University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1938 The aiD ly Lobo 1931 - 1940 10-1-1938 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 041, No 7, 10/1/1938 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1938 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 041, No 7, 10/1/1938." 41, 7 (1938). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ daily_lobo_1938/48 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1931 - 1940 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1938 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .,.t/':1~ p:~.<j'~ ~~~ ~ 1 ' A. •loolll i \J'i .~ • •' Page Four N:EW MEXICO ~OBO Wednesday, September 28, 1938 :::::.:::::;:;.:::::.:::::;:;.:::.::.:::-~--I·IJ"················--.-.............................- ..- ..............-.--- ..·--.- ..- ..-.--·.·-·······---·-·---·-·····"" Freshman Assembly New Mexico Dames LET 'J,'HE MARRIED CARRY THE ·~. ·~. ' 'The '1/acu.u.m Cfeane:n. , . • • Social Highlights • • BALL By Elmo Werm A special assembly for all Will Wekome MAN in the Spotli~ht freshman men will be held ············-·-.•... ···•···-v····•······'·····-· ............. - •••- ..-.-)4- ..-.-.- ....- ........-.-.-.-.- ••••••Jil NEW MEXICO LOBO By C'amiUe: Runyan and Ineb;iatcd Bums der the arcs against the Mason and Thursday at 12 ;So in Eo dey las Damitas Mixer Mary 1o Starrett p· A · St t T h ~ Hall, Gus Burton, !{hatali New Women at Tea Publication of the Associated Students of the University of New Mexico• WAA Will Give ::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::_~-·I Pop Evans is .supposed to be 1xon rtzopa a e eac:: ers, w,,o head, announced. Draws 100 Students setting p,n example for the new claim they can't aee Rudolph a.t Every freshman will 'be re.. In c::ase you wonder, it's buildings pledges, says ·a new one, who night. New Moxico Dames will hold a quired to attend this meeting. XLI Annual Gym Party that interest ~s at this poin< , .• found Padro h~ngin!l' ovor a bu~h Operator 13 tea on October S, from 3 to 5 p. m., Vor,. Z437 ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1938 No, 7 Ovor 100 ~panish-amedcan stu- of course wlil'l;'e not averse to men~ at the Sub dance last Friday night. The gullible gobbler of garralous at the1 home of Mrs. J. W, Myers, Tomorrow Night dents att13nded the Las Damitus tionjng a f!aw names if it's. abR Chuck was qffering his pin at goo, Operator 18, though somewhat Neophytes of Sigma Chi 702 Ridgecrest Drive, to welcol):le Mixe1• in the gym Tuesday eve- solutely necessary •. , the Student Le Grande Saturday n,lght, and if delayed, will sally forth tomorrow Elect Three to Office new women who are eligible for ning, The program included games, Union catchca our ;fancy today he l."ememberi!;l correctly he has a to collect your morsels of tingling membership. W.A.A, holcls its annual part¥ James Derryberry, of Nashville, tomorrow night :from 7 to 9 o'clock, a groi>P of piano selections by (alons- with the othel' 1579 of rou) date this Friday p, m, news. Become acquamted with the The Dames is a campus organiza­ Nato Jiqrnnndez, and aongs by •. , newest building on the campus, The Kappa Sigs have a red nose Operator, aml the Cleaner wUI take Tennessee1 was elected president of tion for mairied women students, The party wi!l be held in tl1o gym, the Sigma Chi pledge chapto1• Mon­ First Conference Game not IJQUnting the Library, it is in their house in the form of Bob up all the dirt. wives of students, and mothers of ~~~Wolfpack Wins and gil'ls in charge suggest that Juha Gntierrez and Sara Bnca, plso one of the most beautiful . , . Buck. (His face abo was red over Here and There day night. Carter Butler, of Las stqdonts, Vegas, New Mexico, was chosen as Germany, F),"ance1 Italy, and those planning to attend wear gym Re£rea1lmenta wet·e se:rve.d. any number of students from out the week-end, and not from emw Cherubic Suitcase Simpson, the Co~hofi:tesses with Mrs. Myet:s Eltgland have agre~d to dtvide the Engineers Take Up Painting Faculty guests were Dr. and of stfl.te 3ay that they lilte it Pette1• barrassmentl) terrible monster, seems headed for vice-pre.sident, and Dick Bluestein, • clothes or other suitable dress. The will be MrB. Fred Barela and Mrs. ' Czech nation into many little sec­ nrrs. F, M. Kerchevil!o, Mrs, Mela every time they see it , . , by the Threo campus hot shots were All~American football