Mabel R. Gillis; 'Librarian California Stqte Library Brewster, Logan Selected Sigil Pie Atte ea. eVic.rataento 9, California #2 As Outstanding Students Sparta OTHER SPARTANS RECEIVE FULL LEASED WIRE SERVI F<,,,totUNITPIcess EV2411' Entered as second class matter in th San Jose Post Office. Th lob* Printing Co 50 Jos*, Calif. RECOGNITION AWARDS Volume XXXVI SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, MONDAY,-31:3XL,......... Number 15'2 Barbara "Jeff" Brewster and Dean of Women Helen Dirrunick Bill Logan, juniors, yesterday were is permanent advisor of the group. awarded the Jules Bozzl award for the outstanding students of the KEYS AWARDED MISS BULL year at San Jose State college. Dean of Men Paul M. Pitman New Officers Experience Tom Wall, ASB president-elect made the presentation of the Stu- and chairman of the Recognition dent Council keys and Elected to SOLO1ST Assembly, made the presentations Office certificates to outgoing IS in the absence of Jules Bozzi who members of the Council. Student First Council Meet Today usually is on hand to personally Court keys and certificates were AT CONCERT make the awards. also made by Lc. Leo P. Kebby. Ushering in its term of office Carolyn Bull, soloist on tomor- Brewster and Logan received Student Council members: Em- amid the usually austere political row evening's Symphony considerable applause from the au- erson Arends, Patricia Polk, Char- in the procedures of a Student Council Morris Dailey auditorium, will per- dience of students and faculty lotte Harder, Bob Hines, Hal Rid- AWS To Honor Girls meeting, the newly-elected Associ- Gershwin's members as Wall gave them each dle, Margie McLean, Mein& Hall, form George Concerto ated Student Body officers gather Orchestra. a $50 check. Beverly Clay, Doug Morrison, Bob in F for Piano and at the Student Union today at 4:30 The junior music major empha- At Dinner Tonight p.m. Dr. James C. DeVoas made the Cronerniller, Pat Walsh, Dale La- sizes that Gershwin's composition, Tom presentations undergra- Mar, Phil Bray, Bob Madsen and Outstanding women students of Wall, who became ASH to the 20 unlike more complicated concertos, duate students Roy DeSoto. SJSC, Spartan Spears, Black Mas- president officially on Friday, will who were eligible appeals to the average listener. to receive the scholastic awards. que, women Student Council mem- address the Council, making defi- Student Court members: John "It's difficulty is not technical but bers and the A.W.S. cabinet will nite job assignments to each or his Ten of the undergraduates are Pope, Jocelyn Capp, Melita Hall, rhythmic," says Miss Bull. "In be honored tonight at a recogni- 12 attending members. Ii veterans of World War II. Six stu- Abner Fritz, Bob Johnson, William spite of the idioms of jazz in the tion dinner to be given by the dents who have maintained a 3.0 INCLUDES Logan, Dick Morton, Dick Brown, rhythm the piece is a concerto A.W.S. at the Hotel De Ansa, an- GOVERNORS average for the last three quar- Winifred Helm, Frank Hearne and and follows concerto form." nounces Dot Moody, A.W.S. presi- This Council, with membership ters, excluding Summer Session, Harold Seyforth. Glenn Stewart The melodies are individual and dent. altered slightly by the revised con- and completed at least 12 quarter was also given an Elected to Of- unusual throughout. stitution, will include 15 governors enter- units for each quarter are: Wilbur fice certificate. Altogether, M/ws Bull describes Dinner arrangements and when the two freslunan represent- planned by ativesrepresent- Ashworth, Vincent Costanza, Elea- GershwIn's Concerto as "exciting." tainment are being ativeshave been added to the ad- who ex- nor Fleming, Christina Fucile, Tomorrow night's performance Chairman Marilyn Zeller, ministrating body. Annual departmental awards, attend. Mrs. Thomas Mercer and Jack Nixon. will be the pianist's first solo per- pects 100 guests to Executives of the 1948-49 group Meritorious Service awards, and A.W. formance; she Ms played accom- fzetta Pritchard, advisor of are Wall, Vice-President Bob HIGH AVERAGE names of women students se- Dr. Irene paniments and its ensemble groups. S., Miss Helen Dimmick, Cronemiller, Tr ea sur e r Bruce Other students who received lected for Spartan Spears, wom- Palmer Miss Bull spent her first two Palmer and Miss Margaret Craig, Recording Secretary Dolor- awards, having a grade point aver- en's sophomore honorary service to Miss college years at College of the will be present, according es Arnold, and Corresponding Sec- age of between 2.97 and 2.84, are: organization, will be published Pacific. She is a San Josean. Moody. retary Jane Potter. Denise Sheahan, Fred La Fon, Ad- In tomorrow's edition of the Women students to be feted are The representatives were elected olph Crossfield, Floyd Riddle, Alvis Spartan Daily. Rhoda Anderson, Dolores Arnold, by individual class groups early Campbell, Charles Lobel, Ronald Shirley Anthony, Jeff Brewster, in May. Pat Walsh and Bill Svvas- Vlastelica, Floyd Buchholz, Digh- Class