FREE! TAKE ONE! DENVER METRO Includes: Adams, Arapahoe, Broomfield, Elbert, Denver, Douglas, & Jefferson vice Years of Ser 50+ ADULTS CONNECTING LOCAL BUSINESSES WITH THE 50 PLUS COMMUNITY June 2016 • Volume 22 • Issue 6 Senior Heroes Dave Aguilera, Meteorologist, CBS4 emceed the event. Photo: Felix Ortiz 2016 Jefferson County Senior Heroes award recipients took a moment to celebrate with CBS4 Meteorologist and event emcee Dave Aguilera. Pictured l-r: Ted Rains, Kay Bailey (award accepted by her daughter Lynn Gates in photo), Howard Bagdad, Dar Vriesman, Richard Markley (award accepted by his wife Candy Markley in photo), Gail Hussin, Dave Aguilera, Helen Card and Loretta Quigley. Photo credit: Felix Ortiz.” Cary Johnson, Jefferson County District Attor- ney’s Office, presented Colorado State Represen- Richard Markley, Loretta Quigley, Recycling program that now pro- as the 2016 Elected Official of the tative Jessie Danielson with the Elected Official award. Photo: Felix Ortiz. Ted Rains and Dar Vriesman. vides over 400 recycled bikes an- Year. “This year’s honorees truly rep- nually. The Senior Heroes Celebration Commitment, reliability, effective- resent the enduring spirit of SRC and JCCoA annually rec- continues to be a success year af- ness, maturity, and a fun-loving thousands of senior volunteers ognize an elected official who, by ter year. The population of older zest for life are words that best throughout our community” noted their actions, has made senior is- adults is growing along the Front describe the senior volunteers rec- Deborah Brackney, Seniors’ Re- sues a focus. “A passion for seniors Range and events like these rec- ognized at the annual Jefferson source Center Board Chair. is a gift that is embraced by many ognize the ways older adults make County Senior Heroes Celebra- Brackney observed that, “there is elected officials. Jefferson County their communities a better place to tion on Thursday, May 12th. no limit as to what senior volun- and all of Colorado is fortunate live for everyone. v Over 160 people gathered at teers can achieve within our com- to have State Representative Jes- Submitted by John Walsh, 2016 Mountain Vista Senior Living munity, just look to Senior Hero sie Danielson speaking up for the Senior Heroes Celebration. Contact: Community, Wheat Ridge, to rec- honoree Ted Rains and his accom- needs and challenges of our se- [email protected] or 303-475-0351. ognize 8 Senior Heroes and the plishments”. Rains saw the need to nior population” according to Cary Info: Seniors’ Resource Center, 303- annual Elected Official of the Year. provide bikes to kids whose par- Johnson, Chair of the Jefferson 235-8151, www.SRCAging.org/, Honored this year were senior ents could not afford bicycles for County Council on Aging. Repre- Jefferson County Council on Aging, heroes Howard Bagdad, Kay Bai- their children. He, and the Golden sentative Danielson was recognized 303-271-3487, www.jeffcocouncil- ley, Helen Card, Gail Hussin, Optimists Club, began the Bicycle at the Senior Heroes Celebration onaging.org/ June is Men’s Health Month Communities across the country cate men, and their families on a go to the doctor and do not like to join Men’s Health Network in cel- wide range of men’s health issues.” think about their own health. This INSIDE ebrating this awareness period. During Men’s Health Month, is one time a year when we can get The goal of Men’s Health Month health care professionals, private the word out that men need to take is to encourage men and boys to corporations, faith-based and fra- time for themselves, to think about Colorado Music take care of their health and to ternal organizations, government their health, and take action to im- Festival heighten the public’s awareness of agencies, and other interested or- prove their health!” Page 3 the many preventable health prob- ganization plan activities and “Men’s Health is more than just lems that affect them. events which focus on the health physical health,” stated Sankineni Brit Floyd “These efforts reach men where and well-being of men and boys. J. Rao, MD, George Washington Page 6 they live, work, play, and pray,” “As a urologist, prostate special- - Medical Faculty Associates, and said Ana Fadich, Vice President ist, I feel this is a critical time to Advisor to Men’s Health Network. of Men’s Health Network, which encourage men and their families “In addition to regular check-ups, Sioux Falls: organizes Men’s Heath Month to focus on Men’s Health.” it also involves mental and spiri- Five Fun Attractions events nationwide. “They’re a great W. Moul, MD, Director, Duke tual awareness, and addressing so- Page 7 way for healthcare providers, poli- Prostate