» VOLUME 25, NUMBER 1 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1956 HOUSE VICTORY IS PREDICTED AIDS TABORIANS — In Lo$ Angeles a check was handed last week »Io Rev. Perry M. Smith, III, (R) by Stephen Rowland, fabulous TV winner, to aid the Taborian Hospital of Mound Bayou, Mississippi, FOR IKE’S CIVIL RIGHTS BILL "I'm glad to helpl" said Rowland. "Thanks, Steve," replied the young minister, "and we hope many others will do likewise, eoch Southerners May Use according to his resources." Insurance man Rowland and his Ministers Hit charming and beautiful wife have won against all challengers for more than three months on the CBS Tuesday night TV show Filibuster In Senate Do You Trust Your Wife?" with Edgor Bergen and Charlie Mc­ Police Action Carthy. Their winnings are now around seventy thousand dollars. WASHINGTON, D. C. - (SNS) - Following o conference with The hospital, hard-pressed, is conducting a fund drive. Rev. President Eisenhower and Republican Congressional leaders, Re­ Euloh M. Smith, Pre» Chairman of the National Association of publican Leader Martin (Mass) told reporters Tuesday that he In Attack Case Colored Women's Clubs, who sends us thé picture, says, "let each expected the controversial Civil Rights Bill to pass the House by one of us mail our contribution io the hospital right away." a margin of about "2 to I." He expects the vote to come Friday, NASHVILLE, Tenn.-(ANP)-Tb» he said. Baptist Ministers Conference her» has written a letter to the N««hvtUe Senator Knowland. (Calif), Lead­ Eisenhower would particularly like Banner protesting police handling of er in the Senate, said that the bill to see passed before Congress ad­ case ol Luther Kilpatrick, 18-year- .could also pass the Senate if a journs. old Negro youth, who has been charg filibuster can be averted. It is one However. Southerners who oppose ed with raping a 28-year-«ld VpH» of the measures that President the bill expect enough Northern v oman a week ago. $36,000 To Six Institutions Republicans to vote with them to The letter, signed by Rev, H. either kill the bill outright, or to Samuel Jones, president of the all­ Z WHITE, 4 NEGRO GROUPS on Beale and Myrtle, was presented severely weaken It. In a test vote Negro ministerial group, follow» In GRANTED EQUAL SHARES tor probate before Snecial Judge Monday, Rep William M. Colmer. Two white and four Negro in­ full: Willjgm Muirah by Howard W (D Miss.), reported that he counted stitutions were named beneficiaries, "Dear Sirs: _ Pritchard. Minor bequests totaling "about 20 Northern Republicans" to share equally, in the will of Mrs. ’'The members of the Baptist *9on and property in Chicago and who voted with the Southern Annie B. Love, whose estate is estl- Ministers Conference of NMhvtl)» Langston, Okla, were left to friends Democrats. "Not a single North­ • mated to total between $30.000 to in those cities. ern Democrat" voted Srith the and vicinity would like for the fol­ to $36,000. lowing article to be published in South, he said. Colmer predicted your newspaper at the earliest po»- Mrs, Love. 84. tire widow of John that "quite a few Northern Repub­ R. Love, a nostman who died about sible date. Crosses Burn As licans" would support the South­ "The citizens of Nashville h»v» 19 years age, named the Crippled erners in the battles still to come Children's Hospital. Cancer Control been shocked by the new« »»port of First Negro Votes on the measure. a 15-year-old Negro boy acetaed of Headquarters, LeMoyne College, the MINORITY IN HOUSE crimal assault on a 28- year-old whit» Abe Scharff Branch YMCA, the FAYETTEVILLE. N. C.-(ANP)- DELEGATES CONGRATULATE Rev. Dr. Martin i t¡On of the NAACP which met in San Francisco, In spite of the "Northern Repub­ woman. Vance Avenue YMCA and Second The first Negro ever to vote here did Luther King offer his moving account of the | June 26 • July 1, 1956. licans" who alleged to have voted "The Baptist Ministers Oonfarenqii Congregational Church as beneficia­ so last week in the midst of burning against the bill in the unrecorded Montgomery story at the 47th annual conven- | (Continued On Baek Pag«) J ries. crosses, a parade of cars and white test vote, the Southerners, (who The will of Mrs. Love, a lifelong robed men who motored through a 1 ifk comprise a minority In the House), resident of Memphis who resided Negro section of town. »»A- concede that they will experience I The lone colored voter dropped real difficulty In blocking passage his ballot in-the box through a win­ of the bill in the House Their dow from a special platform con­ AMERICA'S DARK CURTAIN real reliance for the ultimate defeat structed outside the courthouse for