NEW DESCRIPTION ZOOS' PRINT JOURNAL 21(3): 2182-2185 TWO NEW SPECIES OF XIPHIDIOCERCARIAE FROM THE THIARID SNAIL PALUDOMUS TANSCHAURICUS IN MALABAR, KERALA M.V. Vasandakumar1 and K.P. Janardanan2 1Department of Zoology, S.N. College, Kannur, Kerala 670007, India; 2Department of Zoology, University of Calicut, Kerala 673635, India ABSTRACT Two new species of Xiphidiocercariae larvae, Cercaria III Malabar sp. nov. and Cercaria IV Malabar sp. nov. infecting the thiarid snail, Paludomus tanschauricus, collected from Kanhileri in the Kannur district of Malabar are described and their systematic position discussed. KEYWORDS Cercaria, Malabar, new species, sporocyst, snail, During an expolarative study on the cercarial fauna of freshwater snails in Malabar, we came across two species of d Xiphidiocercariae in the thiarid snail, Paludomus tanschauricus 50µm collected from Kanhileri in the Malabar region of Kerala. 50µm Detailed studies revealed that they are hitherto undescribed species and are, therefore, reported here as new species. The new species are denoted by Roman numerals, followed by 10µm Malabar, the region of collection. 10µm a b c MATERIALS AND METHODS The thiarid snails, Paludomus tanschauricus, collected from the irrigation canals at Kanhileri (Kannur district), were brought Figure 1. Cercaria III Malabar sp. nov. alive to the laboratory and examined for cercariae. The cercariae a - Cercaria; b - Stylet; c - Virgula; d - Sporocyst emerged naturally from the snails were subjected to detailed studies on their morphology and behaviour. Intramolluscan stages were also studied. Measurements were taken from 10% 13-24 (18) wide. Oral sucker subterminal, large, round, 29-37 formalin fixed larvae. Measurements are given in micrometres (33) in diameter. Stylet prominent, inserted into the roof of oral (µm) with mean values in parentheses. Sketches were drawn sucker, 13-14 (13.2) long, 3-3.5 (3.3) wide, stylet walls thick, with the aid of a camera lucida. shoulders moderately developed; virgula organ located at the posterior half of oral sucker; large, bilobed, fused medially, 13- Cercaria III Malabar sp. nov. 24 (17) long and 13-24 (18) wide. Acetabulum post-equatorial, (Fig. 1) smaller than oral sucker, 16-24 (18) in diameter. Mouth subterminal, ventral. Pharynx well-developed, muscular. The cercariae emerged in small numbers throughout day and Oesophagus short, weakly developed; caeca not traceable. night, but in large numbers during afternoon hours. Cercariae Penetration glands four pairs; anterior pair pre-acetabular, swam actively by wriggling movements of body and tail. At second pair para-acetabular and posterior two pairs post- rest they remained suspended in the water column. Cercariae acetabular; contents of anterior two pairs coarsely granular exhibited creeping movements at the bottom of the container. and posterior two pairs finely granular. Ducts of penetration glands open individually near stylet shoulders. Genital Snail host: Paludomus tanschauricus (Gmelin) primordium consists of a mass of round cells located near Site of infection: Hepatopancreas posterior margin of acetabulum. Locality: Kanhileri in Kannur district (Kerala) Period of collection: June-July 2004. Excretory bladder large, ‘I’-shaped, with thick wall lined by Prevalence: Five of 200 (2.5%) snails examined were infected. cells; excretory pore located dorsally at body tail junction. Type: Smear slide DZUC 17, Department of Zoology, University Flame cell formula 2[(2+2+2) + (2+2+2)] = 24. of Calicut Sporocyst Description Sporocysts were recovered from the hepatopancreas of (Fig. 1) Virgulate xiphidiocercaria. Body elongate-oval, spinose, Paludomus tanschauricus. Sporocysts colourless, oval to 92-149 (122) long, 56-85 (72) wide. Tail spinose, spines larger spherical, saccular, 72-215 (168) long, 69-175 (128) wide, than body spines; attached postero-ventrally, 56-93 (75) long, © Zoo Outreach Organisation; www.zoosprint.org Manuscript 1274; Received 18 October 2004; Revised received 18 August 2005; Finally accepted 13 February 2006; Date of publication 21 February 2006 2182 March 2006 | ISSN 0973-2535 (Print edition); 0973-2551 (Online edition) Two new Cercaria species from Malabar M.V. Vasandakumar & K.P. Janardanan Table 1. Comparative characters of cercariae Species Body Tail Stylet Virgula Penetration Excretory Flame Snail host organ glands bladder cells Cercaria of 142-177 75-105 dorsally prominent, bilobed; anterior pairs hyaline, vesicular 24 Fluminicola Allossogonoporus x 55-67 x 15-20 ventrally diminishing medially folded, posterior pairs finely virens vespertilionis Macy, 1940 aspinose shoulder poseriorly free granular Cercaria of Pleurogenoides 144-152 98-116 pointed nib with collar; trilobed anterior pairs coarsely ‘U’-shaped 24 Alocinma orientalis (Srivastava,1934) x 80-88 x 20-28 flat base granular, posterior pair travancorica Yamaguti, 1958 aspinose finely granular Cercariae indicae LXIX 128-168 100-132 pointed tip with thick triangular all finely granular ‘U’-shaped 36 Amnicola Murty, 1976 x 72-100 x 24-28 collar travancorica aspinose Cercaria leyteensis no.4 94-101 59-81 pointed tip,moderate flat-shaped all finely granular Cup shaped — Oncomelania Ito et al., 1977 x 49-62 x 16-23 shoulder quadrasi aspinose Cercaria sp. XII Kerala 138-200 75-97 shoulder prominent, urn-shaped all coarsely granular ‘V’-shaped 20 Diagnostoma Mohandas, 1977 x 75-100 x 20-25 without basal bulb pulchella spinose Cercaria microvirgula 109-143 71-129 fine tip, prominent reniform all coarsely granular ‘V’-shaped 10 Lymnaea Haseeb and Khan, 1987 x 57-71 x 18-23 shoulder, round base rufescens spinose Cercaria of Mehraorchis 144-152 96-100 nib with lateral bilobed, inverted anterior pairs coarsely ‘V’-shaped 24 Alocinma ranarum Srivastava, 1934 x 86-92 x 20-22 projections ‘V’- shaped granular , posterior pairs travancorica aspinose finely granular Cercaria of Peurogenoides 96-122 45-74 pointed nib moderate bilobed each lobe Anterior pair finely ‘V’-shaped 24 Digoniostoma ovatus Rao, 1977 x 66-84 x 18-24 shoulder,round base, retort shape granular, remaining pulchella aspinose walls reinforced pairs coarsely granular except at base Cercaria III Malabar 92-149 56-93 thick walled, bilobed, fused anterior pairs coarsely ‘I’-shaped 24 Paludomus sp. nov. x 56-85 x 13-24 moderately medially granular, posterior pairs tanschauricus spinose developed shoulder finely granular containing 7-14 developing cercariae and a few germ balls at ovatus differ from the present cercaria. Besides, the snail host various stages of development. of the present form is different from that of above cercariae. Hence it appears reasonable to consider the present cercaria as Remarks new and the name Cercaria III Malabar sp. nov. is proposed Of the known virgulate Xiphidiocercariae with spinose body for it. and four pairs of penetration glands, the present form comes close to cercaria of Allossogonoporus vespertilionis Macy, 1940 Cercaria IV Malabar sp. nov. (Burns, 1961), cercaria of Pleurogenoides orientalis (Fig. 2) (Srivastava, 1934; Yamaguti, 1958; Murty, 1976; Madhavi et al., 1987), Cercariae indicae LXIX Murty, 1976, Cercaria leyteensis The cercariae emerged throughout day time, but peak no.4 Ito et al., 1977, Cercaria sp. XII Kerala Mohandas, 1977, emergence was noticed during afternoon hours. Newly emerged Cercaria microvirgula Haseeb and Khan, 1987, cercaria of cercariae swam for a short period by vigorous lashing activity Mehraorchis ranarum Srivastava, 1934 (Ratnakumari et al., 1991) of tail, then sank to the bottom of the container and encysted and that of Pleurogenoides ovatus Rao, 1977 (Janardanan & there. Prasadan, 1991). Snail host: Paludomus tanschauricus (Gmelin) Comparative characters of the cercariae presented in Table 1 Site of infection: Hepatopancreas shows that cercaria of A. vespertilionis differs from the present Locality: Kanhileri in Kannur district (Kerala) form in the shape of stylet and virgula organ, nature of Period of collection: June-July 2004 penetration gland contents and in having aspinose tail. Prevalence: Three of 200 (1.5%) snails examined were infected Cercariae of P. orientalis, M. ranarum and P. ovatus, Cercariae Type: Smear slide DZUC 18, Department of Zoology, University indicae LXIX, Cercaria leyteensis no.4, Cercaria sp. XII Kerala of Calicut and C. microvirgula have oval or ‘V’-shaped excretory bladder, whereas that of the present form is ‘I’-shaped. Cercaria of P. Description orientalis, C. leyteensis no. 4, Cercaria sp. XII Kerala and C. (Fig. 2) Non-virgulate xiphidiocercaria. Body elongate-oval, microvirgula further differ from the present cercaria in the nature spinose, 85-170 (109) long, 49-66 (57) wide. Tail shorter than of penetration gland contents. In the shape of stylet and virgula body, spinose, highly contractile, attached postero-ventrally; organ also C. indicae LXIX and cercariae of M. ranarum and P. 59-80 (72) long, 9-17 (13) wide. Oral sucker round, 19-33 (27) in March 2006 Zoos' Print Journal 21(3): 2182-2185 2183 Two new Cercaria species from Malabar M.V. Vasandakumar & K.P. Janardanan Cystogenous glands numerous, filled with refringent granules, distributed all over the body. Genital primordium represented by a round mass of cells situated anterior to acetabular rudiment. Excretory bladder ‘Y’-shaped with a round base and two broad 25µm cornuae; each cornua gives rise to an ascending main excretory duct which takes a convoluted course upto the level of 100µm acetabulum and divides into anterior and posterior collecting tubules.
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