cooking with G IOVANNI C ABOTO athering more than 230 recipes and drawing from each of Italy’s 20 regions, Cooking With Giovanni Caboto explores the best in traditional Italian G cuisine. Passed down from generation to generation and taste-tested in the kitchens of the Caboto Club, Cooking With Giovanni Caboto will both expand your culi- nary horizons and lead you to discover a new world of regional Italian cooking. With more than 250 colour photographs. $34.95 CAD / $34.95 USD COOKING / CULINARY ARTS CookingCover(Biblioasis).indd 1 12-08-23 7:26 AM COOKING WITH GIOVANNI CABOTO COOKING WITH GIOVANNI CABOTO EDITED BY GIACINTO PIAZZA PHOTOGRAPHED BY MAURO CHECHI BIBLIOASIS Copyright © Giovanni Caboto Club, 2012 Photographs © Mauro Chechi, 2012 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher or a licence from The Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency (Access Copy- right). For an Access Copyright licence, visit or call toll free to 1-800-893-5777. Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Cooking with Giovanni Caboto / the Giovanni Caboto Club ; edited by Giacinto Piazza ; photographed by Mauro Chechi. Includes index. ISBN 978-1-926845-97-5 1. Cooking, Italian. 2. Cookbooks. I. Piazza, Giacinto, 1951- II. Giovanni Caboto Club TX723.C65 2012 641.5945 C2012-905076-8 PRINTED AND BOUND IN CANADA CONTENTS Foreword . 8 and Herbs) Risotto con Pesce Persico . 78 Pasta Carbonara . 45 (Risotto with Perch) Introduction . 9 Coniglio alla Casalinga Bellunese . 46 Pizzoccheri . 79 (Homestyle Rabbit) (Buckwheat Flour Pasta) Lasagna di Nonna Elena . 11 Nervitt con L’Erbasalvia . 80 (Nonna Elena’s Lasagna) Selvaggina alla Cacciatora . 47 (Wild Game – Hunters Style) (Calf’s Nerves with Sage) Minestra di Fagioli con Muset alla Contadina . 13 Paradello . 81 FRIULI-VENEZIA GIULIA (Puréed Bean Soup with Muset – (Apple Omelette) Peasant-Style) Finocchi in Pentola . 50 (Fennel in a Pan) PIEMONTE Pasta Mare e Monte . 15 Uova Ripiene con Acciughe . 84 (Pasta with Seafood and Mushrooms) Melanzane alla Parmigiana . 51 (Eggplant Parmesan) (Stuffed Eggs with Anchovies) The Basic Pizza . 17 Insalata di Fagioli . 52 Acciughe al Verde . 85 Cestino di Formaggi . 19 (Bean Salad) (Anchovy, Garlic, Parsley, Chili Spread) (Asiago and Parmigiano-Reggiano Cheese Bowls) Crespe di Zucchine . 53 Pinzimonio Ortaggi . 86 (Zucchini Crepes) (Italian Raw Vegetable Antipasto) TRENTINO ALTO-ADIGE Insalata Tiepida di Lenticchie e Trota Fonduta Piemontese . 87 Stracciatella . 22 Salmonata . 54 (Piedmont Cheese Fondue) (Egg-drop Soup) (Warm Lentils and Trout Salad) Minestra di Noci . 88 Minestrone D’Orzo . 23 Scaloppine di Patate . 55 (Walnut Soup) (Pearl Barley Soup) (Scalloped Potatoes) La Bagna Caoda . 89 Minestra di Trippa . 24 Risotto con Valeriana o Spinaci . 56 (Anchovy and Garlic Dip) (Tripe Soup) (Risotto with Herbs) Vitel Tonné . 90 Zuppa di Pane della Val D’Ultimo . 25 Rotolo di Pasta e Spinaci e Ricotta . 57 (Cold Braised Veal) (Flatbread Soup) (Pasta Rolls Stuffed with Spinach and Vin Brulé . 92 Tortel di Patate . 26 Ricotta Cheese) (Mulled Wine) (Potato Pie) Conchiglie Ricotta e Spinaci al Forno . 