SUBJECT INDEX Accretion of the Moon Aphelion 34 (chemistry) 419 Apogee 57 Aeronautical Chart and Apollo 5, 8, 596–598, 602, 603, 605 Information Center Apollo 11 30, 609, 611–613 (ACIC) 60 geology 613 Age dating 134 landing site 611, 612 highland rocks 218, 219, 225, 228, 245, 250, Apollo 12 610, 614–616 253, 255, 256 geology 616 mare basalts 208, 209 landing site 614, 615 methods 134, 223 Apollo 14 31, 610, 617–619 Agglutinates 288, 296–299, 301, 339, 414 geology 619 and siderophile elements 414 landing site 617, 618 chemistry 299 Apollo 15 33, 36, 37, 337, 348, 620– description 296 622 F3 model 299 geology 622 genesis 298 heat flow 36, 37 mineralogy 297 landing site 620, 621 native Fe in 154 Apollo 16 32, 341, 351, 623–625, 631 petrography 298 geology 625 physical properties 296 landing site 623, 624 solar-wind elements in 301 Apollo 17 35, 37, 341, 348, 626–628, Akaganeite 150 631 Albedo 59, 558, 560, 561 geology 628 absorption coefficient 561 heat flow 37 Bond albedo 560 landing site 626, 627 geometrical albedo 560 Apollo command module normal albedo 560 experiments 596 scattering coefficient 561 Apollo Lunar Module (LM) 22, 476 single scattering albedo 560 Apollo Lunar Sample Return spherical albedo 560 Containers (ALSRC) 22 Albite 127, 363, 368 Apollo Lunar Sounder Aldrin, Edwin E., Jr. 27–30 Experiment (ALSE) 564 Alkali anorthosite 228, 381, 398, 399 Apollo Self-Recording high strontium, gallium Penetrometer (SRP) 508, 512, 591 content 399 Apollo Simple Penetrometer Alkali gabbro 370 (ASP) 506 Alkali gabbronorite 230, 368 Apollo sample summary 9 Alkali norite 230 Apollo samples 8, 21, 22 Allan Hills 81005 9, 223, 224, 234 bulk sample 22 Alpha particles 56 contingency sample 21 Alphonsus Crater 102 cores 22 Altai Mountains 117 documented sample 22 Aluminum 363–372, 603 rake sample 22 as a resource 647 selected sample 22 mapping from orbit 603, Plate 10.4 Apollo subsatellite Ancient regolith 352 experiments 596 Anorthite 127, 363 Archimedes Crater 114 Anorthosite 9, 19, 363, 405, 408, 409, Arecibo Observatory 606 453, 458 Argon 42, 437–443 Antimatter 47, 52 Aristarchus Crater 70, 565 Antimony 413 Aristarchus Plateau 101, 607 Apatite 154, 181, 384, 391, 398, 434 Aristillus Crater 622 chemical composition 181 ejecta at Apollo 15 622 Apennine Bench Formation 114, 622 Armalcolite 137, 147, 148, 176 Apennine Front 37, 348, 353, 621 chemical composition 148, 176 Apennine Mountains 33, 564 crystal structure 147, 148 Apennine Scarp 620 Armstrong, Neil A. 475 721 722 Lunar Sourcebook Astronauts 8, 27, 475 fissure vents 103, 105 Astronomy from the Moon 636 gas phases 105 Asuka 31 (unbrecciated genesis 105 cumulate) 9 landforms 100 Atmosphere 28, 40–45, 439, 440, 445, lava flows 95, 184 635 magma generation 95 ambient “pressure” 635 partial melting 186 contamination 41 petrologic models 103 gas abundances 45 pyroclastic deposits 184 lunar paleoatmosphere 44 reflectance spectra 209 permanent 45 Basins 61, 64, 68, 69, 105, 118 pollution 635 ages 118 scale height 45 basin-forming process 69 Augite 126 central peak 64 Autolycus Crater 622 excavation depth 68 ejecta at Apollo 15 622 location 118 Avalanches 34, 522 multiring 64 peak-ring 64 Baby Ray Crater 624 ring basins 68 Baddeleyite 137, 149, 178 ring structure 105 chemical composition 178 size 118 Basalt 9, 94, 183, 186–202, 205, Bean, Alan L. 28–30 206 Bear