Egg PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 18G2—VOL. 39. PORTLAND, MAINE, MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST G, 1900. PRICE THREE CENTS. HIgCKLLAKBOOS. Four more missionaries, according to Into eternal doom. These are the undeni- Shanghai dated have advices, Saturday, THE WEEK’S able results arising from this groat evil.” been murdered near Kanhow. PROGRAMME. ADVANCE DELAYED The Tien Tsin correspondent of the (’MT ESCAPE. WOODS IN Times, wiring July 81, says: FIRE 1KWISTON. How would you like t> own “The previous decision to move tomor- MONDAY’S OBSERVANCE. row has been reversed. It One of Ihe Naw Is reported 8.00 p. in.—Grand concert at Hall that the City Several Tluiimaud Dollar* AH American oomuntridfer is now by Maine artists. Damage unwilling to advance unti) he Is rein- Has Increased the Last 8 00 ready Done. forced. p. in.—Searchlight display by ships The Japanese reconnaissance of the squadron. yesterday apparently inclined thorn to this anil the days of Three Weeks. During following (SPECIAL TO TUB BALLETTO favor waiting for further reinforcements. the celebration the Equal Suffrage Club PBESSj The Russians and French acquiesced. and the Woman’s Literary Union will 5.—A woods lire Allies Have Sot Yet “General Gaselee Is anxious to Lewiston, August CAME BOARDS? advance open house at rooms in the Y. M. Gen. De Wet but keep Completely which broke out two or three his command Is so small, only 8, COO, C. A. building, Congress Square, and days ago aro that he cannot They entirely new, inter- take the lead. The date the W. C. T. U. will receive visitors at in valuable timber land between Web- for the of the is esting, instructive, and fasci- Moved. departure expedition their headquarters on Free street, next Surrounded. star street and the Kandall road in this for of all therefore again uncertain.” nating, people ages, Shown in Ambushes and Attacks oi: to the Y. M. C. A. city, has burned fiercely this afternoon, and gieatly aid in makiug homo Commenting upon this despatch the Times STATE DAY, TUESDAY. and evening and has done dam- attractive, Boautitully gotten says: already “It is to ia live sizes, fro nr 22x30 perhaps inevitable, although Small Parties. 10.15 a. m,—Grand over the fol- age amounting several thousands of up up that the ad- parade Prices undoubtedly disappointing, route: Pearl to to dollars. owned Dr. N. C. to 80x60 inches. $6 to vance should be lowing Cumberland, Buildings by delayed.” High, to Deering, to State, to to $12. One aide of board is green It will be noticed that the to Spring, Bradford,Edward Hurd and Thomas Mc- despatch High, to Congress, and passing in re- cloth for balls, 6ec,, the other, the Dally that the are liable to be burned before Express announcing views at City hall. Namara, wood for carom had started Is dated two later polished ring Reconnoissance Caused troops days 12.00 m.until 0.90 p.m.—Firemen’s con- Can’t Break morning. The Foster Lee Kandall place games, &c. Twenty fine games. than the despatch to the Times and two Through tests for $900 in prizes, at Deering Park. is also in It is feared that if the All such old as days later than other of Native Police danger. games checkers, any despatch Captain 1.80 p. m.—Ladder contest by the lira Wait. published In London this British fire continues to spread that several val- chess, backgamm and croki- morning. department in Railroad square. Cordon.*] There Is no of the state- uable orchards will be nole are omitted. ^ ach board way verifying Shot in Manila. 2. a) p. m.—Public meeting in City burned. ments of the Daily Express fitted with the *v Patent correspondent. hall, at which Gov. Powers of Maine, The fire Is now heading towards a cut They must be taken lor what Floxoid Cushion .ost simply Mayor Frank W. Robinson, Gov. Rol- down which Is as dry as tinder, and If ingen- they are worth. ious device). \V each board lins of New Hampshire and distinguished it starts in that nothing can stop the fire the following it~-' raents and sons of Maine will deliver brief ad- before it reaches Crowley’s Junction. parts are furn /J i without AN IMPERIAL DECREE. dresses. Chief Engineer Morlarity of the Lewiston 2.80 m — manoeuvres of the fire extra charge: dished, dur- Judge Taft Becomes Head of p. Military department, drove to the scene of the First Regiment, Maine National Guard, fire this evening to decide if compositi ». balls, flvo Another Are Free Communication Ordered With anything able, Despatch Says They ; Col. L. H. Kendall, commanding. Doers Will Make Stand at can be done to save the which 30 !f arom Go?’t 1. Say They buildings colors; polish rings, Foreign Ministers. Sept. 2.30 p. m. until 4.30 p. m.