Index AbeU 262 333 - lanthanum 152, 207 AbeU 426 352 - Uthium 36, 111, 130-136, 156, AbeU 496 352 182-183 AbeU 1060 352 - magnesium 70,112-113, 140, AbeU 1795 352 142-144, 155-157 AbeU 2029 352 - manganese 95 AbeU 2052 352 - molybdenum 152 AbeU 2107 352 - natrium 118,139-142, 156,167 AbeU 2199 352 - neodymium 127,152, 206-207 AbeU 2597 352 - neon 112 AbeU 3560 333 - neutron capture (s- and r-process) AbeU 3565 333 element 36,124-129, 133,148, AbeU 3742 333 Abundance 111-157 151-152,155,179,206-207 - nitrogen 137,139-140 - alpha element 70-71, 89,112-124, - osmium 207 128,139-140, 145, 150,156-157, - oxygen 70,91, 112-113, 122, 164-171, 174,176,178,180,187-189, 193,196-197 138-141, 143-146, 150, 155-157, 165, - aluminum 139-140, 142-145, 155 168,180,185,187 - argon 112 - praseodymium 152, 207 - barium 95,125-127, 129,152, - samarium 207 155-156, 207 - sUicon 70,112-113,116,156, - beryUium 111, 135 166-167,169 - boron 111 - sodium 138-139, 155, 157 - calcium 70,106,108, 112-113, 116, - solar 21, 93, 99,125, 207, 336, 358 123,150,153,156,166-167,169 - strontium 125 - carbon 137-140, 150 - sulfur 112-113 - cerium 207 - terbium 207 - CNO element 41,89,237 - thorium 206-207 - dysprosium 207 - thuHum 207 - erbium 207 - titanium 70, 112-113, 166-167, 169 - europium 125-129, 155-156, - ytterbium 207 206-207 - yttrium 125, 152 - gadoUnium 207 - zirconium 125,152 - hafnium 207 Age fading 358 - heUum 41,143, 158, 171,178, AM-1 231,273 184-185, 237, 270 Anisotropy parameter 279-281 - holmium 207 - iron 32, 47-49, 52, 62-63, 78, 81, Antennae 339, 345-346, 358, 360-364 83,92,96-111, 114,118,128,138-139, Aperture photometry 386 143-145, 150,152, 155-158,161, 167, Arp2 76,264 171,174,178,196-197 Arp 220 363,373 - iron peak element 12, 112, 148-150, Asymmetric drift 84, 87 180 Asymptotic giant branch 27-29 410 Index Baade-Wesselink method 49-54, 57, CH band 113, 137 159,190,246-247, 253 Chemical evolution 61-63, 65, 70, Baade's window 177, 203 90-91, 110, 115, 118, 122-125, 129, Baryon-to-photon ratio 130, 185 148,168,171,178-179, 206-207, Bayesian statistics 278 310-319,340 BD+3° 740 116 Closed box model 61, 90 BD+23° 3912 133,135 CN band 82, 137, 153-154 BD+26° 3578 134 CN cycle 12, 138 BD+80° 245 116,118,121 CNO cycle 11-12, 113, 136-145, 148, BD-6° 855 116,118-119 180 Big Bang nucleosynthesis 89, 111, CO band 149-150 130,134,185 Collisional growth 341-346, 360, 374 Binary star Color excess 109, 192, 231, 241, 254, - Ball 38 256,260 - CH 38 Color-temperature calibration 100 - contamination 148, 153, 249-250 Coma cluster 312, 314, 332-334, 365 - double-lined eclipsing 185-186, 204 Coma I group 324, 326-327 - frequency 30-32, 37 Coma II group 324,326 - long-period 134 Convection 4-5, 183, 187 - mass transfer 36, 134 Convection zone 16-17, 130, 135-137 - orbital eccentricity 32-33, 38, 80, Cooling flow 352-353 132 Core collapse 290 - period 79-80 Cosmic microwave background 335 - short-period 131 Cousins photometric system 6-7, 183 - spectroscopic 32 CPD-80° 349 119, 193 - tidally locked 182 CS 22892-52 125, 127, 207 Blue straggler 33-39, 76, 134, 136, CS 22966-043 38 182 Curve of growth 93-95, 106, 386 - mass 35 - mass transfer 36-39 Dark-matter halo 278, 284, 304, 319, Bolometric