The News Magazine of the British Science Fiction Association matrix Issue 119 Bob Shaw Remembered 12 Monkeys ... Hard SF ... People, People, Everywhere ... Pop Goes The Fanzine .;·y:r:~~1~~::·'~l.~ 5· .. '~ ~ ; ': .. ~ ....:>.. ~,;:: £1.25 Spring 1996 mat",lll1· ~ll1\16-------------------------------- matrix 119 • spring 1996 Editor: Chris Ternn 9 Beechwood Court Back Beechwood Grove Leeds, UK matrix l...S42HS Cover Art D~v(' Mooring the news magazine of the Cartoons: h.n Gunn Design / Production: Chris Terran The deadline for thc o('xt issu(' is Friday 31s1 May 1996 IMPORTANT As soon ns th(' cabling company gets its act tog('thl'r Matrix will have a new phone number Int"Tnct services will also resum{'at th{'5ametime If you nt't"d to call th(' magazint' please do so via Maur('('Tl British Science Fiction Association Speller on 01303 252939 (W17IUJI/lIlks-'[email protected] 3 News - the happening world 14 Pass Right Down Inside the Car, Please John Ollis considers numbers People in SF Terry Brooks, Kevin J Anderson 16 Mailbox 6 Recent and forthcoming books 17 Beam Up Channel 4! 9 Locus Recommended Reading 18 Pure Pop For Wowl People Chris Terran linally gets to write about 10 Obituaries fanzines Paul Kincaid on Bob Shaw. Waller M. Miller Jr. Jack Finney. G. C. Edmondson, 21 Hard Science Fiction: Its Aims Margaret SI Clair Rosie Oliver responds to John Oram 12 Confessons of a Neo 22 Events Diary Paul Rood tells how he came to run the Discworld Convention 23 Members' Noticeboard 13 A Twitch in Time 24 Competition Corner Chris Terran reviews Terry Gilliam's Roger Robinson twists your brains new sllilm, 12 Monkeys BSFA Publications ~sF~Is~~~~;;ro:eK residents. (Q tor UIl .....aged Please enqUlTl' for /l1.Jlrix. ChnsTeTrall, Q &-ec;hwood Court. B.ld. Beechwood Grove, over5easratt"S. Lt't"ds. WestYork$h,re, I.542HS Rl'new.a15 <Uld nl'W ml'mbl'ts: All5Qn Cook,52 WoodluJ] Dril·... Grov.., Vtctor Lm~,., IUld g~I""rtli 'Iualn.- Maurl'en KlllC.:lid Speller, flO W.ant.age, (Non., OX12 OOF BoumeffiOuth Road, Folkeslon... Kent, CTlQ 5AZ USA Enquiries:CI' Chauvin, 14248 Wilfred Street, Detroit, Ml 48213, Email: [email protected] U.S.A. Articln: Andre..... Butler, Flat 3, 28 Louis Stre'et, Hull, H U3 1LY Officials Email: Administ.... tor: Maureen Kincaid 5peller, 60 Boumem.outh Road, [email protected]·langu"g8·"nd·literaturell.hull.ac.uk Folkeslone, Kent, CTI95AZ Email: llIkIlJlk@ch:.collpulink.co. uk crGary Dalkin, 5lydford Road, Bournemoulh, Dorset, BH118SN Trl'.lsunr: Elizabeth Billinger, 82 Kelvin Road. New Cubbington. Rn';= ItU'tviAl: Paul Kincaid, 60 Bournemouth Road, FoikeslOne, Kent, Q Leamington 5p.l. CV32 7IQ CTl 5AZ Orbitl'n: Carol Ann Green,. 5 Raglan Avenue, RagL.n Street, Hull, HUS 2}B Email:..l:[email protected] Aw.ards: Nidlolas Mahoney, 275 Lonsdale AVelue,lntne, Doncaster, DN2 Focus; Carol AM Green,. 5 Raglan AVenue, Raglan Street, Hull, HU5 2JB 'HG Julil' Venner, 42 W~lgraVl' Street, Newl.uld Avenue, Hull HUS 2lT Foreign Liaiwn: Bridget Wilkinson, 17 Mimosa, ZO AvmUl' Road., London IS Brllish Science Ficlion Association Lid. Company No. 921500. Rl'gislerl'd Address: 60 BournemmJlh Rc.d, FoikeslOOe, Kerll. 019 5AZ. Reglslerl'd in England. Limited by Guaranlee. Printed by POC CopYPrlnt, II Jeffries Pusage, Guildford. GUI 4AP. Coprri!hf e BSFA 1996. Individual copyrights are the property of thl' authors and editor. ISSN 0301 3335. Designed and producl'd by Ouis TeITlln on an Acorn A5000. -- ----' -,----------------------------------- --------------------------------mall\,l1ll'iflMolO\l6 Bob $haVl/ Dies The celebrated Northem hish author and friend of fans everywherE' Bob Sh.lw died on 12 February. last November he moved to America and married Nancy Tucker in Michigan, but his ill health forced their return in February in order to obl:ain NHS treatment. His last evening was spent with family and friends at his local, the Red Lion, and later thai night he died quietly in his sleep. The funeral was held on 19 February in Stockton Heath. There were many friends H H NEWSMany thanks to ~c::e~sl~;~l1~~~~~~%i.:~~~t, 0 Brum SF Group, Tony Cullen, Benedict Cullum, David Garnett, 0 Bradbury, David Hardy, Rag Peyton, Ian U Paul Kincaid, Dave Langford, Locus, John Ollis, Peterborough SF U Sorensen. Andy Sawyer and Sue Mason. N Group, Mark Plummer. Julie Rigby, Andy sawyer, Kathy Shiel, N Bob'! family requested that don."ltions in Maureen Kincaid Speller, Martin Tudor, Bridget Wilkinson tus honour ht- made 10 the Hopt" HospICE' D D forChLldren via his daughter, Mrs Oairt, S S Hutt, at 17 Victoria Road, Stockton Heath, Wamngton. Bob's widow, Nan(")'. has • Brian Siabldord appears on the novella David Garnett will still be the editor, and returned to America and messages