
m bsJ^‘: *:.’j T. MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1961 / jBlof^mpbile Visits Hospital Tomorrow^ 10:45 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. Suneet Council. Degree o f Fooar John Pontlllo, aon of James fesar); Mira. Hottaras Btaupn, Hem Rd., Vernon; Urn. Janet hontaa, will meet tonight, at 8 at PontiUo, 88 Kensingtoh St, -has Hospital Notes South Whutoor; Mrs. JkoqiMMM Herara rad dkughter, ITS n g h - Tinker Hall. Finals j>lans will be 'enrolled as a sophomore at New LaBraeque, SMKh WlhdBor: WUn land it .; Mm. Oatherine Long rad ATsrsc* Duly Not Prss* Ron Ham MUska, BroSid Brook; Lson aon, 228 Center St.; Mm. Lelia Tho Westlwr I Cbib ' oC Cant«r completed for the ‘ Qfeat Council England College, Henniker, N. If. For the Weric Ended Foreeset ef D. A Wsether BUM session In Bridgeport the week- He is majoring In business admin­ XtsMug heora are t to 8 p.m. Be«m, 848 E. Middle T p k * .; Mik. B any and son, Storm: Mrs. Bar­ CMnrtlt win me«t bara Siuitos and aon, 'Iknkaroosan September SO, I N I Room ' Mt th* rad of Oct. 13 rad 14. Mrs. Mil­ istration, He is a graduate of for. all areas, except matenHiy, Clara NewbuiT^, 15 Aiuhswon S t; dred Tedford will be delegate,- and,' Manchester High School. where they are 2 to 4:80 and'*>3# M n. Marion Cook, .388 ~ ~ Rd., Venira; Mm. Ruth Arm­ Periode eg rUn teUgM mU pm ______ l i m m v w *t T :» p.m. Dr. to 8 p.m.; u d private nwms whSre strong and son, 32 Ointon St.; W. T. U ta ie r wUl •pm* on ' ‘flex other past Pocahontas will atte.nd.’ St.; Shqihsn OskUi, -47 Talctt Ave., eg WedneadNf partial otoariag by they are J* a.m. to 8 p.m. VlUters Rockville; Eugrae' Dtephy)' 687 N. Mm. Marietta Kennedy and son, 1 3 ,3 6 9 mff fMiwfc Am- ToUtif CUIdrot.” Members are reminded to brii^ ; : .^ e Manchriter Lions. Club will Enfield. Memlwr eg ttn Ajidit ' Wedaendny n^rt. Low tsaliirt n « meet 'tomorrow at;, 6:30 p.m. at the are requested aot to smeke la pa­ Mlin S t ; .Angelo. Gidla, 288 Kee­ HiSiiaDBOiita will be served. articles for a gift table at the . DISCHARGED 'TODAY: Mrs. B w id eg Orcnlstlen as, ragh WOdneedtay In OBe. Great Council session. Hob-Nob Restaurant. Guest speak­ tient’s rooms. No BMre than two ney St,; .Jom^: !T a^y, Sprinr- Manchester—~A City of Village Charm er '■will be .Herman T. Relnsch, risltors at one time, per patieqts. field, Maai.; ifais. ^ t y ButweU, MaUlda MacDonald, Bast Hart­ H. FUher, electrician's ford; William Zukis, 54 Foxcroft inate third olaas, USK, son of Mr. Miss Mabel Lshpbear, M Fair- state narcotic agent. A question West S u tri^ ; Walter Anderson, Patients 'i'cday: 178 Old Lyme; WlUkun O'COnneU, East Dr-: Michael Snyder, 27 Wellesley Sril.llia. Cavtord H. Fisher, 34T view Ave., WUlimShUc, retired and answer period will follow Ms Rd. ( MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8. 1961 ectaarifled AdveriMng ea Page 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS 1?^ KnitMtn 8t., Is serving In the ihs- principal o f Manchester Green talk. ADMITTED SATURDAY: Kevin: Hartford; Harold Braithwaite, 374 VOL. LXXXI, NO. 2 (SIXTEEN FACES) eUHi-aboard the destroyer, USS School. w*iU oelebrate her 88th Reid, 387 Burnham St.; Kran Kil­ Hilliard' St:; Mm. Beeaie Farris, 9 fiS c operatte* out of San M y). St. Joseph's Mother's C k '^ will patrick, Talcottville; Charles Rico, Durkin S t; P aul Terragni, 121 birthday on Thursday, Oot. 5. Thompsonvitle; Angelo MassoUili, rtsiff. ■nio skip retumtid to .San ■ hold a potiuck tomorrow a t 6:30 Waddril Rd,; Mm. Patricia Mun- Hit-Riin Charged Notch Rd., Bolton; Laura Phaneuf, IMsto last month after complet* St. Elizabeth's Mothers Circle p.m. at the home of Mrs. Alfred roe apd daughter, I I Barbara Rd., t e a seven-month tour • with the Ponticelli, 30 McKee S t 18 Dailey Circle. Rockville; William Vernon; Mm. Patricia Wilkie and will meet Wednwday at 8 p.m. at DeLong, Coventry; Marcel Bro-. To Young Driver r S Fleet te the Pacific. the home of Mrs. John Manning, aon, 43 Wellman Rd. deur, Wapping; Gerald Fournier,'6 d is c h a r g e d . YESTERDAY: Slate GOP Hails Vote 23 Carroll Rd. The Kaffee Klatsche Group will IBrs. Merrill Ooltml and Mrs. meet at the Community Y Conway R d.; Glenn Johnson, 87 Mrs. Loretta YetliOiefsky, Olaaton- A Tanner S t youth who left the M m Buck will appear on the Wednesday at 9:.30 a.m. Seaman 'Circle; Pau] Bienkowakt, bury; Mrs. Henrietta Cradlto, 60 scehe of an accident ■which a po­ lo«nrf^lAuto W orkers Strike Kalhjr Godfrey program on WINF John F. Bacon, son of Mr. and Wapplrig. Mrs. James E. Bacon, 82 Moun­ Franklin. St., Rockville; Mrs. liceman ■K'itneesed Saturday -nlight Wednsadiw at 