See Vthja ^^ food? page 5v David Halberstam honore d Faculty votes in favor of BY JILL MORNEAU NCAA competition Staff Writer Maisel submitted a substitute BY AMY MONTEMERLO motion which addressed many Colby honored Pulitzer Prize .News Editor areas of athletics at Colby. The winning journalist David substitute resolution contains six Halberstam for his work in Viet- Colby faculty voted to sup- principles Which . the Athletics nam and the Civil Rights Move- port continued participation in Advisory Comrnittee feels that ment at the 45th annual Elijah NCAA post-season athletic com- NESCAC presidents should ad- Parish Lovejoy Convocation on petitionlastWednesday,Novem- here to including: the NESCAC Thursday, November 13. ber 12. This vote, which SGA conference of liberal arts schools President William Cotter be- President Shannon Baker '98 con- should remain intact, the success gan the ceremony by remember- sidered "shocking," coincides of NESCAC as a scheduling con- ing the man,' Elijah Parish with the opinions of the majority ference should be universally ap- Lovejoy, for whom the award had of Colby students and athletes plied to all sports, restrictions been created. Lovejoy, a gradu- regarding this controversial is- placed on student athletes should ate of Colby, lost his life defend- sue. On December 11, President be re-examined in regards to up- ing his press against pro-slavery Cotter, along with the presidents holdingthe "primacy of academic laws in Alton, Illinois. Cotter ex- of the eight other NESCAC insti- programs over athletic pro- plained that the work of David tutions, will decide the status of grams," that no. NESCAC team Halberstam exemplifies the four year experiment which may participate in national com- Lovejoy's words and that allowed athletic teams from petition if it runs interference with Halberstam is "driven by a pas- NESCAC colleges to participate final examinations, thatNESCAC sion for work." in NCAA post-season athletic athletic directors re-examine Halberstafn humbly accepted competition. Cotter has stated sport scheduling and expendi- the award on behalf of¦ the ex- that he is not in favor of continu- tures and, finally, that "within traordinary generation.¦of ; Ameri- mg this experiment. He.said that these.gi44elmes„.sQmeNESCAC can reporters ^during the 195'ps he, supports a ban bh any team student athletes [individuals and and 60s. He, explained that, at participation in national compe- teams] be permitted to partici- that time, the American press was tition. In light of this recent deci- pate in NCAA post-season ath- becoming serious and thought- sion, Cotter's view currently letic competition:" ful of prevailing positions and Echo.photo by J enn Blutne stands in opposition to that of the Debate on this issue contin- social attitudes with the tumul- Lovejoy Fellow David Halberstam. greater student body and faculty. ued at the faculty meeting for tuous revolution in civil rights filed the journalists by explain- outsiders looking in, not likely The faculty voted to support a over an hour. Many professors and the war in Vietnam. ing that they were not without to be invited to the best fraterni- substitute, resolution regarding expressed concerns over main- Halberstam credited much of weaknesses. They were "quite ties. In fact, most of us did not this issue, which was submitted taining the NESCAC confer- his early success as a journalist ordinary," born during the de- want to be invited to the best by the Athletics Advisory Com- ence, athletic expenditures, to the fact that President Kennedy pression and often unaware of fraternities." Halberstam ex- mittee. This proposal countered admission standards, and the singled him out as the "journal- wealth or privilege. Their educa- plained that they were the ones a resolution previously submit- primacy of academics. A writ- istic enemy." Halberstam ex- tions varied, and none were con- that were suspicious of the high ted by members of the Depart- ten ballot was taken , and the plained that he became the sidered brilliant students. In fact, school textbook version of ment of Economics and Govern- faculty agreed by a vote of 49- "poster boy for the era," encoun- Halberstam himself was told not America. They becamle alienated , ment. The primary sponsor of this 27 to support the Athletic Ad- tering not only the raw mob, but to write his senior thesis before and want ed to discover the truth. resolution, Professor of Econom- visory Committee ' s substitute Klan violence as well. he graduated from Harvard. Furthermore , Halberstam ics Jan Hogcndorn, spoke in fa- motion. Halberstam found it heartbreak- However, Halberstam found grew up with parents who were vor of the department' s prop osal, The effects of the faculty ' s de- ing that he faced more risks on courage in repression. "M y pro- first generation