ATTITUDES OF FOREIGN TOI.JRISTS TOWARD TEMPLE STAY IN TFIE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Miss Passachol Tanganukulkit A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requiremenrs for the Degree of Master of Arts Program in Korean Studies (Interdisciplinary Program) Graduate School Chulal ongkorn University Academic Year 2010 Copyright of Chulalongkorn University lilltil51E76,1 ililililil! 8620 088189 BprBr ErnLru3u suurulBrgBusg eggz t"suEsruE BlrRr grnBlusuluuru BgmBEUgnF (urgusuunu) rxuggruuulgrrru u U,ruIrurn BU u ryFugrflr fu gpcu $u-unruu usu g*u lorlpnnopn$FjmrgmnE ugutheqp urnssgrrorn gnuur[grucrcruu r rruFnlu!,uprruuusp5pgr,Llrporrr,Rpr lslau1lorgururlr Thesis Title ATTITUDES OF FOREIGN TOURISTS TOWARD TEMPLE STAY IN THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA By Miss Passachol Tanganukulkit Field of Study Korean Studies Thesis Advisor Associate Professor Buddhagarn Rutchatom, Ph. D. Accepted by the Craduate School, Chulalongkorn University in Partial Fu!fillment of the Requirements for the Master's Degree (Associ ate Professor Pom pote P i umsom boon, Ph. D. ) THESIS COMM aqbu ""f"""' W Chairman Professor Surangsri Tonseingsom, Ph.D.) ( (Associate Professor Buddhagarn Rutchatorn, Ph.D. ) Ad?(hifu Examiner "xruT':..,"., Examiner (Associate Professor Ki-Soo Eun, PlrD.) iv I 6 e 6 e . i , aia. ya il::UIa nroqQane : ilf,u0n10{Unn0{lllu2I1?n1{T1nnxn0nlrfi'lilnanlUo e il:cmaflrtr:ori1rnru6. (ATTrrr.rDEs oF FoRETGN TouRrsrs rowARD TEMPLE STAY IN THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA I o. iirjfnurinurfirruf,Tdn : rfr.n:. qmtnla itt:, too rfir. nrriioatdfi larJr ; adrCoilnu rrlnuairouinrioudornrimmiiiiionr:rininlelu rJtcm;cur:origrnnri naoaruilnuro'rnqf, nrru ilqurunlqrlar:ndrfiorfiunr:rinininlu drconcrtrrorilrnru6 nuiiuflunrri$oriqornnr laolfrruuuuuifu nruollunr:rfiu{oqa nriu f,rorirdilliilunrusi a'o rinriouiiurndrwrn'iifirl:cfluou0luacldfiil:caunrrsilunrrrhfnla orgftrui rs fl{utJ crurroCocrrnrurdrnqulduosriunruniodhlnoQnil rfiomoorg irria rf, oqnoriruloo I f,u leurhnudunrusilunrarlordnrrilnur 2ss3 nonr:iionuir rinriorfi or mucirurifiriruaidiionurininhlu#rufirnrru inmururorfirnru drurlurirfrorrrrrinr uncf,nrirdrrr2on2ru.Ila2n darludnrrranininlarfunuir rinrioudtrrfiarruiarfiudrfirmrii unufiulrJ ludrunqin:rumuinrioudoa r',nnrriionuir drulu{rinrioufioeunininlariu nfourn Crl#nr:iuf{ogatramrnr:rlninhrrn6uno{rfia uduriuuacnrruondorrnrCou rcwtrarfrfrnindarfuqiofiizfotiluriorio$fiomdrmf,fitqdrccrr{uf,nlunrrr{runininl. o . a h rdoriuuffrurtrno$nmrqnrlurft ;ur;anuorilrnrrd rimioudordarlrqiwrtrf ru rlninhfiurCeu uocfiuurhlurcnf,uunlninh6n f,qlulrwqrlcrrardorfiunurininh a'o firn:ruuocir6ruruarrursnrnlrimrrcflufiurinrioudurdiorglrn du tifirf,ouou nr:fiu J nru Iot tfi uacnuf$hiluririurcoa?orru lauanrrar*raarhftoqoalufi'dorfiurlnl ;rrrururnndn{ uacorcrcriarrerhuearufidorfiummrltnulffi azucruuolunrrConu nurdrnqufiurinrioufi ornrdruf, rsuuRuarumruaciuuonmrmrriliurlluCodrodruro arulncernbluririnri o uiiorlffihdu aiatl-- fI1r,12n1.....m1ilAflfru1....... alurrotou fln afaai unlrinul .........2553.......... aru'Ioto o. v # # 5187U8620 : MAJOR KOREAI{ STUDIES KEYWORDS : ATTITUDES / FOREIGN TOURISTS / TEMPLE STAY / CULTURAL TOURISM / KOREAN BUDDHISM PASSACHOL TANGANUKULKIT : ATTITUDES OF FOREIGN TOURISTS TOWARD TEMPLE STAY IN THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA. THESIS ADVISOR: ASSOC. PROF. BUDDHAGARN RUTCHATORN, PH.D., 109 PP. The purposes of this research were aimed l) to study the anitudes of foreign tourists toward temple stay in the Republic of Korea (ROK) 2) to study foreign tourists' behaviors rcgarding temple stay participation 3) to study the problems and obstacles of tourists on temple stay in ROK. The research was caniea out using qualitative method. The sample of qualitative rcsearch comprised all forcign tourists, who had and had no experience in temple stay, and who participaied in temple stay at Golgulsa temple, Gyeongiu, ROK at least for I night. intervitw questionnaires were instrument to gather data from sampling tourists. The interview was conducted by the mid of 2010 academic year. The research revealed the following fact ttrat the attitudes of foreign touriststoward temple stay -wet€ good in term of temple stay activities, volunteets, schedule, services and facilities while the temple stay admission fee is too expensive. About behaviors of foreign tourists regarding temple stay participation, most foreign tourists had participated temple suy for the firS time. Sources of travel information included it e intlrn"t" brochures, and word of mouth by friends. The average stay period was 2 days I night and the main motivation for participating in temp!9 sly lls to experience Korea Buddhist culture. Most foreign tourist Eaveled with friends and to they indicated they would like to participate in temple stay again. ! ryeard prOtems and obstacles of temple stay, the teTple stay activities and accommodations werc requested