1:10 p.m. to discuss The Emblem Club will meet a d m it t e d YESTERDAY: Mrs. Josephine’ DtiCkarm'e, 198 Hack­ I tbe Ptnnpun Bamar, to be spon­ tain Rd., has enrolled as a fresh­ has been ch arge with evading- re- man at the California Institute of Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the K of Anitie Schroll, 80 Deerfield ; Dr.;, matack S(.; Mm. Loretta Wood, sored by the Women's Fellowship C Horne. It will be charter mem­ Mrs. Gunhiila Keho^ South Hartford Ypke., Rockville; Paul sponslbilUyt In 86 of 124 Elections Convicted Killer Technologj-, Pasadena. Calif. He is ef Beoond Oongrejgatianal Church ber's Night Windsor; Harry Oonant. East Hart­ lacobucci, 28 Hollister St.;' Al­ The youth, Lawrence W. Bates, laturday at the Oommunity T. a graduate of Manchester High 18. of 23 Tanner St., Will be School. ford ; M rs.' MsHha Hudson, 439 fonso Pizzola, 69 White St-; Mm. By OBOROE BAZAN Owhen atata laausa ware InvolvadOtaata ware almoat identieal to that Will Get Chance Main St.; Mrs. Sandra Letendre, Mildred Berthold, Tolland; Nancy presented In Circuit Court 12, Man­ Mrs. Rachel Barnes, nursing chester, Oct.- 16. (Amectotad Press Staff Wrtttr) the Democratic candidatee would of two yean ago. D m British American Club will supervisor of the Manchester Pub­ Monson; Mass.; Mrs. Margaret Ramondetta, Box Mt. Dr., Vernon; ■mat tomorrow at S p.m. at the The first fall meeting of the BsUs's car struck one driven be vtotorioUa. ' ■ At that time, in 127 oonteats, At Parole July 1 lic Health Nurses Association, and Gardner, 30 Hyde St.; Miss PaulUie Paul Cafdini, Andover; Deborah Republicans today acclaim­ . -May, in his lengthier etatement, the RepUbhoans won M - towns. At 16 Ford Factories elttMwase on Maple St. Manchester Federation of Dem­ by David Collin,. 37 of Syracuse, ocratic Women will be held to­ Mrs. Arthur E. Snriith, repre.sent- Merehino, 57 Florence St.; Miss Breton, East Hartford; James ed ■victories in 86 of the 124 said . .that the electioris continued They picked up 15 from the Demo­ Ing the directors, will attend the Helen Tjier, Regan Rd., Vernon; Griffin, Hartford; Mrs- Sara Ma­ N. Y., as both pulled away from Hartford, Oct. 3 {IP)— A Wright M ffmd of the Pioneer night at 7:30 at the Whiton Me­ the traffle Jight on W. Middle Tpke. municipal elections yesterday “the pattern of the spring elec- crats and ylektod nine. The Demo­ ninth annual meeting of the Con­ Jules Tucker, WllUmantic: Hughle honey. 81 ..Main St.;. Cheryl Du­ crats won 40 to'wnB. convicted killer, who was sen­ Paiedints Co. will.be guest speak­ morial auditorium. The program bois. 55 Essex St.; Janet Rush, at Tower Rd. The cars bad been tiona throughout the atato.” necticut League for Nursing to­ Cunningham, Thompsonville; Mrs. —^including Torrington, Mid­ The GOP leader was referring tenced to life for slaying his er at a meeting of the Kiwanls at 8 p.m. ^'111 consist o f two films Celina Norman, 176 Bissell St. 43 Brookfield St.; James Pompei, stopped side by side i^ th e light. 'Hu RepubUoane themselves are provided by the American Cancer morrow at 9:30 a.m. at Waverly dletown, and Bristol—as a to 13 earUer victories in which the claaming 17 vietoriee topm the Talks StaU Ctab of Manchester tomorrow Inn, in Cheshire. ... The fall meet­ Gregorj' Toth. Tolland: David 190 School S t; Mrs. Rose Sweet, Bates pulled to the rii^t as he girl friend oUt of jealousy, Men at the Manchester Country Society. Dr. Robert Alesburj’ will Ekist Haitford; Mrs. Helen Kast- started out and struck. Collin’s prelude to success in next RepubUcans overturned the Demo­ Democrats. will get a chance at parole ing of the board member’s Organ­ Rubin,, 108 Weaver Rd.; Mrs. Mar­ crats In eight towns.' CMb. answer questions. Refreshments ization of Connecticut Public garet Wupperfeld. 90 Grandview ner, Volpi Rd.; William DeGiorgis, automobile. He pulled away, ac­ year’s state election. They include such towns as Nor­ The Democrats, who won in 36 In the moat, recent election for next July 1. will be served. Health will be held in the Colon­ St.: Mrs. Marie Watson. Mansfield East Hartford; Paul Bienkowski, cording to police, and Collin’s folk. New Hartford and Somers, Levds Moore, 37, of New Haven, On Section Depot; Joseph Perzanowski, 31! Wapping; Charles Rice, Thomp- pursued him. of the predominantly rural towns, to yesterday, however, Democrats where the vicUwious incumbent Bt. Bridget's Roeary Society will ial Room of the Inn at the same won nominal control In New Loti- had his sentence trimmed to 13 iMiM n hawar woricehop meeting The Fellowcraft Club will meet time.
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