8026 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 25, 1904. called " The Retreat," generally known as The Square, Wimborne, and at the office of Sydney Retreat-road, Giddilake-road between Burt's Morse, of 37, Norfolk-street, Strand, London, Hill and house known as " Highlands," road W.C., Solicitor. Every Local or other Public outside Wimborne Station, adjoining new Authority, Company or person clesirous of New Borough-road and Old Station-road un- making any representation to the Board of Trade, named, road by cemetery from Knob Crook to or of bringing before them any objection respect- Victoria-road, Walford Bridge over the River ing the application, must do so by letter addressed Allen on Salisbury-road, Julian's Bridge over to the Board of Trade, marked on the outside of River Stour on Blandford-road, two bridges the cover enclosing it " Electric Lighting Acts," called Eastbrook in Bast-street over River on or before the 15th day of January, 1905. A Allen, Canford Bridge over River Stour on the copy must at the same time be sent to the under- Poole-road. signed Sydney Morse. In the Poole rural district— Branch road from Knighton to Knighton Dated this 18th day of November, 1904. Heath, branch road from near Railway Bridge, SYDNEY MORSE, 37, Norfolk-street, Strand, Broadstone, by Rose Farm to near Corf e Lodge, London, W.O., Solicitor for the above- branch road out of Poole-road near Nags Head named Bournemouth and Poole Elec- to Hatch Pond, Canford Bridge, Julian's tricity Supply Company Limited. Bridge, Creakmore Bridge and Creakmore Mill Bridge, Canford Village Bridge, Darby's Corner Board of Trade.—Session 1905. Bridge, Broadstone Bridge, Broadstone Rail- way Bridge, Upton Bridge, Delph Railway GRAVESEND. ELECTRIC LIGHTING. Bridge, Ashington Railway Bridge, Merley (EXTENSION TO NORTHFLEET.) Bridge Higher, Merley Bridge Lower, Lake (Application to the Board of Trade under the Farm Bridge, Netherwood Bridges (two), Electric Lighting Acts, 1882 and 1888 for a Little Canford Lodge Bridge, road branching Provisional Order to extend the Area of Supply out at Red Hill to Talbot Village, branch at defined by the Gravesend Electric Lighting back of " Shoulder of Mutton " round to High Order, 1898, so as to include therein the Urban Howe Lodge, branch at Talbot Village School, District of Northfleet; to Produce and Supply road from East Howe by Peter Pearce's Corner Electrical Energy and Light for Public and to Comp Corner, road from West Howe to Private purposes within such extended Area; East Howe, branch out of East Howe road to Levy, Make and Recover Rates and Charges called Frampton's-road, Bear Cross Bridge therefor; to Break up streets and Tramways ; No. 1, Bear Cross Bridge No. 2, Kinson Village to cross Rivers and Canals and Lay Electric Bridge, Ensbury Bridge. Lines and other Incidental Powers; to repeal In the parish of Parley— and Revoke the Northfleet Electric Lighting St. Leonard's Bridge. Order, 1901; and other purposes.) In the parish of Canford Magna— [ OTICE is hereby given, that the Mayor, Road called Canford Drive from Canford N Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Bridge to Canford Manor and branch to Old Gravesend, in the county of Kent (hereinafter Canford Mill, branch out of main road at Moor- called " the Corporation") and whose address is the town to Moortown Farm, branch from Alderney Town Hall, Gravesend, aforesaid intend to apply reservoir through Canford Heath to Canford, to the Board of Trade on or before the 21st day branch out of Upper Oakley by Newtown Farm of December, 1904, for a Provisional Order under to Poole-lane at Arrowsmith, road from near the Electric Lighting Acts, 1882 and 1888, and " Willett Arms " to Merley House, road from the Electric Lighting (Clauses) Act, 1899 (here- Oanfcrd House to Little Canford by the Can- inafter called " the Order") for the following ford Drive, branches by side of " Railway purposes, or some of them (that is to say):— Hotel," Broadstone, round golf links, over 1. To extend the area of supply under the Dun Yard Common to join Wimborne and Gravesend Electric Lighting Order, 1898, con- Broadstone roads. firmed by the Electric Lighting Orders Confirma- Branches out of main road at Sharland's Hill, tion (No. 5) Act, 1898 (hereinafter referred to as Broadstone to York-road. " the Order of 1898 ") by adding thereto, and The railways which the Company propose to so as to include therein:— take powers to break up, pass or cross over or " So much of the area of the urban district under are as follows :— and parish of Northfleet as is bounded on Level crossings on the London and South the east by the boundary of the borough of Western Railway. Gravesend, on the north by the River Thames, In the parish of Canford Magna— on the west by a line commencing at a point The Lake Gate level crossings on the where the western boundary of the public foot- Somerset and Dorset Joint Railway. path leading from Crete Hall-road near its The Oakley level crossing and Hillbourne and junction with Coach-road to the southern Crickmore crossing on the London and South bank of the River Thames near Red Lion Western Railway. Wharf would, if continued in a straight line, In the parish of West Parley— intersect the northern boundary of the said Newman's-lane level crossing, West Moors urban district, and proceeding thence in a Station level crossing, Revels crossing. southerly direction across the bed of the River . The draft of the proposed Provisional Order will Thames to the northern extremity of the said be deposited at the office of the Board of Trade on western boundary of the said public footpath, or before the 21st day of December next, and thence along such western boundary to Crete printed copies of the draft Provisional Order when Hall-road, thence in a westerly direction along applied for, and of the Provisional Order when the northern boundary of the said Crete Hall- made, will be furnished at the price of one shilling road to a point opposite the western boundary for .each copy to all persons applying for the of Coach-road, 'thence, in a southerly direction same at the shop of Mr. S. 0. Ryley, Stationer, across the said Crete Hall-road and along the.
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