1 I ~--- WEATHER REPORT .• · (Government forecast). ,, T~·J~if~~s:: .... :.;: • • o,, '• I "':_.. .. .,. •• ,._,,...,,. ~.,., ... _..' ":-~.:-, -;_.. ..__,, :: ' . FAIR r NEWS IN DEJ~_If:.~_-.:J aJ ~-;· ~~·; p~.: .,:.; .•· .... , ' ~ i. -· '' ;_. __ ~ · VOL ·z.. NO. lis UNivERSITY OF NOTRE.bAlvfE, NOTRE DAME, rN'DlANA, SATURDAY; MAY'17~1924- PRIQE 4.cmN'ts_. ... ' ·. ~ .. ·K. OF CINITIATE · Fiv~ Hundred.Attend DON MILLER-ELECTED De P~ulGolf~rs_. ' .. MAGEVNEY.BLANKS Music_alOperetta ·. · ·. · - .... - ·, . Humbled_bylr~s!t. _.··-·.·,···· ·--·---- .... _ --. -. .34· CANDIDATES . "May Night", a' two~act musical SENIOR· PRESIDE-NT'\ CHI~AGO~ Ill.,· May;16 (Special) ·. ILL.INOIS;-. '7 ·:··TO .0. --- operetta -written and produced by . -.:.:.Notre Dame' defeated DePaul at TICKETS FOR INITIATION BANr· St. Mary's,College Glee .. club, was MERRIMAN IS ·: VICE-PRES~ ' goff today, ·9, to. 7,·. <m· ·the River- IJ...LIN<?IS Jll'_lX . DOES_·,: FLIP- - Q-UET MEET. WITH · Jlres~nte'd to a capaCi~y audi1m~e of side .country. drib -lfnks he~e; Jack FLOP A_T HAN_DS_ ·OF. -.. ~ . possip~y five hundred m St.. Angela's IJ?ENT; OTHER OfFI- · Adams, captain· of: the Irish team, ~EADY SALE hall on the campus of St Mary's last . .CERS ELECTED fed the. ~play~rs- with; a. ·low medal IRISH ·ACE ·: ·... ·' ·I --- night.. The· production was attend- score. of 80,: his decisive victory _ .A class ~-f .thirty-four ca~did~tes ed- by students and. faculty of St. Donald·· C. Miller, -'of De1hmcei in' • the 'match ; i>lay.. :being chieflY. · URBANA~ Ill., May 16: (Special) - was iniation into the first degree of Mary.'s, ·a number of guests from Ohio,. gridiron and basketball ·star; respon~ible ·for the.;. ~ctor~;- . · ·:--'?-'he Illinoisjinx ~id-a-flipflop here Knights of Columbus, Notre Dame South Bend and many of the· fac- was elected. president'. of the 1925 _The matches in the morning round th1~ afterno~n when. Notre Dame. Council' in the Walsh Hall council ulty and students of the University. class. of the University at a meet- resulted. as follows·: Adams;· Notre whitewashed .. the Illini, 7 to o, with. chambers Thursday-night. As the The principal members. o:f".th.e ing of the Junior class iri the li- Dame, 3,_Binder,:DePaui,·o;·Bulger, Red,Magevney ~n .the mound.· It .'.size of-this class is unusually small cast' were:. Misses Frances· La-· brary ·Thursday noon. Jack W: No.tre Dame,_2,._0'Leary,))e~a-ul,_1; w~s-the first time in years.that the twenty'SouthBend candidates will Pointe,.Ruth'Claire Kelly,-Cather- Scallan,.of·.Columbus,>Oh~o, editor Ward,.Notre Dame, 0, McCarthy, Ir1shhave defeated-Illinois on its ··i;eceive the· second and.· third de~ .hie Boyle,. Virginia· Wathen, Flor- of the: 1924 Dome; was M11ler's· op~ J?ePaul,, 2; Corbett, Notre ·Dame, own··fie:Id· at b_as~ball.. _ . ·grees with the Notre Dame group; erice Donahue and Margaret Fo'ster. po~ent. 'Both men are -very pop.:. 1;-Roache, DePaul, 0•. :. .._. _ .. Magevney;_- ·leading ·hurler·. on· . These t'\vo d'egree.