correction 6,19, 21, 28, 351,353 96-97,109,158, 183-184 DDO photometric system 82 Boltzmann equation 278, 280 Diffusion, turbulent 132 Bulge shocking 287, 291 Disk shocking 287, 291 Distance scale 189-204, 227, 230, Calcium triplet 106-107, 123 240-257,286,320-335 Cannibalism, galactic 60, 63, 76, 84, 30 Doradus 339 115, 118-121, 319, 341,355-369 Draco dwarf spheroidal 48, 78, 175, Carina dwarf spheroidal 48, 76, 78, 273,281 273,281 Dynamical erosion 287, 291, 343, 355 fi Cas 140 Dynamical friction 287, 291 CCD photometry 378-385 CD-29° 2277 119 E3 (cluster) 231 CD-48° 1741 131-132 ELS picture 65, 69, 76, 233, 237, 269 Lo Cen 49, 53, 61, 64, 129, 144, Equivalent width 93, 95, 106-107, 155 148-153,201,296,321 Eridanus 176,231 Centaurus A group 317, 370 Evaporation 290 Cepheid variable 10, 28, 45, 135, 182, 201-204, 208, 254-256,322-324 Flux calibration 7-9, 183 Index 411 Fornax cluster 309, 320, 323-324, - SO 310,327,329 326-328,331-335,351,354 - spiral 309-310, 327, 329, 336, 343 Fornax dwarf spheroidal 176, 270, - starburst 337, 354-355, 363, 273,281,327,353 370-373 Fornax-Leo-Sculptor stream 273-275 Galaxy formation 310-319, 340, 355, Fundamental-plane relation 349 370,374 Galaxy merging 61, 63, 76, 78, 84, G24-18 185 115,118-121,124, 153, 180, 268-275, G65-22 132 295,313,319,339, 345-346, 355-369, G66-30 134 374 G77-61 38 Galaxy nucleus 353-354 G92-19 123 Giant molecular cloud 290, 338-343, G114-19 123 347-348 G122-69 134 Groombridge 1830 251-253 G139-8 134 G183-9 131-132 Ha line 133 G186-26 134 H" opacity 21,123,143,148,199-200 G247-32 123 H II region 185, 296, 346, 370 Galactic wind 311, 317, 349-350, 353, Hayashi track 16, 109 355 HD6755 121 Galactocentric distance 227, 275 HD17072 194 - of sun 203,208,230,240-243, 258 HD 25329 193 - versus alpha-element abundance 116-121 HD 84937 134 - versus cluster age 157, 170, HD 103095 97-98, 193-194, 251 174-179 HD 108577 121 - versus GOLF 289-290, 300 HD 110184 125-126 - versus HB morphology 40, 45, 236 HD 120559 193 - versus metallicity 177, 229, 235 HD 121447 38 - versus rotational velocity 262, HD 122563 125 264-265 HD 126681 193 - versus velocity dispersion 282 HD 134439/134440 116, 118,121, Galaxies 192-193 - brightest cluster (BCG) 308-311, HD 145417 193 314-315, 331, 348-352,354,363, HD 193901 193 368-369 He 2-10 372 - cD 304, 308, 314, 319, 341, 348 Heavy element - disk 325, 327-329, 331, 355, 361 - mass fraction 4,13-16, 18, 24-26, - dwarf 47-48, 61, 76, 91,118,121, 89-90,110,157,180 185, 270, 273-274,281,291,327,336, - production 61, 157 340-341,368,370 Helium - dwarf elliptical 307-312, 325, 327, - diffusion 182, 184 329, 331, 341, 350, 353-354, 367-368, - flash 10, 18 375,384 - mass fraction 4,14-16, 18, 24-26, - elliptical 307-311, 313-319, 321, 144,148, 158, 180, 184-186 323-331, 336, 338, 348-350, 353, 355, - mixing 197, 199 361,363-365,368,374 - shell burning 28 - high-redshift 340, 374 Hipparcos catalog 185, 193, 195, 198 - irregular 309-310, 327, 341, 371 Hipparcos parallax 203, 208, 247-251 412 Index Hipparcos proper motion 196, 202, LiUer 1 179 245 Limb darkening 50 H2O maser 203 Line blanketing 109, 148 Holmesian fashion 36, 227 Lithium 36, 130-136, 182 Horizontal branch 21-27, 144-148, LMC 