N E w s Southern ~ California L E T T E R ChaEter Vol.24 Number 4 SpecialLibraries Association Jan;feb 1997 ~.: ............................................. ........................ ,"""",,"""""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .: President'sMessage Happy New Year! Hope you enjoyed the holidays, got some R & R, and are ready to tackle 1997. As a Chapter, we have made some ambitious new year's resolutions, and I hope you'll help us keep them, One of our resolutions this year is to award the Karen Sternheim Scholarship for the second time. The Scholarship Committee, has gotten the word out to library schools, and I'm sure they'll find many highly qualified and deserving candidates from which to choose this year's recipient. Ensuring the continuing health of our profession by encouraging its study is one of the most important things that a practicing professional can do. According to Webster's Third, a profession is "a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive preparation including instruction in skills and methods as well as, in the scientific, historical,or scholarly principles underlying such skills and methods, maintaining by force of organization or concerted opinion high standards of achievement and conduct, and committing its members to continued study and to a kind of work which has for its prime purpose the rendering of a public service." I was surprised to fmd such a thorough, exacting and true defmition. Not only is .,'" : education is of paramount importance to.our profession, but it is our"responsibility as : professionalsto upholdthe educationalstandardsand to encourageand assist members of our . - I j profession to acquire the skills necessary in the special library workplace. One of the means j > '~4~.;.J' : we have of giving back to the profession that supports us is through the Karen Sternheim t._~lt: ..' : ScholarshipFund. .1'~ : As you know, our second scholarship fundraiser will be held on March 21 at the Los : : Angeles Public Library. We raise money for the scholarshipfund through direct member: : donations, through the sale of rafile tickets, the auction of donated items, and through the ~ : purchase of tickets to the "Taste of MysteryII" event on March 21. Many members of our : : Chapter have donated countless hours toward the success of this event, and it's bound to be j' : evenmoresuccessfulthanlastyear. SharonMcNeilandhercommitteeareorganizingan': ~ exciting and entertaining event that, besides being a lot of fun for Chapter members and their : : friends,willenableourChapterto continueawardingits scholarshipannually. Also, the 1997 : : recipientof the awardwill be announcedand introduced during the program. : : IhopeyouwillmakeyourreservationsSOONandbuyasmanyrafileticketsasyoucan : : (it'sa beautifulquilt!) If youcannotattend,I hopeyouwillmakea directdonationto the : : Karen Sternheimscholarshipfund., : : Pleaseseethe "TasteofMystery"flyerandSharonMcNeil'sarticlein thisissueofthe : ! Newsletterfordetailedinformationabouthowyoucanhelp. : I -BarbaraAmagoI '", , ,..".".,..".., , [email protected].. ..,., ,.; , , """"""""",,"""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""'''''''\''.'.':~ I .2 JanlFeb 1997 Southern California Chapter Newsletter/ Special Libraries Association Vol 24 Issue 4 SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION SOUTHERN CALITORN[A CHAPTER Strategic Plan Development Meeting Facilitator: Guy St. Clair Date: Saturday, February 1, 1997 Place: Descanso Gardens - 1418Descanso Drive, La Canada Flintridge - Parking is tree. (Call for directions (818) 952-4401 or consult the Thomas Guide.) Time: 8:30 - 9:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast 9:30- 12:00 noon Planning Session 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Box Lunch on the Patio 1:00 -2:30 p.m. Wrap-up 2:30 - 5:00 p.m. ComJ?limentaryadmissionto the garden (Last tram tour is 3:00 p.m. and should be reserved while at lunch). Cost: $18.00 Menu: Breakfast - Fruit juice, Coffee, Tea and Danish Box Lunch -Choice of Sandwich served with a Pasta salad, Fresh Fruit, Cookie, and Beverage. Deadline: Monday, January 20, 1997 . t I For a copy of the current "Southern CaliforniaChapter Long Range Plan" dated I October 23, 1984 call Teresa Bailey at (818) 354-9233 or e-mail f~.. ~ ' [email protected]. .;~. '<. "!. ****************************************************************************** Reservations for the February 1 Meeting: Karen E. Flanders, Advanced Information Management, 900 WilshireBlvd., Suite 1424, Los Angeles, CA 90017. Phone: (213) 243-9236, FAX: (213) 243-9217 Make checks payableto: Southern CaliforniaChapter, SpecialLibraries Association NAME/AFFILIATION: DAYTIME PHONE: STUDENT (Y/N)? 