Train timetables There is no train ticket sales office in Vainikkala. starting from 29 March 2015 The nearest station selling tickets for trains between Finland and Russia is located at Ratakatu 23, Lappeenranta. Finland - Russia Opening hours: MonFri 7.15 am to 3.30 pm Closed on Sat and Sun Ticket vending machines, one machine outdoors and one indoors Tickets for trains between Finland and Russia are now available from several sales points. In addition to ticket sales You can also buy tickets to Russian trains from VR Online shops offices at railway stations, tickets can be bought online, by www.vr.fi telephone from VR's customer service, and from several travel agencies. For the Allegro train, tickets are also available from ticket vending machines. VR Customer Service Trains to Russia MonSun 7 am to 10 pm MonSun 7 am to 10 pm +358 (0)600 41 900 +358 (0)600 41 905 (EUR 1.99/answered call + local Helsinki – St. Petersburg – Moscow network charge) Mon - Sun Allegro Allegro Allegro Tolstoi Allegro Helsinki 06.12 11.00 15.00 18.56 20.00 Vainikkala (arrival) 08.07 12.55 16.55 22.05 21.55 Border and Customs controls Vainikkala (departure) 08.16 * 13.02 17.02 22.35 22.02 When travelling from Vainikkala passangers go through border and St. Petersburg 09.50 14.36 18.36 01.41 23.36 customs controls before boarding the train. LAPPEENRANTA CITY CENTRE - Moscow 08.24 * stops not in Vyborg VAINIKKALA RAILWAY STATION Moskova - Pietari - Helsinki Lappeenranta Railway Station waiting room Ratakatu 23 Mon - Sun Opening hours MonFri 5.30 am to 9 pm Allegro Tolstoi Allegro Allegro Allegro Sun 8 am to 9 pm Moscow 23.00 St. Petersburg 06.40 05.56 10:25 15.25 19:25 TIMETABLES Vainikkala (arrival) 08.14 09.37 11:59 16.59 20:59 Vainikkala (departure) 08.21 10.02 12:06 17.06 21:06 MATKAHUOLTO Starting from 29 March 2015 Helsinki 10.16 13.17 14:01 19.01 23:01 bus travel services Timetables Timetables are valid from 29 Marc to 24 October 2015 Tel. +358 (0)200 4000 All times are local times. EUR 1.99/call + local network charge Matkahuolto bus ticket sales office Currency exchange Ratakatu 21 Safar Oy changes currency onboard the train between Kouvola Opening hours MonFri 7.30 am to 5.30 pm and Vainikkala, when travelling in both directions. Only cash is Skinnarilankatu 34 accepted for currency exchange on the train Opening hours MonFri 9 am to 3 pm Fri9amto2pm Currency exchange and tax free refunds On Finland's side, it is possible to change currency and receive tax free refunds on the train. When travelling to Russia, currency exchange stops in Vainikkala, which means that passengers boarding the train in Vainikkala are unable to exchange currency onboard. City of Lappeenranta We reserve the right to change our timetables. Technical Services www.lappeenranta.fi LAPPEENRANTA - VAINIKKALA - LAPPEENRANTA BUS TIMETABLES starting from 29 March 2015 Monday - Friday On school days 6.50 7.30 8.20 9.30 11.00 12.20 14.25 15.55 16.45 20.10 LPR Oikokatu 7.25 8.20 9.00 9.45 10.50 13.00 13.55 15.50 17.15 18.00 21.45 6.00 x 7.35 8.25 I 11.05 I I 16.00 16.50 20.15 Travel Centre R R I R R R I I I R R x x x Myl x Myl x x x Myl x Myl I I x Hiessilta x Myl x Myl x Myl x Myl x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x via x Sinkkola x x x x x x x x x x x x x 7.50 x x x 12.35 14.40 x Simo- x Kasukkala 6.55 x x x x x 13.35 15.25 x x x I I I I I R I I I la I Rapattila I I I I I I I I I I I x x x x x x x x x I x Haapajärvi x x x x x x x x x x x 6.30 I I I 10.05 x I I x 17.25 20.45 Vainikkala Railw. St. I 7.40 8.15 9.05 10.10 12.20 I I I 17.30 21.15 6.35 7.30 8.10 9.00 11.45 12.55 15.05 16.40 x Vainikkala Ojala 6.35 7.30 8.10 9.00 12.15 13.20 15.05 16.40 x P V P V P P V V V P P P V P V P P V V V P P Monday - Friday XMyl = Myllymäki School when required During school holidays Saturday - Sunday TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS 7.15 8.25 9.30 11.00 16.00 20.10 LPR Oikokatu 8.25 9.30 10.50 13.00 17.50 21.45 7.15 8.25 9.30 11.00 16.00 20.10 LPR Oikokatu 8.25 9.30 10.50 13.00 17.50 21.45 7.20 8.30 I 11.05 16.05 20.15 Travel Centre R R R R R R 7.20 8.30 I 11.05 16.05 20.15 Travel Centre R R R R R R x x x x x x Hiessilta x x x x x x x x x x x x Hiessilta x x x x x x x x x x x x Sinkkola x x x x x x x x x x x x Sinkkola x x x x x x x x x x x x Kasukkala x x x x x x x x x x x x Kasukkala x x x x x x I I I R R I Rapattila I I I I I I x x x x x x Haapajärvi x x x x x x x x x x x x Haapajärvi x x x x x x 7.50 9.00 10.05 x 16.45 20.45 Vainikkala Railw. St. 7.50 9.00 10.10 12.20 17.15 21.15 7.50 9.00 10.05 x 16.45 20.45 Vainikkala Railw. St. 7.50 9.00 10.10 12.20 17.15 21.15 11.45 Vainikkala, Ojala 12.15 11.45 Vainikkala Ojala 12.15 H H H H H H H H H H H H P P P P P P P P P P P P EXCEPTIONS IN TRANSPORT SERVICE SCHOOL HOLIDAYS R = on request On Good Friday , Fri 3 Apr 2015, buses will run according to Sunday timetables Summer holiday from 31 May to 10 August 2015 TS = Linjataksi Taxi Service On Easter Day , Sun 5 Apr 2015, buses will run according to Sunday timetables Autumn holiday from 12 October to 16 October 2015 On Easter Monday , Mon 6 Apr 2015, buses will run according to Sunday timetables On FirstofMay, Fri 1 May 2015, buses will run according to Sunday timetables On Ascension Day , Thu 14 May 2015, buses will run according to Sunday timetables Oneway bus ticket from Lappeenranta center to On Midsummer´s Eve , Fri 19 June 2015, Saturday timetables until 1 pm, Vainikkala railway station is 6,80 euros ( march 2013) after which there is no service No transport service onMidsummer Day, Sat 20 June 2015 P = Charter Tilausliikenne Pekki Ky, tel. +358 (0)40 566 2940 H = Charter Tilausliikenne Hänninen Oy, tel. +358 (0)40 755 6235 On 2 Midsummer day , Sun 21 June 2015, buses will run according to Sunday timetables V = Toimi Vento Ky , tel. +358 (0) 5 412 0987.
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