www.JewishFederationLCC.org Vol. 40, No. 7 n March 2018 / 5778 “Covenant With Israel” celebration mindfulness. bers and leaders of other FROM THE Now, one doesn’t Christian churches from EXECUTIVE need to react in these ways Lee, Charlotte and Col- in order to love Israel. lier counties. Also at- DIRECTOR These reflexive actions tending was the Deputy n Alan Isaacs are probably attributable Consul General of Israel to growing up in a certain from the Miami consul- elebrating Israel, her mean- environment where Israel and, more ate as well as other lu- ing and accomplishments, has importantly, when Israel mattered in minaries from Israel and Cchanged over the years – just very different ways than it does today. the U.S. “Covenant With Israel” celebration at Word of Life Ministries as Israel has changed. And just as ev- Many who love Israel have come This annual event, erything seems more complex today, to do so through study of the Bible and now in its 10th year, un- so does Israel and how to celebrate her the teachings of their spiritual leaders; derscores the commit- existence. in some cases as a revelation. Their ment that this evangeli- To some of us, Israel is with us, commitment to Israel and her people, cal Christian community in our consciousness, routinely. We indeed, all Jewish people, emanates feels toward Israel and skim articles online or on paper, and from a devotion to their faith. the support that they are if we skim the word “Israel” we in- On January 29, I spent the evening ready to give, and al- stinctively stop skimming, to read. To with a large group of Israel supporters ready give, to our Israel us, the chance occurrence of the col- at the “Covenant With Israel” celebra- and the Israel that cel- ors blue and white together has mean- tion hosted by Pastor Gaspar Anastasi ebrates the 70th anniver- ing. We recognize an Israeli accent in at his Word of Life Ministries in Fort sary of its establishment a crowd. And these are the very su- Myers. We were joined by members this year. perficial things that signify a deeper of his congregation as well as mem- OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY WOMEN’S PHILANTHROPY AUTHOR EVENT & DESSERT RECEPTION March 13, 2018 @7:30 P.M. SUSAN SILVER AUTHOR OF Hot Pants in Hollywood will entertain with stories of life as a Jewish, female comedy writer in Hollywood. Hosted by Susan Silver was one of TV’s first female comedy FINEMARK BANK writers and wrote for shows like The Mary Tyler 12681 Creekside Ln. ~ Fort Myers Moore Show, Bob Newhart Show and Maude. Susan achieved fame and fortune in Hollywood, Couvert: while looking to re-connect with her Jewish $36/person or $60/2 people roots. She is a funny and engaging speaker, with Includes a copy of the book great stories to share. Join us for an evening of (Your payment is your reservation.) laughter, entertainment and a delicious dessert reception. RSVP to Leni by March 7 239-481-4449 Ext. 3 or [email protected] 9701 Commerce Center Court POSTMASTER: NONPROFIT ORG Fort Myers, Florida 33908 DATED RELIGIOUS U.S. POSTAGE NEWS ITEMS. PAID TIME SENSITIVE– FT. MYERS, FL PLEASE EXPEDITE! PERMIT NO. 175 DELIVER TO CURRENT RESIDENT OR L'CHAYIM MARCH 2018 2 Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties OUR FEDERATION Program notes In this issue: ulltime residents, snowbirds and short-term mitzvah for all ages. As much as the seniors like re- visitors to our community helped to make the ceiving the gift bags, what they most enjoy is the visit 7 Our Community Jewish Film Festival of Southwest Florida a from the volunteers. Packing takes place on Wednes- 10 Jewish Interest greatF success this year. Every film was screened to day, March 14 at 11:00 a.m., and bags can be picked a packed theater, and two of the films were shown up for delivery any weekday starting on Thursday, 14 Israel & the Jewish World simultaneously on two screens March 1h and also on Sunday, March 18 between 9:30 with over 350 attendees each and 11:00 a.m. Please let me know if you are able to 18 Marketplace of the two nights. Thank you help with packing and/or delivery. again to everyone who bought Holocaust Memorial Service 19 Commentary tickets, to the film selection On Sunday, April 8, the community is invited to the 20 From the Bimah committee and to the sponsors annual Holocaust Memorial Service, which takes – all of you helped to ensure place this year at Temple Beth Shalom in Cape Coral. 