GOVERNMENTOF ASSAM OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF HIGHER EDUCATION, ASSAM KAHILIPARA, GUWAHATI- 19. NOTIFICATION In pursuance to the Govt" O.M. No.AHE .1.62/2012/Pt./ 45, dated 13-11-2073, No.AHE.162l2012/Pt./47, dated 13-11-2013, No.AHE.162/2012/pt/75, dated. 27-12-2013, No.AHE.162/2072/Pv/75, dated 27-1,2-2013 and on recorunendation of the Screening Committee for CAS promotion of college teachers held on 17-70-2020, the Govt. of Assam, Higher Education Department is pleased to allow placement in Associate Scale of Pay (Before API)/CAS promotion from Stage-III to Stage-IV of 51 nos. of Assistant Professor(s)/ Librarian(s) of Provincialised College of Assam, as per the list appended at Annexure{, in the scale of pay of Rs.37,400 - 67,000 + AGP 9000/- p.m. and in revised scale of pay of Rs.1,31,400 - 2,-17,100/ - Academic Level-13-A, whichever is applicable w.e.f. the date as mentioned agairut their names. Further, list of 24 nos. of Assistant Professors of vadous Provincialised Colleges for CAS promotion from Stage-III to Stage-IV are being rejected by the Screening Committee meeting held on 17-10-202Q as per list appended at Annexure-D. This has the approval of Govt. vide letter No.AFIE .1196 / 2019 / z2dated 0AO2-2O27 . Sdl- G. Phukan, ACS Director, Higher Educatior1 Assam Kahilipara, Guwahati- 19. Memo No.DHE/CE/Misc/294/201,6/62 Dated: Kahiliparu, the 1,2/ 02/ 2027 Copy for favour of information and necessary action to: 1) The Commissioner and Secretary to the Govt. of Assam, Higher Education Department, Dispur, Guwahati-6. 2) The Accountant General (A&E) Assam, Maidamgaon, Beltola, Guwahati-2g. 3) All members of the meeting of Soeening Committee held on 17-10-2020 lot information. qVrt" (as Y Principal. Collese oer list enclosed). He/She is directed ,o *U-i, pr"p.rrf f* fi*Uon oi puy L ,espect of the concemed employee(s) of your college along with I.P.R. (Immovable Property Return). 5) The Treasury Officer, Treasury (as per list enclosed). 6) Person concerned (as per list enclosed) 7) Guard file. /) 7 Director, Higher d Assam uwahati- 19. "-X<ehntpara,C Annexure-C List of Assistant Professoy' Librarian of Provincialised Colleges allowed for placement in Associate Scale of pay (Before API) / CAS promoHon from Stage.III to Stage.My the Screening Committee meeting held on 17-1G2020) Sl. No. Name of College Name of the Teachey' Department Date of eligibility of CAS Librarian Promotion from Stage 3 to Stage4 (A88ociate Scale of Pay) I Baiali College, Barpeta Dr. Kalpana Pathak AgBamese ortz-2016 Talukdar Tihu College, Nalbari Sd Gautam Goswami English o*20t6 3 Sipaihar Collete, Darrang Dr. Mukul Kr. Sahada Assamese 22-rL2$18 4 M.C. College, Barpeta Dr. Bipul Sarma Mathematics 0+0$2019 5 Tihu College, Nalbari Dr. Anil Boro Geography 09.11-2m8 6 Nowgong College, Nagaon Dr. Dipankar Baidya Commerce 2*17-2018 7 Pragjyotish College, Dr. In&ani Kalita Asca[rese 0/+{t-2(}l8 Kamrup(M) 8 North Gauhati College, Dr. Maloshi Choudhury English 24.07-29t4 Kanuup(M) 9 Pandu College, Dr. Promod Medhi Botany 20.0!2m8 Kaffup(M) 10 Guwahati College, Dr. Satyaiit Kalita Hindi t74U20r9 KaEuup(M) 11 Barbhag