OnsL dhmdhsd, Jwenty-Mcond. ANNUAL COnf£R€nC€ OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS Held in the Tabernacle Salt Lake City, Utah tiphiL bt 5and. 6, 1952 With Report of Discourses Published by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Salt Lake City, Utah Printed In the United States of America Education Lives As Long As You Read GOOD BOOKS Life of a Great Leader $2.50 Biography of President Heber J. Grant Bryant S. Hinckley Presidents of the Church $4.00 Preston Nibley New revised edition including biographical sketch of President David O. McKay Brigham Young, the Man and His Work $3.00 Preston Nibley James H. Moyle $3.50 Gordon B. Hinckley A Marvelous Work and a Wonder $1 .75 LeGrand Richards Sermons and Missionary Services of Melvin J. Ballard $2.75 Bryant S. Hinckley Prophecy and Modern Times $1.75 W. Cleon Skousen Ancient America and The Book of Mormon $4.00 Milton R. Hunter and Thomas Stewart Ferguson Outlines of Ecclesiastical History $2.25 B. H. Roberts ALL PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DESERET BOOK COMPANY "THE BOOK CENTER OF THE INTERMOUNTAIN WEST" 44 East South Temple Street, Salt Lake City 10, Utah The One Hundred Twenty-second Annual Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints The One Hundred Twenty-second An- President David O. McKay presided nual Conference of the Church of Jesus and conducted the services at each of Christ of Latter-day Saints convened in the sessions of the conference, including : Lake City, Utah, ' the Tabernacle, Salt the General Priesthood meeting. ; Friday, Saturday and Sunday, April 4, Included in this record is also a full 5, 6, 1952. report of Columbia Broadcasting Com- The general sessions of the confer- pany's Church of the Air, Sunday morn- ence were held at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 ing, April 6, from 8:30 to 9:00, and the p.m., Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and Tabernacle Choir and Organ broadcast the General Priesthood meeting was held from 9:00 to 9:30. in the Tabernacle Saturday evening, April 6, at 7:00. General Authorities of the Church The proceedings of the general ses- Present sions were broadcast over Station KSL, and by arrangement through KSL over The First Presidency: David O. the following stations: McKay, Stephen L Richards, and J. In Utah: KSUB at Cedar City, KSVC Reuben Clark, Jr. at Richfield, KJAM at Vernal, and The Council of the Twelve Apostles: KVNU at Logan. Joseph Fielding Smith, John A. Widtsoe, In Idaho: KGEM at Boise, KID at Albert E. Bowen, Harold B. Lee, Spencer Idaho Falls, KEYY at Pocatello, KBIO W. Kimball, Ezra Taft Benson, Mark at Burley, KVMV at Twin Falls, and E. Petersen, Matthew Cowley, Henry KRXK at Rexburg. D. Moyle, Delbert L. Stapley, Marion In Colorado: KEXO at Grand Junc- G. Romney, and LeGrand Richards.* tion. Patriarch to the Church: Eldred G. In Arizona: KTYL at Mesa. Smith. In Nevada: KLAS at Las Vegas. Assistants to the Gouncil of the The proceedings of the general ses- Twelve Apostles: Thomas E. McKay, sions were also televised over KSL tele- Clifford E. Young, Alma Sonne, George vision station, channel 5. Q. Morris, **, EIRay L. Christiansen, All general sessions of the conference and John Longden. and the General Priesthood meeting The First Council of the Seventy: were broadcast in the Assembly Hall, Levi Edgar Young, Antoine R. Ivins, on Temple Square, and in Barratt Hall Richard L. Evans, Oscar A. Kirkham, S. (60 North Main Street), over a loud- Dilworth Young, Milton R. Hunter, and speaking system and by television. Thou- Bruce R. McConkie. sands in addition listened to the services The Presiding Bishopric: Joseph L. on the Tabernacle grounds by means of Wirthlin, ***, Thorpe B. Isaacson, amplifying equipment. **** and Carl W. Buehner. ***** LeGrand Richards was sustained as a member of the Council of the Twelve Apostles at this confer- ee. **Stayner Richards ^vas in England, presiding over the British Mission. ***Joseph L. Wirthlin was sustained at this conference as Presiding Bishop of the Church. ****Thorpe B. Isaacson was sustained at this conference as First Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric. *****Carl W. Buehner was sustained at this conference as Second Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric. GENERAL CONFERENCE General Officers and Other Temple Square, Salt Lake City; Delbert Authorities Present G. Taylor, Eastern States; J. Howard Maughan, New England; Waldo M. Church Historian and Recorder: Andersen, Northern States; Carl C. Joseph Fielding Smith, and A. William Burton, Great Lakes; John B. Hawkes, Lund, Assistant. North Central States; John B. Matheson, Members of General Welfare Com- East Central States; J. Orval Ellsworth, mittee. Church Welfare Program. Central States; Peter J. Ricks, Southern Members of General Board of Edu- States; Bryan L. Bunker, California; cation, Commissioner of Education, Thomas W. Gardner, Northern Cali- Seminary