The Voice of Zion • 279 N Medina St, Suite 150, Loretto, MN 55357 Volume XLIV Number 11 November 2017 “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High: To shew forth thy lovingkindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night, Upon an instrument of ten strings, and upon the psaltery; upon the harp with a solemn sound. For thou, LORD, hast made me glad through thy work: I will triumph in the works of thy hands.” Psalm 92:1-4 Without the Ministers and Camp Matters: So You’re True Vine, We Can Wives Meet at First Spanish Still Going Do Nothing Hasscib Lake Camp Language Camp to Services? Page 4 Page 7 Page 10 Page 11 Photo: Brita Fredrickson PAGE 2 NOVEMBER 2017 column Our Environment—Everyone’s Responsibility GOD HAS GIVEN US an amazing gift in creation, and it is our responsi- The purpose of God’s creation in nature is to provide for all of man’s bility to care for and use its resources wisely. From the mountains to the temporal needs. Accordingly, man has a duty to regard creation with plains to the oceans, we stand in awe of its beauty. He has created earth as thankfulness as a blessing and to care for his environment. Although God the habitation of man and to be used and enjoyed, not abused and wasted. has given man dominion, God’s resources should be used carefully and not Earth—Man’s Habitation wasted or abused. As God neared the end of His creation work, He made man in His own Earth—Man’s Responsibility image, gave His blessings, and said, “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replen- What, then, should the attitude of a child of God be toward his surroundings? ish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over…every living thing ,QSROLWLFDODQGVFLHQWLÀFFLUFOHVWKHUHLVJUHDWGHEDWHRYHUZKHWKHUPDQ·V that moveth upon the earth. And God said, Behold, I have given you every DFWLYLWLHVVLJQLÀFDQWO\DIIHFWWKHHQYLURQPHQWWKHQHHGIRUUHJXODWLRQVLQ herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, DQDWWHPSWWRÀQGDQDFFHSWDEOHEDODQFHEHWZHHQXVHRIWKHHQYLURQPHQW in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat” and its preservation. The heart and mind of a child of God is quite simply, (Gen. 1:28–29). Man’s God-given duty to rule over every living thing is for however, to love and honor God, to respect creation, and to love his neighbors, his sustenance, that is, food and shelter. who also must share the same environment. The Apostles’ Creed, First Article, states, “I believe in God the Father 2QDSHUVRQDOOHYHOZHFDQÀQGPDQ\H[DPSOHVRIZDVWHDQGDEXVHLQ Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth.” Martin Luther explains the mean- our environment, such as discarded cigarettes, plastic containers, or other ing of this, “I believe…that He daily provides me with food and clothing, items that point to the thoughtlessness of others. We also have heartwarming home and house, family, land, cattle and all that I need for this body and examples of respect and care, such as environmentally friendly farming life; protects me and guards me, and keeps me from all evil. All of which techniques and picnickers who properly disposed of their waste. He does without any merit or worthiness in me, but out of fatherly, divine We can care for our immediate surroundings and leave our space better goodness and mercy. For all which I am in duty bound to thank, praise, than before. A child of God loves his neighbor and views his surroundings serve and obey Him” (Small Catechism). with thankfulness as God’s blessing. We all have a responsibility to carefully Jesus taught His disciples The Lord’s Prayer, which included the peti- use and enjoy our environment, not to abuse or waste it. tion, “Give us this day our daily bread” (Matt 6:11). Luther explains that Randy Herrala “this petition includes all that belongs to our temporal life,” even “a sound regulation of all domestic and civil or political affairs” (Large Catechism, Fourth Petition). News & Notes from LLC ASong ANOTHER CALENDAR YEAR is quickly coming to an help support future students. Please contact Adrian HQG:HFDQSDXVHWRUHÁHFWRQWKHJRRGQHVVDQGSURWHF- 3LUQHVVDWWKH//&RIÀFHZLWKLGHDVRUVXJJHVWLRQV of My Heart tion that God has granted this year. November also marks • Matt Keranen is making plans to move his family the end of the church calendar year, and the approach of from Finland to take the position of LLC Publications Advent. November 1, All Saints’ Day, is when we remem- Director when Walt Lampi retires in July 2018. Matt ber those who have gone before us and gained the victory. has worked for many years as a language teacher and Our prayers join with the songwriter, “Help us, Lord, in administrator at Jämsä