officers receiving Elected Jean Ellen Berry, Georgia Bullock, ey are from the senior class, Shir- ton Rowan, Kenneth Manchester, Judges To Consider to Office awards were: Senior Pat Bodwell, Adele Bertolotte, ley Tallman and Ann Guenther are Ronald Staley, Berneice Edwards, class: George Genevro, Sal Milian, Nancy Buckingham, Adeline Clark, junior class spokesmen, and Bob Leola Murphy and Richard Amick. Barbara Sheets, Bill Ellsworth, Photo Entries Today Sally Carmack, Jeanne Collins, Madsen and Ron LaMar will rep- BLACK MASQUE Bill McFarland, Ethyl Dodge, and Judges of the Spartan Daily Barbara Cabbage, Joyce Call, Bev- resent the sophomores. Adele Bertoletti. Junior class: Tom George Stone, Les- erly Clay, Ann Corwin, Joycelyn The most exciting part of the Photo contest, REPS AT LARGE Recognition Assembly was the an- Wall, Bob Keller, Jane Potter, Bob ser Brubaker and Marques Reitsel, Capp, Jeanne Cunningham, Ethel Jean 'Esther Weakley and Don Schaef- nouncement of 13 new Black Mas- Sampson, Winona Lyon and will put their heads together this Dodge. fer are the two representatives at que members, officers, and advis- Kinney. Sophomore class: Al Pin- afternoon and after careful consid- Lillian Dempfl, Nancy Etherton, large. Miss Walsh, Cronerniller anti ors. Senior women students are ard, Vern Baker, Jean Collins, eration of the huge pile of entries Peggy Etherton, Pat Elkins, Ellen and Madsen are returnees from the chosen after three years of out- Dick Cirigliano, Joe Ashworth will produce the winners In each of Erickson, Marian Ellis, Lois Gari- clesst Council group which served under standing leadership, service and Ramona Hicks. Freshman the four division& baldi, Marjory Goody, Laverne Etherton, past-President Emerson Arends. scholarship. Art L. Butler, Nancy There will be lour first place Galleener, Shirley Goddard, Joan "Today's meeting," Wall stated. Dorothy Lyon made the intro- Sally Moody and Connie Young. prize s, and four jeecond place Hale, Winnie Helm, Grace Hetrick, will be brief. There isn't any busi- duction and each of the current awards in each of The divisions, Barbara 11111, Melita Hall, Mere- JOURNALISM DEPARTMENT ness on the agenda. However, ev- members clad in black robes and landscape, people, action and war. dith Hughes, Jeanne Hoffman, El- Students in the Journalism de- ery representative will receive a masks individually stepped for- Local photography supply shops eanore Johnson, Carolyn Hackman, partment who received Meritor- definite task of duty to perform ward and named the woman stu- are providing the prizes. Ruth King, Betty Lou Kinney, ious Service awards for outstand- during this administration." dent previously selected. The new Contest editors Lou Nola and Jean Kinney, Olive Knowles, Joyce ing work were: Phil Robertson, Black Masque members are: Rho- Bob Heisey, announced that they Lehrbach, Betty Louthan, Winona Fred Albright, Larry Broussall, da Anderson, president; Ernestine were "surprised at the response Lyon, Bonnie Lingenfelter, Dor- Ilugh Wilson, Jack SiIvey, Bea Lavagnino, Virginia Luke, Joan shown by student shutter-snap- othy Lyon, Virginia Luke, Dorothy Dooley Fry, Ken Calhoun, Betty Polek, Barbara Hill, Carolyn Hack- pers. We've received entries pic- Moody. Patnoe, Joe Hewitt, Erie Madison, June Graduates man, Shirley Anthony, Winifred turing every conceivable subject Dorothy McGee, Mona Morris, Glenna McQuiston, Marian Ellis, All students who graduat- Helm. Leah Keller, Esther Weak - from babies to bullfrogs." Sally Moody, Donna McCarthy, are Al Campbell and Mike Thomas. August ley, Jane Potter, Barbara Brew- Action photographs of baseball, Margaret McLean, Glenna Mc- ing as Seniors in June or San ster and Betty Patnoe. Other of- RALLY commirrEE football and basketball games, air- Quiston, Dot McCullough, Clare and who expect to return to pub- planes, and many other fast mov- Jose State college in September fices were not available for Meritorious Service awards for McMurry, Carol Nystun, Rose Dr. Edith Ger- ing subjects have been submitted. must notify the Registrar's of- lication yesterday. work on the Rally committee were Mary Nichols, Jane Pope, Joan the advisor Noia stated. "Choosing the win- fice, room 100, before the end of mane was named as given to Dave Down, Armen Han- Polek, Betty Patnoe, Pat Polk, Jane Kau- ners will be a pleasant but diffi- this quarter. for one year and Dr. Dorothy zad. Bud Jenvey, Betty Kinney, Potter, Barbara Perryman, Lois cher was the faculty members cult task. We'll announce the win- Pierson, June Pereira, Dot Peder- chosen for the two-year advisor. (Continued on page 4) ners as soon as they are selected." sen, Gerry Quadros, Bobby Roden - born. Pat Ralston, Bea Rule, Martha Jackson's Class Will SPARTANS 2ND IN PAA AS LIKENS Roberts, Ezma Rucker, Shirley Regan, Margaret Robinson, Betty an Sills, Melba Sills, Marian Swan- our Pacific SHINES; NEW WORLD MARK IN 440 son, Deane Shank, Barbara Sheets, Professor Hartley E.
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