to be more suitable for elderly, particularly the bed in the bedroom, bowing and sitting meditation. In general, the explanation about Buddha's teaching should be concerned. The temple stay volunteers lack of lndersand Korea Buddhism, and the ability to communicate in English. The inconvenient infrasmcture such tansportation and direction sign should be improve in order to maintain the foreign tourists. Field of Snrdy : ..K-O..REAII.SruDtrS Sttdent's Signahrc ........1 Acadenric Year :..?0!.Q Advisor's Signanre vt ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis is completed by the support of Associate Professor Buddhagarn Rutchatorn, the thesis advisor, Associate Professor Surangsri Tonseingsom who is the chairman of my thesis examination, and Assistant Professor Chulanee Thiantirai, the thesis examiner who gave me advice, assistance, suggestions, and comments for my thesis, including revisions and corrections of all my mistakes during thesis preparation. Besides, I would like to extend my sincerc to Associate Professor Ki-soo Eun, who offered me their valuable time to be one of my thesis commigtees, including their advice to make my thesis more comprehensive. I would like to express my gratitude for all insnrctors for the Degree of Master of Arts (Korean Studies) who tendered dl students the knowledg€, DY friends who gave hetp and experiences, and the foreign tourists, temple stay offrcers, who gave me time for interview and useful information to make this research complete. Finally, I also grateful to my parents, my father Surasak and my mother Pranee Tanganukulkit whom I have grven the great rcspect and love, as well as my older brother and younger sister, who all have been involved in offering me the mord support and encouragement up to the day of my suosess. CONTENTS PAGE Thai abstract IV English abstract ...i.................... V Acknowledgements VI Contents... Vil List of tab1es............. X List of figrres................ ..........:....... Xt CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION..o.....oo..o...........o..o..................... I Researchbackground I Research objectives. .....'.:-.. 4 Hypothesis 4 Researchscope....... ........ 5 Research significance 5 Definition of terms... 5 Concepttr,al franrework 7 CHAPTER II LITERATITRE REVIEWS.o............o..o......o...oo.o....... I Concepts of attitude. 8 Concepts of behavior 13 Concepts of tourism. l7 Concepts of tcmple stay......... 26 Buddhism in the Republic of Korea... 29 Related researches. 33 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METIIODOLOGY..o.................o.o.....o. 38 Population and Sample 38 vlll PAGE Research setting..... 39 Methodology..... 43 Research instnrments...... U Data collection... 47 Data analysis......... 47 CHAPTER MESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS..................o. 49 Characteristics of sample group.... 49 Characteristics of Temple Stay at Golgulsa temple..-1. 52 Forcign tourist's attitudes toward temple stay in ROK.. 57 The behaviors of foreign tourists regarding temple stay participation... 67 Problems, obstacles and suggestions associated with Temple Stay....... 77 CHAPTERV CONCLUSIONSANDSUGGESTIONS....................o. tl Research conclusions... ......... 8l Research hypothesis testing..... 85 Suggestions for further research.. 89 REFERENCES..........o......................o............o........................... 90 ix PAGE Information of Temple Stay in ROK l0l Map to Golgulsa temple. r08 LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE I Approximately number of temple stay participants in ROK 3 2 The typical schedule of temple stay at Golgulsa temple. 4l 3 Temple stay sched'ule at Golgulsa temple 55 xl LIST OF FIGIJRBS FIGI.'RE PAGE I Proportion of tourists on cultural holiday.... 2 2 The simple rcpresentation of the three components attitude......... l0 3 Golgulsa temple......... 39 4 Seonmudo being performod at Golgulsa temple.... 40 5 The Stone Buddha carved into the rock cliff.. 42 6 Bulguksa temple and Seokguram Grotto... 42 7 Chanting at Golgulsa temple..... 53 I Formal monastic meal .. ...ri......... 53 53 l0 Teacercmony........... 53 54 12 Tourists practicing Seonmudo 54 56 14 Parking lots and shops....... 56 15 Cafeteria.. 56 16 Main hall.. 56 17 Recreation terace..... 57 57 19 Vegetarian meal.l...... 57 20 Pie clrart for tlrc attitudes of foreign tourists toward Temple Stay... 5t 2l Pie clrart for the attitudes of foreign tourise toward Temple Stay 59 activities... ........;...... 1: xll FIGURE PAGE 22 Pie chart for the attitudes of foreign tourists toward admission fee. 6l 23 Pie chart for the attitudes of forcign toruists toward schedule....... 63 24 Pie chart for the anitudes of foreign tourists toward volunteers..... il : 25 Pie chart for the attitudes of forcign tourists toward facilities and services.... 6 26 Temple Stay website (http://eng.templesay.com).......
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