Modelling growth of northern krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica) using an energy-budget approach? Tjalling Jagera,, Elisa Ravagnanb aDEBtox Research, De Bilt, the Netherlands bIRIS Environment, International Research Institute of Stavanger, Postboks 8046, N-4068 Stavanger, Norway Abstract Northern krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica) is an important species in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea, but very little life-history infor- mation is available under controlled (laboratory) conditions. Here, we use the DEBkiss model to piece together the available data into a quantitative energy budget. We use this model to analyse larval growth curves, and to re- construct the feeding history for field populations from their (reconstructed) multi-year growth patterns. The resulting model parameters are also used to provide estimates for respiration, feeding and reproduction rates that are consistent with measured values. Many uncertainties remain, but this anal- ysis demonstrates how simple and generic energy-budget models have the potential to integrate observations on different traits, to interpret growth as a function of food and temperature, and to compare different species in a meaningful manner. Keywords: Dynamic Energy Budget, DEBkiss, Meganyctiphanes norvegica, life-history traits, growth modeling, krill ?©2016. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/. The paper was pub- lished as: Jager T, Ravagnan E. 2016. Modelling growth of northern krill (Meganyc- tiphanes norvegica) using an energy-budget approach. Ecological Modelling 325:28-34.. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2015.12.020. Email address: [email protected] (Tjalling Jager) URL: http://www.debtox.nl/ (Tjalling Jager) Preprint submitted to Ecological Modelling March 14, 2021 1. Introduction Krill forms a large part of the marine zooplankton, and a quantitative understanding of their life histories is important to predict their responses to a changing environment, and to protect populations from anthropogenic impacts. Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory (Nisbet et al., 2000) is a valuable framework in this respect, as it links the acquisition of energy from the environment (feeding) to energy-requiring processes (growth, re- production, etc.) over the entire life cycle. A simplified model from this framework, DEBkiss (Jager et al., 2013), has been quite succesful to inter- pret and to predict life-history traits of invertebrate animals as a function of environmental conditions and exposure to stressors (e.g., Jager and Rav- agnan, 2015; Barsi et al., 2014; Jager et al., 2015). The complete calibration of DEBkiss, however, still requires a substantial input of life-history data (especially observations on growth and reproduction) over a substantial part of the life cycle, under controlled (or at least well known) conditions. For krill, laboratory data on growth and reproduction are scarce, as the species are long lived and most of them do not cope well with laboratory conditions (Nicol, 2000). Earlier, we pieced together the available data for the Antarc- tic krill (Euphausia superba) for a parameterisation of DEBkiss (Jager and Ravagnan, 2015). However, due to the lack of data on lipid storage and reproduction under controlled conditions, even for this species, the analysis had to be considered a provisional one. For the northern krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica), even less data is available; for example, we have not been able to locate a growth curve for post-larval stages under laboratory conditions. What is available, however, is laboratory growth data on larvae over the calyptopis and furcilia stages (Le Roux, 1974), and several reconstructed growth curves based on size mea- surements of field-collected specimens (Cuzin-Roudy et al., 2004; Boysen and Buchholz, 1984; Labat and Cuzin-Roudy, 1996). The question we address in this study is whether this scattered data can be used to parameterise DE- Bkiss, and what we can learn from this model about growth in the field under time-varying temperature and food availability. More specifically, we will parameterise the model using key elements from the reconstructed growth curves and the larval growth data under laboratory conditions. Next, we provide a reality check by comparing model predictions to measured data for other traits (feeding, respiration and reproduction), and use growth curves from field populations to reconstruct their feeding history. In earlier work, 2 DEB models proved to be powerful tools for such reconstructions (see e.g., Freitas et al., 2009; Pecquerie et al., 2012). The use of a generic energy-budget model implies that many `details' on the life history will inevitably be lost. What we gain, however, is generality. For example, we do not need to start from scratch when moving from one species to another, making DEB-based models an efficient building block for individual-based population models (Martin et al., 2012). More recently, elements