Polty Treasurer Retains Seat -Page 5 A Few Good Fall Fest Rats In ALTERNATIVES Students Stage Second Protest Bar John Burkhardt X The Administration Building became the scene of the second demonstration in two weeks Monday, when I at least 200 students protested living conditions in the | dormitories and the Office of Residence Life's policy of 3 more thorough enforcement of the Student Conduct Code. | The protest began at 3:15 PM with students chant- 4 ing "Dallas in the toilet bowl," referring to Residence Life Director Dallas Bauman, who was also the target of a banner saying the same thing. The event lasted about 3 1/2 hours. Sutdent Affairs Vice-President Fred Preston, Campus Operatons Vice-president Robert Francis and Gary Mathews, assistant director of Residence Life left a meeting with some of the Atu- ' dents at about 6:45 PM, after an hour and a half of | discussion that followed the more than two-hour demonstration. a The first speaker at the protest was Polity Judiciary member Ellen Brounstein, who charged that Univer- sity President John Marburger considered students' needs a low priority and was more concerned about research grants and enhancing the university's immage. She said the students living in a six-person suite paid a total of more than $1,000 a month and got poor service. "There's no reason we should be spend ing About 200 students staged a demonstration in the Administration Building Monday, protesting iiving conditions I the $1,000 a month's rent for the conditions we're living dormitories and the office of Residence Life's policy of more thorough enforce .ment of the Student Conduct C'ode. in,' she said. Polity Vice president David Gamberg complained that the dorm cooking fee shouldn't be increased when services aren't. He said the cooking fee had increased Renovations Put lOnHoldp by 300 percent in recent years and asked "Do you see a 300 percent increase in service? In staff? In equipment? ' Benedict resident Jim Quinn, said the university ByX S tate Dorm A uthority administration doesn't give students a voice in making the decisions that affect their lives. He mentioned a By Mitchell Wagner taining Irving and O'Neill colleges, said Robert Fran- committee that Preston is setting up to study alterna- About $65,000 worth of dormitory renovations have cis, vice-president for Campus Operations. That tives to having pubs in the dorms and said there would been put "on hold" by the state Dormitory Authority, building was also to receive $18,000 for hallway car- probably be one or two students on the committee and including changes that were slated for the O'Neill- peting and a $21,000 heat control system. more than a dozen administrators. 'There should be Irving heat control and security systems, said Gary Bob Patino. residence hall director for Irving Col- 16,000 students on that committee and about 10 adi- Matthews, assistant director of Reisdence Life. lege, said the new security system is badly needed in minstrators," Quinn said. " 'On hold,"' Matthews said, "is different from 'can- the building to prevent entry by non-residents. He said Senior class Representative Jim Burton, a Manage- celled. " The projects will be completed when financial that there have been incidents of violence between rial Assistant (MA) from Douglas College, said Resi- problems within the Dorm Authority are cleared up. students and non-students in O'Neill and Irving, as dential Assistants (RAs) and MAs were being turned These postponements were because of the financial well as serious vandalism. He said that false fire into informers, rather than people who worked for difficulties the Dormitory Authority found itself in alarms were set off in the building "very, very often." students. Other subjects of complaint ranged from the when Lombard-Wall, Inc., a firm with which the Patino said heat was also a problem in the building lack of toilet paper in the dormitories to the curfew for authority had (305 million invested, collapsed, said He said during last winter he slept with the windows parties, roaches, the phasing out of pubs in the dormi- Peter Schultz, director of Project Management for the open or air conditioner on to keep his apartment from tories, and the meal plan food. authority. About (55 million of the money was mis- becoming too hot. He said he covered the radiators in Jeff Zoldan, a senior and a commuter, said his prob- placed in Lombard-Wall's accounts, said Arthur his apartment with aluminum foil last winter, and lem -he did not pay a housing deposit on time this Bates, deputy executive director of the authority and eventually had a plumber come into his rooms to turn spring so he had not been able to get a room this acting director. the heat off entirely. semester-is worse- The projects will "eventually" be completed, said Joanne