Supervisors, and Directors fornia; Benjamin L. Bowring, Texas- and Associate Directors of Institutes. Louisana; Ray E. Dillman, Western Presidents of Stakes and their Coun- States; James A. McMurrin, Northwest- selors, Bishops of Wards and their ern States; J. Melvin Toone, Canada; Counselors, Presidents of Temples, Scott Zimmerman, Western Canada; Patriarchs, High Priests, Seventies, Lucian M. Meacham, Jr., Mexico; Lorin Elders; General, Stake and Ward offi- F. Jones, Spanish-American; Golden R. cers of Auxiliary Associations, etc., from Buchanan, Southwest Indian; Hilton A. all parts of the Church. Robertson, Chinese; Ernest Nelson, Mission Presidents: Richard L. Evans, Hawaii. FIRST DAY MORNING MEETING The conference commenced Friday These services, and all general sessions morning, April 4, at 10 o'clock, with of Conference, will be broadcast in the President David O. McKay presiding Assembly Hall, and in Barratt Hall, and conducting the services. The over a loud-speaking system and by Tabernacle was crowded to capacity as television, and we might announce at time came for opening the first session, this time for the benefit of our listeners and the Assembly Hall to the south of that in addition to all these sessions the Tabernacle, as also the Barratt Hall, being given over television, the Church was crowded with people, and many of the Air Service from 8:30 to 9:00 others assembled on the grounds. a. m. next Sunday morning, and also the Choir Broadcast from 9:00 a. m. to President David O. McKay: 9.30 a. m. next Sunday morning may be seen over the television. This is the opening session of the One All other sessions will be broadcast Hundred Twenty-Second Annual Con- over the following stations: ference of the Church of Jesus Christ In Utah: KSUB at Cedar City, KSVC of Latter-day Saints. We are convened at Richfield, KJAM at Vernal, and in the Tabernacle on Temple Square KVNU at Logan. in Salt Lake City, Utah. In Idaho: KGEM at Boise, KID at All of the General Authorities of the at Idaho Falls, KEYY at Pocatello, KBIO Church are in attendance, excepting Burley, KEEP at Twin Falls, and KRXK President Stayner Richards, one of the at Rexburg. Assistants to the Twelve, now presiding In Colorado: KEXO at Grand Junc- over the European Missions, from whom tion. we have just received the following In Arizona: KTYL at Mesa. cable: In Nevada: KLAS at Las Vegas. "Greetings for a wonderful General We express appreciation to the sta- Conference. Trust that you shall be tions named for their cooperation in be abundantly blessed, and sustained in broadcasting the proceedings of this con- health. You are constantly in our pray- ference. We thank them for their ser- ers. President and Sister Stayner Rich- vice which will continue throughout ards." the conference. However, in the interest We are pleased to note the presence of time, we shall not repeat this an- of the following state and educational nouncement at every session. officials, whom we welcome cordially to All general sessions will also be tele- this session of Conference; Governor vised over KSL Television Station, chan- and Mrs. J. Bracken Lee; Mayor and nel 5. Mrs. Earl J. Glade; Dr. A. Ray Olpin We are pleased to inform you that the president of the University of Utah; singing of this morning's session will Dr. Ernest L. Wilkinson president of be furnished by the Brigham Young the Brigham Young University; State University Combined Choruses, with Superintendent of Schools, Allan Bate- Norman Gulbrandsen and Crawford man; Heber Bennion, Secretary of State; Gates conducting, and Brother Frank and undoubtedly others whom we have W. Asper at the organ. not recognized, to all of whom we extend We shall begin this session by the cordial welcome, as to all of you here Brigham Young University Combined assembled and listening over radio or Choruses singing, "The Heavens are television. Telling," conducted by Elder Norman Elder Joseph Anderson is the Clerk of Gulbrandsen. the Conference. The opening prayer will be offered by GENERAL CONFERENCE Friday, April 4 First Day Elder Castle H. Murphy, formerly twice dent of Western Canadian Mission to president of the Hawaiian Mission. succeed Glen G. Fisher. The Choir will now sing. LeRoy R. Mallory released as presi- dent of the Tahiti an Mission. The Brigham Young University Com- bined Choruses sang, "The Heavens Are NEW STAKES ORGANIZED Telling." Elder Castle H. Murphy, formerly Bountiful Stake organized March 23, president of the Hawaiian Mission, of- 1952, from South Davis Stake. fered the invocation. Columbia River Stake organized De- cember 2, 1951, from Portland Stake and President David O. McKay: Northwestern States Mission. East Lethbridge Stake organized Oc- The Brigham Young University Com- tober 28, 1951, from Lethbridge Stake. bined Choruses will now sing, "Come, Gooding Stake organized March 9, Sweet Death," conducted by Brother 1952, from Blaine Stake.
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