58 Zucchine in Carpione . 93 Risotto con Funghi . 27 (Baked Pasta Shells with Spinach (Fried, Marinated Zucchini) Ricotta Filling) (Mushroom Risotto) Involtini di Cavolo Verza . 94 Patate in Tecia . 60 Strangolapreti . 28 (Swiss Chard Pork Rolls) (Potato Salad) (Spinach Gnocchi) Zuppa di Pane . 95 Spezzatino di Carne . 61 Cappuccio in Umido . 29 (Bread Soup) (Beef Stew) (Stewed Cabbage with Meat) Bocconcini di Pollo in Camicia . 62 Canederli . 30 VALLE D’AOSTA (Chicken Thighs Wrapped in Pancetta) (Bread Balls) Costolette di Vitello alla Valdostana . 98 Insalata di Riso . 63 (Veal Cutlets with Fontina Cheese and Spezzatino e Polenta . 32 (Rice Salad) Truffles) (Beef and Pork Stew with Polenta) Asparagi Marinati e Prosciutto . 64 Zuppa Paysanne . 99 Coniglio alla Trentina con Polenta . 33 (Marinated Asparagus and Prosciutto) (The Peasant’s Rich Soup) (Rabbit with Polenta) Spinaci in Casseruola . 65 Tagliatelle Funghi e Noci . 100 VENETO (Spinach Casserole) (Tagliatelle with Mushrooms and Walnuts) Risotto e Asparagi . 36 Umido alla Regina . 66 (Asparagus Risotto) (Regina’s Homemade Stew) Gnocchi di Zucca . 101 (Pumpkin Gnocchi) Pasta al Pesto . 37 Umido . 68 (Pasta with Parsley/Basil Pesto) (Polenta Lasagna) Involtini di Melanzane e Fontina . 102 (Rolled Eggplants with Fontina Cheese Salsa con Fagioli alla Vicentina . 38 and Pancetta) (Bean Salad) LOMBARDIA Polenta Concia . 72 Filetto Carbonade . 103 Peperonata . 39 (Polenta with Two Cheeses) (Beef Fillet in Wine Sauce) (Stewed Vegetables) Risotto alla Milanese . 73 Polenta Concia alla Valdostana . 104 Fettucine Mare e Monte con Zafferano . 40 (Risotto with Saffron) (Polenta with Layered Cheeses) (Fettuccine with Saffron) Pesce in Carpione . 74 Involtini di Vitello di Fenis . 105 Coscia di Tacchino alla Vicentina . 41 (Cod in Wine/Vinegar Sauce) (Stuffed Veal Rolls) (Turkey Leg) Bruscitt . 75 Funghi Ripieni . 106 Risotto con Zucchine . 42 (Beef Strips in Wine) (Stuffed Mushrooms) (Risotto with Zucchini) Cotolette alla Milanese . 76 Civet di Camoscio . 107 Vitello in Umido alla Bellunese . 43 (Veal Cutlets) (Wild Goat in Wine) (Veal Stew) Cassoeüla/Bottagio . 77 Fettuccine con Luganega, Funghi e Erbe Aromatiche . 44 (Stewed Pork with Savoy Cabbage) (Fettuccine, with Sausage, Mushrooms EMILIA-ROMAGNA Topetti . 145 Carciofi alla Romana . 181 Penne alla Boscaiola . 110 (Stuffed Zucchini Flowers) (Artichokes Roman Style) (Penne with Sausage and Porcini Risotto di Farro ai Funghi Secchi . 146 Linguine alle Nocciole e Rughetta . 182 Mushrooms) (Spelt Risotto with Dried Mushrooms) (Linguine with Hazelnuts and Arugula) Triglia alla Livornese . 111 La Farinata . 147 Peperoni di Magro . 183 (Mullet in Tomato Sauce) (Polenta Bean Soup) (Stuffed Peppers without Meat) Cappelletti in Brodo . 112 Coratella con Carciofi . 185 (Cappelletti in Broth) MARCHE (Lamb Innards with Artichokes) Tartine alla Robiola . 113 Passatelli . 150 Frittata di Asparagi . 186 (Robiola Spread) (Passatelli Pasta/Soup) (Asparagus Omelette) Gnocchi di Zucca al Semolino . 114 Calamari Ripieni . 151 Pomodori col Riso . 187 (Semolina Pumpkin Gnocchi) (Stuffed Squid) (Tomatoes Stuffed with Rice) Asparagi alla Panna . 