DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LODE GOLD AND SILVER OCCURRENCES IN ALASKA Compiled by Edward H. Cobb Open-Fi 1e Report 82-405 198 2 This report is preliminary and has rat been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards. REFERENCE LIST The following references give data, as of September 1, 1981, on localities where lode gold or silver has been found and are keyed to locations shown on the accompanying map. An asterisk (*) preceding a 1 ocality name indicates recorded production. In most instances the report(s) cited for each occurrence is a sumnary of data in older reports and was compiled since 1975. Most of the summary reports contain lists of the reports used in their cornpi lation. Citations are in standard bibliographic format with the exception that each includes, in parentheses, an abbreviation for the report series and the number of the report. Abbreviations are: AOF, State of Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys Open-File Report; 6, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin; BMOF, U.S. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report; MF, U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map; OF, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report. Lik: Cobb and others, 1981 (OF 81-767A), p. All Red Dog: Cobb and others, 1981 (OF 81-767A), p. A12 Siniktanneyak Mountain: Cobb and others, 1981 (OF 81-767A), p. A16 Unnamed occurrence: Cobb and others, 1981 (OF 81-767A), p. A14 Bear Mountain: Cobb and others, 1981 (OF 81-767A), p. A23 Salmon River: Cobb and others, 1981 (OF 81-767A), p. A8 Natmotirak Creek: Cobb and Mayfield, 1981 (OF 81-570A), p. A7 Hawk River: Cobb and Miller, 1981 (OF 81-847A), p. A12 Smucker: Cobb and Mayfield, 1981 (OF 81-570A), p. A9-A10 Aurora Mountain (Pardners Hi71): Cobb and Mayfield, 1981 (OF 81-570A), s. A4 Ruby Creek: Idem, p. A8-A9 Kav: Cobb and Mayfield, 1981 (OF 81-570A), p. A7 Arctic: Cobb and Mayfield, 1981 (OF 81-570A), p. A3 Shishakshi novik Pass: Cobb and Mayfield, 1981 (OF 81-570A), p. A9 Unnamed occurrences: Cobb and Miller, 1981 (OF 81-847A), p. A13 Dakli: Cobb and Miller, 1981 (OF 81-847A), p. All Zane Hills: Cobb and Miller, 1981 (OF 81-847A), p. A6 Jerry Creek: Grybeck, 1977 (OF 77-166C), p. 21 Unnamed occurrence: Idem, p. 21, loc. 4 Unnamed occurrences: Grybeck, 1977 (OF 77-166C), p. 21, locs. 6, 8; p. 22. loc. 14 unnamed occurrences: Grybeck, 1977 (OF 77-166C), p. 21, locs. 9, 10 Unnamed occurrences: Grybeck, 1977 (OF 77-166C), p. 22, locs. 12, 13 Angunelechak Pass: Cobb, 1975 (OF 75-628), p. 74 Glacier Creek: Degenhart and others, 1978 (BMOF 103-78), p. 426-427, 430, 434 Unnamed occurrences: Grybeck, 1977 (OF 77-166C), p. 22, locs. 19, 20 Lucky Six: Cobb, 1975 (OF 75-628), p. 76 Lucky Six Creek: Idem, p. 77 Unnamed occurrence: Grybeck, 1977 (OF 77-166C), p. 23, loc. 23 Red Mountain Creek: Cobb and Mi1 