.^y»i~e*^v—****• «j~-* J ^ COURIER-JOURNAL What's N 10 Friday, Jan. 26, 1968 $T. JOHN THE EVANGE- LIST, Grteece. Jiichael P.iAl- letto, director of the community .x. .yW el , counseling Center of the Greece £NT£RTAINMeHT Central S c'h o o 1 District, will * speak, qt the HoMne-School As­ sociation ^ineeting at 8:30 p.m. Jan. 3.L Ln the school hall. Sis- By Priest Advisor ter-Mary Michael, S.J., princl pal, will conduct- a discussion. ST. PIUS X. Open house in F?sSr the classrooms at 7:30 p.m. will be followed by a Home-School meeting at 8, Monday, Jan. 29, in the parish center. A former faculty member, Sister Joseph Called Accurate m Michelle, S.J., assistant; forma­ New Yorfe-When "Luther"— early life and that this so af­ Located in the Lyell-Howard Rd. Rlaza, the Carousel offers tion director of novices', will speak on "Faces of Youth—The1 the prize-winning play to be fected the sensitive Martin a luncheon menu second, to none, featuring a delicious seen nationally on television [Luther that it warped, his fu­ Task of Identity." Monday (Jan. 29),-was—first ture relations with any and all RESTAURANT end COCKTAIL LOUNGE mouth watering steak sandwich and o daily special to suit, produced in 1961, it was greeted father-figures: his religious su­ Serving Busintu Lunchii — itan.-Fri. 11:30 to 2:30* every taste. For that special evening out for dinner, dancing with adjectives like 'magnifi periors, the Pope, even God. Dinn.rt M«n.-S«t. 5:30-10:30: Fri.-S»t. Till I A.M. _and listening pleasure, the Carousel givesy;you the utmost HOL ROSARY. Sisters and cent," "soaring" and "gripping" t DANCING AMD ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY FEATUftING lay teachers will be entertained "but it was perhaps a bit too This theme is carried out in "MICKr MONTANA" - DIRECT FROM CHICAGO in a delightful atmosphere of comfort. (. by the Rosary Guild Tuesday early then for anyone to throw numerous lines of dialogue LOCATED IN LYELL-HOW/AR0 RD. PLAZA 234-IHt night, Feb. 6, at a buffet sup­ in the word "ecumenical." throughout the entire Osborne per following the,1:30 Mass. play, in which Luther several Reservations nuxst tie made b'y Today, it is not a description times quotes Christ's words. "I Feb. 1 with Ann Callon, 458-[ one would have to stretch for, have come to set a man against /fiyfi €AFE SOCIETY 1362; Helen Young, 458-5277; for although "Luther" Is being his father," and especially in Anita Watson, 458-2784, or Kay one scene in which his religious NO PLACE LIKE IT IN THE-ENTIRE COUNTY televised in connection with ... A GREAT PLACE FOR LUNCH . .. Culhane, 254-844=6.,Suttday, Jan. the 450th anniversary of the superior sees through Luther's 858 Hudson Ave. 28 is the reservation deadline) start of the Reformation, John "over • stimulated conscience" DINNER FROM 5-10 P.M. BEN RIBAUDO'S Rochester's favorite noontime Restaurant!! Serving for next Wednesday's theater Osborne's play suggests— that and tells him: MON. THRU SAT- GREAT MUSICAL GROUP -Monday tkru Friday 11:30 tiL2iML_Ftiday nights 4:30 party. Tickets for Camelot and while the split in "Christendom til 9:00 PHONE 266-3440 rides may be secured by callingi "You see, you think you ad­ VocaliiJ BOW KELLY Singing Nightly came because the 16th Century Make reservations now for banquets or parties Mrs. Watson. I mire authority, and so you do, DANCING AND ENTEkTAJNMENT COR. MAIN * STILLSON St. Catholic • Church was sick, the STARTS AT t:J0 EVERY MIGHT CALL 325-9334 Owned and operated by Evelyn & John Walsh' con split came ^because Martin submit to it. So what -you -do, by your exaggerated attention can Luther himself was also sick— Sui both mentally and physically to the Rule, you make the au­ ST. MARY'S; Scottsville. The thority ridiculous. And.the rea- TV VERSION of'Luther^sfsrs Robert Shaw in title l»ASSIHH»7 Rosary Society card party is obt 'lre-9frminute TV version, to|i>on—you do that is—beea-ttse- -rote; •. __ . scheduled for S p.m. Friday, pre be presented as a "Xerox Spe­ you're determfned to substitute : "THE COMPLETF Feb. 2, in. the parish center. Hei cial Event" on ABC-TV (8:30 that authority with something Morley) acted more as an who did live holy lives here RESTAURANT" Tickets may be obtained after) Gat p.m.), will star Robert Shaw else—yourself." understanding spiritual father once." BILL GRAHAM this Sunday's Masses, or through in the title role played on the than as he arrogantly did (he LUNCHEONS • DINNERS • AFTER THEATRE SUPPER RwAvJOE CADY'S Mrs. Walter Baden or Mrs. Wil­ A review of "Luther" that INTIMATE LOUNGE ENTERTAINMENT - 7 Piece->Orchestra Playing London and New York stage His-physical ailment—severe is presented as a blubbery Sunday thru Friday liam Kiel. The society will spon­ , ppeared in "The Catholic In Our New Cocktail Lounge Nitely HO P.M. 