of shortlist for his "MortimerGray's History of the relaunch is scheduled for early next condolence can be sent to 695 Judd Road, (Natll". year. Saline, Michigan 48176. USA. • Switzerland's sf Museum Maison 5n p.lO forll tributt by Paul KillcQid. Qnd Drinking VVelis d'Ailieurs has gained a temporary reprieve Vector {orapprrcwtions. Peterborough is now the proud home to an from funding cuts, helped by ov('r 7,000 H. G. Wells "theme pub". Called "H. G:s", sign."Itures on a peHtion of protest. McAuley VVins Clarke it was opened on March 4th by, • Apparently Williilm Shatner, the Avvard imaginatively, Jon Pertwee and two erstwhile Captain Kirk of Star Trek and The 1995 Arthur C. Clarke Award was attending Daldcs. It has decor celebrating author (alleged), is having the bathroom of prl'S<'nted in a Ct"remony at the Science the- life- and work of H. G., and can be his Hollywood home remodelled so as to Museum on 17 April to Pilul J. McAuley found in Queen Street behind the Central look like the bridge of the series' starship. for tus novel Filiryfalld, with Ken Posl Office, next to Argus. (H any members Unsatisfied with this, h(' has commissioned ~bcLlI'Od'sThL Star FraC'tiOfI as runner-up. are local to the area and wish to mak(' a a finn to provide a toilet designed to The other novels shortlisted we-rt': visill'd be very interested in an impression resemble the Entnpriu. Please feel free to Pillridil Anthony Happy PofiC'nrrDn; oftheplaCt".) make up your own ;ekes .. Steve Buter ~ Timl Ships; • Form following Terry Pratchett fans will Chris Priest ThL Prntigt; Bits & Bobs be interested to hear that there's a horsE' Neill Stephenson Thl Diamond Agt • Films aTe currently under production of called "CaptainCarror.II'sowned by In his spet"Ch tht> ;tdnunistrator oftht> !wo of Robert Silvertxorg's novels, NiNle Linda Ramsden and is doing rather welt award, P;tul Ku'lca.d, s.ud that tht> votmg ~ '" T,mtstad and Thl Book ofSkulls. which would probably nol be the case had was unprl.'Cedentroly close- The Judges­ • Th(' US publisher White WolJ is taking she called il "Corporal Nobb". DaVid Langford and SI('v(' jeffery for the over Nno Worlds magazine from Gollancz. BSFA, MAurice Goldsmith and Maggie McDonald for the lnternatlonlll Science Policy Foundation, and Dr David ScC'd and Illn Watson for the SF Foundation­ h."Id great difficulty with such a strong shortliSt; an}' of the books could have won John Clute presented the award (a chl.'que for £1,000 and an mscribed bookmd) and noled the strength of current BritiSh sf - the shorthst contained more UK Authors (four) than any previous ,....ar - and the dlvC.'TSlty of th(' contmd­ IIlg novels • Aflt'r some controversy m previous yt'ars, this lime there should be' Iittl(' argument- tht> winnt>r IS Brilish (,md male), ,Uld th... book is both mdubltably SCIl'nCl' fiction and published by an sf publishing house (Gollancz) who will tllke .ldvant,lge of the aw;trd Stephen KIng's latesl novel, The Green Mile, is being published in six monthly instalments, each priced at £1.99 and containing about 100 pages. This works out at Nebula NOfTlinations £12 for a normal length paperback, SO you can see the appeal to Penguin, the Th(' shortlist for th(' Nebula Awards for publishers. Publication starts with "The Two Dead Girts- on 28 March, with further best novel this year is: episodes available on 25 April, 30 May, 27 June, 25 July and 29 August King claims John Barnes MothlTofStonns; that he has not yet Iinished writing the book: "' like the high wire aspect 01 it; he says Nancy Kress Begga~ a"d CllOosns; in his foreword. He also reveals that the idea was due in part to Malcolm Edwards (a Pilul Pilrk CodiStis; lormer editor of VeelOf) who speculated to a lriend 01 King's that the 'serial thriller' Robert J. Silwyer Hobson's Choke (aka. ~ TlTJIlll1al Expnimml); might be an idea worth reviving (many of Charles Dickens's books were published in WilltU Jon Williilms MrtrollOlitan; this form) and suggested that "someone like Stephen King might make an interes1ing Gene Wolfe Caldroftllt Long S,m. go 01 such an experiment". So now you know who to thank (or blame). ------------------------------------, nlll'<>.ll.·lol)mglW6-------------------------------- ... NEWS continued.. Avvards Round-Up quality, and had some exc:ellm fiction editors • Chris Priest won the James Tait Blade including Ben &va. Robert Shedley, and in Gone __ . But Not Memorial Priu for his rect"I\l novel 1M particular Ellen Oallow. who, as well as pulling Forgonen Prnllgr. The award. along with a cheque for in the big n.unes, promoted new writers Cr.Ilni.ll D.IIvis, the widow of the sf writer 0,000, was presented in.
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