JOHH D. DALY. BIOGRAPHICAL. JOHN D. DALY.—It is with pleasure that clothing, furnishings, boots and shoes, crock- we are permitted to write concerning the tal- ery, groceries, and feed to lumber, hardware, ented and enterprising" business man whose and machinery and implements. In addition name appears above, since he is one of those to this fine business, Mr. Daly and his partner men of honor and stability who form the real are among the leading financiers of the sec- strength of any community, and since he is tion, being largely interested in the First Na- numbered as one of the leading business men tional Bank of Ontario, and the First National of the county of Harney, and has here and else- Bank at Burns, Oregon. Our subject is the where achieved a success which is very grati- president of both of these institutions and they fying both in the results to him individually are in a flourishing condition and well estab- and in the general business world of eastern lished. The firm also handles a sawmill, Oregon, where he has operated. twenty-two miles north from Drewsey, and Mr. Daly was born in Canyon City, Ore- Mr. Daly has about one-half dozen ranches of gon, on May 13, 1866, being the son of Eugene value in various parts of the country, and he and Mary A. (Donohoe) Daly. His parents manages this large amount of business with were natives of County Cork, Ireland, and marked wisdom and discretion, putting into came to the United States in 1862, locating in the entire lines energy and vigor which are Boston, whence in 1863 they came via Pana- characteristic of his own personality. ma, to California, and in 1864 came on to Mr. Daly was married on Mav 5, 1894, to Canyon City. His father died in 1881 and Daisy O., daughter of Joseph and Emeline the mother died in 1897. Our subject grew (McAfee) Robertson, and three children have up in Canyon City, gaining a good education been born to them, as follows : Mary E., born from the schools there and at the age of six- June 18, 1895 ; Eunice M., born July 25, 1897; teen years started on a course of teaching, Abner R., born September 10, 1899. Mr. wherein he made a commendable record. He Robertson was a native of Scotland, came to gained sufficient money by this labor to pay Illinois, and thence in i860 to Jackson county, his way at college, and he attended at Santa Oregon, crossing the plains with ox teams. Clara, California. In the fall of 1890, he They were six months making the trip having came to Drewsey and in partnership with Ab- to fight the Indians considerably. In 1863 he ner Robbins started a general merchandise es- came to Grant county and to Harney in 1889. tablishment, which has since been one of the Mrs. Daly was born near Canyon City, Ore- 'leading business houses of the county and is gon, on February 5, 1875. operated under the firm name of Daly & Rob- Fraternally Mr. Daly is affiliated with the bins. They commenced with a small stock of A. F. & A. M., Burns Lodge, No. 97, and the goods, labored hard and have built up a fine A. O. U. W., Drewsey Lodge, No. 119. He trade, because of their wise methods and be- dwells in a fine modern residence of nine cause of the manifestation of integrity and up- rooms, over which his estimable wife presides rightness in all their ways. They have a large with a graciousness and dignity that are be- stock of all kinds of goods from dry goods, coming. : 660 . HISTORY OF BAKER, GRANT, MALHEUR AND HARNEY COUNTIES JOSEPH P. RECTOR.—Among those stands well throughout the county. He has who have gained a remarkable success in Har- always kept within the realm of the celibate, ney county we are constrained to mention the and chooses rather the quiet and comfort of gentleman whose name initiates this para- that life to the cares of connubiality. graph, and who- has wrought with such wis- dom, energy and assiduity that he has gained one of the finest holdings of the county and is numbered among the leading stockmen of MARY A. MILLER, familiarly known by this section. This is more to his credit when all as "Grandma Miller," is one of the lovable it is mentioned that he came to the county elderly ladies of our county and it is especially with no means and has gained his entire prop- gratifying to have the opportunity to append erty by his thrift and wise management since an epitome of her career in this the abiding his advent. chronicles of Harney county. She & a woman Joseph P. was born in Schenectady county, of