23 Focus on Youth the continuity of this popular This annual service is a moving remembrance to the annual event. victims of the Holocaust and a tribute to those who 24 Organizations n Leni Sack There’s lots more happen- survived to tell their stories. This year we will be tell- ing in the next few months. ing the stories of some of the survivors now living in 26 Community Directory PJ Library holiday program our community. Please mark your calendars and plan 26 Temple News PJ Library families will enjoy the third of a series of to attend. four holiday programs held at different congregations “Two Bernsteins” around the community. On Tuesday, March 6 from On Wednesday, April 11, a special evening is planned 5:00 to 6:00 p.m., Temple Judea Shlicha Zohar Ben at the Federation. Nir Kabaretti, Conductor of the Hamu will lead a fun Passover-themed program for Southwest Florida Symphony, will give a talk about families with children ages 6 months to 8 years at the “Two Bernsteins” – the two Jewish composers, the Shalom Life Center. There is no cost to attend, Leonard Bernstein and Elmer Bernstein. While Leon- but RSVPs are needed at [email protected] or ard Bernstein is better known, especially for compos- 239.481.4449 x3. The fourth PJ Library program will ing the music for West Side Story, Elmer Bernstein celebrate Lag B’Omer at Temple Judea on Thursday, was a prolific composter of many film scores who April 26. won an Oscar for his score to Thoroughly Modern Women’s Philanthropy event Millie and was nominated for fourteen Oscars in all. There is still time to RSVP for the Women’s Philan- The community is invited to enjoy a dessert and wine thropy event on Tuesday, March 13 at 7:30 p.m. at reception before hearing Maestro Kabaretti’s talk. FineMark Bank. The event is open to everyone in the Seating is limited. RSVPs are a must to me. community. Susan Silver, one of television’s first fe- Happy birthday, Israel! male comedy writers, will share some hilarious sto- You are invited to a community celebration of Israel’s ries about her life as a writer for shows like The Mary 70th birthday on Sunday, April 15 at the Heights Cen- Tyler Moore Show, Maude and Bob Newhart. She’ll ter. There will be entertainment, shopping opportuni- also share how she came to reconnect with her Jewish ties in the “shuk,” activities for all ages, and delicious roots. The event is open to everyone. The cost is $36 Israeli food. There is no entry fee or cost for the en- and includes a copy of her book, Hot Pants in Hol- tertainment or many of the activities. Food and items lywood, which Susan will autograph after her talk. It in the shuk will be available for purchase. also includes a lovely dessert reception. Come pre- I look forward to seeing you at all our events Jewish news published monthly by pared to laugh a lot and enjoy a relaxing, fun evening. over the next few months. Snowbirds, don’t forget Jewish Federation of Lee & Charlotte Counties Passover gift bags to let the Federation know when you are leaving our 9701 Commerce Center Court, Fort Myers, FL 33908 By the time you read this, we will have just celebrated area. L’CHAYIM does not get forwarded to your other (239) 481-4449 • Fax: (239) 481-0139 Online at www.JewishFederationLCC.org Purim, which means Passover is not far behind! As address. Please let Lori Ramos (239.481.4449 x4 n always, we are looking for volunteers to help pack or [email protected]) in our office know when March 2018 • Volume 40, Number 7 and distribute the over 200 Passover gift bags we send you leave and again when you return, so your current n Co-Presidents: Rozzi Osterman • Brian Simon to seniors in independent, assisted living and nursing address is on file and you receive all necessary mail- Board: Paul Bartrop • Herb Fried • Carolyn Gora homes in Lee and Charlotte counties. It’s a wonderful ings. Jerry Greenfield • Keith Grossman • Andi Horowitz Charles Idelson • Linda Idelson • Marsha Kistler Sara Krivisky • Michele Laboda • JoAnn Lewin From Rozzi Osterman, Federation President Barbara Siegel • Sylvia Simko • Sherri Zucker Executive Director: Alan Isaacs s you probably know, I have been involved with our Federation for many Program Director: Leni Sack years. I have held leadership positions as Program/Education VP, Admin- Executive Assistant: Lori Ramos Jewish Family Services: Jodi Cohen istration VP, Partnership P2G - Hadera/Eiron USA Chair, Nominating n A Committee Chair, Jewish Family Services Chair, Campaign Chair (the most chal- Editor/Designer: Ted Epstein (239) 249-0699 Advertising: Jim Lewin (239) 634-6923 lenging and least fitting of my natural inclinations), and as President. This wide n range of responsibilities has enriched me with new skills, innovative approaches L’CHAYIM invites correspondence on subjects of interest to and a deeper understanding of our Jewish values.
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