Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Condensed Course of the Universities of Cologne and Wuppertal in cooperation with the Institutes Stratosphere (IEK-7) und Troposphere (IEK-8) of the Forschungszentrums Jülich Prüfungsrelevanz Universität zu Köln - "Physik der Erde und der Atmosphäre" Für das Masterprogramm "Physik der Erde und der Atmosphäre" und dem "International Master of Environmental Sciences" der Universität zu Köln können 3 Kreditpunkte erworben werden. Der Leistungsnachweis erfolgt in einem Fachgespräch. Universität Wuppertal Der Kompaktkurs ist Bestandteil des "Schwerpunkts Atmosphärenphysik" im Rahmen des "Master-Studiengangs Physik" an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal. Mit der Teilnahme können 5 Leistungspunkte erworben werden. Der Leistungsnachweis erfolgt in einem Fachgespräch. Monday, 07.10.2013 09:00am - 10:30am 1. Structure of the Atmosphere Wahner Layering (troposphere, stratosphere, ...) barometric formula, temperature gradient, potential temperature, isentropes water in the atmosphere ozone 11:00am - 12:30pm 2. Atmospheric Chemistry I (part 1) Benter, Kleffmann, Hofzumahaus atmospheric composition photochemically active radiation and its height dependence photochemistry, radicals, gas phase kinetics lifetime of molecules and molecule families 12:30am - 01:30pm lunch break (canteen) 01:30pm - 03:00pm 3. Dynamics of the Atmosphere I (part 1) Shao transport and mixing in the atmosphere diffusion, advection, and turbulence Navier-Stokes equations and Ekman spiral atmospheric scales in time and space global circulation 03:30pm - 04:45pm 4. Atmospheric Chemistry I (part 2) Benter, Kleffmann, Hofzumahaus 05:00pm - 06:00pm 5. Dynamics of the Atmosphere I (part 2) Shao from 06:00pm icebreaker und dinner Tuesday, 08.10.2013 09:00am - 10:30am 6. Tropospheric gas phase chemistry Benter, Kleffmann Loss of organic trace gases by OH, O3 und NO3 (reaction mechanisms) selected trace gas cycles anthropogenic impacts on tropospheric chemistry 11:00am - 12:30pm 7. Aerosols: basics and measurment techniques Kiendler-Scharr 12:30am - 01:30pm lunch break (canteen) 01:30pm - 03:00pm 8. Aerosols and clouds Krämer 03:30pm - 04:15pm 9. Modelling of Chemistry and Transport of Trace Gases in the Troposphere p1 basic equations (Navier-Stokes- and continuity equations) Elbern models (box, 1-3D chemistry and transport models) Reynolds averaging, Blackadar scheme Analysis of model results and sensitivity survey of existing chemistry-transport models 04:30pm - 06:00pm 10. Clouds, precipitation, and their remote sensing Crewell 06:00pm - 07:00pm supper (IEK-8) 07:00pm - 08:00pm 11. Stratospheric dynamics and transport Konopka Wednesday, 09.10.2013 09:00am - 10:30am 12. Atmospheric Chemistry II (part 2) emissions (anthropogenic / biogenic) examples of global trace gas cycles dry deposition trace gas budgets 11:00am - 12:30am 13. Stratospheric Chemistry Müller Chapman cycle catalytic ozone destruction cycles, impact of NOx, HOx, ClOx, and BrOx polar ozone and Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSC) UV-B chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) 12:30am - 01:30pm lunch break (canteen) 01:30pm - 03:00pm 14. Experimental methods for the analysis of atm. trace gases Fuchs, Koppmann analysis of radicals OH, HO2, NO3 measurements of VOC by gas chromatography selected further analysis methods 03:30pm - 06:00pm 15. Visitation of IEK-7: Stratosphere / IEK-8: Troposphere 06:00pm - 07:00pm supper (IEK-8) 07:00pm - 08:00pm 16. Volcanic ash dispersion Dr. Fred Prata NILU, Oslo Thursday, 10.10.2013 09:00am - 10:30am 17. Radiative Processes in the Atmosphere Konopka radiative transfer equation atmospheric dynamics versus radiative equilibrium radiative forcing 11:00am - 12:30pm 18. Modelling of Chemistry and Transport of Trace Gases in the Troposphere (part 2) Elbern 12:30am - 01:30pm lunch break (canteen) 01:30pm - 03:00pm 19. Aerosol chemistry Mentel 03:30pm - 05:00pm 20. exercises: Stratospheric chemistry and dynamics Müller, Konopka 05:15pm - 06:00pm 21. Data Assimilation and Inversion of Chemistry-Transport Models (part 1) objectives Elbern methods stratospheric chemistry DA 06:00pm - 07:00pm supper (IEK-8) 07:00pm - 08:00pm 22. Data Assimilation and Inversion of Chemistry-Transport Models (part 2) tropospheric chemistry DA Elbern inversion Friday, 11.10.2013 09:00am - 10:30am 23. Global Change of the Earth's