ler, 1981 (OF 81-847A), p. A5 Indian River: Cobb and Miller, 1981 (OF 81-847~), p. A5 Kanuti River: Cobb, 1978b (OF 78-94), p. 14 Ema Dome: Cobb, 1981f (OF 81-732A), p. A6 Ferguson: Cobb, 1981f (OF 81-732A), p. A6 Jones & Boyle: Idem, p. A8 Smith Creek Dome: Idem, p. A14 Thompson Pup: Idem, p. A14 Vermont Creek: Idem, p. A15-A16 Limestone Creek: De Young, 1978 (MF-878-B), loc. 39 Mathews River: Idem, loc. 46 Bob: De Young, 1978 (MF-878-B), loc. 10 Chandalar River, North Fork: Idem, loc. 16 Gayle: Idem, loc. 25 Big Joe Creek: Cobb, 1976a (OF 76-340), p. 11 Unnamed occurrence: De Young, 1978 (MF-878-B), loc. 81 *Big Creek: Cobb, 1976a (OF 76-340), p. 6-7 Big Squaw Creek: Idem, p. 12 Carter: Idem, p. 16 Eneveloe: Idem, p. 25 Kel ty: De Young, 1978 (MF-878-B), loc. 36 *Little Squaw: Idem, loc. 42 "Mikado: Idem, loc. 47 Star: Idem, loc. 68 *Summit: Idem, loc. 68 Unnamed occurrence: De Young, 1978 (MF 878-B), loc. 80 Rabbit Mountain: Barker, 1981 (BMOF 27-81), p. 81-88 White Mountain Creek: Barker, 1981 (BMOF 27-81), p. 64-75 Unnamed occurrence: Idem, p. 75-80 Bessi e-Maple: Cobb, 1981d (OF 81-364A), p. A3-A4 Brooks Mountain: Idem, p. A5 Lost River: Idem, p. A14-A15 Ear Mountain: Cobb, 1981d (OF 81-364A), p. A10 Alder Creek: Cobb, 1981d (OF 81-364A), p. A2 American: Cobb, 1978a (OF 78-93), p. 7 Cub Bear: Idem, p. 45-46 Galena: Idem, p. 68 Quarry: Idem, p. 138-139 Steiner: Cobb, 1978a (OF 78-93), p. 163 Last Chance Creek: Cobb, 1978a (OF 78-93), p, 97 Pioneer Gulch: Idem, p. 136 *Waterfall Creek: Idem, p. 180 Unnamed occurrence: Idem, p. 186 Albion Creek: Cobb, 1978a (OF 78-93), p. 5 Boulder: Idem, p. 22 Boulder Creek: Idem, p. 24-25 Glacier Creek: Idem, p. 69-70 Gold Hi11 : Idem, p. 72 Goodluck Gulch: Idem, p. 73 Jorgensen: Idem, p. 95 *New Era: Idem, p. 117 Nugent: Idem, p. 127 Reinisch: Idem, p. 142 Rock Creek: Idem, p. 144 Snow Gulch: Idem, p. 157 Sophie Gulch : Idem, p. 159-160 *Stipek & Kotovic: Idem, p. 168 West: Idem, p. 181 *green: Cobb, 1978a (OF 78-93), p. 27 *California: Idem, p. 31-32 Hed & Strand: Idem, p. 80-81 McDuffee: Idem, p. 105 *Sl iscovi ch: Idem, p. 153-154 Anvil Creek: Cobb, 1978a (OF 78-93), p. 8-11 Bursik & Kern: Idem, p, 28 Dexter Creek: Idem, p, 52-53 King Mountain: Idem, p. 96 Newton Gulch: Idem, p. 118 Copper Mountain: Cobb, 1978a (OF 78-93), p. 43 Bonita Creek: Cobb, 1978a (OF 78-93), p. 21 Osborn Creek: Cobb, 1978a (OF 78-93), p. 130 Coco Creek: Cobb, 1981d (OF 81-364A), p. A8 Hunter Creek: Idem, p. A12 Slate Creek: Cobb, 1981e (OF 81-504A), p. A23 Benson Creek: Cobb, 1981e (OF 81-504A), p. A4 Iron Creek: Idem, p. A13 *Wheeler (2 mines): Idem, p. A27 Wonder Gulch : Cobb, 1981c (OF 81-363~), p. A20 Humboldt Creek: Cobb, 1981c (OF 81-363A), p. A12 Penny Creek, tributary of Solomon River: Cobb, 1981e (OF 81-504A), p. A19 West Creek: Idem, p. A26 *Big Hurrah: Cobb, 1981e (OF 81-504A), p. A4 Big Hurrah Creek: Idem, p. A5 