Opisto. We wish Matt, his wife PSALM 147:7–9 faith to journey on life’s pathway; help me when I leave Liisa, and their family God’s abundant blessings as from here. For through merits of Thy suff’ring I’ll be they prepare to come. dwelling with Thy blessed saints fore’er” (SHZ 140:4). May God give continued blessings to all as you pause with • 7KHÀUVWRILWVNLQG//&7UDQVODWRUV:HELQDUZDVKHOG 7 Sing unto the LORD with friends and family at this special time of year. October 17. Nearly 20 translators from the U.S., Canada, thanksgiving; sing praise As we make plans for the upcoming Advent and and Finland joined the webinar. Future developments in Christmas season, and 2018, may we remember our Heav- this area will continue. upon the harp unto our God: enly Father’s many blessings and the hope of heaven that • The publications survey is over, thanks to all that took 8 Who covereth the heaven with waits at the end of our journey. time to participate. Results from the survey will be Updates on LLC Activities compiled and reported on in the January 2018 Voice clouds, who prepareth rain for of Zion issue along with how they will affect future the earth, who maketh grass • 6WDIIDWWKH//&RIÀFHHQMR\HGWKHYLVLWRQ6HSWHPEHU LLC periodical and book publication plans. 29 with Finnish minister Mauno Peltokorpi and his to grow upon the mountains. wife Marjatta. Mauno served on the SRK speaking • Four new LLC music albums have been produced and tour to LLC congregations in October. are available for download as mp3 or purchased as CDs in the near future. Each of these would make a 9 He giveth to the beast • A similar visit took place on October 18 with Antti wonderful Christmas gift! his food, and to the young and Aino Paananen, Juhani and Leena Liukkonen, and Jorma and Merja Hentilä. Antti and Juhani joined ~ Come All That Labor unto Me, ravens which cry. Dan Wuollet and Randy Herrala in serving as teach- Songs of Work and Rest (CD-47) ers at the October 20-22, SLC Bible camp. We are ~ The Kingdom Ours Remaineth, reminded through these visits how we are seamlessly Martin Luther songs (CD-48) joined in mutual love, and unity of Spirit. ~ God Is My Comfort and My Trust, • Over 150 participants took part in the Bible Camp. Reformation-era songs (CD-49) The theme this year was the Reformation and some of ~ Rejoice This Happy Christmas Morn! WKHVLJQLÀFDQWGRFWULQDOWRSLFVRIWKDWWLPH:HSODQWR Christmas songs (CD-50) make the presentations available on the LLC website DIWHUÀQDOHGLWV • The LLC Board of Directors met October 28 and took several actions, some of which include: • Final budget numbers are being pulled together for SLC renovation which has begun in earnest. An a$SSURYHGVWDIIZDJHDQGEHQHÀWSDFNDJH increase in SLC support area dues will pay for the ~ Approved the 2018 LLC Operating Plan and budget renovation and expansion. Volunteer work crews from northern Minnesota will do much of the work over the • Gordie Kumpula has agreed to organize the clean-up Photo: Brita Fredrickson winter with additional crews planned as the expansion phase of recently purchased land at Silver Springs. of bunkhouses and sauna building are scheduled to 7KH ÀUVW FOHDQXS GD\ ZDV 2FWREHU 3ODQV DUH begin in the spring. being made to use the property for the 2019 Summer parking and tent-camping will be available at Willis Services, hosted by Rockford. Tucker Park, walking distance from the school. Addi- • During the 2017 LLC Update Tour, many have com- • The Glacier Peak High School in Snohomish, Wash. tional information will be published on the LLC web- mented on the importance of the LLC Opisto Scholar- site as it becomes available. ship Program. It has served God’s kingdom well, as has been chosen as the site for the July 5–8, 2018 over 500 North American students have attended an Summer Services. It is a modern school so we will EHQHÀW IURP FXUUHQW WHFKQRORJ\ LQ SURMHFWLRQ DQG We ask for your continued prayers, and may God continue opisto since the program began in the early 1980s. to guide and bless His work. With recent funding cuts in Finland, a suggestion has broadcasting. Some overnight RV parking will be been made to establish an Opisto Alumni program to allowed at the school, and additional overnight RV Eric Jurmu NOVEMBER 2017 PAGE 3 The Sabbath Word 1 A text for the 1st Sunday of the Month The Foundation of Faith The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from These two matters: the kingdom of heaven. He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And God and repentance, become inseparable in the morning, It will be foul weather today: for the sky is red and lowering.
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