Schlaeger, resident assistant for Irving B2. In addition to the protesters, the rally drew repre- Mitch Gerstel, director of Facilities Planning for the said the carpets definitely needed replacement. She sentatives of the campus media, the New York Times, university. Schultz said he hadn't "*the slightest idea" said they are "disgusting," stained and often smell. Newaday radio stations WCBS-AM and WALK-AM when the work would be done. Other expenditures cancelled by the (ormn authority and FM, and according to Community Relations Leiut- Gerstel called the projects "dormitory rehabilita- include (4,000 to install cabinets for fire extinguishers enant Doug Little, about 25 Public Safety Officers, tion" to differentiate the projects from repairs or and (12.500 for locks in Kelly and Tabler quads. Ger- sme in plain-clothes. Before the demonstration, Pub- large-scale building. stel said the dorm authority also directed that an order lie Safety had set a handful of rules for itsbarring the Included in the postponed projects are an (11,000 for new doors in G and H quads be cancelled, but the (continmed on 1mge !P) security system to limit access" to the building con- doors have already been delivered. Strychnine Found In Tylenol ByJ the Associated Press the medical examiner in Chicago about 150 miles northeast of San Fran- said investigators were interviewing numerous potential suspects Strychnine in Extra-Strength announced finding a pattern of cyanide cisco. suffered convulsions and become in the cya- nide cases, including Tylenol capsules purchased in an Oro- deaths. ill Thursday after taking the Tylenol several with a his- tory of mental ville, Calif., drugstore caused a 25-year- "The FDA was notified immediately." capsules. He was treated by a physician illness. He denied published reports that authorities were old man to become ill last week. Foster said. "The product was picked up and returned to work Monday, accord- reviewing drugstore authorities revealed yesterday. In Chi- within a 25-mile radius by our people." ing to Robert Kniffen, a spokesman for videotapes of cus- cago, authorities said the incident It was not immediately clear why McNeil. tomers. "I'm not aware of any video- said. "probably" was not connected to the news of the strychnine was withheld The Oroville man's physician tapes," he seven cyanide deaths there. from the public until five days after the reported to McNeil that he asked the The latest twist in the baffling case man's wife to get additional Tylenol cap- "We're relatively confident now based prompted McNeil Consumer Products sules from the store where the first bot- on all the objective facts we have that the Co., which makes Tylenol, to urge retail- tle was bought. alteration, the lacing of cyanide in these ers nationwide to withdraw all of its The FDA was informed that the wife tablets occurred once it got to Illinois," capsules from sale - both Extra- provided two more bottles, one of which said Fahner. "We're investigating ever- Strength and Regular-Strength. The also contained pink granules, which ything along the chain from the time it company had stopped producing cap- -were subsequently found to contain leaves the company." sules on Friday. strychnine. The store operator removed A toxicologist from the Cook County remaining packages from the shelves. Medical Examiner's office - which has The California man, who has since and McNeil picked them up and found a jurisdiction over five of the seven deaths recovered, purchased the bottle at a third bottle that "showed signs of - was en route to the McNeil manufac- Longs Drug Store i n Orovi Ile someti me tampering." turing plant in Fort Washington, Pa. At before last Wednesday, when the poison- man became sick. The capsules were Extra-Strength least one of the lots containing adulter- ings occurred in the Chicago area, Strychnine. a nervous system stimu- Tylenol with the code 1766MA. a batch ated capsules originated at that facility. according to Lawrence Foster, a spokes- lant, was formerly used for medicinal number not implicated in the Chicago the company has said. man for Johnson & Johnson, which owns purposes in very small quantities. In investigtion. They were in 24-capstile "But our emphasis is on the area in McNeil. larger doses it causes convulsions and bottles. Chicago. the trucking people. the who- But the man, who has not been identi- death, and it has long been used as a rat Meanwhile. Fahner. who heads a task lesalers and retailers and all the points fied, did not take the contaminated cap- poison. force of more than 100 investigators lbetween the ultimate purchase by con- sules until Thursday, the same day that The strychnine victim in Oroville, from federal, eounty and state agencies sumer." Fahner said.
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