THE THE TEESDALE MERCURY—WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1894. OUTCAST OF MILA1 COLLIERY DISASTER IN SOUTH ASSASSINATION OP PRESIDENT ACCOUCHEMENT OF THE DUCHESS CURRENT OPINION SOCIETY GOSSIP. FIELD AND gyLVAHUH <x>UB, JR.. WALES. CARNOT. OF YORK. AITHOK ••! ARREST OF THE MURDERER. WORK FOR THE WEEK.—These (From Truth). WHO : THE BUDGET. LOSS OF 250 LIVES. B1KTH OF A PRINCE. .i. MAKER Monet As President Carnot was leaving the Palais de Tho Queen is to hold a Council early next week yet got their window boxes plauied wja" The Daily Chronicle, commenting on the progress A terrible explosion, resulting, it is feared, in Toe accouchement of the Duchess of York took Commerce at Lyons at half-past 9 on Sunday even flowers ..hould see about it without fUrt, "Hj the loss of about 250 lives', occurred at Albion at Windsor C»slle,tund her Majesty will shortly I IIAITl.R V. made with regard to the Budget in the House of ing, on his way to the theatre, he was stabbed to place at White Lodge, Richmond, on Saturday See that those, which were planted t '*t °V Commons, observes thai i's future is no* clear and Colliery, Cilfynydd, a village about three miles evening, her Royal Highness giving birth to a son hold an investiture of the Uath, St. Michael and lt the heart by a man who was standing outside St. George, and the Indian Orders, when a number weeks since, aie well supplied H i: <>•••• •« <) • E. goes on to say : But we hope there is one eonces- from Pontypridd, in the Taff Valley, on Saturday among the small crowd of spectators. The Presi­ at 10 o'clock. The condition of the mother and o: individuals are to receive "the honour of Although we have had ireani of light fla-dwd .h j inellige lion, not considerable in point of principle, but afternoon. At a quarter to 4 the inhabitants of dent was immediately conveyed to the Prefecture child is favourable. knighthood." There has not lieen an investiture quite possible ibat very little reaches u cr»wd that the gallant v •or useful as embodying an obvious point of social Cilfynydd were startled by a loud report, followed of Police, where medical assistance was promptly As early as 3 three o'clock on Saturday morning the for nearly a year, the Inaction having several the boxes, because the foliage has * ^. For a lew moments justice, which the Chancel'or may well be di-posed by a tremendous concussion, signs which are so at hand. The assassin was arrested. tha Dachees of York was stated to be ill, in fact, , Is* j,re>"^" •'Vt-viHiiixt times been postpone.!. The ne>.t will be a very throw it off. Plants in potIMMsU indoorImA— s rieJ a ,u to make. Income-tax am Inrities are treating the well known of disasters in pits. Hundreds of the symptoms were such as to necessitate the sum- 5^**2 ca' ' """" ""e> sound, It seems that M. Carnot had already enteied his cacti, wili need water most days. X '0'.. S income of a married woman as if it were part of persons at once rushed to their doors, and as the large one, as it 1R to include: all the Birthday JLr'l ** w not what to do, <o I carriage, when the attack was made upon him by mooing of Dr. Williams of Ifarley-street, London. urn jto houses are built in terraces on the slopes of the honours. balsams, pelargoniums, and other sif"***. M i • !• tlic tiling »*k.s cer! her husband's revenue—that is to say, the husband 4 the assassin. After partaking of refreshments at Dr. Williams proceeded at once to White L.)dge in plants partially round evtry d«y to tint'i* "* anil the liu.ii'Uo.ue ffalur is charged both ou his own in-ome, ami on his wife's mountain side the inhabitants could at once see The Duke and Duchess ol" York are to remain the Palais du Commerce, the procession which had vehicle sent for his conveyance by tho Dake of and sun reaches all sides in tbe cou . n what had occurred, there being a full view of the at the White Lodge, Richmond Park, for several rbt > 4 . rt.-ere |*l*iisly **e*-i. — tlicn *uoiht;r KM separate and independent propeity—and he has to escorted the President from the Exhibition was York. On his arrival at East Sheen the doctor Inthe flower garden the whole of the bb|j'*\ );,. one nui.. wlii i... lent colliery. Thick volumes of smoke were rising weeks to come, after which they will proceed to pay at the rate to which the joint revenues aie re-formed in the Place des Cordeliers, and started nt for Dr. Wade (who is medical adviser to the may oe completed now. Thin hardy annJ'j!