Mountain 627 aluminous low-Ti basalt 186, 188 Bedrock 33 chemical compositions 186, 187, 261–268 Bench Crater 615 classification 186 Beryllium 52 comparison with other Bessarion Craters 566 planetary basalts 192 Bidirectional reflectance cooling history 194 (optical) 559 cooling rates 200, 201 Biogenic elements (hydrogen, crystallization experiments 198 carbon, and nitrogen) 443–447 experimental petrology 205 and soil maturity 445 fractionation trends 187 combination with oxygen 447 gas phase 201 correlations 445, 446 genesis 94, 206 from meteoroids 445–447 high-Ti basalt 186, 187, 195 in agglutinates 447 ilmenite basalt 188 surface correlation 447 low-Ti basalt 186, 188, 198 Biological Preparation melting 206 Laboratory 25 mineralogy 193 Bistatic radar observations 563 modal mineral Block Crater 615 abundances 188 Bond albedo 560 olivine basalt 188 Bootprints (astronauts) 498, 635 oxygen partial pressures Bornite (chemical (fugacities) 193 composition) 179 phase relations 206 Boron 52, 374 physical properties 186 Boulder tracks 499, 589 pigeonite basalt 188 Boulders 31–33 textures 195 Bowen-Apollo Crater 627 trace elements 135, 187 Breccias 9, 81, 85, 183, 185, 186, 212, very-high-K (VHK) basalt 135, 186, 190 213, 232–235, 241, 242, very-low-Ti (VLT) basalt 186, 192, 198 252, 257, 285 vesicles 201 chemical composition 213 viscosity 95, 99, 139, 193, 194 classification 233–235 Basaltic volcanism 94, 95, 100, 103, 105, 184, clast-poor 185 186, 208, 209 clast-poor impact melt 252 ages 208 clasts 233 area on lunar surface 95 components 233 distribution of lava 209 crystalline melt 185 duration 95 dimict 186, 235 “fire fountains” 95 facies 242 Subject Index 723 fragmental 185 origin 254 genesis of 242 petrography 252 glassy melt 185 Clasts 78, 185 granulitic (metamorphic) 186 Closed-ecology life support 635 matrix 233 Cobalt 411 monomict 81, 185, 213 Cochise Crater 627 petrography 241 Coesite 132 polymict 81, 185, 232, 233, 234, 235 Cold Cathode Gage regolith breccias 186, 257 experiments 41 Bridge Crater 621 Colors 30 Briggs, G. A. 633, 634 Compressibility 500 Brightness 59 Compressional ridges 110 Brightness longitude 29, 59 Compton Crater 63 Bronte Crater 627 Cone Crater 32, 237, 381, 572, 618, 619 Brooks Air Force Base Cone penetrometer 589 (BAFB) 9, 23 Conon Crater 620 Bulk density 484, 490, 492, 572, 573 Contamination of samples 8, 24, 406, 443 Bulk density (soil) 483 protection from 24 density vs. depth 492 Continuous deposits 73 in core tubes 572 Coordination (mineralogy) 121 in drill cores 573 Copernican Period 116 Copernicus Crater 34, 63, 114, 566, 602, 610, Cachari meteorite 408 614 Camelot Crater 627 Cordillera Mountains 70 Canyon Diablo meteorite 433 Core samples 8, 9, 321–342, 487 Carbochlorination 647 Core tube sampler 485 Carbothermal reduction 648 Core tube samples (reported Cartography 60 vs. actual depth) 586 Cataclysm (cratering) 83 Core tubes (bit design) 486 Catena 60 Cosmic rays 49–53, 315 Cayley Formation 247, 623–625, 631 Crater degradation 65 Cayley Plains 245, 249 Crater frequency 79 Celsian 127 Crater morphometry 65 Center Crater 618 Cratering 85, 86 Central peaks of craters 259 flux models 85, 86 spectral properties 259 Craters 32, 62–85, 108, 115 Chalcophile 358 ages 85 Chalcopyrite 151, 179 apparent 68 chemical composition 179 breccia lens 81 Chemical statistics (cautions, central peaks 61, 68 data limitations) 361 complex 61, 68 Chemistry 357–474 cross-sections 81 chemistry of soil size 344, 347, 349, 385, 391, 398, degradation 65, 115 fractions 413, 440 densities 83, 84 contamination 443 ejecta 66 guide to individual element excavation cavity 66 discussions 360 history 92 reliability of data 361, 390, 400, 403, 432, 443 isostatic adjustment 108 replicate analyses 403 mechanics 65 sample size limitations 403 melt zone 78 statistical summaries 449–474 microcraters 82 Chondrites 359, 379, 404 morphometry 65, 66 iridium content 404 pit craters 87 REE concentrations 379 population 88 Chromite 397, 399 processes 61, 65, 68 as an ore 399 production rates 84 Cinco Crater 624 relative age dating 83 Cinder cones 101 secondary 7, 71, 73 Clast-poor impact melt 252–254 shapes 65 ages 253 simple 61, 67 chemistry 252 size-frequency distribution 82 724 Lunar Sourcebook slope angles 32 mechanics 485 spall zone 87 Dune Crater 621 spectral properties 258 Dunite 185, 365, 368–370, 378, 395, transient cavity 66 396, 398, 405, 406, 408, 409, true 68 411, 412 Crisium Basin 605, 628, 630, 631 REE pattern 378 ejecta at Apollo 17 628 Duricrust 492, 493 ejecta at Luna landing Dust 34, 478 sites 630 adhesion 34 Cristobalite 132, 217 Crust 15, 17, 92, 93, 212, 609 Earth-based telescopic data cross-section 93 (see Observation of the fracturing 92 Moon from Earth) 596 mineralogy 609 Earthlight Crater 621 origin 15 Earth-Moon distance 634 velocity structure 92 Earthshine 29 Crystal growth from magma 200 Ecliptic 58 Crystal nucleation 200 Ejecta 66, 70, 71, 73, 85, 92, 94 Crystalline melt breccias composition 94 (impact melt breccias) 249–252 continuous 73 ages 250 curtain 71 modal analysis 250 deposits 71 texture 250 diameter of blocks 73 Cubanite 151, 179 lateral mass transport 92 chemical composition 179 lunar meteorites 92 Cumulate texture 223 primary 71 Curation history 25 processes 71 radial distance from crater 73 Dark-haloed craters 101, 102 rays 73 Defense Mapping Agency 597 sampling lunar crust 94 Density (bulk Moon) 28, 362 secondary 71 Density (of soil) (see relative stratigraphic units 85 density) 496 thickness 73 Depth perception 29 trajectories 73 Descartes Crater 631 Elastic scattering 53 Descartes Formation 245, 254, 623–625, 631 Elbow Crater 351, 621 Descartes Highlands 32, 253, 623 Electrical and Deslambre Crater 623 electromagnetic Deuterium 436, 447 properties 530–558 Diaplectic feldspar glass 74 DC conductivity 531, 532 Diaplectic glasses 76 dielectric permittivity 536 Dielectric permittivity 536, 549 dielectric properties 581 as a function of frequency 549 electrical conductivities 531 increase with stress electrostatic charging 532 (density) 549 loss tangent 531, 545, 550 Dielectric properties 581 photoconductivity 532 Differentiation (of the Moon) 15 temperature dependence 545 Differentiation (planetary, Electrical conductivity 531 chemical) 362 Electromagnetic sounding 552, 554, 556 Dimict breccia 256–257 Hagfors RMS slope 554 Diopside 363 radar cross-section 554 Dolerite 9 scattering from the Moon 556 Dorsa 60 volume scattering 554 Double Crater 612 Electron spin resonance 129 Doublet Craters 618 Electrostatic charging and Drill core 9 dust migration 532 Drill core samples 587 Elephant Moraine 87521 9 sample depth vs.
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