/g4-1--i-dt----Property of MARINE CORPS HISTORICAL LIBRARY 9 ALL - SERVICE RIFLE MATCH STARTS CYNIE An estimated 150 marksmen will National Rifle Association, will Con; $2, per match; $4, per team 3. Rapid fire, prone, 10 rounds, 60 Competitors will be allowed only gather at the Marine Corps Air j start firing at 7 a.m. on the 200 - (four firers); $1, building fund seconds, 300 yartis. one medal or trophy in each match. Station rifle range tomorrow morn- ! yard line. match; $12, package deal (includ- 4. Slow fire, prone, 22 rounds, 22 Perpetual trophies and medals were ing to compete for honors in the Team competition will commence ing individual and team). Fees minutes, 500 yards. donated by Lt. Gen. V. E. Megee, opening of the 4th Annual All- Sunday morning. Team entries ,nsy be paid in cash or by check. 5. Aggregate of 1, 2, 3 and 4. commanding general Fleet Marine Service Rifle Match. close tomorrow evening upon com- Checks should be made to Kaneo- 6 Aggregate of 2 and 3. Force, Pacific; Brig. Gen. A. R. Kier; Sponsored by the Kaneohe Bay pletion of firing. Priorities go first he Marine Rifle and Pistol Club, 7. Aggregate of 1 and 4. commanding general 1st Marine Marine Rifle and Pistol Club, the to teams entering all matches and MCAS, Kaneohe Bay. 8. Team match. Brigade and Col. M. M. Magruder, two day event pits top civilian second in order of registration with Governed by NRA rules, the event All shooters will be required to commanding officer, Marine Corps marksmen against military rifle- ' the statistical office. will feature matches in the follow- present their NRA classification Air Station. men in firing the M-1 service The tournament officials an- ing categories: cards. There will be no tyro (un- A new perpetual trophy, to be rifle. nounced that entries may be ac- 1. Slow fire, offhand, 12 rounds, classified) class In this match. awarded to the Individual Open Individual entrants, military,,Na- cepted tomorrow provided that 12 minutes, 200 yards. Shooters who do not present their winner, has been donated by the tional Guardsmen, police and ci- there are openings at the firing 2. Rapid fire, sitting, 10 rounds, classification cards will be en- commanding officer of the 4th vilian per$onnel belonging to the line. Entry fees are: $1, registra- 50 seconds, 200 yards. tered in the master class. See Matches P. 5 VOL. VIII, NO. 9 U. S. MARINE CORPS AiR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, T. H. Friday, February 27, 1959 PTA TO ELECT MAG 13 Schedules NEW OFFICEP.S FOR MOKAPU Early K-Bay Return Col. Paul J. Fqntana, commanding officer of Marine Air . , of candidates to head the Moli!-nu elementary school PTA dur- Group 13, arrived by air today from the Far East to set up oper- ing the 1959-60 school year were ations at the Air Station in anticipation of the return of units mimed by the nominating commit- deployed to the Naval Air Station, Atsugi, Japan, last September. tee at the monthly meeting last Other headquarters personnel arrived here yesterday, includ- night. Mg Col. Frank E. Hollar, Group ! of Capt. Milton M. Small, (MC) executive officer, and members USN, committee chairman, sub- Aviation the headquarters staff. mitted the names of the following Training for the PTA offices: Cdr. and Mrs. B. L. Rainey for co-presidents; Program Offered HM 1 Robert W. Eilers for vice president: Mrs. Maggie Neeley for secre t a r y and ActMSgt. Dan To Enlisted Ranks Dougherty for treasurer. Enlisted personnel on active duty It was derided to submit a hus- are invited to apply for assignment band- and -wife team for oo-presi- to flight training as Marine Corps dews to insure that a president aviation cadets. Applicants will be would always be present for gen- screened by a local board, with eral and executive meetings, despite the following reouirements and the absence of either. The nom,- qualifications being met. nating committee held to the prac- Applicants must he male citizen, tice of nominating the. president a beta een 'h. :ges of 18 and 23. 