the battlug J. S_ on Laburnum; .O'Rourke. of Cornell; left guard. Ferguson play thlrd. Tlme. 1:08 2-5. George Bryan. some of the members favored pro- as good measure. In other words. '10 den.onstrate that they are stlll star.*, order of the winnlng Gtants. Thlrd race.six furlongs.Coltne* W. Ormond Young, on Red .Hussar.; F.rwln, of West Polnt; centre.Phllllps, tectlon last and as these mem- year, traded flve men for three, and though and especlally to make McGraw regrt-t Fred Tenney ls also an ex-colleglan. (4 to 1) flrst, Bertha E (9 to 2) se< James W. Graves, on Klngsman; Ml-sa of Prlnceton. or Sllngluff. of Annapo- bers wlll now be the rullng splrlts In the men who leave the Giants are hls trade. Without exce-ptlon th«j men havlng played wlth Brown Univeralty ond, Ralbert (S to 1) third. Tlme, iFannle Crenshaw, on Doswell; Dr. 1_ JiK right tuard.Burr, of Harvard. or the league. lt Is qulte llkely that thn among the world champlon team of a sro all pleased-wlth the transfer t> where he flrst attracted attention. Evet 1:12 3-5. ; Bryan, bn _lriU3; Graffenreld Hpb- Erwln. of West Polnt; right end.Ex¬ organlzatlon wlll come in under the Fourth race.the IC. natlonal agreement. few years ago, they are all advanclng- Boston, provided only satlsfactory sal¬ slnce hls advent ln the professlonal Prellmlnary Derb;>" aon. on Lady Viyian; J. L Gathrlgliti' endlne, of Carllsle. quarterback.Dll- hl3 abill- seven ( "When what towns would ln age. and have probably done their ary terms are agreod to, and of thls ranks ho has demonstrated handlcap, furlongs.Angelus on a colt; A. H. on asked bo MUs Delila to aecon* Christian; Sunllght-.; le.n, of Prlnceton; left half.Hollen- to the best work. there Is llttio doiibt. Admirers of the tles. Catcher Needham has demon¬ to 2) flrst. (8 1) llkely make up Atlantlc League to thlrd. Mra- A. H.' Christian, on Florodora; Bi t.ack. of Pennsylvanla: right half. Lawson .Wlth the the Idea strated his as a backstop b> Bandldge (12 1) Tlm clrcult next year, sald: ."A exoeptlon of Tenney, a ex-Glant qulntette rldlcule abillty 1:212-5.
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