~. will- be_ confe1:.: ' Tlie' 'chorus consisted :of six girls ~Jar and the election was interest:_ .. In -tli~ .best .ba'll foursome of the George .Ke.ogan's pitching staff, was · r e d a.t. the .. Ml~hawaka counc~] assiste'd by some -thirty minor char- mg and close.· afternOOil' the. ·Scores' were . as fol- at 1tis. best and set tq.e. Il!ini .hitters chambers, Sunday,. and. all candi; acters. · · . ·William M~rriman, Gen~va:,·Ne~ lo\vs:: Ward··. ai1'd·,:_Adams 'Notre down in_order·most·of'.theway. Red .. - ' dates,· t d ast. wellb .as · .th~se · t memberst · •t• whot' .. Th e . prod. uc t" Ion . was enth us1as · t' - York'. ·.was·. victorious.. in' the~ race. Dame:-, ·0:·, • Binder. -:and --M~Carthy'·,· hGrange,_'the.foot~a_ll se_nsation, tried . · m en o e pr esen a JUI m Ion · II · d b th 1 ·· · d · for the VIce-presidency · ·The other DePaul,._ 3; .. Corbett . and . Bulger, . i~ ha~d at ~url,i~g against the vis-· . are.lii'ged to be cin hand ·a't 12:45 IC,a ;y·~;ceiVe d.Y e ar~e a~. aJ-· candidate for this offic~ was Joseph Notre Dame, . 3; Murphy" and Itq~s_,_bift w~s tre~ted:rough by'the •sharp. precia rv:e _. au_Ience. rae Ica y T . f A d. .. :_ ,_ I d" . R . h. D p Iri'sh slu · -- . ; . , . • • • ! every number. of the program was· o.o 1en, . _ o r~ erson, _ n mna: oac e,· e au1 , ·0 . · ·. · . _ ggers. , , _ _. :,· . Tick.ets _for t~e. ~(. · ?f .C .. 1mt1a- encored.. Considering that the play Barney M~~abb- was· chosen s.ecre~ The· Notre Dame team ·will play ..... --An . Early~ Start•. · _..... tion ~-mner kwhhich w~r~ .P~~ced ~n was'. eniircly produced by students ~~~- Wllh~mt ~urley,. ~agmaw, Loyola here. .tomorro~~ .. :r"· \ / '-Capt.. 'Bill Sheehan 'and his m~;.. sale t Is.~vee .. avernet '\VIt. a ~ea Y of the college,~ "May Night" was an ~c .; . was e ec ~ . tre~sure:; John . went after the game in the_ very.. ' . sale. _The program for . the du:~ller achievement .. that ' should .reflect Kilkenny . ran second . Ill thiS ele~:- FROSH CINDER MEN fi t d v.:hich will be ·~eld .tomorro~ e.ye- much. credit on the' .authoressand t~on.. ·, . ' sf:gl~~~~v~r~!:::~i,a~~st~:,t~~~t'-~ :-. -mng. a.t. th.e O_.hver._hotel foll.owm.g t-he -~·n' di"VI"du· a·l membe. rs ·of the Col-. ;. Miller is probably -the_ most.·ver-.. - , . , t .. d h Fr .k. .. - . '.J the . m IS . lege Glee 'club. sa of Rockne's. 'proteges. His ..w iro,yley sac.:. Imtu~tiOn. :rvhs~a~aka S~ld tile .:.L'.·o· ·sE TO. T. EA-~c· H" t'Rs· ~fi se~o~1 ~t . ~n - to· ~e one of the most. attractive · _ . ·. performances on the gridiron. last . L ~~:~to · fu.e : o:t~!1~.- ::f~~~~ ~~~!. ·. ' :that has been· prepared by Notre M. ; G. ·u·I· RE' JUD.,G· ED fall rank him as one of• the .leading --·--·· caught; Roger. Nolan then banged . ·,Dame Counc~l. • Willin;m. J. Milroy,. · . 'IS' .. halfbacks.· in.. _.the countrY; ·and 'he ---. ··R, E.·ACH. out .:a: hit which enabled Sheehan _·. a .. prominent :Chicago attorney · f:~-C- _. ·• _ . _ is · a. basketball player. of ·no .mean DELLA MARIA, JUDGE . to scamper . home with the· first. t. i~e in political circles in the_Win.~y B. E. s··r· .. J.. UN' lOR. o·.RA .. T·oR· a.bility.