'tit 1:30 A.M. by Albert Finney. Shaw, a,constipation—i„ .. s ..presente. ,. „d .as^ a faced Medici more intoi'f sted in. 368 JEFFERSON RD. — Opposite Southtown' sor a baked food sale after all ter ;World" when it was performed ^FKIsTraeroTn^l"^ °£ ^ lni, boar-hunting than in Luther's Phone 473-3545 Masses Feb. 4. La* on Broadway concluded: "This 28S1 W. Henrietta Road GR 3-3891 ~ wright, is familiar to American •possible wish to be reborn and arguments), the break in Chris soc is a fascinating pjay. No amount audiences as the blond^ silent as a cause of his extreme irri­ tianity might never have oc­ *' -»*..¥• Th of psychological analysis will assassin in "From Russia, With tability and frequent use of curred. '01 •hal unt o u t h language, although satisfactorily account for Lu­ ST. AtNTNE'S. Teachers will be Loye" and more recently as WHERE EVERYONE in their classrooms at 7:30 p.m. much of thus is expected to be In the . play's final scene ther's greatness or the fact King Henry VII in ^A Man for Tuesday, Jan. 30, to review re­ left out of the TV version. when the break has been com that his own personal problems All Seasons." RESTAURANT port cards witt* parents. A so­ 1 pk>-te, Luther's former superior served to set off the world­ MEETS Pa Osborne's play, to be sure, -/wUfp irlidtown Jower f-^Ltza cial meeting of the Parent- Father John Bebb, the Roman comes to visit hrm in the abahF wide movement of-the Refor­ ed does not gloss over the Church's A Niwr Hi eh In Dining Spfondot With Teacher Club will follow, with Catholic adviser to a British (luncd cloister where Luther is mation, followed by the Coun­ A fanoiamtc Vit'w of AFTER CHURCH OU faults in the 16th century One ter Reformation. Rochciftr's Sky I'm* Mrs. Lawrence "Welder and 7th television company and techni living with ;i wjfe and son. ENTERTAINMENT HISNTCY (MUCINS lor of the highlights of "Luther" Open On All Holidays grade mothers as hostesses. cal consultant for the filming In a speech any ecumenist CArEDING AVAI1ABLE lOt NUVATf MKrifS 3400 MONROE AVE. set of the new TV version of is a long, shocking "sales pitch" "From"" a dramatic stand mifcrril have written, he says to ROCHESTER. NY The Rosary Society meeting er, "Luther," has commented that by the Dominican indulgence- this play is a kind of catalyst4 232-3O30 J Luther: -Fein—1V WH1. begin at- "There will always be~contro- seller Tctzel ("Not only am I What one gets out of it depends with benediction at-7:45. The' vVejsy about Luther but the empowered to give- you these on what one brings to it." '"You've taken Christ -^away social program will include a play accurately reflects his life letters of pardon for the sins (Catholic Press Features) - 1 from the low mumblings and wig demonstration, and times." you've already committed, I soft voices and jewelled gowns S T R £ 8' S STEAK HOUSE can -give yoTTpardon for those and the tiaras and put Him CELUfc JWALLS STEAKS • SEAFOOD • COCKTAILS . • -* *• Childhood Problems you havenl even commit­ brick where He hHnngs Ln Optn 7 Otys ted—but which, however, you. ST. MARY'S, Dansvillc, Thej eae+i—-mtm's soul. We owe so WATERPROOFED LUNCHES «nd DINNERS RESTAURANT Osborne's main theme seems intend to commit!") - * -• S P.M. DAILY - SUNDAY 12 NOON Dancing EvarySnturday night at 1:30 Rosary Altar Society will spon­ much to ynu. VUI I-beg of -you- WE GUARANTEE » <*'* e«llir Dinnar and Suppar • to be that Luther suffered from e no covir * no mln mum sor a card party Wednesday, is not to be too violent. In Fr«i Estlnmttt- 4835 W. HENRIETTA RD. 44*4 RIDGE RD. W. TOM WORRELL TRIO a severe lack of communication Osborne also hints thai had; GeneMl Mtson Work and Repairs 454-7440 spite—of everything, nf every­ S34-M0O 443-JS00 11 GIBES ST. Jan. 31, in the school audi­ With his father through hfo Pope LcoJC (played by Robert DRAIN TILE INSTALLED torium. thing you've said and S1TOWIT| (TX AMENA 235-4371 us, there were men, some men A .-* *r ST. jd?HN THE EVANGE­ wi South Pacific LIST, Humboldt St. Mass at ne 6:30 Sunday night, Jan. 28, will Hi MARSHALL'S RESTAURANT tltOUNOE AT PITT5FOED PLAZA 381-2570 Robert J. Graf be followed by buffet-supper Fe Have You Seen SfEAK HOUSE For all adults of the parish.
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