honol's, Albuquerque, was nelected as sec­ Robert Hurd, president of the local . pa1;ty is given at the first of every tmns to be given to aitle;r1 Poland, Let~ bendin~ retary p.nd treasurer. Merchants Ready as Secli11o B1·ewste1'1 M1·s. Sa'ra end of the nine weeks there may seen elbows with remark.. Battling Simp easily outshone all chapter. Lobos Down Tempe·21-0 year for the pu1•pose of introducing The new pfficers immediately Hungary, and two sections which ton, Miss Ruth Campbell, and Miss be a little difference o;f' opmionl able aplomb at the ;Friday game. other linemen in the Silver City Mmes Hurd, Charles M. Soto, are t1> be made autonomous. fresh1nen and new girls to the took over their duties and drew up Soila Sanche~. , , , putting that disadvantage out Their eve1.•y move was upder strict slaughtel\ Jr., vice-presJdent, and G. H. AI~.. The four power~ have spoken, of the w&y, no one denies it js THE observance by one of the big-gun The~ gal, who played games with plans for a pledge dance to be held W.A.A. organization. Beatrjce Vigil, Julia Gutie:rre~, ander and J. T. Reid, faculty spon­ but at th1~ w1•iting (Friday, Sept. Campus Dollar Plan Starts Dwyer Thrills Vast Throng Several ;novelty games will be Sara Bnca, Leonora Uudolfo, Lydia place on the campus , , . we are dea11.s. Hereafter, the strongest Casanova. over at one of the fra- _soon. sors, will receive. 30) there 1s no indication whatso- Costales, and SyI via Candclarjn convinced half of the student body stimulant will be a cigar, spokes~ ternity houses last week, has Phi --------------­ Mrs. Hurd announced that ;formal t)l.a)'ed nnd refreshments will be ever that the Czechs will agree to Students Will Hoard ( Opening Bol'der Confe1•once )>lay ae:t·ved late in the evening. Flor.. were in clm.rge. gets the bulk of their education man fpr the trio was overheard to Gam hardware to keep her Pi Beta of incoherent l'eporting. To set invitations will be sent to mothers h C• • M I c 1 the division. T d A t" D last night tbe Lobos defeated ence Pearaon, J nne Cecil, and there. • . say. Phi arrow company now. And- aright those who want the truth, livmg here temporarily if stu~ Peace may have been kept, but OWar UC lOll ay zec riSIS ay Facu ty omm ittee Betty Burton are the comtnittee in The "older .,generation" missed Repetition Bruiser Johnson is NOT a Phi Dutch blocked for Monfort's sec- dents will d1.•op a note to the New Czechoslovakia has been murdered, R I • L wII s I Tempe Teachers 21~0. cluuga of entertainment. Josephh1e Kappa Sigs Will Entertain the old Bookstore at fh:st, but There must be somethip.~ in this Gam! But Duffin is. ' ond touchdow_n spree, and Beans Mexico Dames through th«j! Uni­ Peace has been made, but Adolph Students and faeulty membets of esu t In oss i e ect Playing before an estimated Lukins is in cha~·ge of 1·efresh- Arc:hie moved over with it and on-again-off-again cupid1tivity. Boo Pike pledges must bave stomped was playing mum~le~peg on the versity mail, Hitler has, for the second time in the Umvel'Slty started a hoardtng . crowd of 7,000 fnns, Coach Ted ments, that's something . " • the one thing and Double D nro at it again, as on many a foot at their house bench! history, caused major countries to campaign today as the New Mex- oh 1 Deltn chaptet• ot Kappa Sigma B' h d M G n· And d · d · f th Jjl' " C t' Pl 'co Loco campus dollar plan offi- Of Museum MaterJ"al Rhodes Cand'Jdates ~ ip tey's aquad opened their sur- «- we fail to understand is why 110 nre IS an c 1 tvary, , as ance~ JU gmg rom ., e 1 .nappa ouec ton, ease Kappa Alpha entertains again crawl for him. Leland Stowe, for- I u will entertain with an informal t d Q · H · ~ AI h 11 t · 1 I d · A t ~ t K J-~ge . fid t c'ally ~"gan. p1·ise package to l'eveal new plays pictures of the campus, or of the expec e , ueen1e ams o~ce p a enro men m a ocn nncmg cer am rJeopuy e appa P ~ this week at an informal house e1gn correspon d en t , JS con en 1 p-.. dance at the chapter house Satul.'w Sub as an example of the general more displays the Crescent and class. is not flashing the tell-tale roc1r dance after the football game Fri­ that th>s pampering will spoil the Me1chants wem supplied with Frank Hibben Cannot University Aspirants Will whic~ have been learned in secret Alpha Delta Pi da.y in honor of their new initiates. architecture, ever get mto the Col- Star.
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