115 Vincisgrassi . 152 Rapini Saltati . 188 (Creamy Asparagus) (Lasagna Marche) (Rapini) Fettine al Pomodoro . 116 Costolette d’Agnello al Vino . 154 Pasta Carbonara alla Romana . 189 (Veal Cutlets in Tomato Sauce) (Lamb Chops with Wine) (Pasta with Pancetta and Eggs) Baccalà Bolognese . 117 Brodetto di Pesce . 156 (Salted Cod Bolognese Style) (Fish Soup) ABRUZZO Tagliatelle al Sugo di Piselli . 118 Pasticciata . 157 Maccheroni con Zucchine (Aquilana) . 192 (Tagliatelle with Peas in Sauce) (Slow Cooked Eye of Round) (Macaroni with Zucchini and Saffron) Involtini di Lucchesia . 119 Stoccafisso alla Marchigiana . 158 Spaghettini con Acciughe . 193 (Zucchini Rolls in Tomato Sauce) (Salted Dry Cod) (Spaghettini with Anchovy Sauce) Tagliatelle con Pesce alla Marchigiana . 159 Agnello alle Olive . 194 LIGURIA (Tagliatelle with Fish) (Lamb Chops with Olives) Farinata Genovese . 122 Risotto ai Gamberi . 160 Baccalà con Patate . 195 (Chickpea Biscuits) (Risotto and Shrimp) (Salted Cod with Potatoes) Zuppa di Cozze . 123 Vitello Ubriaco . 161 Ravioli Ripieni con Ricotta . 196 (Mussel Soup) (Veal Steak in Wine) (Ricotta-filled Ravioli) Polenta con Cavoli e Fagioli . 124 Arrosto di Agnello . 197 (Polenta with Cabbage and Beans) UMBRIA (Roast Leg of Lamb) Acciughe al Limone . 125 Baccalà con Patate . 164 Melanzane alla Parmigiana . 198 (Lemon-marinated Anchovies) (Salted Cod with Potatoes) (Eggplant Parmesan) Polpettone di Zucchini . 126 Carciofini Fritti . 165 Pasta e Ceci . 199 (Zucchini Loaf) (Fried Baby Artichokes) (Pasta and Chickpeas) Trenette al Pesto . 127 Peperonata di Coniglio . 166 Sogliole Abruzzese . 200 (Trenette with Pesto, Potatoes and (Rabbit with Stewed Vegetables) (Oven-Baked Sole) Green Beans) Fegatelli . 167 Pancotto . 201 Riso con Zucchini al Forno . 128 (Pork Liver with Bacon) (Bread Soup with Vegetables) (Rice and Zucchini Casserole) Gobbi al Forno . 168 Torta di Bietole . 129 (Baked Artichoke Stems) MOLISE (Swiss Chard Quiche) Carciofini Fritti . 169 Sagne e Fagioli . 204 Minestrone Genovese . 130 (Deep-fried Baby Artichokes) (Pasta Strips and Beans) (Minestrone) Lasagna con Besciamella . 170 Pasta Ceci e Cozze . 205 Foglie di Lattuga Ripiene in Brodo . 131 (Lasagna with Besciamella Sauce) (Pasta with Chickpeas and Mussels) (Stuffed Lettuce Leaves in Broth) Pomodori Ripieni . 171 Lessata del Primo Maggio . 206 Spigola al Sale . 132 (Stuffed Tomatoes) (Mixed Vegetables) (Sea Bass Baked in Salt) Gnocchi di Patate . 172 Polpette “Cacio e Uova” . 207 (Potato Gnocchi) (Meatballs without the Meat) TOSCANA Pasta alla Aragosta . 173 La Panonta . 208 Minestrone di Farro della Garfagnana . 136 (Pasta with Lobster Claws) (4-Layer Sandwich) (Minestrone with Spelt) Fiadone con la Verdura . 210 Broccoli Romani . 137 LAZIO (Rolls Stuffed with Swiss Chard and (Roman Broccoli) Fagioli con le Cotiche . 176 Anchovies) Pappardelle con Ragù . 138 (Beans with Pork Skin) Patate Arracanate . 211 (Wide Fettuccine with Meat Sauce) Linguine Cacio e Pepe . 177 (Potatoes with Oregano) Ossobuco . 140
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