from DEBkiss were used in an individual-based model for Antarctic krill (Groeneveld et al., 2015). Furthermore, the generality of the DEBkiss framework allows us to make meaningful comparisons between northern krill and other krill species such as Antarctic krill (Jager and Ravagnan, 2015), but also other crustaceans such as copepods (Jager et al., 2015), or even quite unrelated species such as freshwater snails (Barsi et al., 2014). Apart from the relevance for northern krill ecology, this study is therefore also a demonstration how simple, generic, models for the energy budget can aid the interpretation of life-history data. 2. Methods 2.1. Basic model equations The DEBkiss model is schematically shown in Fig.1, and has been described in detail elsewhere (Jager et al., 2013; Jager, 2015). The model equations for growth can be rewritten to the von Bertalanffy growth curve; as a differential equation for the physical length (Lw) of the organism as function of the food level (f): d L = r (fL − L ) with L (0) = L (1) dt w B wm w w w0 Where f is the scaled functional response (f = 1 marks ad libitum feeding and f = 0 is complete starvation). The two remaining parameters are Lwm, the maximum physical length at abundant food, and rB the von Bertalanffy growth rate constant. This differential equation can be solved analytically when all parameters are constant. However, as we want to apply the model to time-varying food and temperature situations, we stick to the differential equation here. Temperature (T ) is assumed to affect all physiological rate constant by the same factor FT , following from the Arrhenius relationship: 3 feeding egg WB JX b assimilation JA maintenance κ κJA (1-κ)JA JM p storage growth JH JV JR maturation structure WV buffer WR Figure 1: Diagram of the DEBkiss model with all state variables (the masses Wi) and mass fluxes (Ji). The κ node represents the allocation of the assimilation flux to the soma (structural tissues and its maintenance needs) with a fixed fraction κ. The remaining fraction (1 − κ) is allocated to maturation or the reproduction buffer. The buffer is used to pay maintenance costs under starvation, and to fuel gonad maturation and reproduction. The node b represents the switching on of feeding at `birth', and the node p represents a switch from maturation to reproduction buffer at `puberty'. 4 TA TA FT = exp − (2) Tref T Where TA is known as the Arrhenius temperature, and Tref is a reference temperature (all in Kelvin). The model parameters rB and Lwm from Eq.1 are compound parameters that are determined by more basic parameters of the energy budget (the primary parameters). The von Bertalanffy rate constant rB relates to the v volume-specific maintenance costs (JM ) of the organism (Jager et al., 2013): yVA v rB = JM (3) 3dV Where yVA is the yield of body structure on assimilates, and dV the dry weight of structure per unit of structural volume (numerically equivalent to the dry/wet weight ratio). The maximum length follows from the primary parameters as follows: a κJAm Lwm = v (4) δM JM Where κ is the fraction of the assimilation flux allocated to the soma (struc- a tural growth and maintenance, see Fig.1), JAm is the maximum area-specific assimilation rate, and δM is the shape correction coefficient to translate ac- tual body length to volumetric body length (the cubic root of volume). 2.2. Model predictions If we set reasonable default values for the additional model parameters and conversion factors, we can use the estimates for Lwm and rB to calculate primary parameters of the energy budget, and use those to predict other physiological traits of the species, such as respiration, feeding rates, and reproductive output (see Jager and Ravagnan, 2015). Oxygen use is related to the sum of a number of dissipating mass fluxes, mainly maintenance (JM ), maturation (JH ), and the overhead costs for growth (JV o) and reproduction (JRo). Ignoring the contribution of the lat- ter process (which is rather small, and only relevant in females when eggs are being prepared), these fluxes (in mg/d) are specified as functions of the volumetric body length (L = δM Lw) as follows (Jager et al., 2013; Jager, 2015): 5 v 3 JM = JM L (5) a 2 JH = (1 − κ)fJAmL (6) a 2 v 3 JV o = (1 − yVA) κfJAmL − JM L (7) Maturation is the process by which assimilates are burnt to increase the complexity of the organism, and which thus contributes to the respiration flux. At `puberty', this flux is assumed to switch to the reproduction buffer (see Fig.1). The dissipation fluxes are in mg dry weight of assimilates or body weight per day (in DEBkiss, assimilates and structure are assumed to have a similar composition, so for the respiration predictions, the difference can be ignored). This can be converted into carbon fluxes by multiplying with the weight of carbon per unit of dry body weight (dC ), to moles using the molar weight of carbon, and subsequently to moles of O2 assuming a respiration quotient of 0.9 (as was used in Jager and Ravagnan, 2015).
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