President...:.\V J.I,TER W . MELHUISH, E iN. Wm. G. Taylor, Bodmin St. is one of the leading 11olicitors of the Henry D. Thomas, White Harr. Hotel. town. J.P., Court Barn. Vice-Presidents-J.No. KING, EtiQ. J. r ,, G. W. Thorutun, Rectory. [Hortops. Rev. G. W. Thornton, M.A., is uow Matthew Treble, Part of Bray·s and MASON BR-O'S SCHOOL 0PENS and has been Rector of Holsworthy for Straddon ; H. MouLTO.N-BAitRBTT, Ef"~ · J. P .. Dunsland; C. M. SAUNDEWI, Wm. Voddon, Higher Square. in a few days, . the pa11t 20 yea.rs. His vredecessor was ,, ,, EsQ. J. P., Bovacott. Ariscott Ward, Rev. Christopher Clarkson. Vict.oria Cottage. Vet. Sur~eon-Mlt. W. P~JNHALE, M. It. Mark Westaway, NEW DEPARTURE. and School Books and all School Mr. Thos. Batten, ironmonger, bi:other Thomas Yelland, .Bodmin St. Qf "Gleaner," has retired from a. success­ C.V. S., Holsworthy. Richard H. Beale, Corner. Requisites ful business career and his son John now Hon. Treasurer-M1t. JOHN Mill, Bod­ meyric, Holsworthy. George Brendon, Under St. can be had from me at right prices. carries on the business. Chilsworthy. Mr. Arscott Ward is another business Hon. Secs.- MESSRS. CECIL BRAY, & E. Lewis Butler, F. CHAMIER, Holsworthy and Stratton. Wm. Carter, Youldon Moor. Having decided to conduct our business on a strictly ca.sh THE VlOTOR man of long standing, having carried on a Hogs Park. saddlery in the tt>wn for over 50 yea.rs. Wm. Dockett, system, we have reduced tht\ prices on all our goods, and can Many of our readers will remember GENERA.L COMMITTEE. J. D. F. Davie, Southcott Farm. Noiseless Slate. Miss Scadden, formerly a. schoolmistress Abbotts-Bickington-Mr. W. Yeo. John Gilbert, Cold Harbour. now guarantee to save you ully 15 -r-er cent. on your regular in Bolsworthy. She is just 100 years Black Torrington- Messrs. Jas. Risdun, Walter Grey, Beckly Villa.. Bodmin St. purchases. We find that we can afford to do this, as by selling TR :IDB IL 0 0 C K'S oid and is naturally quite feeble. J. Chapman, S. Hutchings. John Penwarden, Mr. Thomas Webb, who has lived on Allhwater Messrs. W. Ki veil and R. Arscott Row land, Chapel St. 1 Stanhope B<1tel. for cash only,we do not contract any bad debts, which in a mixed the Simpson Farm for at least 60 years, Gerry. C. S. Sandrey, 60. 200 PACE SCRIBBLINC BOOK. Philip Walter, Cranbury. is 99 yea.rs of age and iR s~ill act~ve .. His 1Bridgerule-Messr.s.W. Bines, W. Rogers credit and cash business have always to be allowed for; we have Wm. Wonnacott, C&therine Meadow. 5 Cent Scholars' Companion, nephew Richard Ward, lives with !um. and G. B. Demus. Mr. John Parsons, formerly at the Bradford-Messrs. C. M. Saunders, H. el.so the continued use of our money, which by repeatedly tuming Exercise Books, &c., Stanhope Hotel, though nearly ~!ind Moulton-Barrett, M. Yeo. over, will repay us or the reduction in prices. We think the with age still carries no a little farming. Brad worthy-Messrs. L. A. Beer and w. are all special. Messr~. John and Orange Rees whose Barfitt. 1 time has now come when aD strictly -cash dry goods store can be ages are 98 and 88 years respectively, Clawton- ~essrs. 'V. W. Melhuish an<l l maintained. You cannot afford to pay the extra~amount, which The New Canadian & English still live on Bodmin street. Both are Thos. Kmght. · I receiving "out door relief" and are very Cookbury-Messrs. Wm. Treble and Geo, l it necessary should be paid under the old system, and we now much respected. Harris. · HISTORY, Old Mrs. Betsy Jewell is still living at Holsworthy-Messrs. J. Mill, W. Gray, come to the front and say emphatically and positively that we Deep Lane Head near the National L. Ash, T. & W. Harris. will pla-ce our goods before you at prices which wilI cause you to price 35 cents, is also ready. School. Hollacombe-Mr. •T. Skinner. Mr.• John Gimblett, who was for a Balwill-Messrs. J. H. Durrant and W. stop and ponder before you go back to the old credit system. One doz.en good Lead Pencils for ~reat many years the "village blacksmith" J. Barris. Call at once and you will be convinced. 10 cents. is now blind and .very feeble. His wife Luffincott-Mr. E. Spettigue. is still able to work and chars. Milt?~ Damerell-Messrs. R. Squire, Ja.s. Mr. Samuel Fry, formerly a draper., is I V1v1:m, R. Baker. P. TREBILCOCK. still livin"' at Great Tree House but is Pancrassweek-1\'.l.essrs. E. Grills and J. MASON BROS. very old 0 and deaf. His sister; are all Turner. dead. His daughters Miss Ann Fry and Pyworthy- Mr. W, Sanders. Mrs. Oliver Jive with him. Sutcombe- Mr. C.H. Furse. ~ht Jtatt~man. 