—Band Con- are in danger. a five 10 finished Nothing except sharp colors; b^ /rood Well Under Way. cert in Deering Park. rain can arrest the flames. tenpins; 2 larg § atlier tipped Paris, August 5—7 p. m.—Sheng,direc- 3 00 p. m. until 5 p. m.—Band con- Mitchadorp. cues for balls mailer hard- on tor of railwaye and telegraphs, has com- cert Eastern Promenade. wood cues: 2 flexible 4.00 m.—Boat race off Eastern Prom- shooters; municated to the consuls at ac- p 1 hardwood triangle; 1 hardwood Shanghai enade between contesting crews of the cording to a to the 5.—On square; 1 defleotlng block de- special despatch Manila, August September 1, North Atlantic squadron. dated 8.00 m.—Grand of fireworks vice; green chalk forcue tips; 1 Temps, August 5, an Imperial de- the commission headed by Judge Taft p. display Waitt and Bond’s set of 1 set of four cree dated a, the for- will become the of the pocketcovers; August authorizing legislative body off movable, Eastern Promenade, with concerts by adjustable leveling Tien Tsin Attacked eign ministers In Pekin to ocminunlcate Philippines, with power to take and ap- two bands. Full directions military Short of Food and Am- legs. printed without restriction with their govern- propriate insular moneys, to establish 8.00 p. m —Electrical illumination of and rules for playing all games. ments and ordering their departure for judicial and educational systems and the squadron. BLACKSTONE Call at our office, or write aud Again. 9.15—Reception by Gov. Powers and munition. Tien Tsin under a good escort. to make and all laws. we will send man with samnles. pass Staff at City ball. Prices and circulars mailed on No money will be permitted to be WEDNESDAY. request. FROM SHANGHAI. drawn from the Insular funds except by CIGAR 2.00 m.—Yacht race for in cash MaanfSClnrecl Kxclus!vrly by authorization of the commission. Judge p $350 I Bint Vui u U That L.I lla» Com- off the Eastern Promenade to lluug Taft and his will also exercise prize open colleagues yachts owned in Maine. The THE E T BURROWES CO, mitted Sulfide, Leading certain executive functions. For in- 7.30 p m.—Deception at the Second Par- 72 Free Portland, Maine- will officials ish church. St., Chinese Forces Attempted to Shanghai, August 6.—7.35 a. m.—A re- stance, they appoint judges, Many Sent Into Exile From 8 00 p. m —At Mr. Charles R. Cressey’s 10c Londre port having been circulated here to the in the educational department and offi- Take cottage, Lovoitts field, reception by the auff2U2wlstp City. effeot that Li Hung Chang had commit cers of municipalities,which the commis- Kotzschmar club to visiting musicians. Pretoria. slon will establish elections. ted suicide, a foreign official s?nt a mes- pending THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. in the worltt» senger to his residence, bat an answer General MacArthur will be the execu- 2 80 p. m.—Yacht race off the Eastern was refused. tive head to enforce the laws of the com- Known t o jfca Promenade for the Thomas JLaughlln Everywhere. and he will conduct the LI HUNG IS ONLY BLUE, mission; govern- cup, valued at f 150, to be oompeted for ment in accordance with the same until by yachts owned in Maine. •QUALITY 5.—The that CHAPMAN NATIONAL BANK Shanghai, August report the commission recommends to President 4 a. m.—The Ameri- Li had oommitted London, August 6, Hung Chang suicide, THE BANGOR CELEBRATION. 5.—A COUNTS. Is without McKinley the appointment of a civil London, August special from of Portland, Maiuc, can and British forces began the advance foundation. He is only in a very despondent state, governor. Bangor. August 6.—Bangor’s celebra- Pretoria dated Saturday, says: on Pekin last Thursday, according to a j The three banks in Manila have tion of Old Home week will be held on i The Japanese consul here has received only "Gen. Christian lie Wet is completely despatch, dated August 2, from Tien a from Pekin that formed a ring to reduce arbitrarily and Thursday, August 9. The chief features j message saying Gen. surrounded near Keitsburg and it is im- Tsin to the “The main ! Fuh has all without justification,the rate of exchange of the observance, will bo a floral parade CAPITAL. Dally Express. Tung Slang stopped provi- ♦♦♦ »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ $100,000.00 sions to the tor American gold. in the afternoon and public exercises in possible for his forces to escape through ♦♦♦♦ # #mm4 ♦♦♦ body of the allies,5’ continues the corre- goiDg legations. Admiral Seymour arrived in Shanghai “There has been an Increase of Insurgent City hall in the evening.
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