Collete, Nalbari Dr. Anupam Dutta Engtish z24t-mt7 72 North Kamrup College, Mrs. Archana Tahbildar History 3(H)&2018 Karuup(M) 13 B.B.K. College, Barpeta Dr. Birinchi Choudhury EconomicE t2&2917 74 B.B.K. College, Barpeta Sri Bhabaiit Bayan Assamese 26o$zJtr9 15 Rupahi College, Nagaon Me. Babita Baruah Home Science ot4v20t7 16 Mangaldoi College, Dr. Pabitra Kr. Nath Geography o&11-2014 DarIang t7 D.ICD. College, Golaghat Sri Niranjan Haloi Philosophy lGtt-2914 18 Jorhat College, Jorhat Dr. Soumitra Puzari History tg&20t9 t9 D.R- College, Golaghat Dr. Anindita Dey English os42-2017 m D.R, College, Golaghat Sri Biplob Gogoi Political Science 2 t0-20r8 27 C.ICB. Commerce College, Dr. Dimbeswar Borah Hindi n-tt-29t5 Jorhat 'ta J.D.S.G. College, Golaghat Dr, Jayanta Das English 204,2-2t17 21 Sarupathar College, Dr. Pranab Phukan A6same6e 27-I,2-20t6 Golaghat 24 Sarupathar Colleg€, Dr. Prapti Thakur Assamese 0247-2019 Golaghat E D.C.B. Girls' College, Dr. Momi Dutta Political Science 2&71-2018 Jorhat 26 Bahona College, Jorhat Dr. GayaEee Borah Zoology w2tt7 27 Biswanath College, M6. Karabi Gogoi Economicc oao&2m5 Biswanath 2A B.N. College, Dhubri Dr. Piyush Kr. Mishra Botany z7-04.20t4 D B.N. College Dhubri Dr. Alaka Sarma Assamege t2.ot-29t9 30 Sibsagar College, Mrs. Khageswari Baruah AsSamese t*to-2917 Sivasagar 31 Jothat College, Jorhat Sri Kushal Kr. Das Assamese 23,97-29t7 32 Nowboicha College, Mr6. Chitra Rekha Devi Political Science 2G&2019 Lakhimpur 33 Dhemaji Conmerce Sri Pradip Borah Comrnerce t7-11-2017 College, Dhemaii g North Lakhimpur College, Sri Binoy Kumar Patgiri Philosophy 254/+zJl9 Lakhimpur 35 Maiuli College, Maiuli S Bipul Raikhowa Political Science l9-{)}2()l6 36 Maiuli Coll€ge, Maiuli Dr. Rupiyoti Bora Economic6 tz{t-zJt8 37 Maiuli College, Majuli Dr. Braien Ch Neog Economice 234r-zJt7 38 Margherita College, Mrs. Runjun Saikia As8ameee 234-2ut6 Tin6ukia 39 Marghedta College, Dr. Pushpa Singh Hindi 22.,tt-ml6 Tin6ukia 40 Dihu College, Dibrutarh Dr. Niaz Ali Shah Computer 09&2917 Science 47 Duliaian College, Dr, Monsoon Hatibaruah Education 2&tt-2015 Dibrugarh tL2 Dibru College, Dibrugarh Mr6. Mitali Baruah Hi6tory 204}2017 L1 Tinsukia College, Tinsukia Dr. Kamaleswar Kalita Geography 124szJL9 4 Dibru College, Dibrugarh Dr. Juge6war Baruah Statistic6 @&M8 45 D.H.S.IC Commerce Dr. Joydev Gogoi Bueineee 0,J.2-zJt8 College, Dibrugarh Managernent 46 D.H.S.IC College, Dr. LaE*holal Doungel Political Science w12-Nt4 Dibrugarh 47 Karimgani College, Dr. Md. Hafiz Sayeed Arabic 06.0&2m7 Karimgani Ahmed 48 Womens' College, Silchar, Dr. Ranjit Kumar Tewari SaI6krit 27-a2-2017 Cachar 49 D.D.R. College, Dibrugarh Mrs. Kalpana Borah Assamese 254/,-2017 50 Sadiya College, Tin8ukia Sd Hemanta Kr. Deori Assame6e 2t-12-Nt8 51 D.H.S.IC College, Ms. Anjumoni Phukan Assamese 13{42m8 Dibrugarh 7.