1! iron Station personnel and the vice applicants are under 21 they must Gen. Vernon E. Megee (left), Command- president from the 1st Marine Bri- OFFICIAL HONORS - Lt. have the written consent of their gede. ing General of Fleet Marine Force Pacific, and Col. M. M. Magruder, parents. They must also be unmar- Cdr. Rainey is Station supply of- Air Station Commanding Officer, salute as Ruffles and Flourishes are ried and remain single until the ficer while HMI. Eilers serves with played by the 1st Marine Brigade Band during honors for Gen. Megee completion of their training. Co. '13", 3rd Sled. En., 4th Marines. Wednesday morning. The general paid a day-long routine visit to the Applicants must have two years Election of officers will COL. FONTANA be held Station. Photo by ActSgt. K. Tatum. of college. Individucls who have at the April PTA meeting due to completed one year of college or who two attack squadrons, VMA the canceling of the March meet- The have the service accepted equivalent 212 and 214, are expected to reach ing because of Holy Week and the Regimental Marching Song Level Test) and a Easter (USAFI College Kaneohe Bay late next week, return- holidays. OCT score of 120 taus a PA score Serving with Dr. Small ing by Naval surface transportation. on the of 116 are eligible to apply. and four 110Milla nag committee were LCdr. Two naval transports 4th Marines Combine New Lyrics, must be strongly moti- ships tank LST's) are ex- A. T. Mason. ActMSgt. Dan Dough- Applicants lsnding to fly possess potential MAG personnel and erty and the Mesdames H. Gibson. vated and pected to return officer-like qualities. In addition he equipment during the second week of M. Selig. L. Sasser and E. Hattaway. Popular Old Scottish Tune In Song Guests must be physically qualified and March. speaker at last night's for duty in- PTA meeting was Rodney aeronautically adapted personnel and Take- One of the Marine Corps' oldest was suggested early last year. War- the actual control of air- Earlier this month shiga, a stock broker volving Fighter Squadron with the in- and most es:aqui units-the 4th rant Officer George D. Durham, craft. planes of Marine vestment firm of Dean Wittier and 232 arrived aboard the carrier Ti- Marine Regiment - now has a Jr.. 1st Marine Brigade Band di- ac- Co., whose subject was "How to In- H. Tosh All applicants, upon being conderoga. marching song fitting to its his- rector, and MSgt. William contract, agree- sure the Financial Future of Your composed an arragement of what cepted, must sign a tory and traditions. on active duty for Other units returning include Children." was then thought to be "Bonnie ing to remain Combining lyrics of past deeds three years after successful com- Headquarters a n d Maintenance Law " and of dedication to mission to the pletion of Eight training unless Squadron 13. Marine Air Base music of an old Scottish fighting Later research disclosed that the sooner released by the Secretary of Squadron 13 and Marine Air Con- Marine Selected music selected was an American 2. song. the 4th Marines have now .he Navy. ; trol Squadron made their song official. version of "Scotland the Brave." `Freedom Writer which is a Scottish Regimental regiment dates A senior student-officer at Ma-- Although the fighting song. Honolulu Symphony Orchestra 1914, this is its first of- sine Corps Schools Quantico, was bark to The stirring music is an old song. However. 4th Marines, ars selected as the $1,000 first place ficial Sro'tish Folk Song, quite famous over the years. have been whis- Concert i ckets Now On Sale award winner in the sixth annual and popular in Scotland. It w a s tling the Scottish tune and the Freedoms Foundation letter writing Honolulu Sym- sale at the Station Sp- ' Serv- semi-offi- heard a number of years ago by Tickets for the Program for the armed forces. music had acquired a an American song writer and he phony Crehestra concert to be pre- ices office in Bldg. 256. Adm.ssion ciai in the regiment. Named for top money and an en- status retained the basic melody but rear- prices are 75 cents, $1.50 and $2.50 cased George Washington H onor During the anniversary celebra- ranged it and wrote different lyrics. with a special 50 cents admission Medal was Lt. Col. Thorne's N. tion et" the 4th Marine Regiment That was how it became incorrectly charge for enlisted personnel. Greene for his entry on "My Part last April, the tune was introduced known as "Bonnie Lass."' Held under the auspices of the in Winning Friends for Freedom." as the regimental marching song. At Sgt. Burris, since writing the new Winds erd Friends of the Symphon, , He it currently enrolled in the Sen- the same time a contest was lyrics, has been transferred to the the program will feature the first ior Course. launched to find suitable lyrics for Marine Corps Rase', Camp Pendle- island performance of the symphony Also included in the "top ten" the march. ton, Calif. He will receive a $50 gift medley from the Broadway musical, winners, all of whom received $100 Las) week. Col. C. J. Bailey, reg- certificate from the regimental rec- -OW " and en Honor Medal, was Pfc. Wil- imental executive officer, announced reation fund for his winning entry. Mr. George Barati, conductor of liam will begin E.
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