48, 201-204, 208, 254-257, 270, 150,177 273, 281, 285, 325, 327, 339, 370 - lifetime 26 Local Group 273-274, 281, 284, 299, - luminosity (magnitude) 48, 107, 304,321,325,327,340,353,384 159, 191, 227, 241-244, 247, 254, - infaU velocity 304, 321, 325, 327, 256-257, 281 332 - morphology (red-blue color) 21, Local Standard of Rest 60, 82-83, 26-27, 39-46, 69,136, 144-146, 150, 258,261,281 164,169,171-176, 185,227, 236-237, Luminosity distribution function 226, 262,269-272, 275, 377 293-296, 304, 312, 337, 343, 345-346, - zero-age 10, 58,145, 172, 197, 199, 360,363 227, 244, 256 Luminosity function, of GCs (GCLF) HR5270 125 226,285-302,305-306, 320-335, 337, Hubble constant 189, 201, 240, 301, 344, 347, 363 320,332-335 Lutz-Kelker correction 192, 250-251 Hubble diagram 332, 334 Hyades 79,255 M2 23, 54-55, 58, 159, 171, 179, 197, Hydra I cluster 311-312, 314, 365 199,201 Hydrogen shell burning 17,136, 145 M3 24-25, 34, 36, 39, 54-55, 58, 136-137, 139, 141, 146, 150, 159, 167, IC1257 231 170-171, 176, 179, 197-199, 201, 251, IC 4051 312, 314, 332, 337, 365, 393 269-270 IC4296 333 M4 28, 52-53,107,138, 167,170, 205, Impulsive shock 290 247-248 i/ Ind 140 M5 39, 52-53,129,135, 141-142, 167, Infrared flux method 8, 98 170-171, 176, 192-194, 247 Initial mass function 62,136, 291, 363 M13 39, 129, 137-147, 150, 167,171, Instability strip 9, 21, 23, 34, 169, 183,191,269 192,197,269-270 Inst ant anions recycling 91 M15 28, 107,129, 137, 141, 155-156, Inter galactic medium 351 167-171, 198-200, 251 Interstellar medium 114,130, M22 28, 153 135-136, 340 M28 83 Iron peak 112 M30 164, 175,178 Isochrone 9, 58-59, 163, 171, 180, 182, M31 57, 201-203, 208, 254-257, 186-187, 250, 378 284-285, 292-293, 296-302, 312,321, Isothermal halo 282 325, 327, 330, 343, 345, 365, 384 M33 327,330 Johnson photometric system 6-8, 183 M54 76,264 M67 36,79 Kramer's opacity 13, 16 M68 164, 171, 175, 198-199 M71 78, 87,123, 142, 149-150, 167, Leo I dwarf spheroidal 273, 281, 284 179 Leo II dwarf spheroidal 48, 273, 281 M81 327 Leo I group 324,326 M82 373 Index 413 M87 303-304, 308, 317, 319-321, 326, Milky Way Galaxy 330, 343-344, 348-349, 351-352, 360, - age 180 365 - angular momentum distribution M92 35, 52-53, 129, 134-135, 137- 62-63,70,118,258,275 138, 141-142, 149-150, 153, 155-156, - bulge 62, 90, 174, 178, 229, 238, 164, 171, 175, 185, 187-188, 247, 249, 260-264, 291 251,270 - disk 62, 84,118, 123, 165-168, 205, MACHO project 203, 254 229,260-264 Magnetic field 339 - dynamics 275-285 Magnetohydrodynamics 341 - evolution 61-63, 65, 115,125, 128, Main sequence 13-16 136,153,157,174,205-207 - fit(ting) 58,192, 194,199, 203, - formation 45, 62, 65, 76, 84,124, 248-253 157,160,170, 179, 205-206, 233, - turn-off 14-15, 34, 59, 77,153, 170, 235-237, 268-275, 291 180,183,376 - halo 62-77, 90,118-120, 130, - turn-off age 10 165-170, 228, 235, 237, 245, 258, - turn-off color index 79 264-275,277-285,291,341 - turn-off luminosity (magnitude) - kinematics 60, 65, 68, 70-71, 82, 25, 47-48,157-161, 169,181,185, 187, 118-121,257-275 190 - mass profile 277 - zero-age 10, 227, 245, 248, 376 - thick disk 63, 78-89, 123, 238, 245, 262-264 Mass-to-light ratio
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