- I Dfuector of Aaeam para, Guw -t9. Annexure-D List of Assistant Professor/ Librarian of Provincialised Colleges for placement in Associate Scale of Pay / CAS pronrotion from Stage-3 to Stage4, rejected by the Screening Comnrittee meeting held onlT-]:O2l2} st. Name of College Narne of the Department Cause of rejection by the fcreening committee No, Teachey' Librarian 1 Tihu College, Dr. Diganta HiEtory Submi6sion of at lea8t one publication within one year in Nalbari Deka a UGC-CARE Iisted iournal within the 6ubieC domain- , Bajali College Sri Anian Political Submission of at least one publication within one year in Barpeta Sarma Science a UGC:CARE lieted ioumal within the oubiect domain. 3 Mangaldoi M6. Babita Education Submission of at least one publication within one year in College, Darrang Sarma a UGC-CARE lioted iounal within the oubiect domain. 4 B.P. Chaliha Sri Arun IG. Engli6h Submi66ion of at least one publication within one year in College, Kamrup Sarkar a UGC4ARE listed jounal $'ithin the Eubiect domain. 5 Kharupetia Dr. Amzad Education Same article publiEhed twice chan8ing title. Violation of College, Darrang Hu6sain reeearch ethics and morality. Candidate should apply Mazumder afreslu 6 Nowgong Sri Shirumad History Submission of at least one publication within one year in CoUege, Nagaon Hazarika a UGC4ARE listed journal within the subiect domain 7 S.M.D. College, Sri Smaran Political Submi8siol of at lea6t one publication within olre year in Sivasagar Saikia Science a UGC4ARE listed journal within the oubiect domain. 8 Bilasipara Sri Sunil Kr. Political SubmiEsion of at least one publication ryithin one year in College, Dhubri Sarma Science a UGC4ARE lisred iournal within the subiect domain. 9 Gargaon College, Me. Runiun AsEame6e Submission of at least one publication within one year in Sivasagar Hazarika a UGC-CARE li8ted iournal within the subie,ct domain 10 J.tI.N.S. College, Mrs. Political Sqbmission of at lea6t one publication within one year in Sivasagar Manurima science a UGC-CARE liEted ioumal within the oubiect domain. Bhagawati 11 Chaiduar Mrs. Kalpara Political Subnission of at lea6t one publication within one year in College, Borah Science a UGC-CARE listed iournal within the subiect domain- Sonitpur 72 D.C.B. Girls' Sri Tapan Das English Submission of at least one publication within one yeat in College, forhat a UGC-CARE listed iournal within the 6ubiect domain. 13 Chaiduar Sri Mahendra E{onomics Submission of at leaet one publication within one year in College, Hazad ka a UGC-CARE listed iournal within the oubiect domain. Sonitpur t4 Bilasipara Atikur Englieh Submicsion of at lea6t one publication within one year in Collese Dhubri Rahman a UGC-CARE listed iournal rvithin the 6ubiect domain 15 Chaiduar Sri Hridoy English Submi66ion of at least one publication within one year in College, Hazarika a UGC{ARE listed iournal within the subject domain Sonitpur t6 Chaiduar Sri Prasanta Stati6tics Submission of at least one publication within one year in College, Saikia a UGC-CARE listed iournal within the Eubiect domain. Sonitpur 77 Gargaon College, Sri Pranab As8ame6e Submission of at leaet one publication withln one year in Sivasagar Duarah a UGC4ARE li8ted ioumal within the Eubiect domain. 18 P.B. College, Sri Tilak Librariarl Submission of at lea6t one publication within one year in Dhubri Sarma a UGC-CARE listed iournal within the Eubiect domain. 79 D.R.
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