Established 2007 R'EASTER NEWS Possible Morgane Passes Gambling Site Awayat83 to Join BY ELISABETH ZIEMBA Nor'easter Staff Biddeford Dr. Peter Morgane, faculty Community member and researcher at the College of Osteopathic Medi­ BY KATELYN KAULBACK cine's pharmacology department, Nor'easter Staff passed away on September 27, UNE COMMUNICATIONS UNE COMMUNICATIONS 2010 in Biddeford at Southern Peter Morgane Scarborough Downs is a Arthur Goldstein Maine Medical Center after a of his late wife. Dr. Morgane is­ horseracing track located just short illness. Dr. Morgane joined sued a $300,000 challenge, the off of Route 1 in Scarborough. Arthur Goldstein Leaves UNE in 1985, and remained a "Morgane Challenge", to garner Sharon Terry, who has owned lecturer and a researcher at UNE additional donations and more the track for the past eight UNE: Dean Position until his death, having earned than 165 donors have met his years, is struggling to make Professor Emeritus status in June challenge. ends meet. She claims that the of 2010. Dr. Morgane published his track is expensive to operate, Remains Vacant Dr. Morgane, in addition research extensively, with more and therefore she is looking for BY CONSTANCE GLYNN gate and, previous to this, as a director to being a beloved member of than 240 full papers in academic a new way to gain revenue. She Nor'easter Staff of the National Science Foundation. the UNE Faculty and commu­ and scholastic journals. At UNE, wants to change Scarborough It is understood he received a better nity, was, with his wife Cecile, the he worked with Dr. David Mokler Downs from a regular track As some may or may not know, offer from Bridgewater State (which largest individual donor in UNE's on the emotional brain, and many into a "racino," similar to Hol­ the Dean position of the University's is in the process of converting to lywood Slots, located in Ban­ history. In the spring of 2009, other projects. In his biography College of Arts and Sciences is cur­ a University), where he is now the UNE's newest academic building on the UNE website, four out of gor. A racino is a track that also rently vacant. Arthur Goldstein had Founding Dean of the new School opened its doors: the Peter and the five selected publications were has slot machines, and unlike a been the Dean of UNE's College of of Science and Mathematics. Did Cecile Morgane Hall. Donations co-written with Dr. Mokler, and regular casino, tracks have been Arts and Sciences for about two and he have a contract with UNE? Yes, in the past few years from Mor­ together, the two men edited an allowed to convert to racinos in a half years until he left a couple of although negotiating does exist, and gane have made this and other entire volume of the Journal of the state of Maine since 2003, months ago, at the beginning ofJune. this is what is said to have occurred. buildings possible, including the Neuroscience and Bio-Behavioral as long as the city residents He took over the position in January The process for hiring a new Cecile Morgane Research Labo­ Reviews. agree. In 2003, Scarborough of 2008 from Alfred Fuchs. Origi­ Dean is a lengthy one; complete with ratory in the Pickus Center for In a news release on Septem­ voters rejected the conversion. nally educated in geology, Goldstein a nation-wide search, for it is in the Biomedical Research, in memory ber 27, UNE President Danielle The question appeared on the served as a faculty member at Col- best interest ofth e University to have Please see MORGAN£, page 3. Please see RACINO, page 2. Please see GOLDSTEIN, page 3. 123 First Year Medical Students Take Osteopathic Oath BY MANDY RANCOURT the students took the osteopathic and the life of my patients, to re­ Nor'easter Staff oath and received words of advice tain their confidence and respect and encouragement from numer­ both as a physician and a friend The University of New Eng­ ous speakers and staff members. who will guard their secrets with land's College of Osteopathic The White Coat Ceremony scrupulous honor and fidelity." Medicine hosted its fourteenth was conceived by the Arnold P. The oath demands students "To annual White Coat Ceremony for Gold Foundation to "create a psy­ my college, I will be loyal and its 33rd entering class at the Hol­ chological contract for profession­ strive always for its best interests iday Inn by the Bay in Portland alism and empathy" in medicine. and for the interests of the stu­ on Thursday, October 7. With It occurs at many medical schools dents who will come after me." over 1,000 guests in attendance, around the country. Numerous Dr. Hahn welcomed the stu­ 123 first year medical students College of O steopathic Medi­ dents and guests