'l'etcott-Messrs.V. P.Calmady, 'C.Walker Farmers, Threshers and Mil Im en (!!)amulian A quarter of a century ago the farmers d p Bl . f D t t B'd f d an · · oye. o f t his part o evon wen o I e or Thornbury-Mr. Wm. Stanbury. · Use McColl Bros. & Co.'s Celebrated. BowMANVIUE, FRIDAY, SEP'r. 10. market, but now a first-class monthly North Tamcrton-·Mesars. \V. Dawe, J. market is held here OU the third Wednes· Badcock aud W. Bray. GREAT LIBERAL VICTORY. day of each month, and a weekly market Jacobstowe- Mr. Jas. Perkiir. e\·ery other Wednesday. Being curious Kilkhampton-Messrs. R.Allin, L.Ching, ::LARD I: NE:: . A t d 't th to see what. and English farmers' market "'. ·wnlter. F l n Despite the ranc use c ; esp1 e . e is 1ike, we attend e d t h e H oI sworth Y Liumcells-Mr." Furze. MACHINE 0 l. .s1·11g Barrister·, desJJite the Indian market last Wedriesday and found a large Revl ' ' Morwenstowe-Messrs. J. S. Cottle, W. vote; despite the personal help of the crowd of farmers assembled from th~ S. Jacques. Absolutely Pure. THE BEST TN THE WORLD. Premier, Hon. Thos. White, Hon. Mr. whole country side. The roads as we Marhamchurch-Messrs.Daniel Venning, When buying Coal Oil a sk your dealer for the New Oils, h" d a approached the town were lively with all Rt"cliard '"'edland. Thle powder never varies. A marvel of Thompson, M r. D a Iton M c C art •...,, an k b. d · cu . kinds of farm stoc emg riven to Pougb.ill-Mr. Jomes Trewin. purity, strength and wholesomeness. More ·na Conservatives·, d esp1te k t u'h h d ti ·-. ~ economieal thA11 the ordinary kinds, and can· host Of le!ldl. ..,.. mar e · n en we reac e le .vwn wo Poundstock- Messrs: T. Wi!lcock and \Y. not be sold in .-r,,npetition wit.11 the multitude their efforts to kindle sectarian hatred and found the streets lined with traps (a two Webb. or low test, "l1ort weh~ht, alum or phosphate powders. Solti only in ·eana. HO\' AL BA.K­ FAIILY SAFETY & SUNLIGHT to inflame the worst passions of mankind; wheeled market wagon) and the Market Stratton-Messrs. J no. King, Geo. Bren- IN\i POWDER CU., 106 We.II St•• N. Y. despite the operations of a horde of bri- Square was an animated sight for a Can- don, Wm. Baker, Henry Trewin and Coal Oil. Try it once, you will use no oth~r. &"1.ian . There in small compass were to Jno. Baiibury. hers, four at lea.st of whom h ave b een h "ti I h d 1 b e seen cows w1 l cs vea, s eep an am s, St. Gennis-Mr~ Henry Smeeth. McUOLL DllOS. & tJO'Y, To1•onto ca.ught redhanded; despit.e everything that pigs great and small in pens and out, Week St. Mary-Mr. T. \Valkey, Jur • LADIES, .money , unriv11.lled electioneering skill and fowls all alive crowing and cackling, fruit \Vhitstone- Messrs. W. Williams and W. Your attention is directed ~o the immense almost superhumr.m unscrupulousness and vegetables everywhere, general dry Stanbury. stock 9f goods stores, knick-nacks of all kinds, could do against them, the Liberals of and almost every article of commerce to Knowing that such a large number of MILLI NE RY Haldimand have held th~ir gallant old be found in the regular stores-or shops our readers in Canada are famili11r with DRY GOODS. county true to its glorious history. as they call their stores here- all offered the Parish of Holsworthy and tlw old of every description at The verdict of Haldima.ud, the country for sale on the Market Square. There residents therdof, we will give the names was a good show of butter up stairs and of the principal land owners and holders is prep&red to ratify. Seven yea1'8 of riol· the fre~h meat stalle contained a choice with names of their properties. (Every MRS. DONNEL Y.'S ous misgovernment and plundering can· lot of mea.ts, mutton preponderating. farm is named in England and registered She has just opened out one of the l11~gent not be forgiven because one lunatic rebel (Mutton is the staple kind of fresh meat by name instead of ):>y concession and lot and most stylish stocks ever brought to town, consisting of : has been hanged. ' all over England and Scotland, and we as in Canada.) The following list is have eaten so much of it while here that copied from the " register of persona Milline1•y, Dl"es~ Silks, Every Liberal in Haldimand must feel we shall be ashamed to look a sheep in the entitled to vote at ..
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