1936 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 299 the President in control of same; to the Committee on Ways THE JOURNAL and Means. The Chief Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of the pro­ 9451. By Mr. BACON: Petition of John H. Hazelton, Esq., ceedings of Thursday, January 9, 1936, when, on request of of New York with reference to the proposed so-called child­ Mr. RoBINSON, and by unanimous consent, the further read­ labor amenchnent to the Constitution; to the Committee on ing was dispensed with, and the Journal was approved. the Judiciary. WORLD WAR ADJUSTED-SERVICE CERTIFICATES 9452. By Mr. CULKIN: Petition of 41 residents of Copen­ hagen, Lewis County, N. Y., favoring House bill 8739, a bill The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter from restoring to the District of Colmnbia its prohibition law; to the Secretary of the Senate, which was read and ordered to the Committee on the District of Columbia. lie on the table, as follows: 9453. By Mr. DRISCOLL: Petition of employees of the UNITED STATES SENATE, Washington, JantUJ,ry 13, 1936. Owens-lllinois Glass Co., of Clarion, Pa., urging adequate To the PRESIDENT oF THE SENATE: tarilf protection of the glass industry from Japanese com­ I beg to repo.rt that, under authority of the order of the Senate petition; to the Committee on Ways and Means. of the 9th instant, the bill (H. R. 9870) to provide for the imme­ 9454. By Mr. GOODWIN: Petition of Italian Dress and diate payment of World War adjusted-service certificates, for the cancelation of unpaid interest accrued on loans secured by such Waist Makers Union, Local 89, I. L. G. W. U., New York certificates, and for other purposes, was received by me from the City, affiliated with American Federation. of Labor, con­ House of Representatives on January 11, 1936, and referred to the cerning favorable action on the Walsh bill (S. 3055); to Committee on Finance. the Committee on Labor. Respectfully yours, EDWIN A. HALsEY, 9455. Also, petition of the Grand Lodge of the State of Secretary of the Senate. New York Order of Sons of Italy in America, New York City, conc~rning the neutrality law; to the Committee on MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Foreign Affairs. Messages in writing from the President of the United 9456. By Mr. JOHNSON of Texas: Petition of L. D. Wil­ States were communicated to the Senate by Mr. Latta, one liams superintendent of Hearne public schools, Hearne, of his secretaries. Tex.,' favoring Senate bill 2883; to the Committee on Agri­ MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE culture. A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Hal­ 9457. Also, petition of Homer D. Wade, executive secre­ tigan, one of its reading clerks, communicated to the Senate tary, Texas Cooperative Council, Dallas, Tex., favoring the intelligence of the death of Hon. WESLEY LLOYD, late House bill 5587, introduced by Mr. KLEBERG; to the Com­ a Representative from the State of Washington, and trans­ mittee on Agriculture. mitted the resolutions of the House thereon. 9458. Also, petition of Mr. Hardeway, principal and voca­ ENROLLED BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTION SIGNED tional agriculture teacher; Juanita McBroom, home-eco­ nomics instructor; and A. G. Roberson, trade instructor, all The message announced that the Speaker had affixed his of Kerens, Tex., favoring Senate bill 2883; to the Committee signature to the following enrolled bills and joint resolu­ on Agriculture. tion, and they were signed by the Vice President: 9459. By Mr. MILLARD (by request): Resolution of the S. 85. An act for the relief of Homer H. Adams; Westchester County (N. Y.) Federation of Italian-American S. 978. An act authorizing the Secretary of War to convey Civic Associations, Inc., protesting against any cooperation to the University of Oregon certain lands forming a part by the Government of the United States with the imposition of the Coos Head River and Harbor Reservation; of sanctions and embargoes against the Kingdom of Italy; S. 1059. An act authorizing adjustment of the claim of to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Francis B. Kennedy; 9460. By Mr. PFEIFER: ·Petition of Admiral Yates Stirling, S.ll42. An act to reserve certain public-domain lands in Nevada and Oregon as a grazing reserve for Indians of Fort Sr., Federal Post, No. 110, favoring the bonus bill; to the McDermitt, Nev.; Committee on Ways and Means. S. 1336. An act to amend paragraph (f) of section 4 of 9461. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the city of Rockland, the Communications Act of 1934; Maine; to the Committee on Ways and Means. S.1422. An act conferring jurisdiction upon the Court of 9462. Also, petition of the municipal government of San Claims to hear, determine, and render judgment upon the Joaquin, P. I.; to the Committee on Insular Affairs. claim of William E. B. Grant; 9463. Also, petition of the city of Milwaukee, Wis.; to the S.1690. An act for the relief of R. G. Andis; Committee on Banking and Currency. s. 2252. An act for the relief of Henry Hilbun; s. 2257. An act to amend the act entitled "An act to pro­ SENATE vide additional pay for personnel of the United States Navy assigned to duty on submarines and to diving duty", to MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 1936 include officers assigned to duty at submarine training tanks The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian. and diving units, and for other purposes; s. 2519. An act to confer jurisdiction upon the Court of The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Bamey T. Phillips, D. D., offered the following prayer: Claims to hear, determine, and render judgment upon the claims of F. Mansfield & Sons Co., and others; Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, who art ever more s. 2616. An act for the relief of the estate of Joseph Y. ready to hear than we to pray and art wont to give us more Underwood; than either we desire or deserve, pour upon us the abundance S. 2673. An act for the relief of certain persons whose cot­ of Thy mercy and forgive us all our sin. ton was destroyed by fire in the Ouachita Warehouse, Cam­ Help us to realize in private and in public work that virtue den, Ark.; alone, in the face of indecision, is firm and changeless and S. 2774. An act for the relief of certain officers on the will bear us o'er life's surges gallantly. retired list of the Navy and Marine Corps, who have been Subdue in every nation all unhallowed thirst for conquest commended for their performance of duty in actual combat and vainglorious emprise; break down in every one of us the with the enemy during the World War; idols of our pride and shatter -love, that aJl mankind our self S. 2845. An act to provide for the retirement and retire­ may dwell secure in peace and fellowship. ment annuities of civilian members of the teaching staffs at Thee only let us worship; Thee only let us serve, for His the ·United States Naval Academy and the Postgraduate sake who sought not His own will but Thine alone. Amen. School, United States Naval Academy; . Loms MURPHY, a Senator from the State of Iowa, appeared S. 2950. An act granting the consent of Congress to the in his seat today. county of Saline, Mo., to construct, maintain, and operate 300 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JANUARY 13 a toll bridge across the Missouri River at or near Miami, There being no objection, the letter and editorial were Mo.; ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: s. 2996. An act for the relief of the Eberhart Steel Prod- THE SuN, ucts Co., Inc.; New York, January 11, 1936. The Honorable HENRY AsHURST, S. 3077. An act for the relief of Constantin Gilia; Senate Office Building, Washington, D. C. s. 3078. An act for the relief of C. R. Whitlock; DEAR SENATOR: Having noted your remarks in the RECORD o! s. 3195. An act for the relief of Guiry Bros. Wall Paper January 6, I am sending herewith a proof of the editorial article & Lindbergh Flies Alone, which was written by Harold M. Anderson, Paint Co.; of the sta1I of the Sun, and which was published while Colonel S. 3280. An act for the relief of Doris Allen; and Lindbergh was still in fiight. s. J. Res.144. Joint resolution to provide for the payment Very truly yours, of compensation and expenses of the Railroad Retirement FRANK M. O'BRIEN, Editor. Board as established and operated pursuant to section 9 of the Railroad Retirement Act of June 27, 1934, and to pro­ (From the New York Sun of May 21, 1927] LINDBERGH FLIES ALONE vide for the winding up of its affairs and the disposition of Alone? its property and records, and to make an appropriation for Is he alone at whose right side rides courage, with skill within such purposes. the cockpit and faith upon the left? Does solitude surround the brave when adventure leads the way and ambition reads the SIXTEENTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE EIGHTEENTH AMENDMENT dials? Is there no company with him for whom the air is cleft Mr. SHEPPARD. Mr. President, I desire to give notice by daring and the darkness is made l_ight by emprise? True, the fragile bodies of his fellows do not weigh down his that on Thursday, January 16, I shall address the Senate, plane; true, the fretful minds of weaker men are lacking from with its permission, on the subject of the sixteenth anni­ his crowded cabin; but as his airship keeps her course he holds versary of the eighteenth amendment.
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