Cancer, Durham, NC, cioeconomic barriers. Men’s health cy makers, and the media, to edu- states “Many men do not like to Continued on page 2 u www.50plusmarketplacenews.com Like us at www.facebook.com/50plusnews Page 2 • 50 Plus Marketplace News • Denver Metro • June 2016 June Your Life Support CALENDAR Grow Antennae Men’s Health Month National Safety Month A story, which may appropriately find that our attempts to offer com- is hurting in a way we have never belong to the files of “urban leg- fort, solace or hope fall short of the experienced. But we can give some Cataract Awareness Month ends,” tells about a Philadelphia mark. But there is something we comfort. legal firm that CAN say to those who hurt that I think James Angell, former Fri/3, Sat/4, Sun/ 5 sent flowers to can be helpful and comforting. president of the University of Volunteers needed for the 45th an associate in One man, whose grandson died Michigan, got it right when he Annual People’s Fair, shift times Baltimore upon accidentally, found genuine com- was asked the secret of his success. vary. Denver Civic Center Park, the opening fort when he shared his pain with “The secret of success?” he replied. 101 W. 14th Ave. Info: www. of its new of- friends shortly after the tragedy. Of “Grow antennae, not horns.” v peoplesfair.com/. fices. Through all the well-meaning words of sup- Steve Goodier’s books & newslet- some mix-up, Steve Goodier port, two statements helped to sus- ter: http://LifeSupportSystem.com Wednesday/15 the ribbon that tain and comfort him through the Clear Creek Church, 10555 W. bedecked the floral piece read, grief more than the rest. They were: 44th Ave. Senior Lunch, 3rd “Deepest Sympathy.” “Thank you for sharing your pain,” Wed. monthly, 11:30 am. Lunch & When the florist was informed and “I grieve with you.” After hear- Men’s Health Month of her mistake, she let out a cry of ing those words, he no longer felt program. Info: 303-424-3031. Men’s Health Network alarm. “Good grief! Then the flow- alone in his suffering. He felt as if P.O. Box 75972 ers that went to the funeral said, his friends embraced his grief. He Sunday/19 “Congratulations on Your New felt better. Washington, DC 20013 Denver Death Café, 3-4:30 pm. Location”! “Thank you for sharing your (202) 543-6461 x101 Porter Place, 1001 E. Yale Ave. It is difficult enough to offer pain” is an honest acknowledgment [email protected] Free, 3rd Sun. monthly. comfort without mixing up the of another’s suffering. It also ex- www.menshealthmonth.org sentiment. So difficult, in fact, that presses an appreciation for the ef- Monday/20 many people simply don’t know fort it takes a wounded soul to open National Safety Month Stroke Support Group, 6-8pm, what to say to someone who has her emotional wounds to others. National Safety Council Swedish Medical Center, 501 E. just unburdened grief or emotional “I grieve with you” is an expres- 1121 Spring Lake Drive Hampden Ave. Englewood, 3rd pain. Not unlike the new clergy- sion of empathy. It is a way of say- Itasca, IL 60143-3201 Mon. monthly, Info: tlcdenver@ man who, when a distressed young ing that I am willing to share some (800) 621-7615 comcast.net woman confided that she wasof your pain, even for a time. (630) 775-2307 pregnant, blurted out, “Are you We can’t fix it. We shouldn’t try [email protected] sure it’s yours?” to offer advice. And we may nev- Tuesday/21 www.nsc.org/act/events/ Too often, we want to help, but er know how someone feels who AARP 3838. 1 pm, at Thomas Pages/national-safety-month. More Catholic Church, 8035 S aspx Quebec. Info: 303-797-9251. Cataract Awareness Tuesday/28 Month TRIAD 1:30 pm, JffCo District Prevent Blindness Attorney, 500 Jefferson Cty 211 West Wacker Dr., Ste 1700 Pkwy, Golden. Program: Law Chicago, IL 60606 Enforcement Serving Seniors. (800) 331-2020 Free. Info: 303-271-6980. (312) 363-6001 [email protected] Saturday/25 www.preventblindness.org Arvada Historical Society 6th Annual Garden Tour, 9-1 pm, rain or shine, $15 per person, cash Men’s n from page 1 only. Proceeds help preserve can improve with the help of the Arvada’s history. Tickets, day women in our lives, increasing of, at the Arvaca Center Amphi- physical activity at home and at theater Plaza, 6901 Wadsworth work, and teaching young boys the Blvd, 8:30-noon. Info: 303-421- value of healthy eating and healthy 2032. living.” Men’s Health Network: www.menshealthnetwork.org/. Every Monday Forest Street Care Center, 3345 Space n from page 12 Forest St.,10-noon. Free Info. Reg: Retired NASA astronaut Le- www.alz.org or 720-877-3474. roy Chiao said the station is the key to the next space frontier: put- ting people on Mars.
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