Silver: Idem, p. A23 Unnamed occurrence: Idem, p. A27 Camp Creek: Cobb, 1981e (OF 81-504A), p. A6 Spruce Creek, tributary of Casadepaga River: Idem, p. A24 Post Creek: Cobb, 1981e (OF 81-504A), p. A19 Ophir Creek: Cobb, 1981e (OF 81-504A), p. A18 Crooked Creek: Cobb, 1981c (OF 81-363A), p. A6 Unnamed occurrence: Cobb, 1981c (OF 81-363A), p. A21 Unnamed prospect: Idem, p. A22 Bunker Hill: Cobb, 1981e (OF 81-504A), p, A6 *Daniels Creek: Idem, p. A8-A9 Koyana Creek: Idem, p. A14 Fish River: Cobb, 1981e (OF 81-504A), p. All Hannum: Cobb, 1981c (OF 81-363A), p. A10 Hannum Creek: Idem, p. A11 Nelson Gulch: Cobb, 1981c (OF 81-363A), p. A15 Unnamed occurrence: Idem, p. A21 Foster: Cobb, 1981c (OF 81-363A), p. A8 *Omilak: Idem, p. A16 Otter Creek: Cobb, 1981c (OF 81-363A), p. A17 Walla Walla Creek: Cobb, 1981e (OF 81-504A), p. A26 Timber Creek: Cobb, 1981c (OF 81-363A), p. A19 *Independence: Cobb, 1981c (OF 81-363A), p. A12 Patterson Creek: Cobb, 1981c (OF 81-363A), p. A17-A18 Canoe Creek: Cobb, 1976f (OF 76-866), p. 18 Quartz Creek: Cobb, 1976f (OF 76-866), p. 47-48 Kiwalik River: Cobb, 1976f (OF 76-866), p. 36 Quartz Creek: Idem, p. 47-48 Bear Creek: Cobb, 1976f (OF 76-866), p. 7-9 Split Creek: Idem, p. 62 *Perseverance: Cobb, 1976f (OF 76-866), p. 80 Valley: Idem, p. 82 Beaver Creek: Cobb and Chapman, 1981 (OF 81-170), p. 12-13 Center Creek: Cobb and Chapman, 1981 (OF 81-170), p. 20 Tozimoran Creek: Cobb, 19819 (OF 81-1313~), p. A20 Gold Hill: Cobb, 19819 (OF 81-1313A), p. A8 Quartz Creek: Cobb, 19819 (OF 81-1313A), p. A16-A17 Idaho Gulch: Cobb, 19819 (OF 81-1313A), p. All Hot Springs Dome: Cobb, 19819 (OF 81-1313A), p. A10 Avnet: Cobb, 1981g (OF 81-1313A), p. A3 Unnamed occurrence: Cobb, 19819 (OF 81-1313A), p. A20 Little Mi nook Creek: Cobb, 19819 (OF 81-1313A), p. A12 Quail Creek: Cobb, 1981h (OF 81-1342A), p. A28 Sawtooth Mountain: Cobb, 1981h (OF 81-1342A), p. A30 'Liberty Be1 1 : Cobb, 1976d (OF 76-662), p. 83-84 Moose Creek: Idem, p. 101 Rambler: Idem, p. 115 Spruce Creek: Idem, p. 137 88. *California Creek: Cobb, 1976d (OF 76-662), p. 21 89. Griffin: Cobb, 1981h (OF 81-1342A), p. A15 Lillian Creek: Idem, p. A20 Old Smoky: Idem, p. A26 Olive Creek: Idem, p. A26-A27 Ruth Creek: Idem, p. A30 90. *Barker & McQueen: Cobb, 1976d (OF 76-662), p. 12 *Billy Sunday: Idem, p. 15 *Blue Bonanza Idem, p. 17 Clipper: Idem, p. 26 Cottonblossom: Idem, p. 31 Crown Point: Idem, p. 33 *Elmes: Idem, p. 37 *Fair Chance: Idem, p. 47 *Farmer: Idem, p. 48 *First Chance: Idem, p. 49 *Grant: Idem, p. 65 *Killarney: Idem, p. 77 Koegley: Idem, p. 78 *Last Chance: Idem, p. 79 *Little Flower: Idem, p. 86 *Lookout: Idem, p. 89 *McDonald & Morton: Idem, p. 93 "Michley: Idem, p. 97 *Mohawk: Idem, p. 98-99 Mother: Eberlein and others, 1977 (OF 77-168D), p. 42 Parker: Cobb, 1976d (OF 76-662), p. 108 Prometheus: Idem, p.
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