<_¥iller gailled seeon_d ch.oice . :.RECO~D.S;.N~D~.~E!S .siX marker... : . _., City and a former N,otre Dame ma~, . · . ·. · on Walter Camp's-mythical selection . _._" .. FIR_ST P.LACES · · · · ·· · · ·J • • • .. d R - J h · C h C S C .. d · · · · · · · · . i • : Magevney . himself . took hand an . eV. 0. n. avanaug ,· . • • .,· ··. __ ,. ·. ..- , ; · .. ·.. .. • an tn,any prominent critics placed , '\. _. ..... :. , -.: · · a · . have . been secured. as. _spea~ers, · · bini 011 · their first All-American . KA . · · · · · : · ·. , . m · winn~ng the gaJ!le .~~- th~ second · \. ':·while ·Professor ·George N.···shuster CUNNINGHAM ·GAINS·.-~ SECON. D ·1· 1· ·.t f ' - .· · .. · .- ·. -: · · LAMAZC?O, MICh., M_ay .16.- when h~_,cr~cked out·.~ long double , . , . · e evens as a 11 · ·· · · Although makmg d er t fi ht t t 'th P d p · · ·will -officiate ·as· toastmaster.·· · PLACE; HIS,TORY PROFES- · · Th · · ·' 'd t- 1 · · t · f · th . 1. · . - . a .. e~p . a, e . g o cen er Wl earson an render- . _ : • _ . · ; . ·: . _ · _ e p~esi e.n ~ ec. 0 ... e cas~ to wr_est. '?ctory . from _the crack grast__ : in_earidering on·_ 'the_·. _·p· aths. ·· .. on. the pro.gr_am .. besi_d_es ._th~se :·,SORS _JUD_ GE SPEAKERS.·.-:· o_£._,192_5_._ Is_ a JUn___ Ior.. In__ the_ Colleg.e Western .State· Norm. al tra'ck team, p ' I f . asses, Sacrifice hits, . and a couple h I B t- 1 011 ·: ~v.ell-kn~wn ·-:~e~ -~re: C ar es _~ · ·: , . _ . .. ·' • • : ? : ~~w:. and~ ~e. '\VIll W ~plete his_ the Notre· Dame freshmen: team lost of timely_ bingles .figut.ed in the ·, . teywortli, ~h~. Will bee/b~~~regr:~ Harry A. McGuire of the coll:ge st~d~es, .:next year... , .. -:_. its first dual ·m~et ·of. the outdoOr scoring ,of- ·the other four. runs,_ . · _a h~m?rou.s. eharg ., . - . · ' of, Arts and. Letters won the Jun~or - • . - . : ...._ 1-: • . .'. season· to the Normal squad 86 to which· were made one at · t' • . · ·- .:....;..:.Wh()..:JV!ll-.§l.l.!K' ~9_me P_2:pular .c..sola,s, oratorical contest ,which :.was .held ·D · · ·A · B ·• ·.- ·· ·· · 45; ·h_ · .th" ., · ft • -· · .. : Th '-: · 1 -~ .· . _ . __ . , .. - a_ I~e. ·. '• _- ·•·. :and Harry)~enny; mid :his~li'estra:: fii-:W:ash1n.gton~"liafl;~ThurSclay:-;-Th~ . -. ~mes~ ·_ -re_, .etng-----~--Y-~~ -t~~. :::o-;d~st:-b:~::i~~iL.;:r~:~:: "-~-~-: .cNo -M~tc~~-:-£oi-:~~ageviiey~c_-----~ ~ ' ::_ Thos_e' :who .. h.av:~ . not ~ecured ~v:inni~g ;oration, dealt' with the . ·, Rapidly ,Exhauste_d count.ed for by Notre ,name' me~, . )1_ed Grange/~ who_ h~r!e_d hisfi~st -: . _ ,, _tickets may. ~bta_m th~m from any VICes and the morals of men and be- . · . , --.- . - · . Della .Maria tying_ the . field mark ~o~plete game for Ill~nois, w~s no· .. _ of ~h~ followmg me_n: _~~r~- ~~:;, side_s ·•?eing ·:written· in, a masterly · · Begi~ning · Satur~ay .. _ morning, in the··. 220-yard ·.dash. and .Judge m~t~h __for ·~he:. vet~r7~--~ Magerney•. ._•. Sorm '· John Jam~_s,. ?~rn:y ~ · E. a.J r.t;yle, It was well -~~esente~- by. the Domes,. '\Vill- be .--distributed to· off- setting., a new -figure_ i~ ,the.
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