many virtues and graces and has done a New York, on August 28, 1844, being the son noble part in the life of the pioneer and she has of Matthew H. and Ruth Rector. He grew up many friends who admire her real worth of on a farm and gained his education from the character, her faithful life, and her own rare adjacent schools. In 1869 he came west as qualities of intrinsic worth. She is now mak- far as the railroad ran and then took wagon ing her home with her daughter, Mrs. Jane transportation to the terminus of the Central Poujade, who is the wife of one of the leading Pacific and came to> San Francisco. Hje soon stockmen of Harney county and whose com- located in Humboldt county and for several fortable and commodious residence is six miles years engaged in farming and dairying. Then east from Harney, on what is known as Cow he transferred his residence to Palisade, Ne- creek ranch. vada, and engaged in raising stock. In 1880 Mrs. Miller was born in Richland county, he came to Harney valley and worked for Ohio, on September 29, 1827, and at the age wages for a time and then located his present of eleven went with her parents to Henry coun- place, fifteen miles northeast from Lawen and ty, Iowa. There she married Mr. Isaac H. as many miles southeast from Harney. He Jones, on October 26, 1845. They removed to devoted his attention to raising stock, cattle Boone county, Iowa, where Mr. Jones died and horses, and he has been attended with fine on June 27, i860. In 1862 Mr. Jones mar- success. He now has one thousand acres of ried William Miller and in 1863, with five chil- fine land, all fenced and well improved. He dren, they started across the plains with ox has a fine grove, excellent orchard and devotes teams for the Pacific coast. The arduous and much of his land to raising hay. His industry trying journey was completed when they land- and thrift account for the success that he en- ed in Salem. There Mr. Miller engaged in joys. His ranch is known all over the country raising stock for three years and then removed as the Crow Camp ranch. The reason for this to the Rogue river valley, where he continued is that in the early days a Mr. Rankin Crow, in raising stock and farming until the time of who was herding stock for Todhunter & De- his death, which sad event occurred on June vine, discovered the excellent springs located 6, 1886. Since that time, Mrs. Miller sold the at this point and also the abundance of good property and has come to reside with her grass all about, which resulted from; the fertil- daughter, as mentioned above. ity of the soil and the generous supply of pure By her first husband there were born to water free from alkali, and he made it his Mrs. Miller, five children, named as follows headquarters for a long time. Then the sol- Albert J., deceased ; Mrs. Elizabeth J. Lu, of diers from Camp Harney took their stock to Baker City; Mrs. Amy A. Mclntyre, deceased; this place. Since that time it has been known George W., near Portland; Charles W., de- as the Crow Camp ranch and it one of the ceased. By her second marriage she had four finest stock ranches in this portion of the state. children, Mrs. Mary Savage, of Burns; Mrs. Mr. Rector manifested his excellent judgment Jane Poujade, near Harney ; John C, deceased; in securing it and making it a permanent lo- Frank S., near Burns. Mrs. Miller has al- cation. Mr. Rector is esteemed by all and ways lived on the frontier and she has done a HISTORY OF BAKER, GRANT, MALHEUR AND HARNEY COUNTIES 661 noble pari in the advancement of civilization On January 28, 1864, Mr. Smith married into the wilds of the various frontier regions. Miss Mary E. Kennedy, in Yuba county, and She is hearty and well now, and remarks that two children were born to them, Othniel, de- she loves to dwell in a new country, thus show- ceased ; Izora, wife of Scott Hayes, near ing' the admirable pluck, courage, and spirit of Lawen. In August, 1867, at Marysville, Mr. which she is possessed. She is beloved by all, Smith was called toi mourn the death of his and her pilgrim years have been crowded with wife. On Thanksgiving clay, 1876, Mr. Smith good deeds and now she is enjoying the golden married Sarah (Linn) Gorman in Butte coun- years of life in comfort and happiness. ty, California, and two children have been born to them : Ada L., wife of Charles T. Miller, near Lawen; Otto V., of Tulare county, Cali- fornia.
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