and asked for were "coated" by their second year cine students have been read and their thoughts and prayers regard­ peers and other physicians. agreed to the O steopathic Oath ing the passing of Dr. Peter Mor­ "The presentation of the over the years, and UNECOM's gane, the injury of Dr. Audrey white coat - the symbolic mantle Class of 2014 are just the most Okun-L anglais' son and the acci­ of the medical profession - by recent students to experience this dent that left former MSI student physicians to the first year stu­ rite of passage. Aaron M artinuzzi a quadriplegic. dents, underscores their bonds Adam Lauer, D.O. was grad­ H e said that "All of these events as future professional colleagues" uated from UNECOM in 2000 impact us and make us who we says D r. M arc Hahn, Senior Vice and is now the President of UN­ are: caring members of a profes­ President for H ealth Affairs and E C OM's Alumni Association. sional community who are privi­ Dean of the College of Osteo­ H ~ read the O steopathic Oath leged to be able to provide care pathic l\1edicine. The ceremony to tudents along with the osteo­ and support to those in need." also symbolizes the students' loy­ pathic physicians in the audience, Dr. Hahn told the students alty and devotion to becoming a and asked them to promise "to be that "Tonight's ceremony is just Doctor of Osteopathy. In addition mindful always of my great re­ one step on the path that leads to receiving their fir~t white coat , sponsibility to preserve the health towards the professional goal family and fnends ofUNECOM's first year medical students as well as supportive physicians attended the fourteenth annual \Vhite Coat Ceremony on October 8 in Please sec OATH, pa~c 4. Portland. • 'E\\'S: FEATURES: SPORTS: OPINIONS: mcl continued, page 2-4 Teacher Spotlight, page 6 Rugb}, page 10 UNE's I ,ack ofMorals, page 15 ITS Out ourced, page 2 Semester Abroad, page 6 ;\len & \\'omen'< CC, page 10 LGBT Awareness, page 16 i\Ban,page4 Dear Oi,a, page 7 :\len & \\"omen', Soccer, page 11 Voices in the Crowd, page 18 Farmer at I', pa~ 5 2 NEWS NOR'EASTER NEWS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2010 New Management in ITS Leaves Additional Security Implemented at UNE BY JESSICA HAMEL doors are positioned to see who is only person allowed to burn parts Employees Feeling Betrayed Nor'easter Staff exiting more than who is enter­ of the history. To ensure privacy ing. The few cameras that are po­ of students, every security officer BY HADLEIGH SMITH this will simply lead to a differ­ Those students who live in sitioned around the gateway have must sign a document that out­ Nor'easter Staff ent signature on their paychecks the brand-new Sokokis Residence a very clear view of the gateway lines the terms and conditions for or whether the change will mani­ Hall, know all too well that there itself, and the pathways leading the use of the cameras. The Information Technology fest itself in additional ways, such are cameras in various locations up to it. The camera that is posi­ For years, Clark has asked Services (ITS) Department is in as possible cuts in pay or benefits. in and around the building. Why tioned to overlook the parking lot UNE to have cameras around the process of being outsourced to 1he ITS department has not been are the cameras just in Sokokis can be moved by security to see campus and this is the first year another company outside of the able to keep up with the growth Hall and not in any other resident almost every part of the parking that they have allowed it. One University of New England. This ofUNE and catching up may be a halls or University buildings? This lot and the Nor'easter Way, which reason why only Sokokis has means that employees of the ITS very expensive and expansive pro­ is a common question heard from is the road leading to the blue turf cameras is that the addition of department are no longer work­ cess. residents. There have been a few field. There is also another cam­ the cameras was convenient dur­ ing for the University, but instead, This seems to be a touchy misconceptions surrounding the era that can be moved by security ing the building's construction. the ITS department will be man­ subject among University em­ discovery of the Sokokis cameras, that has been placed just outside Also, it is starting the push to aged by SunGard, a Fortune 500 ployees and few were willing to after talking with Forrest Finkler, the end of the West Wing, to place cameras in high traffic ar­ Company focusing on providing answer questions or comment on the Residential Area Coordinator show the entrance walkway of the eas around campus.
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