1If i Sandwich choice (~ircle one): Roast Beef Chicken Salad Vegetarian Turkey Breast I AMOUNT ENCLOSED: I I .3 Jan/Feb 1997 Southern California Chapter Newsletter/ Special Libraries Association Vol24 Issue 4 LACASIS members, $30.00 for others. Contact: Jason Binford, (310) 397-2259. Wednesday-Saturday, February 26-March 1, 1997 CaliforniaAssociation for BilingualEducation (CABE)AnnualConference, "AdvancingWorld Class Standardsfor Learning & Leadership." Location: San Diego Convention Center. Contact: Mitch Gariador (909) 984-6201. Thursday, February 27, 1997 SLA/Southern California Chapter Dinner Calendar Meeting. "Beyond Surfing: Using the Internet in the Library." A panel of librarians and information Calendar items should be submitted to: Pat Green, The Aerospace Corporation, P.O. Box 80966, Mail specialists ITom business, science and legal StationM1-199, Los Angeles, CA 90080- organizations discuss the development and <9 <9 0966. (Iel: 310/336-6093, Fax: 310/336- implementationofinformationservices -ITomintranets Saturday 1467, Email: [email protected]) .JANUARY andWEB pagesto knowledgemanagement. Location: Wyndam Garden Hotel, Culver City. Cost: $20.00. 18 Tuesday, January 21, 1997 Contact: Kay Zimmerman,(310) 216-6436. ARMA Orange County Chapter Annual Fun Night, "What Friday, March 21, 1997 is Going to Happen in Your Karen SternheimMemorial ScholarshipFund- Personal & Records Life in 1997." Networking raiser, "A Taste of Mystery II" will feature docent (5:30PM) & dinner (6:00PM) followedby the program tours/author talkslbook signings/prizes & the 2nd with an astrologer who will predict your personal & annual Karen Sternheim Scholarship award for professionalfuture. Location:ThePlantation Restaurant graduate work in Library and Information Science. in Anaheim. Cost: $15 for member (advance ~ \ Location:Los AngelesPublicLibrary. Time: 6:30PM. registration) or $18 for non member or member at the Cost: $35 donation. Cont~ct: Sharon McNeil, (310) door. Contact: Nick Jacovelli(714)442-7999. 922-6359 or [email protected]. Saturday, February 1, 1997 Saturday, AprilS, 1997 SLA/Southern California Chapter workshop, SLA/SouthernCaliforniaChapter Professional "StrategicPlanning." Speaker: Guy St. Clair. Location: Development Meeting, "Information Access for the Descanso Gardens, La Canada/Flintridge. Contact: 90's and Beyond." Speakers will discuss "E-Joumal TheresaBailey(818) 354-9233 or FAX (818) 393-6752 Strategiesfor the New Millenium"and "The Changing or [email protected]. World of the Information Provider." Location: McDonnell Douglas in Huntington Beach. Time: Saturday, February 1, 1997 8:00-5:00. Cost: $25.00 for members, $15.00 for LACASIS: "Evaluating Web Search Engines: students. Contact: Sue Brewsaugh, (310) 593-8553. Hands-onWorkshops." Location:LeaveyLibrary, USC. Time: 9:00-12:00 or 1:30 - 4:30. Cost: $25.00 I .4 Jan/Feb 1997 Southern California Chapter Newsletter/ Special Libraries Association Vol 24 Issue 4 Internet Site-ings Looking for the perfect image to use in that presentation? IMAGE SURFER at http://isurfinterpix.com provides a searchable database that produces thumbnail pictures of images for your selection. The US General Services Administration has announced a legal and regulatory research resource on the Internet called FedLaw. The URL is http://www.legal.gsa.gov.This comprehensive site has over 1,400 hypertext 1 connections to legal and regulatory data. The ZIP2 Yellow Pages at I http://www.zip2.com can produce door-to-door travel directions between any two addressesin a metropolitanarea. Thisvaluablelink is already provided at the top of the ~ Coming Events internal page on our Chapter web page (http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/rayhewitt. The State of California has consolidated its legislative information, includin~ California Codes, at one web site. Point your browser to http://www.leginfo.ca.gov. The Federal Budget can be viewed online at http://www.doc.gov/BudgetFY97/index.html.Lookingfor tax forms? Californiatax forms can be obtained online at http://www.ftb.ca.gov/forms/index.htm. , Federal tax forms can be obtained at http://www.irs.ustreas.gov/prod/formsyubs/index.html. Just for fun, take a look at SnoWeb at http://www.snoweb.com for the latest ski information. --Ray Hewitt l I I, Come Visit Our Home Page! We are located at: http://www.aimusa.com Take a look at our listings for: And more information on: . Hot Jobs . Finding staff . Current Meetings . Applying for a job . What's New . Managing your career . /III Advanced In£orIr1.ation :M:anageIr1.ent (AI:M) Southern California (213)243-9236 . Northern California (415) 965-7799 "The Library & Information Personnel Specialists" I I .5 JanJFeb1997 Southern California Chapter Newsletter/ Special Libraries Association Vol 24 Issue 4 ~ l Leave No Stone Unturned. You know the answers you need are
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