Atmospheric Composition and Impact on Climate Wahner radiation budget of the earth greenhouse effect, impact of trace gases CO2 cycle historical and future changes of climate parameters (using the example of surface temperature) 11:00am - 12:30pm final discussion • 12:30 end The Atmosphere NASA Earth Radius Atmosphere 6370 km ~ 100 km NASA Space Shuttle Endeavour Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Schematic view of the components of the climate system, their processes and interactions. Gas Phase Composition of the Atmosphere % x 10-6 x 10-9 x 10-12 N2 O2 Ozone others Smoke from forest fires near Sydney (Dec. 2001) Aerosols = particles suspended in air Aerosol Concentrations Typical U.S. aerosol size distributions by volume URBAN RURAL Vertical Profiles of Pressure and Temperature Mesophere Stratopause Stratosphere Tropopause Troposphere Ideal Gas Law applicable to the atmosphere Assumption: gas is infinite compressible . R : universal gas constant in dry air : 287.05 J kg-1 K-1 Example: Pressure at ground : 1000 hPa, T = 280 K r = 1.244 kg m-3 stratosphere: 0.10 hPa, T = 230 K r = 0.015 kg m-3 Hydrostatic Equilibrium -- Barometric Height Equation Air Pressure Gravity Pressure change at infinitesimal change of height : Considering the ideal gas law: Integration yields the barometric height equation: scale height Scale Height RT P( z ) P (0) ezH/ with scale height H 7.4 km ( T 250 K) Mga Scale height is not constant ! Real application must include the temperature gradient (lapse rate) : in the troposphere in the tropospause region in the stratosphere section above pb at the temperature Tb : with Atmospheric Mass (ma) m ma g Radius of Earth: Average Pressure at Ground: p = 6378 km 984 hPa b A 4 RP2 p m Sb 5.2 1018 kg a g Total mole number of air in the atmosphere m N a 1.8 1020 moles Molar Mass of Air a M = 28.6 g/mol M a a Mass Distribution of the Atmosphere 50 km Stratosphere ~ 18% air mass 12 km Troposphere ~ 82% air mass Temperature (K) Ground Solar Flux at the Top of the Atmosphere and at Ground ideal black body (T = 5900K) extraterrestrial solar spectrum Ozone terrestrial solar spectrum Intensity Water vapor CO2 Wavelength / nm http://de.wikipedia.org Vertical Distribution of Ozone in the Atmosphere Ozone Layer measured STRATOSPHERIC OZONE LAYER 1 “Dobson Unit (DU)” = 0.01 mm ozone at STP = 2.69x1016 molecules cm-2 THICKNESS OF OZONE LAYER IS MEASURED AS A COLUMN CONCENTRATION UV Absorption by Ozone UV-C UV-B UV-A 100-280 nm 280-320 nm 320-380 nm Solar Irradiance with Altitude biological damage Vertical Profile of Temperature and Water Vapour Saturation vapour pressure of liquid H2O Murray' s formula VERTICAL PROFILE OF TEMPERATURE Mean values for 30oN, March Radiative -1 cooling - 3 K km 2 K km-1 Radiative heating: Altitude, km Altitude, O3 + hn e O2 + O O + O2 + M e O3+M heat Radiative cooling - 6.5 K km-1 Latent heat release Surface heating Variations in Tropopause with Latitude Net Radiation Solar Radiation Modis Satellite Data: Surface Temperature Transport of Energy http://modis-atmos.gsfc.nasa.gov/ THE HADLEY CIRCULATION (1735): Explains: COLD • Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) • Wet tropics, dry poles HOT Problem: does not account for Coriolis force. COLD Meridional transport of air between Equator and poles would result in unstable longitudinal motion. Time Scales for Transport in the Troposphere 1-2 months 2 weeks 1-2 months 1 year TYPICAL TIME SCALES FOR VERTICAL MIXING in the troposphere • Estimate time Dt to travel Dz by analogy with molecular diffusion: 2 Dz 5 2 -1 DtK with z = 10 cm s 2Kz tropopause (10 km) 10 years 5 km 1 month 1 week “planetary 2 km boundary layer” 1 day 0 km Gobal Change of the Atmospheric Composition Development of Greenhouse Gases from IPCC 2007 Expected global temperature increase +1°C to +6°C until 2100 Stratospheric Ozone Depletion Atmospheric CFC Load Antarctic Ozone Hole Messungen Vorhersagen from WMO Report 2003 Total ozone column in October above Halley Bay after Jones & Shanklin, 1995 Increase of Tropospheric Ozone Tropospheric ozone is part of photochemical smog (toxic air pollutants) Parrish et al., 2008; Volz & Kley, 1988 Guangzhou in Pearl-River Delta, South China Extreme Air Pollution Megacities > 10 Mio Inhabitants Peak loads of pollutants encountered in summer: O3 100 - 150 ppb CO 1 – 5 ppm PM2.5 100 – 250 mg/m3 .
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