shrinking BIG government • advancing liBerty WWW.LP.ORG Appreciating behind-the-scenes Libertarians Pages 8–9 February 2017 The Official Newspaper of the Libertarian Party Volume 47, Issue 1 In This Issue: Libertarian Sen. Ebke elected to chair Nebraska Chair’s cornerLP ...........................2 News Judicial Committee Networks black out candidates ...3 n January 4, Nebraska State Senator Laura and a Libertarian, and elected me without op- LP campaigns ...................3, 5, 11 Ebke was chosen by the state unicameral position, from both of the old parties. I’m grate- legislature to head the Judiciary Commit- ful for their support.” How to start an affiliate ..............4 Otee. She also sits on the Education Committee. “In the Nebraska legislature, all bills are en- Ballot access update ....................6 Committee chairs are elected by a secret bal- titled to a hearing,” she continued. “The Judiciary lot of the legislature. Out of 19 legislators who Committee is responsible for hearing bills that Republican officials join LP ........6 were elected to chairmanships, Ebke was one of deal with criminal and civil procedures, correc- only two who is not a Republican. Democrat Jus- tions issues, issues that touch on assorted civil Appreciation of Libertarians ..8–9 tin Wayne was elected to chair the Urban Affairs liberties and constitutional rights. The chair is Harry Browne’s resolutions ......10 Committee. responsible for scheduling hearings on all legis- “In a legislative body dominated about two lation coming to the committee, and once hear- Libertarians in the arena .........10 to one by Republicans, elected on a non-parti- ings have been held, for scheduling executive san ballot, I’m honored to have been elected to sessions which would either move a bill onto the Featured lifetime member .......12 chair the Judiciary Committee by colleagues,” floor, or hold it in committee.” Ebke said. “They know I’m both a libertarian continued on page 5... LNC meeting highlights ............12 Laura Ebke Affiliate updates ................13–15 “I’m honored to have been elected to chair the Judiciary Committee by colleagues. They 2017 state conventions .............16 know I’m both a libertarian and a Libertarian, and elected me without opposition, from both of the old parties.” –Sen. Laura Ebke (L–Neb.) Media buzz ...............................16 Federal court hearing in LPF v. FEC gives hope for more open debates glimmer of hope finally appeared in required by law to be nonpartisan and to • Expert reports showed that, to meet the a lawsuit against the Federal Election use objective criteria for determining who CPD’s requirement for candidates to Commission (FEC) aimed at requir- may participate in their debates. poll at or above 15 percent, a candidate Aing it to enforce the laws that the Commission Key points argued by LPF’s lead attor- must achieve 60–80 percent name on Presidential Debates (CPD) is violating. ney, Alexandra Shapiro, included: recognition, at a cost of at least $265 On Jan. 5, Judge Tanya Chutkan heard • The chairs and most of the board million. oral argument in the case, in which the Lib- members of the CPD are Democratic Shapiro pointed out that the CPD’s ertarian National Committee is a co-plain- and Republican partisans, and many rules present a Catch-22 for independent tiff, in a federal court in Washington, D.C. contributed to Democratic and and third-party candidates. They need to The lawsuit, filed by Level the Playing Republican presidential candidates raise $265 million to acquire the name Field (LPF), arises from an administrative during the last cycle. recognition necessary to be included in complaint the group filed with the FEC. • The CPD uses subjective candidate- the debates, but can’t raise that money The FEC dismissed the complaint with selection criteria designed to unless they possess a reasonable chance little acknowledgement of the bountiful exclude third-party and independent of being included in the debates. evidence provided by LPF. Judge Tanya Chutkan candidates. continued on page 7... As a nonprofit organization, CPD is Page 2 The LiberTarian ParTy — www.LP.org February 2017 Chair’s Corner Donor appreCiation All freedoms, all Americans, The following individual became a Beacon of Liberty contributor: The following individuals became Beacon of Liberty contributors: all the time John R. Kuhn by Nicholas Sarwark, Chair special elections and gearing up for the 2017 elections in those states which hold odd-year elections. The Lib- he election is over. ertarian Party is fighting for ballot access in those 13 One old-party presi- states where we didn’t get or retain ballot access from The following individuals became Lifetime Founder contributors: dent has left after the record-breaking 2016 presidential election show- Peter B. Anderson Jayton Gill Henry Posne III Teight years of increasing gov- ing. Our legal team is working to strike down bad laws Don Bruckner Joseph C. Johnson Cherif Sedky ernment spending and debt. about access to ballots, presidential debates, and any Teresa Cartwright Linwood Lacy Michael Stapel David Pratt Demarest Sonja B. Loar Laura Ann Valle Another old-party president other place where the old parties have colluded to stop has been inaugurated with the Libertarian voice from being heard. promises of rolling back the We couldn’t do any of this without you. Member- The Libertarian Party grants lifetime membership to free markets and open soci- ship in the Libertarian Party has risen to over 20,000— individuals who contribute at least $1,500 during any ety that made America great. 