of the bill is in the Senate - where N"gro voters. the filibuster and other delaying Four Negroes were registered, but tactics will In all probability be ' only one voted. PRESIDENT EISENHOWER Filed Against utilized. HIT BY REP. ADAM POWELL Bv RAYMOND WIU'OVE hower's civil rights bill "too late bers assailed the bill M Negro Policeman White Teachers To Help Judge Confirmed WASHINGTON - (INS) - A and too weak." but said he would luUonal and glotattrtei, «M» sharply divided- House battling for vote for It became ft Is a step in supporton defended It m adMk i James Dotson of 212 Hernando, | ,i second day over ciyll rights leg- , the right direction. I Nwy h te 4be tint who was shot last August when po­ islatlon and a Negro Congressman , The legislation is designed gen­ bill 4« be coiuMered by Nm Hmm» lice came to th« Hernando Street Instruct County Pupils Despite Attack charged that millions of people! erally to afford greater protection since J8W. ‘ '( ■>' address to quell an alleged argu­ ■behind America's dark curtain" j, to Negroes in exercising of their Voting will probably gat und« ment between Dotson and his sist­ More than 20 white teachers will sessions. are being denied the right to vote. civil rights, specially voting. way Thursday and will MHttnu» er, Tuesday in Circuit Court joint­ help Instruct Negro pupils In Shelby This co-operative instruction will By Southerners Rep. Adam Powell (D) N. Y., The second and final day of Friday and Saturday if nenatary • ly sued Negro policeman JD. Wil­ County schools this summer as a continue for the six-week term of declared: "County by County general debate wax conaumti with to complete the bill. liams and his bonding company for I training program designed to help the Negro schools summer session WASHINGTON. D. C. - (BNS) in nuny states. I could enume- ’1 the xame type of oratory which Pa'Mge of the measure appaand $26,000. ¡Negro teachers. / It will end shortly before the open­ The nomination of Simon E. Sobe­ rate Instances where not a sin-' I flared Monday. Southern mem- 1 (Cnntlnaad ete Par» Tw») Dotson, whose left leg was am­ ing of the regular fall school term The milestone in the county’s loff as Judge to the Fourth Federal gle Negro is allowed to vote." putated below the knee because next month. educational program starts Mon­ Circuit Court of Appeals was con­ The New York legislator told of the bullet allegedly fired by po­ The volunteers are white teachers day at the request of the Negro firmed Monday night by the Senate the House in a prepared state­ liceman Williams, charged Williams who were in charge of the recent teachers according to GeorgeB arnes despite strong opposition of some ment that In Wilcox County, Ala., Curry, Steele To Manage fired "without warning", 10-day service Negro training pro­ school superintendent. It is an ex­ Southern démocrate, it has been "not a single Negro" out of 18,- The bill was filed by the law of gram which is required of teach rs pansion of the county’s long-prac­ disclosed. 566 Negro persons “Is allowed to Aspero and Aspero. by the State Board of Education. ticed supervision by white tea­ General Sobeloff, nominated by register." In eonlrut, he said They were chosen on a service Squads In East-West Game chers of Negro instructors during President Eisenhower to be judge out of 4.910 white people in the basis of experience and ability, ac­ Centenary Ladies ¡sectional meetings and in-training of the Fourth Circuit Court of Ap­ county, all but 179 are registered cording to Mr Barnes. Others re­ I CHICAGO. July 20 - (Special) - league members, with averages ta — peals. has been constantly under as voters. Attend State quested inclusion in the program Hbmcr Curry, of the Memphis Red both fielding end hitting being de- attack by some Southerners be­ Powell charged also that in Ma­ .when they learned of the Negro 19ox, and Ed Steele, of the Detroit termlng factors in the wtertton«. Rev. Kelsey Jones cause of his views on civil rights. con County, Ala., where Tuskegee Conference At A&l I teachers' request Stars, have been chosen to manage The four club owners, managers It was the juduc *ho presented Institute 1 located, "there is not To Speak At Mount the two squads in the 24th annual the coaches and league officials, Mrs. Jery Longstreet, prseident of to the United States Supreme Court even a board of registers, and there East vs West Negro Baseball Classic headed by Dr. Martlnars on ths the Woman's Society of Christian has not been one since Jan. 16 1956." Olive Cathedral the government's plan to carry out on Sunday, Aug 12. here tn Comis- selection board.
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