* from the shaft, and this betokened the effects of Osborne Cottage, Kast Cowes, a Royal residence JJeli the shout on tli«- previous o. c«J subject. We c»nnotaee thefairuessof this. Under for the (.rand Theatre, where a gala performance Duke and Duchess of Teck's family), and also for outdoors in April to one, two, or three i the Married Woman's Property Aat the wife is able the explosion. Many hundreds of people rushed to had been arranged in his honour. The carriage IhJ Priucess of Wales, who with the Prince of which has been lent to them by the Queen. II all oc -i'nt xio*- Michael TotilU recognised! according to the height of each kin j. fra* -ter, a'"' w,|i!c others shouted, be In to spend every farthing of her own income, the pit'smonth, and the sari news having spread over had proceeded a short distance along the Rue de la Wales had been entertaining guests at Ascot for LOOS well, the York infant is lo be christened at the district with lightning rapidity, thousands of per­ rings may be replauttd "ii desired to •'* ' rtiui'o ih'oughl- He haul suspected this l>efi| her husband has no control over it, and may very Republique amid the acclamations of the crowd, the race week. The Duke of Teck was Osborne during the visit of the Herman Kmperor, 1 succession of U iwers. Hollyhocks, riei.ff *: ii» '"* J not "'-ah*' d its lull force until thcu( sons were soon in the colliery yard. Thepolice hail the which M. Carnot graciously acknowledged, aho summoned to White Lodge from Ascot. who will he one of the sponsors. The Duke and l he ll possibly reap no benefit from It, fu point of fact, pyrethrums, ac-juitums, perennial b» *.leiiionstratcil to bis vision, this method of lumping together tho two revenues greatest difficulty in keeping the pit's mouth clear, when, on passing the Credit Lyonnais, a The moment the Princess of Wales Duchess of York ate going fro.n Osborne to Scot­ similarly tall-growing plaute should ^be*^ ^'.hus |tnoW how ii is," he muttered to M is a survival of the state of things before the and barriers tad to be erected to keep back the man suddenly rushed at the vehicle, and heard of the condition of her daughter- land about the middle of August for a six weeks' witn stout slakes. Sow more seede '" ' , one more look at the vie-iot, as I bo Married Women's Property Act created the spectators. The pit gearing having been tested jumping on to the step, stabbed the Presi­ in - law, she, accoin-jiautej by the Duke residence at Old Mar Lodfe, near liraemar, a place annuals in vacant places to flower in ' ^ ,elf. ^Vr^ssure himself that there could be] and brattice cloths prepared to direct the air dent to the heart with a dagger which he of Teck, left for East Sheen. Toe Princess from which the Duke of Fife has lent to them. &lUu separate interest and management which now ^ »-oul«<4 (llt thus it i»- TUat it Orlando | currents, one rescue party after another went had concealed under his ccat. An eye-witness of tbe time of her arrival until the birth took place The Duke and Duchess of York want a moderate- seeds also ot wallflower, Canterbury bgjjT resides with the wife. All modern tendencies are pjS!»ke, ^ prize_ Jf |,e |,as made hit wa| down the shaft, and the suspense of the crowd the deed, who was walking on the pavement level was present continuously with the Duchess of rocket, primulas, polyanthuses, panaieg in favour of increasing toe independence and sized country residence within a drive of Loudon, Si 1 Williams, in a moist partially shsded r>' ,J' i 4 responsibilities of the mm tied worn in. She is waiting for news was terrible. Colliery officials with the President's carriage, accompanied by M. Yoik. The period between 5 a.m. and 8 a.m. was and I hear that the Queen is to give them the s he I'* *,hoUt Iniiug a true knight, his head I ocors. The present is a good ume f from neighbouring valleys, and also some directors Adrien Dupuy, brother of the Premier, and a a most anxioiis ino. The approach of ail strangers Hampton Court Stud House, unless they prefer lo ^ere * a„J if, by some wonderful cliauc becoming more and more of a sep.rate entity, a nt e r from the Albion Colliery, soon arrived and journalist, states that his attention was attracted to White Lodge was prohibited. However, wait until tho Due de Nemours vacates Bushey nd replant hellebores or Chrisimj, * > i nourably won the knightly tpurs, his I responsible citizen on her own acount.
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