American s. They stating that "the Colby facult y cision to support NCAA post- native soil than foreign soil, and fessional life summoned courage believed in democracy and egali- opposes NESCAC team post-sea- season athletic competition will remarked that he felt more fright- and ambition in my personal tarianism. Halberstam embodied son play in NCAA tournaments not fully be known until Cotter ened in Mississippi than in Viet- life," he said. Halberstam craved these values and knew his duties and supports President Cotter 's makes his final decision on De- nam. neither power nor riches , and to the Constitution. He knew he efforts to end this play." Profes- cember 11. Nonetheless , many Fur thermor e, Halb erstam ex- disapproved of the others that was not seeking wealth and fame, sor of Government Sandy Maisel , faculty members and studentath- plained that often he was not cr aved care er advan cement and such as the celebrity journalists. speaking on behalf of the Athlet- letes are pleased with the results quite sure what motivated him popular ity. "We [aspiring jour- He did not crave soft interviews ics Advisory Committee , op- and have asser ted the power and and the other journalists to stay nal ists] were all common bound with multi-million dollar con- posed Hogendorn 's propos al. see NCAA on page 3 in Vietnam and report. He pro- and all a litt le differen t . We were see LOVEJOY on page 3 Colby stud ent s conduct sexual assault opinion poll ques tions which gathered larg e has not been raped. Have you ever condonedsexual as- If you know someone who was BY RENEE LAJEUNESSE enough percen tages to be counted. 3% of women agreed saultb y teUing or laughmg at a rape joke? rap ed at Colby, did the person re- News Editor Kinsella and D'Afflitti noted that 6% of men agreed 6% of women answered yes port it to the Dean or to the Police? CSSR found it contradictor y that 35% of men answered yes 10% of women answered yes Members of Colby Students for "the resul ts of people who adm itted Itisonlyconsideredrapeifawoman » 4% of men answered yes Sexual Responsibility (CSSR), Katie to using physical force to have sex verbally says no. Do you assume consent to sexual Kinsella '99and Laura D'Afflitti '99, was zero, yet the number of people 8% of women agreed adiviryif yourpaitnerdoesnotsayrio? If you were sexually assaul ted conduc ted an informal studentopin - at Colby who know people who had 25% of men agreed 29% of women answered yes at Colby, would you feel com- ion poll on campus last week as a been sexually assaulted was so much 41% of men answered yes for table taking action (with the preliminary to Sexual Assaul t higher ," said kinsella. Have you ever used physical force Dean and/or the police) against Awareness Week (November 17- to have sex? Doyouknowanyonewhohasever your at tacker? 22). 226 surveys were completed by To avoid date ra pe, a woman 0% of women answered yes been sexuallyassaul ted? 48% of women answered yes ' 97 men and 129 women of all four should not dress provocati vely and 0% of men answered yes 78% of womenanswered yes 68% of men answered yes classes, distrib uted mostly through should avoid excessive alcohol con- 67% of men answered yes professors Tlie ma in purpose of the sump tion. Have ycu ever taken advantage of Do you think the issue of sexual poll was "to wake people up" to the 24% of womenagreed someonesexually whfle they woe intod- Doyouknowanyonewhohasever assaul t is sufficiently addressed at problems and misconcep tions re- 48% of men agreed oatfidorondrug s? beensexually assaulted at Colby? Colby? lated to sexual assault , explained 0%cfworreiar«weredye8 45% of womenanswered yes 29% of women answered yes D'Afflitti; Tlie! following are the If a woman doesno t fight back she 4% ofrrienansweredyes 23% of men answeredyes 70% of men answered yesQ Yeterianchosen as new Deanof Facult y BY BETSY LOYD Staff Writer Ed Yeterian, chairman of the psychology depart- ment, was chosen as the new Dean of the Faculty. CEC searching for President William Cotter made this decision official in a letter dated October 30 to the Board of Trustees, Colby recommendation s for faculty and others in the Colby community. Yeterian will begin a three year term beginning July 1, 1998, first-year book replacing Robert McArthur, who has held the office for 10 years. The Cultural Events Committee (CEC), which co-sponsors Yeterian was selected at the culmination of a long events on campus, is also responsible for selecting the first-year search process. Last spring, a preliminary announce- book. At this time, CEC is calling for recommendations for the first- ment was made that the position would be open and year book. Each year, a book is selected to he sent to all members unofficial nominations were given to President Cotter.
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