75 percent above where it was a year ago. To all of you 12-month period. Call 202-333-0008 to find out how nicholas sarwark As Libertarians, we rec- who have found your new political home: thank you for much more you would need to donate to become a ognize that both old parties fight against the freedoms joining. If each one of you reading this column would that Americans hold dear. They may differ in the small convince just one of your friends or family members to Lifetime Member today. details, but both old parties want to take more of your join the Libertarian Party this year, we would double money to fund more government control over the our impact on American politics. We already punch far David F. Nolan Memorial economy, the world, and your personal life. Only the above our weight; will you help us take it to the next Office Fund donors Libertarian Party stands proudly for individual free- level? dom over government control: all freedoms, all people, It’s hard to predict what a new president will do. Founder of Liberty: John R. Kuhn, Esq. all the time. What we can be sure of is that the Libertarian Party As we enter the new president’s term, the Libertari- will support any moves to expand individual freedom Benefactor of Liberty: Dr. Curry B. Taylor an Party will stand as a real opposition party. An oppo- and that the Libertarian Party will stand up against any sition party with a distinct vision for America, a vision moves to expand government control. Doing that—no Defender of Liberty: David Neumann that is not left or right, a vision that is just free. While matter the issue and whether or not there is any short- Friend of Liberty: Christopher Richter the two old parties are busy jockeying for position to term political gain—is what distinguishes us from the determine which one can give your tax dollars to their old parties and makes us the true opposition party in Advocate of Liberty: Andrew LeCureaux corporate cronies, the Libertarian Party will be coun- America. Thank you for standing with us for all free- Plaques are now on display at the Libertarian National tering big-government proposals, whether they come doms, of all Americans, all the time. Committee office space in Alexandria, Va., that recognize our from the left or the right, with small-government pro- Yours in liberty, top donors. To have your name appear on a plaque, posals, and upholding the best principles that America Nicholas J. Sarwark or if you’d just like to help pay off the mortgage, mail in was founded on. your donation or visit LP.org. Libertarian Party candidates are already running in Contribute today: LP.org/office-fund libertarian party newS www.LP.org (ISSN 8755-139X) is the official LP News newspaper of the Send newS, articleS, Libertarian Party® of the United eSSayS, or photographS: States. Opinions and articles The Libertarian Party (LP) and its state affiliates work to advance the right E-mail: [email protected] of individuals to be free, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the published in this newspaper do not addreSS changeS: equal rights of others. The party runs candidates for public office, elects necessarily represent official party Libertarians, supports and opposes ballot measures, lobbies, and takes Phone: (202) 333-0008 positions unless so indicated. positions on public policy aimed at removing, reducing, and nullifying government E-mail: [email protected] laws, regulations, prohibitions, taxes, spending, debt, and foreign interventions. poStal mail: national chair: Nicholas Sarwark 1444 Duke St. E-mail: [email protected] Alexandria, VA 22314 EdiTor: Carla Howell AssistanT EdiTor: Elizabeth C. Brierly Phone: (202) 333-0008 CONTRIBUTORS: Bob Johnston, Sandra Kallander, Laura Ann Valle, Nicholas Sarwark, Christopher Goins, Alicia Mattson, Richard Winger, state affiliates VoL. 47, issue 1 The LiberTarian ParTy — www.LP.org Page 3 NC Libertarian for governor blows past tight margin, retains ballot access by Christopher Goins and In another showing of the party’s im- them in so many ways, at so many levels.” Carla Howell pact, Libertarian David Ulmer handily Cecil says he received e-mail after the beat the margin in his race for State House election from both sides “screaming” that or the third time in a row, the North District 49 in Wake County.
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